Perusasioita tiedonhallinnan taidoista lukiolaisille. Aiheina mm. l辰hdekritiikki, googlaus sek辰 kirjaston tietokannan ja CC-lisensoitujen kuvien k辰ytt旦.
T辰m辰 on tehty Kouvolan Tirvan koulun vesop辰iv辰辰 23.3.2013 varten. T辰m辰 on l辰hinn辰 Oili Valtosen k辰sialaa, olen itse ollut tekem辰ss辰 t辰t辰 vain keskustelun tasolla Oilin kanssa. Oili on antanut suostumuksensa julkaisuun ja sen ehtoihin.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Visitors should bring summer clothes, sunscreen, and hiking boots. One famous local legend is about the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house in 1628. A priest spoke with her ghost and allowed her soul to pass to the afterlife once she made peace with her family.
Mikleu邸 is a small town of approximately 1700 residents located in northeastern Croatia. The Primary School Mikleu邸, first mentioned in 1857, currently serves 120 students across 8 classes from Mikleu邸 and surrounding villages through its main campus and a branch school in etekovac. The school, which has been educating students for 155 years, has 31 employees led by Headmaster Dragan Kraljik and facilities that include a gym, library, ICT lab, and hall.
The document summarizes a 2010 social media campaign by Volkswagen in Brazil to promote its Fox model. It partnered with a major music festival in Sao Paulo called Planeta Terra. Volkswagen hid ticket pairs around the city and encouraged people to tweet locations using #FoxatPlanetaTerra. The hashtag became the top Twitter trend in Sao Paulo for the festival's duration. Volkswagen saw a large sales increase between October and November 2010 when the campaign took place. However, Fox sales rankings dropped in Brazil the following year.
Operation Captura | Crime Stoppers International | 2011Scott Mills
Operation Captura is a UK campaign launched in 2006 that targets fugitives abroad. It is considered the most successful such operation in the world. The latest launch was in Alicante, Spain in 2011, where two men were arrested within 48 hours of the launch. Since 2006, Operation Captura has appealed for information on 60 individuals and has resulted in 46 arrests across Europe. The majority of arrests have been for drug trafficking or murder offenses. The campaign generates significant media coverage and has successfully passed hundreds of tips to law enforcement that have led to arrests.
This document provides clues to match halves of words to form 15 meaningful words. It lists 15 word halves on the left side and 15 on the right side that can be combined to solve the word puzzle. The goal is to correctly pair the word halves using the clues provided.
Using mobile phones while driving can be dangerous as it is mentally demanding, increases reaction time, and reduces the driver's field of view. Research has found that drivers engaged in phone conversations are four times as likely to crash as other drivers, with risks comparable to drunk driving. Phone conversations require mental visualization that takes attention away from the road, and people have difficulty focusing on more than one task at a time. Reaction times are significantly slower for drivers using mobile phones, whether handheld or hands-free.
Merlin is a British fantasy television program consisting of 4 seasons and 52 episodes about the Arthurian legends of the wizard Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur. The main cast includes Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Arthur, Katie McGrath as Morgana, and Richard Wilson as Gaius. Each season contains 13 episodes between 47 to 52 minutes in length. The program uses magical language and is set in medieval times to bring the Arthurian legends to life for a family audience.
This graph shows data for 3 different series across 4 categories. Series 1 has the highest values for categories 1 and 3, while Series 2 is highest for category 2. Series 3 is the lowest data set across all categories.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its location within the Taburiente National Park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches that attract tourists seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, about the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house until a priest helped release her spirit.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house until a priest helped release her spirit.
The document summarizes a 2010 social media campaign by Volkswagen in Brazil to promote its Fox model. It partnered with a major music festival in Sao Paulo called Planeta Terra. Volkswagen hid ticket pairs around the city and encouraged people to tweet locations using #FoxatPlanetaTerra. The hashtag became the top Twitter trend in Sao Paulo for the festival's duration. Volkswagen saw a large sales increase between October and November 2010 when the campaign took place. However, Fox sales rankings dropped in Brazil the following year.
Operation Captura | Crime Stoppers International | 2011Scott Mills
Operation Captura is a UK campaign launched in 2006 that targets fugitives abroad. It is considered the most successful such operation in the world. The latest launch was in Alicante, Spain in 2011, where two men were arrested within 48 hours of the launch. Since 2006, Operation Captura has appealed for information on 60 individuals and has resulted in 46 arrests across Europe. The majority of arrests have been for drug trafficking or murder offenses. The campaign generates significant media coverage and has successfully passed hundreds of tips to law enforcement that have led to arrests.
This document provides clues to match halves of words to form 15 meaningful words. It lists 15 word halves on the left side and 15 on the right side that can be combined to solve the word puzzle. The goal is to correctly pair the word halves using the clues provided.
Using mobile phones while driving can be dangerous as it is mentally demanding, increases reaction time, and reduces the driver's field of view. Research has found that drivers engaged in phone conversations are four times as likely to crash as other drivers, with risks comparable to drunk driving. Phone conversations require mental visualization that takes attention away from the road, and people have difficulty focusing on more than one task at a time. Reaction times are significantly slower for drivers using mobile phones, whether handheld or hands-free.
Merlin is a British fantasy television program consisting of 4 seasons and 52 episodes about the Arthurian legends of the wizard Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur. The main cast includes Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Arthur, Katie McGrath as Morgana, and Richard Wilson as Gaius. Each season contains 13 episodes between 47 to 52 minutes in length. The program uses magical language and is set in medieval times to bring the Arthurian legends to life for a family audience.
This graph shows data for 3 different series across 4 categories. Series 1 has the highest values for categories 1 and 3, while Series 2 is highest for category 2. Series 3 is the lowest data set across all categories.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its location within the Taburiente National Park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches that attract tourists seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, about the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house until a priest helped release her spirit.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in an old house until a priest helped release her spirit.
Harjoituksessa vertaillaan kahta terveysteemaista verkkosivua. Tavoitteena on oppia l旦yt辰m辰辰n tiedon luotettavuuden arvioinnin kannalta olennaisia asioita verkkosivulta, sek辰 ymm辰rt辰辰, n辰ihin asioihin t辰ytyy kiinnitt辰辰 huomiota tietoa hakiessa.
Ohjeita ja onnistuneita opetuskokemuksia tiedonhankinnan opetuksesta Tampereen lukioissa. Tieto haltuun -hankeessa tuotettu opas on syntynyt informaatikon ja viestinn辰nopettajan yhteisty旦n辰.
Tiedonhallintataitojen opetussuunnitelma Tampereen lukioihinHeidi Eriksson
Tampereen kaupungin lukioiden opetussuunnitelmaa t辰ydent辰v辰 liite tuo tiedonhallintataitojen opiskelun osaksi pakollisia oppiaineita kurssikohtaisesti. Suunnitelma on toteutettu Tieto haltuun -hankkeessa
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7. ARTO -artikkelien viitetietokanta
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ammatti- ja harrastelehti辰
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