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Video Essay Survey
1. Do you have access to a video camera, a flip
   camera, or a smart phone that has video
   capabilities? If so, specify the type.
2. Do you have access to video editing software
   like iMovie? If so, specify which type.
3. Do you like working in groups?
4. Do you like being a leader or a team player?
5. Are there any social issues or topics that you
   may want to explore through a video essay?
You might be interested in covering
        one of the following topics:
   Cheating and plagiarism                           Underage binge drinking or drinking and
   Student pressure, anxiety, and stress              driving
   Bullying                                          Standardized tests: How are they affecting
   How social media is changing our culture and       our students and teachers?
    society                                           The quality of school lunches and how it
   Teen pregnancy and how it is being                 affects students
    portrayed in the media                            Gender roles: Are girls and boys treated fairly
   Vegetarianism and veganism                         at school? Should they be treated equally?
   Dress codes: What kind of impact does a           Hunger or poverty
    dress code have on school culture and             Civil rights at Lelandrace, gender, class,
    students?                                          sexual orientation
   Environmental practices                           The importance of _________________
                                                      The destruction of _________________
                                                      We need to change ________________
                                                      We need to preserve _______________
Food. Inc. as a Video Essay
 Thesis statement
   The film examines corporate farming in the United
    States, concluding that the agricultural business
    produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is
    environmentally harmful and abusive of both
    animals and employees.
Video Essay: Project Proposal
1. Which social issue do you intend to focus on
   for your video essay?
2. Why do you care? Why should we care?
3. Who does this issue affect?
4. How will you expose this issue using ethos,
   pathos, and or logos?
5. What do you wish to change or persuade the
   viewer to do by the end of the video essay?
Sample Questions for my Interviewee:
  Create 20 questions for him/her
1. How do you define cheating?
2. How often do you cheat?
3. Can you describe some of the ways in which you have
   cheated in the past?
4. Do you worry about the moral or ethical problems with
   cheating or just with getting caught?
5. Do you think the risks involved with cheating are worth it?
6. What is the main reason why you cheat? Or dont cheat?
7. Do you believe it is necessary to cheat in order to get
   ahead in life?
8. Do you believe that everyone who is successful has
   cheated at some point in his/her life?
Revised call to action
 Use the call to action in Food, Inc. as inspiration.
  What made that ending so powerful? If you
  wanted to do something about the food industry,
  did you feel like you knew what you could do in
  order to insight change?
 Re-write your call to action so that it is asks your
  audience to do something SPECIFIC in order to
  make change.
 It may be one very powerful action or it may be a
  list of smaller but still specific actions.
Pathos brainstorm & research
1. What do you find to be emotional about your topic?
2. Who is affected by your topic?
3. So far, what have your interviews or surveys conveyed
   that is emotional?
4. Do you have any stories that you plan on telling the
   audience in order to get at the emotional core of your
5. How do you plan to present these stories (or any
   other elements of pathos)?
6. What effect do you want it to have on the viewers?

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Video essay

  • 1. Video Essay Survey 1. Do you have access to a video camera, a flip camera, or a smart phone that has video capabilities? If so, specify the type. 2. Do you have access to video editing software like iMovie? If so, specify which type. 3. Do you like working in groups? 4. Do you like being a leader or a team player? 5. Are there any social issues or topics that you may want to explore through a video essay?
  • 2. You might be interested in covering one of the following topics: Cheating and plagiarism Underage binge drinking or drinking and Student pressure, anxiety, and stress driving Bullying Standardized tests: How are they affecting How social media is changing our culture and our students and teachers? society The quality of school lunches and how it Teen pregnancy and how it is being affects students portrayed in the media Gender roles: Are girls and boys treated fairly Vegetarianism and veganism at school? Should they be treated equally? Dress codes: What kind of impact does a Hunger or poverty dress code have on school culture and Civil rights at Lelandrace, gender, class, students? sexual orientation Environmental practices The importance of _________________ The destruction of _________________ We need to change ________________ We need to preserve _______________
  • 3. Food. Inc. as a Video Essay Thesis statement The film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that the agricultural business produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees.
  • 4. Video Essay: Project Proposal 1. Which social issue do you intend to focus on for your video essay? 2. Why do you care? Why should we care? 3. Who does this issue affect? 4. How will you expose this issue using ethos, pathos, and or logos? 5. What do you wish to change or persuade the viewer to do by the end of the video essay?
  • 5. Sample Questions for my Interviewee: Create 20 questions for him/her 1. How do you define cheating? 2. How often do you cheat? 3. Can you describe some of the ways in which you have cheated in the past? 4. Do you worry about the moral or ethical problems with cheating or just with getting caught? 5. Do you think the risks involved with cheating are worth it? 6. What is the main reason why you cheat? Or dont cheat? 7. Do you believe it is necessary to cheat in order to get ahead in life? 8. Do you believe that everyone who is successful has cheated at some point in his/her life?
  • 6. Revised call to action Use the call to action in Food, Inc. as inspiration. What made that ending so powerful? If you wanted to do something about the food industry, did you feel like you knew what you could do in order to insight change? Re-write your call to action so that it is asks your audience to do something SPECIFIC in order to make change. It may be one very powerful action or it may be a list of smaller but still specific actions.
  • 7. Pathos brainstorm & research 1. What do you find to be emotional about your topic? 2. Who is affected by your topic? 3. So far, what have your interviews or surveys conveyed that is emotional? 4. Do you have any stories that you plan on telling the audience in order to get at the emotional core of your topic? 5. How do you plan to present these stories (or any other elements of pathos)? 6. What effect do you want it to have on the viewers?