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VictoriaL. Rush
23448 FreezoutRd,Caldwell ID83607 (208) 600-8952  victoria_rush23@yahoo.com
Excellent communication skills- both written and verbal. Organized. Detail Oriented. Team Player. Self-Motivated.
Strong problem solving skills. Strong Leadership abilities and have performed in a supervisory position. Mentored new
hires in the repair process and procedures
Extensive knowledge of tear down and reassembly of a wide range of printers.
Utilize all applications and processes to provide end-to-end support.
Field initial call from help desk/customer and help route issues to quick resolutions for customers.
Anticipate parts needed to repair printer and have available as necessary. Schedule and dispatch technician for repair
or process product exchange.
Fast learner; actively pursue opportunities for additional training associated with job requirements. Dependable and
skilled at effective time management.
TECHNICAL SKILLS and Proficiency
Platforms: Microsoft Vista, XP, Windows 7, Server 2003 and 2008
Tools: MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote), Solid Works Software, CAD, Visio, Ghost, Internet
Browsers and many other applications. SharePoint
Skills: Created and implemented testing plans; Blackbox testing, Process flow charting.
8/15-current Customer Service Rep (full time) Sykes Boise ID
6/15-8/15 R&D Tester Tech I (full time non-permanent) Lionbridge, Corvallis OR
9/13- 6/14 Test Analyst II (contract fulfilled) iSoftStone Inc. Kirkland WA
Worked on a project for Microsoft utilizing Blue Tooth connectivity and Smart Phone testing in Boise ID.
Running test case scenarios within set perimeters utilizing Visual Studios, Tera term, SharePoint.
Identify, write up a bug defect, retest when engineer has fixed bug
Testing all applicable OS systems with Android/iPhone/Blackberry/Window phones for usability, functionality and
Quality Assurance.
Served in small office environment as office manager - mailings, ordering office supplies, new hire orientation, badges,
paper work needed.
12/12-6/13 Tester II-Tech II  Onsite Hewlett Packard (contract fulfilled) Experis Manpower, Boise ID
Assist software engineers with data input Into the Rosetta Software
MS Excel, SharePoint documentation. SharePoint
03/10-3/12 Software Technician V- Onsite Hewlett Packard (contract fulfilled) Synova Inc. HP Corvallis OR
Lab optimization program including tier one support for PC repair/ replacement as needed. Troubleshooting including
network, hardware, and software issues. Maintain 500+ fleet of PCs. Provide metrics to management. Ghosting as
needed to ensure quick resolution of line down situations. Meet with customers to determine needs and provide quick,
professional resolutions.
06/08-9/09 Software Tester II (contract fulfilled) Quality Logic, Boise ID
Web Jet Admin testing for HP. Identifying and submitting bug defects. Technical writing step-by-step
Running test case scenarios retest to verify bug can be closed. Testing all applicable operating systems with
application for Quality assurance
11/99-12/07 Technical Solutions Rep II (full time) Hewlett Packard, Boise ID
Major Accounts Hardware technical support for Hewlett Packard Field Engineers, Account Representatives,
Technology Consultants and Customer Support for printers.
Communicated with multiple levels of management providing customized solutions on time and within budget
constraints. Responsible for creating and distributing technical and user documentation. Quality Control: Led effort to
ensure sufficient/ correct part inventory were available to field service partners.
07/94-11/99 Test & Repair Operator (full time) Hewlett Packard, Corvallis OR
Responsible for finding design flaws resulting in major cost savings to company.
Proactively sought opportunities to learn new technologies and processes.
Pilot Rock High School Pilot Rock OR
Completed Four years of general studies Graduated in 1979
Blue Mountain Community College Pendleton, OR
Completed two years of studies in Basic Electronics & General studies.
Boise State University Boise, ID
Certificate of completion on Solid Works Software (auto c

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  • 1. VictoriaL. Rush 23448 FreezoutRd,Caldwell ID83607 (208) 600-8952 victoria_rush23@yahoo.com SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Excellent communication skills- both written and verbal. Organized. Detail Oriented. Team Player. Self-Motivated. Strong problem solving skills. Strong Leadership abilities and have performed in a supervisory position. Mentored new hires in the repair process and procedures Extensive knowledge of tear down and reassembly of a wide range of printers. Utilize all applications and processes to provide end-to-end support. Field initial call from help desk/customer and help route issues to quick resolutions for customers. Anticipate parts needed to repair printer and have available as necessary. Schedule and dispatch technician for repair or process product exchange. Fast learner; actively pursue opportunities for additional training associated with job requirements. Dependable and skilled at effective time management. TECHNICAL SKILLS and Proficiency Platforms: Microsoft Vista, XP, Windows 7, Server 2003 and 2008 Tools: MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote), Solid Works Software, CAD, Visio, Ghost, Internet Browsers and many other applications. SharePoint Skills: Created and implemented testing plans; Blackbox testing, Process flow charting. EXPERIENCE 8/15-current Customer Service Rep (full time) Sykes Boise ID 6/15-8/15 R&D Tester Tech I (full time non-permanent) Lionbridge, Corvallis OR 9/13- 6/14 Test Analyst II (contract fulfilled) iSoftStone Inc. Kirkland WA Worked on a project for Microsoft utilizing Blue Tooth connectivity and Smart Phone testing in Boise ID. Running test case scenarios within set perimeters utilizing Visual Studios, Tera term, SharePoint. Identify, write up a bug defect, retest when engineer has fixed bug Testing all applicable OS systems with Android/iPhone/Blackberry/Window phones for usability, functionality and Quality Assurance. Served in small office environment as office manager - mailings, ordering office supplies, new hire orientation, badges, paper work needed. 12/12-6/13 Tester II-Tech II Onsite Hewlett Packard (contract fulfilled) Experis Manpower, Boise ID Assist software engineers with data input Into the Rosetta Software MS Excel, SharePoint documentation. SharePoint 03/10-3/12 Software Technician V- Onsite Hewlett Packard (contract fulfilled) Synova Inc. HP Corvallis OR Lab optimization program including tier one support for PC repair/ replacement as needed. Troubleshooting including network, hardware, and software issues. Maintain 500+ fleet of PCs. Provide metrics to management. Ghosting as needed to ensure quick resolution of line down situations. Meet with customers to determine needs and provide quick, professional resolutions. 06/08-9/09 Software Tester II (contract fulfilled) Quality Logic, Boise ID Web Jet Admin testing for HP. Identifying and submitting bug defects. Technical writing step-by-step Running test case scenarios retest to verify bug can be closed. Testing all applicable operating systems with application for Quality assurance 11/99-12/07 Technical Solutions Rep II (full time) Hewlett Packard, Boise ID Major Accounts Hardware technical support for Hewlett Packard Field Engineers, Account Representatives, Technology Consultants and Customer Support for printers. Communicated with multiple levels of management providing customized solutions on time and within budget constraints. Responsible for creating and distributing technical and user documentation. Quality Control: Led effort to ensure sufficient/ correct part inventory were available to field service partners. 07/94-11/99 Test & Repair Operator (full time) Hewlett Packard, Corvallis OR Responsible for finding design flaws resulting in major cost savings to company. Proactively sought opportunities to learn new technologies and processes. EDUCATION Pilot Rock High School Pilot Rock OR Completed Four years of general studies Graduated in 1979 Blue Mountain Community College Pendleton, OR Completed two years of studies in Basic Electronics & General studies. Boise State University Boise, ID Certificate of completion on Solid Works Software (auto c