Tiedonhankinnan perusteet 2012Heidi ErikssonPerusasioita tiedonhallinnan taidoista lukiolaisille. Aiheina mm. lähdekritiikki, googlaus sekä kirjaston tietokannan ja CC-lisensoitujen kuvien käyttö.
Word magicA Eko HartonoThis document discusses word magic, which involves playing with words in creative ways like rearranging letters to form new words or finding hidden meanings within words. The document explores how word magic can be a fun exercise that also helps improve vocabulary and spelling skills.
La palma, our island correctedAdrián Díaz PérezLa Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. The document then provides a legend about "El alma de Tacande", the ghost of a woman named Ana González who died in childbirth in 1628 and was heard singing to her baby in an enchanted house until a priest spoke with her spirit.
Human Trafficking | Colin Farquhar (COP-Turks & Caicos) | Crime Stoppers Inte...Scott MillsHuman Trafficking Plenary | Colin Farquhar (COP-Turks & Caicos) | Crime Stoppers International 32nd Training Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica October 26, 2011
violence at workNur FarahinThis document discusses strategies for managing workplace violence. It defines workplace violence and notes that workers in jobs involving money or transporting people/goods are most vulnerable. It recommends employers establish a zero-tolerance policy and violence prevention program. Employers should encourage reporting incidents and support victims, while employees should learn to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. The document also covers verbal threats, physical threats, and ways for employers and employees to prevent and deal with workplace violence.
Evaluation question 3alexatkinson1994The student learned a lot from receiving feedback on their music video project. Feedback suggested making the stage performance more energetic by taking inspiration from famous bands. Reshoots improved the energy and excitement. Feedback also pointed out poor lighting in recording booth scenes, which was addressed through reshooting and editing. The stop-motion scene needed more visual impact so it was reshot in a new setting with a colorful toy. Unclear transitions between scenes at the end were also reshot to flow better. Overall, feedback helped strengthen and improve the project.
Volkswagen FoxsarahshehornThe document summarizes a 2010 social media campaign by Volkswagen in Brazil to promote its Fox model. It partnered with a major music festival in Sao Paulo called Planeta Terra. Volkswagen hid ticket pairs around the city and encouraged people to tweet locations using #FoxatPlanetaTerra. The hashtag became the top Twitter trend in Sao Paulo for the festival's duration. Volkswagen saw a large sales increase between October and November 2010 when the campaign took place. However, Fox sales rankings dropped in Brazil the following year.
Rhm ke 2mokwcmokRangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Dokumen tersebut membahas cara-cara pembuangan sampah, (2) Ada tiga cara utama yaitu membakar, membuang begitu saja, dan menanam, (3) Menanam dianggap pilihan terbaik karena tidak mencemari udara atau menimbulkan bau busuk.
La palma, our island Adrián Díaz PérezLa Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns and El Paso is the largest, known for its national park featuring mountains and beaches. The climate is warm, attracting many tourists seeking relaxation. Popular activities include hiking in the mountains and relaxing on the beaches. The island rarely sees snow. One famous local legend is about the ghost of a woman named Ana González who died in childbirth in 1628 and was heard singing to her baby in her haunted house, until a priest was able to release her spirit so it could pass on after making amends with her family.
Social Media For Success And Safety By Scott MillsScott MillsSocial Media For Success And Safety | Relationships And Technology | The need for a pardigm shift from legal liability model to policy driving relationships + technology approach to social media with purpose and proces
Primary school mikleušAndrea ĆurićMikleuš is a small town of approximately 1700 residents located in northeastern Croatia. The Primary School Mikleuš, first mentioned in 1857, currently serves 120 students across 8 classes from Mikleuš and surrounding villages through its main campus and a branch school in Četekovac. The school, which has been educating students for 155 years, has 31 employees led by Headmaster Dragan Kraljik and facilities that include a gym, library, ICT lab, and hall.
presentacionWiktor99The document lists various photographic techniques including color pinhole photography, Holga art, imitating high dynamic range photos, cyanotype photography, using vintage colors, and watercolor techniques. Color pinhole photography and pinhole photography are listed twice in the document.
Aspectes legals del màrketing on lineDaniel GonzálezEste documento resume los principales aspectos legales del marketing online, incluyendo la necesidad de cumplir con la ley de protección de datos, propiedad intelectual, ley de servicios de la sociedad de la información, y proteger los derechos de los consumidores. También cubre temas como la creación de páginas web y perfiles sociales, el contenido, marcas registradas, publicidad y redes sociales. En general, enfatiza la importancia de asesoramiento legal para operar de manera legal y ética en el espacio online.
Synonyms A Eko HartonoThe document discusses the importance of language learners acquiring vocabulary to avoid miscommunication. It summarizes a quote from Confucius about how a lack of clear language can lead to justice going astray. It then describes a vocabulary activity for language learners to practice pronunciation and matching words with synonyms. The activity provides a hexagon of words for learners to pronounce correctly and synonyms to match them with.
MatchingA Eko HartonoThis document provides clues to match halves of words to form 15 meaningful words. It lists 15 word halves on the left side and 15 on the right side that can be combined to solve the word puzzle. The goal is to correctly pair the word halves using the clues provided.
Sähköisiä työtapoja Ruoveden yhteiskouluEenariina HämäläinenRuoveden yhteiskoulussa pitämäni koulutuksen runko. Mukana linkki Thinglink-kokonaisuuteen, johon koottu ohjeita koulutuksessa tarkasteltujen ohjelmien käyttöön.
violence at workNur FarahinThis document discusses strategies for managing workplace violence. It defines workplace violence and notes that workers in jobs involving money or transporting people/goods are most vulnerable. It recommends employers establish a zero-tolerance policy and violence prevention program. Employers should encourage reporting incidents and support victims, while employees should learn to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. The document also covers verbal threats, physical threats, and ways for employers and employees to prevent and deal with workplace violence.
Evaluation question 3alexatkinson1994The student learned a lot from receiving feedback on their music video project. Feedback suggested making the stage performance more energetic by taking inspiration from famous bands. Reshoots improved the energy and excitement. Feedback also pointed out poor lighting in recording booth scenes, which was addressed through reshooting and editing. The stop-motion scene needed more visual impact so it was reshot in a new setting with a colorful toy. Unclear transitions between scenes at the end were also reshot to flow better. Overall, feedback helped strengthen and improve the project.
Volkswagen FoxsarahshehornThe document summarizes a 2010 social media campaign by Volkswagen in Brazil to promote its Fox model. It partnered with a major music festival in Sao Paulo called Planeta Terra. Volkswagen hid ticket pairs around the city and encouraged people to tweet locations using #FoxatPlanetaTerra. The hashtag became the top Twitter trend in Sao Paulo for the festival's duration. Volkswagen saw a large sales increase between October and November 2010 when the campaign took place. However, Fox sales rankings dropped in Brazil the following year.
Rhm ke 2mokwcmokRangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Dokumen tersebut membahas cara-cara pembuangan sampah, (2) Ada tiga cara utama yaitu membakar, membuang begitu saja, dan menanam, (3) Menanam dianggap pilihan terbaik karena tidak mencemari udara atau menimbulkan bau busuk.
La palma, our island Adrián Díaz PérezLa Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns and El Paso is the largest, known for its national park featuring mountains and beaches. The climate is warm, attracting many tourists seeking relaxation. Popular activities include hiking in the mountains and relaxing on the beaches. The island rarely sees snow. One famous local legend is about the ghost of a woman named Ana González who died in childbirth in 1628 and was heard singing to her baby in her haunted house, until a priest was able to release her spirit so it could pass on after making amends with her family.
Social Media For Success And Safety By Scott MillsScott MillsSocial Media For Success And Safety | Relationships And Technology | The need for a pardigm shift from legal liability model to policy driving relationships + technology approach to social media with purpose and proces
Primary school mikleušAndrea ĆurićMikleuš is a small town of approximately 1700 residents located in northeastern Croatia. The Primary School Mikleuš, first mentioned in 1857, currently serves 120 students across 8 classes from Mikleuš and surrounding villages through its main campus and a branch school in Četekovac. The school, which has been educating students for 155 years, has 31 employees led by Headmaster Dragan Kraljik and facilities that include a gym, library, ICT lab, and hall.
presentacionWiktor99The document lists various photographic techniques including color pinhole photography, Holga art, imitating high dynamic range photos, cyanotype photography, using vintage colors, and watercolor techniques. Color pinhole photography and pinhole photography are listed twice in the document.
Aspectes legals del màrketing on lineDaniel GonzálezEste documento resume los principales aspectos legales del marketing online, incluyendo la necesidad de cumplir con la ley de protección de datos, propiedad intelectual, ley de servicios de la sociedad de la información, y proteger los derechos de los consumidores. También cubre temas como la creación de páginas web y perfiles sociales, el contenido, marcas registradas, publicidad y redes sociales. En general, enfatiza la importancia de asesoramiento legal para operar de manera legal y ética en el espacio online.
Synonyms A Eko HartonoThe document discusses the importance of language learners acquiring vocabulary to avoid miscommunication. It summarizes a quote from Confucius about how a lack of clear language can lead to justice going astray. It then describes a vocabulary activity for language learners to practice pronunciation and matching words with synonyms. The activity provides a hexagon of words for learners to pronounce correctly and synonyms to match them with.
MatchingA Eko HartonoThis document provides clues to match halves of words to form 15 meaningful words. It lists 15 word halves on the left side and 15 on the right side that can be combined to solve the word puzzle. The goal is to correctly pair the word halves using the clues provided.
Sähköisiä työtapoja Ruoveden yhteiskouluEenariina HämäläinenRuoveden yhteiskoulussa pitämäni koulutuksen runko. Mukana linkki Thinglink-kokonaisuuteen, johon koottu ohjeita koulutuksessa tarkasteltujen ohjelmien käyttöön.
Tvt apuna yksilöllisen oppimisen polullaEenariina HämäläinenTampereen peruskouluvesossa 22.11. 2014 ensimmäisen kerran pidetyn työpajan aloitusosuus. Päivittyy tarpeen mukaan.
Moodlen osallistavat tyokalutTuuli KurkipääKoulutusmateriaali: Moodlen osallistavat työkalut
- Materiaalipankista ja postilaatikosta yhteisöllisen oppimisen ja jaetun asiantuntijuuden alustaksi
- Omaa tiedon tuottamista, kysymistä ja tutkimista tukevia työkaluja
- Sulautuva opetus
- Yhteisöllinen oppiminen
- Verkkokeskustelun ja ryhmätyöskentelyn tavoitteet ja arviointi
- Vertaisarvioinnin mahdollisuudet
- Opettajan rooli, näkyvyys ja läsnäolo
Some arjen työvälineeksiMatleena LaaksoSosiaalinen media arjen työvälineeksi Tampereen teknillisen lukion opettajille sekä muille TAO:n Santalahdentien auditoriossa 13.12.2012
Verkkokurssin suunnittelu ja verkko-opiskelun ohjaaminenRiikka Lehto (Vanninen)Työpajan alustus, lokakuu 2014. Diat muokattu aiemman diasarjan (Riikka Vanninen, PAOK, slideshare.net/RiikkaVanninen CC BY-SA) pohjalta.
Sosiaalinen media opetuksessa, viestinnässä ja vuorovaikutuksessaEija KallialaSosiaalinen media opetuksessa, viestinnässä ja vuorovaikutuksessa. Koulutus Helsingin seudun kesäyliopistossa 14.8.2014.
Kirjallisuustietoa verkostaHeidi Eriksson9-luokkalaisten äidinkielen tehtävään räätälöity diasarja, jossa opastetaan kotimaisen kirjallisuuden tiedonhakuun verkossa.
Verkkosivun luotettavuuden arviointiHeidi ErikssonHarjoituksessa vertaillaan kahta terveysteemaista verkkosivua. Tavoitteena on oppia löytämään tiedon luotettavuuden arvioinnin kannalta olennaisia asioita verkkosivulta, sekä ymmärtää, näihin asioihin täytyy kiinnittää huomiota tietoa hakiessa.
Tiedonhallinnan opas-opettajalleHeidi ErikssonOhjeita ja onnistuneita opetuskokemuksia tiedonhankinnan opetuksesta Tampereen lukioissa. Tieto haltuun -hankeessa tuotettu opas on syntynyt informaatikon ja viestinnänopettajan yhteistyönä.
Tiedonhallintataitojen opetussuunnitelma Tampereen lukioihinHeidi ErikssonTampereen kaupungin lukioiden opetussuunnitelmaa täydentävä liite tuo tiedonhallintataitojen opiskelun osaksi pakollisia oppiaineita kurssikohtaisesti. Suunnitelma on toteutettu Tieto haltuun -hankkeessa
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