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Convergence and crossmedia  challenges in the audiovisual industry Seminar SWIM in the Digital World Zaragoza, 28th May 2010 Mar鱈a del Mar Grand鱈o [email_address] Spinoff   http://spinoffonline.blogspot.com/
More media Fragmented audiences New ways of storytelling Digital environment Connected platforms  Decalogue to understand this new scenario Imagen general
1) Transmedia narratives
Storytelling devices The official web Cell Phones Web-episodes Mobisodes Merchandising (toys, DVDs) Official Artwork (Comics, books)
Work on your best, link to the rest  In the ideal form of transmedia storytelling, each medium does what it does best... Each franchise entry needs to be self-contained enough to enable autonomous consumption.  (Henry Jenkins, 2003)
2) Contextual products Mobisodes (24 conspiracy)
3) Web-orientated narratives
4) Transmedia promotion
5) Multitask viewers
6) Consuming in anyplace
7) Geolocated audiences
8) Shared experiences
9) UGC, culture of remix, copyleft Be water, my friend http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v = ZM85Ola _FCY http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v = q623i0zcCCY The Shining http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v = eIHe7I3glK8   http:// www.youtube.com / watch?v = 2TVooUHN7j4
10) Be creative, my friend
1) Transmedia narratives 2) Contextual products 3) Web-orientated narratives 4) Transmedia promotion 5) Multitask viewers 6) Consume in anyplace 7) Geolocated audiences 8) Share experiences 9) UGT, culture of remix, copyleft 10) Being creative
Are you confused with so many signs?
Here you have some tips: 1) Know all the screens 2) Know your potencial audiences 3) Create a fictional brand 4) Select some media 5) Choose one of them and 6)  extend this brand to the rest with some guidelines (characters and plots) 7) Take your time
Why not? Try your own crossmedia project!
Thank you for your attention Twitter.com/margrandio Spinoffonline.blogsppot.com

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