This presentation was given by October Greenfield, PEC's Wildlife Habitat Restoration Coordinator, at The Piedmont Environmental Council's Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop on July 20, 2023.
This document outlines the process for developing a forest management plan, including an initial field visit to assess goals, history, boundaries, and concerns. Field data is collected and a property map and plan are created, covering topics like invasive species, wildlife habitat, and recommended activities. The plan is presented to the landowner. The document also summarizes several cost share programs for forestry activities like reforestation, riparian buffers, quail habitat, and tree planting.
This document outlines the process for developing a forest management plan, including an initial field visit to assess goals, history, boundaries, and concerns. Field data is collected and a property map and plan are created, covering topics like invasive species, wildlife habitat, and recommended activities. The plan is presented to the landowner. The document also summarizes several cost share programs for forestry activities like reforestation, riparian buffers, quail habitat, and tree planting.
Panel - Cost Share Opportunities for Nutrient ManagementJohn Blue
This document discusses cost share opportunities for nutrient management through USDA's Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Missouri's Soil and Water Conservation Program (SWCP). EQIP provides financial assistance of up to 75% for practices like nutrient management plans, waste storage facilities, and mortality composters. SWCP provides cost share of up to 75% for similar practices and also provides incentive payments for adopting new nutrient management techniques. Contact information is provided for EQIP and SWCP representatives. A variety of eligible practices are described, including waste management systems, pasture management, and other conservation opportunities.
Discussion of evaluating soil and forage resources for their productivity relative to size of a livestock enterprise. Then, several livestock options with basic information on health, nutrition.
This document outlines the process for preparing a forest management plan, including an initial field visit to assess goals, history, boundaries, and concerns. Field data is collected on vegetation, wildlife habitat, and soils. A property map and management plan are then created, with recommendations such as monitoring forest health, invasive species control, and wildlife food plots over the next 10 years. The plan also discusses available cost share programs to help fund management activities.
This document discusses developing a fertilizer and soil health action plan for Africa. It summarizes that while fertilizer use has increased in Africa, high costs continue to constrain productivity growth. Current issues include soil degradation, reliance on imports, and constrained financing. It outlines megatrends, challenges and opportunities in African agriculture. Key points are that Africa has a choice to increase domestic production or reliance on imports. Evidence shows Africa can increase yields through research, incentives for profitability, and state support to reduce input costs. The message to leaders is to champion sustainable intensification by investing in soil health, research, and improving farmer profitability.
Presentation at the 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture.
Title: Perennial grain crops in the crop rotation for enhancing soil carbon sequestration and sustaining crop yields
Speaker: Sikiru Yusuf Alasinrin
Dennis garrity-the partnership-evergreen agriculture in africa-fara-aasw6-2013World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
This document discusses the challenges of climate change and declining soil fertility facing African agriculture. It proposes an approach called "EverGreen Agriculture" to address these issues. EverGreen Agriculture involves the integration of trees into agricultural landscapes to improve soil health, increase food security, and mitigate climate change impacts. Several African countries have adopted national programs promoting the use of Faidherbia fertilizer trees and agroforestry practices. The approach aims to provide a low-cost, sustainable solution to land regeneration challenges across Africa by engaging farmers, governments, researchers and other stakeholders through the Evergreen Agriculture Partnership.
Puerto Rico Joint Chief Landscapes Restoration Partnership Initiative Presentation by Southwestern Soil and Water Conservation PR District, NRCS, USFS and USFWS.
Terry Mescher - The H2Ohio Plan-Implementation and Available Practice Cost ShareJohn Blue
The document describes several best management practices (BMPs) for agriculture producers in a 14-county area, including developing a voluntary nutrient management plan, using variable rate phosphorus application, subsurface phosphorus placement, manure incorporation, conservation crop rotations, overwintering cover crops, and drainage water management. It provides details on the purpose, applicability, and participant payments for each BMP. It also includes a table showing the compatibility of combining different BMPs and examples of bundling practices like using variable rate technology for manure incorporation and establishing a cover crop. Producers must have an approved comprehensive nutrient management plan to be eligible for payments.
The USDA Farm Service Agency delivered nearly $770 million in federal program payments and loans to Kansas farmers and ranchers during fiscal year 2013. The document provides information on various loan and assistance programs administered by the Farm Service Agency, including farm loans, conservation programs, and price support programs. It summarizes program accomplishments and outlines eligibility requirements and deadlines for programs such as marketing assistance loans, loan deficiency payments, and acreage reporting. Contact information is provided for those seeking more information.
The document discusses various land conservation programs and easements. It defines conservation easements as rights that prevent land development and are held by land trusts. The document outlines different sources of easements, how the sale of development rights works, advantages and disadvantages of easements, and agricultural land use valuation programs. It provides details on cost share programs like CREP, CRP, CSP and EQIP that help fund conservation practices.
Farmpadi is developing an IoT sensor device and platform to help Nigerian farmers improve crop yields, reduce costs, and access markets. The sensor collects soil data to advise farmers on fertilizer needs and provides real-time alerts on conditions. This addresses issues like underutilized land, post-harvest losses, and lack of decision support. Initial results for one farmer show reduced water and fertilizer use, higher yields, and sales with Farmpadi's services. The company plans to expand sensor coverage, partner with more farmers, and develop new sensors for livestock and aquaculture.
The document summarizes a landowner workshop about the 50 Million Tree Program run by Trees Ontario. It provides an overview of Trees Ontario, their tree planting partners and programs, funding available to landowners, and information about tree planting including species selection, site preparation, and maintenance requirements. It also briefly describes the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program and the role of the Ontario Forestry Association.
Overcoming challenges and barriers in CSA implementationAlain Vidal
The document discusses challenges and barriers to implementing climate-smart agriculture (CSA). It outlines 8 key challenges: 1) Bringing the three CSA pillars (productivity, adaptation, mitigation) together; 2) Integrating CSA with existing initiatives; 3) Defining the business case for farmers; 4) Access to finance for smallholders; 5) Knowledge exchange; 6) Lack of data and advisory services; 7) Uncertainty around policy incentives; 8) Accessing and monitoring data efficiently. It provides examples of CGIAR programs addressing these challenges through tools, services, and approaches like climate information services, scenario planning, and integrating mitigation and adaptation financing. The conclusion advocates for a holistic "CSA
Virginia's Forest Stewardship Program and available forestry cost-share programs. Forest Management Planning Program for landowners. Presented by Terrance Lasher, Senior Area Forester, Central Region.
University of Minnesota, Colloquium in Sustainable Agriculture:
presentation on federal Farm Bill policy. Commodity, conservation, and risk management programs--including CFAP and MFP--in context of current conditions affecting agriculture.
Review of federal farm policies in the context of current conditions in agriculture relative to economic, market and environmental factors in anticipation of crafting the 2018 Farm Bill.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) by Raul Ray Hinojosa District C...RGVSmallAcreage
The document discusses several USDA conservation programs administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), including the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). It provides information on eligibility requirements, payment limits, enrollment options, and priorities for each program.
This document summarizes Conservation Agriculture in Africa by Rachid MRABET. It discusses:
1. The challenges facing African farmers including land degradation, climate change, diseases, lack of farm equipment and inputs, and threats to water quality. Conservation Agriculture aims to address these challenges through minimum soil disturbance, crop residue retention, and crop rotations.
2. The African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) which promotes Conservation Agriculture practices and information sharing across Africa. ACT projects like CA-SARD have led to increased yields, food security, reduced labor needs, and diversified incomes for thousands of smallholder farmers.
3. The benefits of Conservation Agriculture including increased water infiltration, organic matter, nutrient availability, and
Breakout Session 際際滷s
Scaling Agroforestry in US Agriculture Maya Glicksman will define agroforestry, discuss new opportunities to support agroforestry adoption, and highlight areas for continued advocacy administratively and legislatively.
Monday, February 12, 3:05 - 3:30 p.m.
The document summarizes the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) alliance, which was established in 2012 with 9 founding members focused on improving global food security. AIRCA has a combined annual turnover of over $200 million and works in over 60 member countries. It aims to support smallholder agriculture and sustainable landscapes through integrated, holistic approaches. The document outlines AIRCA's expertise and contributions, intended outcomes around healthy ecosystems, and progress establishing the alliance. It proposes developing concept notes on 3 key landscapes - Lake Victoria Basin, Karakorum Pamir region, and the Trifinio region - focusing on partnerships and addressing issues like low productivity, poverty, and climate vulnerability in these areas.
This document discusses land restoration and forest landscape restoration efforts in Africa. It provides examples of farmer-managed natural regeneration projects across 22 African countries that have committed to restoring over 59 million hectares of degraded land. These projects include regenerating trees on croplands, parklands, rangelands, and grazing lands. The document advocates for scaling up these types of restoration projects using approaches like evergreen agriculture that integrate trees into agricultural systems. The goal is to enable every farm family and village in Africa's drylands to practice farmer-managed natural regeneration by 2025 to combat land degradation and food insecurity.
The document outlines several USDA conservation programs including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), and Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) that pay farmers to conserve environmentally sensitive lands. It discusses the goals and benefits of these programs, such as restoring wetlands and grasslands, improving wildlife habitat and water quality. The summary also notes the funding levels for these programs and challenges with expiring land contracts in the CRP program.
Integrated Landscape Initiatives: An Emerging Paradigm for African Agricultu...EcoAgriculture Partners
There is growing consensus that the Green Revolution trajectory followed in Latin America and Asia is not fully appropriate for Africa; instead, greater emphasis on social and environmental outcomes is needed.
Integrated Landscape Initiatives provide a model for agricultural development that satisfies these demands. This presentation explains.
This document outlines a presentation on making land available for farming. It discusses land access challenges like farmland loss and aging farmers. It then covers tools and strategies for integrating agriculture into planning, the role of conservation organizations, and tools for assessing farmland resources. Specific strategies discussed include agricultural zoning, farmland inventories, and community food system assessments. The goal is to address barriers to increasing local food production through collaboration between various stakeholders.
The presentation Operationalizing Resilience Climate Smart Agriculture Metrics is by Stephanie Daniels from the Sustainable Food Lab.
Presented at the WBCSD Climate Smart Agriculture workshop at the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT on 27 March 2018.
On October 23, 2023, The Piedmont Environmental Council hosted a community meeting in Upperville, VA on data centers and associated energy infrastructure. The presentation, given by The Piedmont Environmental Council President Chris Miller, is available to view and download.
The presentation focused on transmission line proposals released by PJM Interconnection on September 5, 2023 and the underlying cause: data center demand growth in Virginia. The presentation was followed by a Q&A with PEC staff, along with leaders from Citizens for Fauquier County, Protect Fauquier and The Coalition to Protect Prince William County.
Sources of information in presentation:
PECs Interactive Transmission Line Map:
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This presentation was given by Tee Clarkson with First Earth 2030 and the Rappahannock River Roundtable at The Piedmont Environmental Council's Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop on July 20, 2023.
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Similar to Virginia Grassland Bird Initiative (20)
Puerto Rico Joint Chief Landscapes Restoration Partnership Initiative Presentation by Southwestern Soil and Water Conservation PR District, NRCS, USFS and USFWS.
Terry Mescher - The H2Ohio Plan-Implementation and Available Practice Cost ShareJohn Blue
The document describes several best management practices (BMPs) for agriculture producers in a 14-county area, including developing a voluntary nutrient management plan, using variable rate phosphorus application, subsurface phosphorus placement, manure incorporation, conservation crop rotations, overwintering cover crops, and drainage water management. It provides details on the purpose, applicability, and participant payments for each BMP. It also includes a table showing the compatibility of combining different BMPs and examples of bundling practices like using variable rate technology for manure incorporation and establishing a cover crop. Producers must have an approved comprehensive nutrient management plan to be eligible for payments.
The USDA Farm Service Agency delivered nearly $770 million in federal program payments and loans to Kansas farmers and ranchers during fiscal year 2013. The document provides information on various loan and assistance programs administered by the Farm Service Agency, including farm loans, conservation programs, and price support programs. It summarizes program accomplishments and outlines eligibility requirements and deadlines for programs such as marketing assistance loans, loan deficiency payments, and acreage reporting. Contact information is provided for those seeking more information.
The document discusses various land conservation programs and easements. It defines conservation easements as rights that prevent land development and are held by land trusts. The document outlines different sources of easements, how the sale of development rights works, advantages and disadvantages of easements, and agricultural land use valuation programs. It provides details on cost share programs like CREP, CRP, CSP and EQIP that help fund conservation practices.
Farmpadi is developing an IoT sensor device and platform to help Nigerian farmers improve crop yields, reduce costs, and access markets. The sensor collects soil data to advise farmers on fertilizer needs and provides real-time alerts on conditions. This addresses issues like underutilized land, post-harvest losses, and lack of decision support. Initial results for one farmer show reduced water and fertilizer use, higher yields, and sales with Farmpadi's services. The company plans to expand sensor coverage, partner with more farmers, and develop new sensors for livestock and aquaculture.
The document summarizes a landowner workshop about the 50 Million Tree Program run by Trees Ontario. It provides an overview of Trees Ontario, their tree planting partners and programs, funding available to landowners, and information about tree planting including species selection, site preparation, and maintenance requirements. It also briefly describes the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program and the role of the Ontario Forestry Association.
Overcoming challenges and barriers in CSA implementationAlain Vidal
The document discusses challenges and barriers to implementing climate-smart agriculture (CSA). It outlines 8 key challenges: 1) Bringing the three CSA pillars (productivity, adaptation, mitigation) together; 2) Integrating CSA with existing initiatives; 3) Defining the business case for farmers; 4) Access to finance for smallholders; 5) Knowledge exchange; 6) Lack of data and advisory services; 7) Uncertainty around policy incentives; 8) Accessing and monitoring data efficiently. It provides examples of CGIAR programs addressing these challenges through tools, services, and approaches like climate information services, scenario planning, and integrating mitigation and adaptation financing. The conclusion advocates for a holistic "CSA
Virginia's Forest Stewardship Program and available forestry cost-share programs. Forest Management Planning Program for landowners. Presented by Terrance Lasher, Senior Area Forester, Central Region.
University of Minnesota, Colloquium in Sustainable Agriculture:
presentation on federal Farm Bill policy. Commodity, conservation, and risk management programs--including CFAP and MFP--in context of current conditions affecting agriculture.
Review of federal farm policies in the context of current conditions in agriculture relative to economic, market and environmental factors in anticipation of crafting the 2018 Farm Bill.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) by Raul Ray Hinojosa District C...RGVSmallAcreage
The document discusses several USDA conservation programs administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), including the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). It provides information on eligibility requirements, payment limits, enrollment options, and priorities for each program.
This document summarizes Conservation Agriculture in Africa by Rachid MRABET. It discusses:
1. The challenges facing African farmers including land degradation, climate change, diseases, lack of farm equipment and inputs, and threats to water quality. Conservation Agriculture aims to address these challenges through minimum soil disturbance, crop residue retention, and crop rotations.
2. The African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) which promotes Conservation Agriculture practices and information sharing across Africa. ACT projects like CA-SARD have led to increased yields, food security, reduced labor needs, and diversified incomes for thousands of smallholder farmers.
3. The benefits of Conservation Agriculture including increased water infiltration, organic matter, nutrient availability, and
Breakout Session 際際滷s
Scaling Agroforestry in US Agriculture Maya Glicksman will define agroforestry, discuss new opportunities to support agroforestry adoption, and highlight areas for continued advocacy administratively and legislatively.
Monday, February 12, 3:05 - 3:30 p.m.
The document summarizes the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) alliance, which was established in 2012 with 9 founding members focused on improving global food security. AIRCA has a combined annual turnover of over $200 million and works in over 60 member countries. It aims to support smallholder agriculture and sustainable landscapes through integrated, holistic approaches. The document outlines AIRCA's expertise and contributions, intended outcomes around healthy ecosystems, and progress establishing the alliance. It proposes developing concept notes on 3 key landscapes - Lake Victoria Basin, Karakorum Pamir region, and the Trifinio region - focusing on partnerships and addressing issues like low productivity, poverty, and climate vulnerability in these areas.
This document discusses land restoration and forest landscape restoration efforts in Africa. It provides examples of farmer-managed natural regeneration projects across 22 African countries that have committed to restoring over 59 million hectares of degraded land. These projects include regenerating trees on croplands, parklands, rangelands, and grazing lands. The document advocates for scaling up these types of restoration projects using approaches like evergreen agriculture that integrate trees into agricultural systems. The goal is to enable every farm family and village in Africa's drylands to practice farmer-managed natural regeneration by 2025 to combat land degradation and food insecurity.
The document outlines several USDA conservation programs including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), and Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) that pay farmers to conserve environmentally sensitive lands. It discusses the goals and benefits of these programs, such as restoring wetlands and grasslands, improving wildlife habitat and water quality. The summary also notes the funding levels for these programs and challenges with expiring land contracts in the CRP program.
Integrated Landscape Initiatives: An Emerging Paradigm for African Agricultu...EcoAgriculture Partners
There is growing consensus that the Green Revolution trajectory followed in Latin America and Asia is not fully appropriate for Africa; instead, greater emphasis on social and environmental outcomes is needed.
Integrated Landscape Initiatives provide a model for agricultural development that satisfies these demands. This presentation explains.
This document outlines a presentation on making land available for farming. It discusses land access challenges like farmland loss and aging farmers. It then covers tools and strategies for integrating agriculture into planning, the role of conservation organizations, and tools for assessing farmland resources. Specific strategies discussed include agricultural zoning, farmland inventories, and community food system assessments. The goal is to address barriers to increasing local food production through collaboration between various stakeholders.
The presentation Operationalizing Resilience Climate Smart Agriculture Metrics is by Stephanie Daniels from the Sustainable Food Lab.
Presented at the WBCSD Climate Smart Agriculture workshop at the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT on 27 March 2018.
On October 23, 2023, The Piedmont Environmental Council hosted a community meeting in Upperville, VA on data centers and associated energy infrastructure. The presentation, given by The Piedmont Environmental Council President Chris Miller, is available to view and download.
The presentation focused on transmission line proposals released by PJM Interconnection on September 5, 2023 and the underlying cause: data center demand growth in Virginia. The presentation was followed by a Q&A with PEC staff, along with leaders from Citizens for Fauquier County, Protect Fauquier and The Coalition to Protect Prince William County.
Sources of information in presentation:
PECs Interactive Transmission Line Map:
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This presentation was given by Tee Clarkson with First Earth 2030 and the Rappahannock River Roundtable at The Piedmont Environmental Council's Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop on July 20, 2023.
This presentation was given by Dean Dodson with Fauquier County at The Piedmont Environmental Council's Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop on July 20, 2023.
This document provides an introduction to conservation easements. It defines a conservation easement as a voluntary land preservation agreement where a landowner gives up certain property rights while retaining overall ownership. Conservation easements must further conservation purposes like preservation of land, habitat, or historic structures to provide a public benefit. Landowners who donate easements may be eligible for tax benefits like deductions and state tax credits. Non-profit land trusts and government agencies accept conservation easement donations to ensure the restrictions are upheld over time.
This presentation was given by Casey Iames, District Conservationist for Fauquier, Prince William, Loudoun and Fairfax counties, at The Piedmont Environmental Council's Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop on July 20, 2023.
The John Marshall Soil and Water Conservation District (JMSWCD) aims to provide leadership, technical assistance, and education to citizens in Fauquier County, Virginia on soil stewardship and water quality protection. Key functions include administering the Virginia Agricultural Cost Share Program and providing conservation assistance and education. JMSWCD receives state, federal, and grant funding and prioritizes projects in high-ranking watersheds. Examples of funded best management practices include stream fencing, riparian buffers, and cover crops. JMSWCD also runs local water quality programs and stream monitoring.
This document discusses the impacts of data center growth on Virginia's clean energy future and outlines potential solutions. Key points:
- Data center energy demand is growing exponentially in Virginia and straining the electric grid, requiring hundreds of acres of utility-scale solar per building.
- This threatens decades of land, wildlife, water, and air quality conservation efforts in the state. One data center can require 300-900 acres of solar development.
- Dominion's 2023 integrated resource plan forecasts doubling of peak electric load by 2037 due largely to data centers, and proposes billions for new gas plants and transmission lines rather than renewable energy.
- Solutions discussed include accelerating the transition to distributed and utility-scale
The document summarizes a community meeting about data centers and diesel generators in Loudoun County, Virginia. It discusses how the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is proposing a variance to allow backup diesel generators at data centers to run more frequently, which would impact air quality and public health. The meeting covered background on regulations, health impacts of pollutants, concerns about the variance, and calls for the community to submit comments opposing the variance to DEQ and calling on elected officials and industry to take action to address the problem.
PEC's annual report summarizes their activities and accomplishments in 2020. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, PEC was able to protect over 5,000 additional acres of land through conservation easements. They also launched a successful Farm to Food Bank initiative that provided over 25,000 pounds of produce, 30,000 gallons of milk, and 11,000 pounds of meat to food insecure individuals. PEC expanded production at their community farm and farmers market to increase local food availability and support rural economies during the pandemic.
One winner from each of our four categories will be selected by popular vote at Voting will remain open until Monday, November 23, 2020.
The 2020 PEC Photo Contest featured finalists in three categories: Beautiful Landscapes & Streetscapes (entries 1-5), Native Plants & Wildlife (entries 6-10), and Wonderful Waters (entries 11-15). There was also a Youth Category (entries 16-20). The document lists the titles, photographers, and entry numbers of the finalist photographs in each category of the photo contest.
On September 29, Piedmont Environmental Council President, Chris Miller, and field staff held an online conversation about the current challenges and opportunities facing communities in Loudoun County, VA.
On September 11, Piedmont Environmental Council President, Chris Miller, and field staff held an online conversation about the current challenges and opportunities facing communities in Clarke County, VA.
View the slidedeck from The Piedmont Environmental Council and Local Energy Alliance Program's Solarize Webinar on August 18, 2020. Find out more about rooftop and ground mount solar options for your home, farm or business.
On August 11, Piedmont Environmental Council President, Chris Miller, and field staff held an online conversation about the current challenges and opportunities facing communities in Fauquier County.
June 26, 2020 -- PEC seeks to secure contracted professional engineering services to complete (1) a Geotechnical Report and (2) a Final Design for fish-friendly and flood-resilient structures to replace culverts at ONLY the Piney River (VA Rt. 653) pilot project site in Rappahannock County, VA.
On June 25, Piedmont Environmental Council President, Chris Miller, and field staff held an online conversation about the current challenges and opportunities facing communities in Madison and Orange counties.
While the Covid-19 pandemic continues to cause a great deal of uncertainty in our lives, a great deal of conservation work is still being done at the local level.
On June 23, Piedmont Environmental Council President, Chris Miller, and field staff held an online conversation about the current challenges and opportunities facing communities in the Albemarle and Charlottesville area.
While the Covid-19 pandemic continues to cause a great deal of uncertainty in our lives, a great deal of conservation work is still being done at the local level.
This presentation was given by David Wood of Chesapeake Stormwater Network during the June 11, 2020, PEC webinar titled Capturing the Rain: Green Infrastructure Options for HOA Common Areas.
Wildlife Day 2025: Celebrating Nature and Conservation Effortssun web solutionss
Join us as we celebrate Wildlife Day 2025! This 際際滷Share presentation explores the fascinating world of wildlife and highlights the importance of conservation efforts. From majestic elephants to endangered species, we delve into the unique behaviors and habitats of various animals and discuss how we can contribute to protecting these incredible creatures. Discover the beauty of biodiversity and learn about the crucial role we all play in preserving our natural world. Let's come together to make every day a Wildlife Day
Governance of seabed integrity in the Baltic Seapermagoveu
Seabed integrity depends on the health and wellbeing of benthic habitats found on the seafloor. These habitats include geological and biological components that are constantly pressured by human activities e.g. dredging, bottom trawling.
PERMAGOV analysis of governance arrangements shows that the availability of knowledge is an essential enabler for seabed governance. Missing knowledge about the locations and extent of benthic habitat types, impacts of bottom trawling, cumulative impacts of activities, and the recovery potential of habitats hamper seabed governance.
Setting threshold values can support seabed governance by providing concrete quantified targets for seabed protection and legal depth for the enforcement of the MSFD.
Hear from experts on how well new NDCs are stacking up both to curb emissions and protect communities from increasingly severe climate impacts and what to look out for next. Speakers assess the plans submitted thus far and also share what to expect from key forthcoming submissions, such as those from China and the European Union, as well as consider the next steps in driving progress toward a net-zero future.
Day 2 Seminar Local Government Reorganisation and Planning Seminar_web.pptxmhutttch
Prepare for the impact of devolution and local government reorganisation! This workshop explores how these changes will affect planning and how local authorities can adapt smoothly. Hear insights from those in newly formed and combined authorities
Day 1 Seminar_The Plan-making Score_web.pptxmhutttch
Includes an opening presentation, a hands-on group exercise exploring culture, people and process and a final sharing session. We aim to identify barriers, celebrate bold ideas and create clear actions, so we can deliver local plans faster, smarter and better-focusing on what we can control.
To keep Air movement
To keep cooling
To keep control relative humidity
To improve air quality for confined animals.
Air distribution
To remove moisture, gases, dust, odors and pathogens
For livestock productivity.
To limit carbon dioxide & methane buildup.
Considerations for appropriate assessment of efficacy of biopesticides in the...OECD Environment
The OECD Seminar on Different aspects of efficacy evaluation of biopesticides, held on 28-29 June 2021, covered the similarities and differences of the efficacy evaluation of the different categories of biopesticides, new application techniques, efficacy evaluation of biopesticides based on plant defence inducers (PDI), comparison of efficacy requirements for biostimulants vs. biopesticides, how to evaluate different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) modules, and registration pathways with limited or no evaluation of efficacy. The event facilitated exchanges between policy makers, academia, and industry.
Presentaci坦n de Maria Tarr辿s, responsable de Estrategia de Sostenibilidad de SEAT, en el marco del XIII Simposio Empresarial Internacional, organizado por Funseam el pasado 3 de febrero de 2025, en Barcelona.
M叩s informaci坦n en:
Breakout session Monday, February 10 at 2:30 p.m.
Precision Farming with Smart Soil Insights: How Advanced Soil Profiling Enhances Farm Economics and Ecology
As part of the ACTION Climate-Smart Commodities Partnership project being led by OpenTEAM, CTIC, Houston Engineering and The Nature Conservancy are leading development of the CTIC Conservation Connector, a new web app whose initial purpose is to allow farmers, ranchers, landowners and trusted advisors find conservation and climate-smart ag programs available to them, as well as service providers who can assist with the planning, implementation, and verification of incentivized practices.
Speaker: Dorn Cox, Wolfes Neck Research Center & OpenTEAM, Research Director, LeAnn Buck, MN Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts, Executive Director, and Drew Kessler, Houston Engineering, Inc., Project Manager & Principal and as moderator David Gustafson (Speakers), Conservation Technology Information Center
1. TheVirginia Grassland Bird Initiative
Supporting bird-friendly practices on working lands
Co-coordinator: October Green鍖eld
The Piedmont Environmental Council
3. Why Grassland Birds?
More than 80% of native grassland
ecosystems across North America have
already been lost
Our regions priority conservation species,
the Northern Bobwhite, has declined by
more than 80% since the 1970s
No one reason for decline but e鍖ect of
agricultural intensi鍖cation is profound
4. Incentives Program
Financial incentive for farmers willing to adopt
speci鍖c BMPs to protect the vulnerable nesting
season (April 15 - July 1)
Delayed Haying
Summer Stockpiling
Up to $35 per acre to o鍖set the initial costs of
piloting these best management practices
Application for 2024 will open this fall!
5. Field Suitability
Size: 20 or more acres are
Shape: Square or rectangle
鍖elds are preferred (but not
Surroundings: Fields
surrounded by other hay 鍖elds
or pastures are preferred over
those bordered by forest or
6. Program Enrollment Stats
2022: 500 acres across 10
2023: 1,000 acres across 19 new
In 2024, we will have funding for
~1,500 acres across all 16 counties.
Applications for 2024 will open in