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VIDEO TITLE: Dont Give Up On Yourself
CHAN YI FUNG 0323057
LIM WIN KEE 0322790
FONG KAH YAN 0322815
Content Page
1. Cover Page
2. Content Page
3. Acknowledgement
4. Introduction
5. Method
a.Material and Apparatus
6. Discussion
a.Concept and Definition
7. References
8. Appendix
We wish to record our sincere thanks and appreciation to :
Taylors University, for the available facilities and premise.
Mr. Shankar, our lecturer, for the valuable advices and guidance.
Seraj, our group member, for the video management.
Madeline, our group member, for the video editing.
Winkee, Madeline,Yi Fung,Louise,Seraj, all the group members, who has contributed to
the successful production of this video.
In this assignment, student are required to from a group member of 5 to 6 within
the same tutorial class student. Student are required to film a video, the video must
include psychology concepts that student has been taught in their lecture. The video is
around three to five minutes.
Next, students will have to discuss among their group member about the
psychology concepts that use in the video. Then, connect the chosen psychology
concepts together into a story line. Every student will take a role in the video to act and
participate in. After filming the video, students are required to write a report about it.
Throughout this assignment student will deeply understand the psychology
concepts and implement those concepts into everyday situation. This assignment also
requires teamwork among the members and also sharpens students creative thinking
i. Material/Apparatus
To ensure our video Dont Give Up On Yourself was filmed realistically, we held a
discussion between our group member and decided to used several items to film the
video. Below is a list of items used:
Filming equipment
- Camera (Canon 700D) and Iphone 6 was used to film the video.
- Tripod - To support the camera
-足 Accessories like laptop bag and a laptop, bag, watch were used while filming
the video.
-足 Phone is used in the scene for telling others about the suicide.
Editing Software
- Editing of the video will be done on the Macbook with the iMovie editing
- YouTube
ii. Procedure
Setting :
- Taylors Lakeside Campus
 The bridge connecting block C to block D on level 5
 Block E level 6 open space with table and chairs
 Open space in front of Block A Administration Office
 Lakeside staircase
Timing :
We decided to film our video according to the story flow, and decided to start our
filming on Saturday 28th
November 2015. The time that we choose to film as in the
below :
 Morning around 10am
 Early afternoon 11am to 1pm
Operation :
Before our filming started, we held a meeting session which that conclude our role
starring in the video.
Member Overall Context Role Starring
Lim Win Kee Main Report Writer Main Character  The
Suicided Girl
Chan Yi Fung Assistant Report Writer Second Main Character 
The Boyfriend
Madeline Liew Main 際際滷s Maker, Main
Video Editor
Third Main Character  The
Rumor Spreader
Serajeddin Ali Cameraman, Assistant
Video Editor
Forth Main Character  The
Fong Kah Yan Report Writer Character  The Rumor
Spreaders Friend
Video Filming :
As stated above, we decided to film the video directly after another session.
Reason being, the continuously filming can help us keep the focus and memory of the
previous recorded story flow.
Before each scene filming, we held a short meeting to set the action and
dialogues of the characters. We often acted out a several times to get the perfect
Analysis and Presentation :
Besides the video, report and presentation slides are also one of the important
component for this project. For the report, we separate the jobs among each member
which each member get to write one psychology concept that can be found in the
video. As for the slides, we decided to compile it from the information in our report.
In the nutshell, the operation of this project was quite smooth without any major
challenges, and also accompany with jokes and humours.
Concept and Definition
After several sessions of brainstorming, we finally came to an idea on our storyline
of the video, Dont Give Up on Yourself. To start it off, we flipped through our notes
and presentation slides to find the suitable concepts which fits into our storyline.
The thought of giving up usually comes up from the disappointment towards
someone in a specific event. Before the thought occurs, some impactful event such as
loss of precious ones, or faced with difficulties that cannot be solved by the individual,
makes them feel depressed, sad and eventually giving up their life, that refers to
suicide. Giving up may result that someone need to let go something which is valuable
to them, including their lives.
We think of some scenario that can be easily related to our life, so we use a
university student as our main character, and further on elaborate on the events that
happened around her. Meeting new friends, gossiping about others, getting into a
relationship and then breaking up are the common things that will happen on a
university student. After some adjustment on the storyline, we come up with a story of a
university female student that broke up with her boyfriend and eventually wanted to
commit suicide.
To match up with this video, we had choose the five concepts, such as first
impression, impression management, instrumental aggression, counterfactual thinking
and help.
i. First Impression
Scene Description: Madeline and Winkee are walking from block C to block D to attend
psychology class. While they are walking to the class, they saw this new student, Yi Fung
walking pass them. The first impression of the new student for both of the girls are good
Concept definition: First Impression is the event when one person first encounters
another person and forms a mental image of that person by observing the persons
Explanation: First Impression doesnt form deliberate. First Impression is formed by
observing others action. First Impression of person can be form instantaneously and
research prove that impression are made after 10 second of the observation.
Application: Madeline and Winkee are walking toward their psychology class and they
encounter a new student, YiFung, walk pass them. The first thought of YiFung was Wow
this guy is so handsome. Due to good looking, the first impression of Madeline and
Winkee towards YiFung are good.
ii. Impression Management
Scene Description: Since the class is not starting yet, Madeline and Winkee share a
table with Louise and they are chit-chatting. Then, Yi Fung came over and found out
that they are in the same class. Yi Fung tried to get Winkees attention, while Winkee
and Madeline tried to get his.
Concept definition:	
 油Impression management is the effort to control or influence other
people's perceptions. This could be their perception of a certain person (including you),
a material possession or an event. The theory goes on to explain that we try to make
the perception consistent with our goals.	
Explanation: Impression is the most important part for a stranger that we met, and also
the hardest part to manage. Flattering is one of the common method to manage the
Application: Yi Fung tried to get Winkees attention by asking some personal question,
including her phone number. Winkee also answered the questions which Yi Fung asked,
and she also asked Yi Fung some similar questions to know more about him.
iii. Instrumental Aggression
Scene Description: Madeline is talking to Louise about Win Kees behaviour while Yi
Fung is not around. Louise then nodded and acknowledge her sayings. Suddenly, Yi
Fung pass by and heard their conversation and interrupted them. Madeline then tells
him what she saw and Yi Fung cant accept what he just heard.油
Concept definition: Instrumental Aggression油is behaviour that intends to harm another
individual. Type of aggression that is used is indirect verbal aggression that is spreading
a油rumour to others.油
Explanation: Instrumental Aggression is non injurious to the victim, but the acts serve a
different purpose. Women are more likely to be indirectly and non-physically
aggressive, such as in displays of油relational aggression.油
Application: Madeline envies Win Kee getting into a relationship, so she started a
rumour about Win Kee dating another guy. She spread it among her classmate, that is
Louise and also Yi Fung that they bumped in suddenly. They believed it and it cause
them to break up.
iv. Counterfactual Thinking (Upward counterfactual Thinking)
Scene : It was a day, Yi Fung to the rumours said that Winkee was dating with a guy
when hes away for travelling. He was very upset and angry on the event, he had
decided to break up with Winkee in an afternoon. Winkee felt heartbroken, and made
her had a thinking of suicide. One day, she went to the level 5, and tried to jump down
from the building. Fortunately, a psychology lecturer saw the scene and saved her life.
Definition : It is usually associated with bad or negative events. Cognition always
affects the mood. It is because mood is dependent on memory, if we had a sad
memory, it may lead to bad mood and negative thinking. Therefore, based on the
video, if Yi Fung doesnt listen to the rumours, he will not break Winkees heart, and
Winkee will not have the thinking of suicide.
1. Yi Fung listened to the rumours and broke up with Winkee
(the effect of mood on cognition)
2. Break up events (sad memory)
3. Thinking of suicide and she really did it
(Consequences of having a bad mood due to sad memory, and making a
wrong decision)
v. Help
Scene Description: After Winkees boyfriend decided to break up with her, she is hurt
and decided to commit a suicide by jumping from block C level 5. On the same time, a
lecturer was walking from block D and he saw Winkee wants to jump off the railing. He
came faster and didnt let her to jump off because suicide is not the way to solve
problem. He took her and sat on the staircase and give her some life lesson.
Concept definition: Help refers to voluntary actions intended to help or benefit another
individual or group of individuals,油such as sharing, comforting, rescuing and helping with
reward regarded or disregarded.
Explanation: Help is a prosocial behaviour which is a positive social actions intended to
help others. Help can be in two model, that is egoistic model and altruistic model. For
egoistic model is when behaviors are done for selfish reasons. While altruistic model is
when behaviors are done for selfless reasons. The help in the video is egoistic model as
the lecturer does not want to face problem if he did not help the girl that wants to
commit suicide. He will get into trouble if he didnt help.
Application: Seraj helped Winkee, whom wanted to commit suicide, stopped her from
doing it and try to change her mind by telling her some life lesson. At the end, Winkee
also change her mind and become a better person.
(n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2015, from http://study.com/academy/lesson/impression-
Boundless. Aggression: Harming.油Boundless Psychology. Boundless, 21 Aug. 2015.
Retrieved December 1, 2015 from油https://www.boundless.com/psychology/textbooks/
Scene #1
Scene #2
Scene #3
Scene #4
Scene #5

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Video report

  • 2. Content Page 1. Cover Page 2. Content Page 3. Acknowledgement 4. Introduction 5. Method a.Material and Apparatus b.Procedure 6. Discussion a.Concept and Definition 7. References 8. Appendix
  • 3. Acknowledgement We wish to record our sincere thanks and appreciation to : Taylors University, for the available facilities and premise. Mr. Shankar, our lecturer, for the valuable advices and guidance. Seraj, our group member, for the video management. Madeline, our group member, for the video editing. Winkee, Madeline,Yi Fung,Louise,Seraj, all the group members, who has contributed to the successful production of this video.
  • 4. Introduction In this assignment, student are required to from a group member of 5 to 6 within the same tutorial class student. Student are required to film a video, the video must include psychology concepts that student has been taught in their lecture. The video is around three to five minutes. Next, students will have to discuss among their group member about the psychology concepts that use in the video. Then, connect the chosen psychology concepts together into a story line. Every student will take a role in the video to act and participate in. After filming the video, students are required to write a report about it. Throughout this assignment student will deeply understand the psychology concepts and implement those concepts into everyday situation. This assignment also requires teamwork among the members and also sharpens students creative thinking skill.
  • 5. Method i. Material/Apparatus To ensure our video Dont Give Up On Yourself was filmed realistically, we held a discussion between our group member and decided to used several items to film the video. Below is a list of items used: Filming equipment - Camera (Canon 700D) and Iphone 6 was used to film the video. - Tripod - To support the camera -足 Accessories like laptop bag and a laptop, bag, watch were used while filming the video. -足 Phone is used in the scene for telling others about the suicide. Editing Software - Editing of the video will be done on the Macbook with the iMovie editing software. - YouTube
  • 6. ii. Procedure Setting : - Taylors Lakeside Campus The bridge connecting block C to block D on level 5 Block E level 6 open space with table and chairs Open space in front of Block A Administration Office Lakeside staircase Timing : We decided to film our video according to the story flow, and decided to start our filming on Saturday 28th November 2015. The time that we choose to film as in the below : Morning around 10am Early afternoon 11am to 1pm Operation : Before our filming started, we held a meeting session which that conclude our role starring in the video. Member Overall Context Role Starring Lim Win Kee Main Report Writer Main Character The Suicided Girl Chan Yi Fung Assistant Report Writer Second Main Character The Boyfriend Madeline Liew Main 際際滷s Maker, Main Video Editor Third Main Character The Rumor Spreader Serajeddin Ali Cameraman, Assistant Video Editor Forth Main Character The Rescuer Fong Kah Yan Report Writer Character The Rumor Spreaders Friend
  • 7. Video Filming : As stated above, we decided to film the video directly after another session. Reason being, the continuously filming can help us keep the focus and memory of the previous recorded story flow. Before each scene filming, we held a short meeting to set the action and dialogues of the characters. We often acted out a several times to get the perfect shot. Analysis and Presentation : Besides the video, report and presentation slides are also one of the important component for this project. For the report, we separate the jobs among each member which each member get to write one psychology concept that can be found in the video. As for the slides, we decided to compile it from the information in our report. In the nutshell, the operation of this project was quite smooth without any major challenges, and also accompany with jokes and humours.
  • 8. Discussion Concept and Definition After several sessions of brainstorming, we finally came to an idea on our storyline of the video, Dont Give Up on Yourself. To start it off, we flipped through our notes and presentation slides to find the suitable concepts which fits into our storyline. The thought of giving up usually comes up from the disappointment towards someone in a specific event. Before the thought occurs, some impactful event such as loss of precious ones, or faced with difficulties that cannot be solved by the individual, makes them feel depressed, sad and eventually giving up their life, that refers to suicide. Giving up may result that someone need to let go something which is valuable to them, including their lives. We think of some scenario that can be easily related to our life, so we use a university student as our main character, and further on elaborate on the events that happened around her. Meeting new friends, gossiping about others, getting into a relationship and then breaking up are the common things that will happen on a university student. After some adjustment on the storyline, we come up with a story of a university female student that broke up with her boyfriend and eventually wanted to commit suicide. To match up with this video, we had choose the five concepts, such as first impression, impression management, instrumental aggression, counterfactual thinking and help.
  • 9. i. First Impression Scene Description: Madeline and Winkee are walking from block C to block D to attend psychology class. While they are walking to the class, they saw this new student, Yi Fung walking pass them. The first impression of the new student for both of the girls are good looking. Concept definition: First Impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person by observing the persons action. Explanation: First Impression doesnt form deliberate. First Impression is formed by observing others action. First Impression of person can be form instantaneously and research prove that impression are made after 10 second of the observation. Application: Madeline and Winkee are walking toward their psychology class and they encounter a new student, YiFung, walk pass them. The first thought of YiFung was Wow this guy is so handsome. Due to good looking, the first impression of Madeline and Winkee towards YiFung are good.
  • 10. ii. Impression Management Scene Description: Since the class is not starting yet, Madeline and Winkee share a table with Louise and they are chit-chatting. Then, Yi Fung came over and found out that they are in the same class. Yi Fung tried to get Winkees attention, while Winkee and Madeline tried to get his. Concept definition: 油Impression management is the effort to control or influence other people's perceptions. This could be their perception of a certain person (including you), a material possession or an event. The theory goes on to explain that we try to make the perception consistent with our goals. 油 油 Explanation: Impression is the most important part for a stranger that we met, and also the hardest part to manage. Flattering is one of the common method to manage the impression. Application: Yi Fung tried to get Winkees attention by asking some personal question, including her phone number. Winkee also answered the questions which Yi Fung asked, and she also asked Yi Fung some similar questions to know more about him.
  • 11. iii. Instrumental Aggression Scene Description: Madeline is talking to Louise about Win Kees behaviour while Yi Fung is not around. Louise then nodded and acknowledge her sayings. Suddenly, Yi Fung pass by and heard their conversation and interrupted them. Madeline then tells him what she saw and Yi Fung cant accept what he just heard.油 Concept definition: Instrumental Aggression油is behaviour that intends to harm another individual. Type of aggression that is used is indirect verbal aggression that is spreading a油rumour to others.油 Explanation: Instrumental Aggression is non injurious to the victim, but the acts serve a different purpose. Women are more likely to be indirectly and non-physically aggressive, such as in displays of油relational aggression.油 Application: Madeline envies Win Kee getting into a relationship, so she started a rumour about Win Kee dating another guy. She spread it among her classmate, that is Louise and also Yi Fung that they bumped in suddenly. They believed it and it cause them to break up.
  • 12. iv. Counterfactual Thinking (Upward counterfactual Thinking) Scene : It was a day, Yi Fung to the rumours said that Winkee was dating with a guy when hes away for travelling. He was very upset and angry on the event, he had decided to break up with Winkee in an afternoon. Winkee felt heartbroken, and made her had a thinking of suicide. One day, she went to the level 5, and tried to jump down from the building. Fortunately, a psychology lecturer saw the scene and saved her life. Definition : It is usually associated with bad or negative events. Cognition always affects the mood. It is because mood is dependent on memory, if we had a sad memory, it may lead to bad mood and negative thinking. Therefore, based on the video, if Yi Fung doesnt listen to the rumours, he will not break Winkees heart, and Winkee will not have the thinking of suicide. 1. Yi Fung listened to the rumours and broke up with Winkee (the effect of mood on cognition) "
  • 13. 2. Break up events (sad memory) " 3. Thinking of suicide and she really did it (Consequences of having a bad mood due to sad memory, and making a wrong decision)
  • 14. v. Help Scene Description: After Winkees boyfriend decided to break up with her, she is hurt and decided to commit a suicide by jumping from block C level 5. On the same time, a lecturer was walking from block D and he saw Winkee wants to jump off the railing. He came faster and didnt let her to jump off because suicide is not the way to solve problem. He took her and sat on the staircase and give her some life lesson. Concept definition: Help refers to voluntary actions intended to help or benefit another individual or group of individuals,油such as sharing, comforting, rescuing and helping with reward regarded or disregarded. Explanation: Help is a prosocial behaviour which is a positive social actions intended to help others. Help can be in two model, that is egoistic model and altruistic model. For egoistic model is when behaviors are done for selfish reasons. While altruistic model is when behaviors are done for selfless reasons. The help in the video is egoistic model as the lecturer does not want to face problem if he did not help the girl that wants to commit suicide. He will get into trouble if he didnt help. Application: Seraj helped Winkee, whom wanted to commit suicide, stopped her from doing it and try to change her mind by telling her some life lesson. At the end, Winkee also change her mind and become a better person.
  • 15. Reference (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2015, from http://study.com/academy/lesson/impression- management-in-sociology-theory-definition-examples.html Boundless. Aggression: Harming.油Boundless Psychology. Boundless, 21 Aug. 2015. Retrieved December 1, 2015 from油https://www.boundless.com/psychology/textbooks/ boundless-psychology-textbook/social-psychology-20/social-behavior-105/aggression- harming-398-12933/