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The Automated Agent
Automate Your Business to Increase Income
and Still Get Home On Time
The Automated Agent
Terry Yonker
 Broker  Buckeye Realty, Winter Park, FL
 Florida Realtor since 2005 / VA user since
 300+ Transactions
Course #0018793
2 CE
Provider: #0007266
The Automated Agent
We appreciate these two hours of your time
Determine if you are ready for automation in your business
List the steps that we can take to increase our productivity
List the items that can we delegate to an unlicensed assistant
Describe the three main types of Virtual Assistants
Explain how to find and train a Virtual Assistant
List the ways that your clients benefit by using Virtual Assistants
The Automated Agent
Welcome to Real Estate
Here is your job description:
Do Everything!
The Automated Agent
Do you
 Miss prescheduled family time?
 Skip things like exercise because you
are too busy?
 Keep in touch with your contacts on an
erratic schedule, if at all?
The Automated Agent
Then you are
With the help of a Virtual
The Automated Agent
What Exactly is a Virtual
A virtual assistant (typically abbreviated to VA) is generally
self-employed and provides professional administrative,
technical, or creative (social) assistance to clients remotely
from a home office
Our Definition Today:
A contractor in the Philippines that seamlessly completes
documented tasks for Florida Realtors. These tasks comprise
approximately 80% of the realtors total workload.
The Automated Agent
The Automated Agent
The Automated Agent
What will You gain from hiring a VA?
 Spend TIME on $300 per hour tasks, not $4 per hour
 Do your genius and delegate everything else!
 IMAGINE what your day would look like!
The Automated Agent
What will you gain from hiring a VA?
The Automated Agent
Can You Afford a Virtual
Typical Administrative Help:
Florida: $12-$15 per hour plus penalty
Independent contractor vs. Employee
Philippines : $4 -$10 per hour
All in  thats it!
The Automated Agent
But what can Virtual Assistants
can and cant do:
Revised and approved
by FREC 09/15/2009
The Automated Agent
Unlicensed assistant is defined as support staff
for a real estate corporation or other licensed
 Answer the phone and forward calls
 Fill out and submit listings and changes to any multiple listing service
 Follow-up on loan commitments after a contract has been negotiated and
generally secure the status reports on the loan progress
 Assemble documents for closing
 Secure documents (public information) from courthouse, utility district, etc.
 Have keys made for company listings, order surveys, termite inspections, home
inspections and home warranties with the licensed employers approval
 Write ads for approval of the licensee and the supervising broker, and place
advertising (newspaper ads, update web sites, etc); prepare flyers and
promotional information for approval by licensee and the supervising broker
The Automated Agent
 Receive, record and deposit earnest money, security deposits
and advance rents
 Only type the contract forms for approval by licensee and
supervising broker
 Monitor licenses and personnel files
 Compute commission checks
 Place signs on property
 Order items of repair as directed by licensee
 Prepare flyers and promotional information for approval by
licensee and supervising broker
 Act as a courier service to deliver documents, pick-up keys
 Place routine telephone calls on late rent payments
The Automated Agent
 Schedule appointments for licensee to show a listed property
 Be at an open house for:
 Security purposes
 Hand out materials (brochures)
 Answer questions concerning a listing from which the answer
must be obtained from the licensed employer-approved printed
information and is objective in nature (not subjective comments)
 Gather information for a Comparative Market Analysis
 Gather information for an appraisal
 Hand out objective, written information on a listing or rental
The Automated Agent
What are the Actual Steps?
 Step #1  Prepare Yourself
 Step #2  Prepare your Systems
 Step #3  Get your VA
 Step #4  Train your VA
 Step #5  Manage your VA
The Automated Agent
Step #1 Prepare Yourself
 They wont do it as well as you
 You will still have the critical 20%
The Automated Agent
Step #1 Prepare Yourself
 2016 Orlando Realtor
 < 1 year of experience:
 1 Person Office: 57%
The Automated Agent
Step #1 Prepare Yourself
They wont do it as well as
The Automated Agent
Step #1 Prepare Yourself
You will still have the critical
The Automated Agent
Tell Me:
How many of you currently
delegate at least some of
your workload to others?
The Automated Agent
Step #2 Prepare your
 You dont need the system stress
test of living overseas to reap the
 Heck, even a few less trips across
town will save countless hours per
The Automated Agent
Step #2 Prepare your systems
The Automated Agent
Step #3 Get Your VA
Three Types of Virtual Assistants:
1. Project-Based One Time
2. Task  Based On Demand
3. Part or Full Time Integrated
Virtual Assistants
The Automated Agent
Project Based - Fiverr
The Automated Agent
Task Based on Demand  Task Bullet & Fancy Hands
The Automated Agent
Part or Full Time - Upwork
The Automated Agent
Step by Step Template for Your Own VA
1. For one day only, write down bullet points of everything that
you do
2. Select two items that somebody else could do fairly easily
3. Go to Upwork.com and signup
4. Post a job
5. Find freelancers
6. Invite them for an interview
7. Send invitation
8. Video Interview on Upwork
9. *Listen for their English skills first
The Automated Agent
Step by Step Template for Your Own VA
9. Hire your VA!
10. Manage your VA: Gmail
11. Train your VA: Record the processes
1. Screencast o matic / YouTube
2. Google Docs
12.Require a Daily email
1. What did you do today?
2. What difficulties did you encounter?
3. Where do you need help?
The Automated Agent
Step 1: For one day only, write down
bullet points of everything that you do
1.Morning walk with Podcast
2.Coffee with daughter
3.Check and reply to email
4.Check on the Buckeye football recruiting updates
5.Follow up on prospecting calls or outstanding docs
6.Set up lunch meetings with clients
7.Go to UPS store for stamps and pick up mail
8.Run updated CMAs and schedule price reductions
9.Play Tennis with buddies
The Automated Agent
Step 2: Select two items that somebody else
could do fairly easily
Eliminate Time Wasters:
4. Check on the Buckeye football recruiting
The Automated Agent
Step 2: Select two items that somebody else
could do fairly easily
Select a delegatable task - one that doesn't
require your special expertise or can be repeated
6. Set up lunch meetings with clients
8. Run updated CMAs and schedule price
reduction conversations
The Automated Agent
Step 3: Go to Upwork.com and Sign Up
The Automated Agent
Step 4: Post a Job
Category: Admin Support / Personal / Virtual Assistant
Job Description: Please use a cover letter beginning with 'I love Florida Real Estate!
Job Name: Real Estate VA needed
Describe the work to be done:
I am looking for someone to be my right hand guy or gal to help with my daily tasks as a real
estate agent. These tasks include but are not limited to: calendar management, email
management, posting online ads, transaction management. We can provide full training,
attention to detail is a must!
Skills Needed: Administrative Support, Virtual Assistant, Email Handling, Calendar Management
How would you like to pay? Hourly
Estimated Duration: 6 months
Estimated Workload: Less than 30 hours per week
Desired Experience Level: Entry
Marketplace Visibility: Give my job maximum exposure
The Automated Agent
Step 4: Post a Job
Number of Hires: I want to hire 1 freelancer
Preferred Qualifications
Freelancer Type: No Preference
Minimum Feedback Score: At least 4.5
Hours Billed on oDesk: At least 1 hour
Location: East Asia
English Level: Fluent
Screening Questions:
Why do you think you are a good fit for this particular project?
What past project or job have you had that is most like this one and why?
The Automated Agent
Step 5: Find Freelancers
 All Design & Creative
 Audio Production
 Graphic Design
 Logo Design &
 Video Production
 Financial Planning
 Admin Support
 Data Entry
 Personal / Virtual Assistant
 Project Management
 Web Research
 Email & Marketing Automation
 Lead Generation
 Market & Customer Research
 Marketing Strategy
 SEM - Search Engine Marketing
 SEO - Search Engine Optimization
 SMM - Social Media Marketing
The Automated Agent
Step 5: Find Freelancers
Category: Administrative Support /
Personal  Virtual Assistant
Feedback: 4.5 and up
Hourly Rate: $10 and below
US English Basic Skills: Top 10%
Location: Philippines
Hours: At least 1 hour or $1 earned
Last Activity: Within 1 month
The Automated Agent
Step 6: invite them for an interview
The Automated Agent
Step 7: Send Invitation with Below Text
The Automated Agent
Step 8: Video Interview in Upwork
 Question 1: What did you like about your last job and why?
Just listen for their English skills, engage them with some follow up questions, but
we are just evaluating their English
 Question 2: Tell me about your workspace
Power and internet outages are fairly common in the Philippines, so make sure
that they have a backup plan and that they have a place to work free from
 Question 3: Give me some examples of the coolest stuff that you have done at other
See their enthusiasm, maybe get some great ideas. Similar to hiring an American.
Above all listen for their English skills.
The Automated Agent
Step 9: Hire your VA!
Click Hire Now
The Automated Agent
Step 9: Hire your VA!
 Related Job: Real Estate VA
 Contract Title: Personal Assistant
 Contract Type: Hourly
 Hourly Rate: $ 4.00
 Weekly Limit: 10 hours/week
 Start Date: 09/01/2015
 Message: Hi, Please review and accept
my offer. I look forward to working with
[Your name]
Click Hire Now
The Automated Agent
Step 10: Manage Your VA - GMail
The Automated Agent
Step 11: Train your VA: Record your process
The Automated Agent
Step #4 Train Your VA
I've had a lot of worries in my
life, most of which never
-Mark Twain
The Automated Agent
Ask Yourself
 What is the worst that could happen?
 How much time/effort/money would it
take for me to fix it?
The Automated Agent
Step #4 Train Your VA
The Automated Agent
Train #1 Do your tasks normally, but
The Automated Agent
Train #2 Convert Activities into Steps
The Automated Agent
Train #3 Hand off 80% of your tasks
The Automated Agent
Train #3 Hand off 80% of tasks,
done to your specs
The Automated Agent
Step #5 Manage Your VA
 These are real people!
 Philippine Holidays
 13th Month Bonus  Law in
 Communication Channels
The Automated Agent
Finally, a SYSTEM that will benefit clients as well:
Your clients will appreciate:
1. Increased time with them
2. Time to take more classes and stay current
with the latest trends and laws to provide
better service for the clients
3. Improvement in accuracy and consistency of
our administrative tasks done on behalf of
the client
The Automated Agent
Would you like a copy of this
 Keep you up-to-date with the best practices in
working with VAs
 Get this PowerPoint presentation
Email terry@automatedagent.net
The Automated Agent

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Virtual Assistants for Real Estate Agents

  • 1. The Automated Agent Automate Your Business to Increase Income and Still Get Home On Time
  • 2. The Automated Agent Terry Yonker Broker Buckeye Realty, Winter Park, FL Florida Realtor since 2005 / VA user since 2009 300+ Transactions MBA, CIPS Course #0018793 2 CE Provider: #0007266
  • 3. The Automated Agent We appreciate these two hours of your time Determine if you are ready for automation in your business List the steps that we can take to increase our productivity List the items that can we delegate to an unlicensed assistant Describe the three main types of Virtual Assistants Explain how to find and train a Virtual Assistant List the ways that your clients benefit by using Virtual Assistants
  • 4. The Automated Agent Welcome to Real Estate Here is your job description: Do Everything!
  • 5. The Automated Agent Do you Miss prescheduled family time? Skip things like exercise because you are too busy? Keep in touch with your contacts on an erratic schedule, if at all?
  • 6. The Automated Agent Then you are READY FOR AUTOMATION With the help of a Virtual Assistant
  • 7. The Automated Agent What Exactly is a Virtual Assistant?Wikipedia: A virtual assistant (typically abbreviated to VA) is generally self-employed and provides professional administrative, technical, or creative (social) assistance to clients remotely from a home office Our Definition Today: A contractor in the Philippines that seamlessly completes documented tasks for Florida Realtors. These tasks comprise approximately 80% of the realtors total workload.
  • 8. The Automated Agent WHY THE PHILIPPINES?
  • 10. The Automated Agent What will You gain from hiring a VA? Spend TIME on $300 per hour tasks, not $4 per hour Do your genius and delegate everything else! IMAGINE what your day would look like!
  • 11. The Automated Agent What will you gain from hiring a VA?
  • 12. The Automated Agent Can You Afford a Virtual Assistant? Typical Administrative Help: Florida: $12-$15 per hour plus penalty Independent contractor vs. Employee Philippines : $4 -$10 per hour All in thats it!
  • 13. The Automated Agent But what can Virtual Assistants can and cant do: Revised and approved by FREC 09/15/2009
  • 14. The Automated Agent Unlicensed assistant is defined as support staff for a real estate corporation or other licensed individuals. Answer the phone and forward calls Fill out and submit listings and changes to any multiple listing service Follow-up on loan commitments after a contract has been negotiated and generally secure the status reports on the loan progress Assemble documents for closing Secure documents (public information) from courthouse, utility district, etc. Have keys made for company listings, order surveys, termite inspections, home inspections and home warranties with the licensed employers approval Write ads for approval of the licensee and the supervising broker, and place advertising (newspaper ads, update web sites, etc); prepare flyers and promotional information for approval by licensee and the supervising broker
  • 15. The Automated Agent Receive, record and deposit earnest money, security deposits and advance rents Only type the contract forms for approval by licensee and supervising broker Monitor licenses and personnel files Compute commission checks Place signs on property Order items of repair as directed by licensee Prepare flyers and promotional information for approval by licensee and supervising broker Act as a courier service to deliver documents, pick-up keys Place routine telephone calls on late rent payments
  • 16. The Automated Agent Schedule appointments for licensee to show a listed property Be at an open house for: Security purposes Hand out materials (brochures) Answer questions concerning a listing from which the answer must be obtained from the licensed employer-approved printed information and is objective in nature (not subjective comments) Gather information for a Comparative Market Analysis Gather information for an appraisal Hand out objective, written information on a listing or rental
  • 17. The Automated Agent What are the Actual Steps? Step #1 Prepare Yourself Step #2 Prepare your Systems Step #3 Get your VA Step #4 Train your VA Step #5 Manage your VA
  • 18. The Automated Agent Step #1 Prepare Yourself Delegation They wont do it as well as you You will still have the critical 20%
  • 19. The Automated Agent Step #1 Prepare Yourself Delegation 2016 Orlando Realtor Profile < 1 year of experience: 38% 1 Person Office: 57%
  • 20. The Automated Agent Step #1 Prepare Yourself They wont do it as well as you
  • 21. The Automated Agent Step #1 Prepare Yourself You will still have the critical 20%
  • 22. The Automated Agent Tell Me: How many of you currently delegate at least some of your workload to others?
  • 23. The Automated Agent Step #2 Prepare your systems You dont need the system stress test of living overseas to reap the benefits Heck, even a few less trips across town will save countless hours per week!
  • 24. The Automated Agent Step #2 Prepare your systems
  • 25. The Automated Agent Step #3 Get Your VA Three Types of Virtual Assistants: 1. Project-Based One Time Services 2. Task Based On Demand Services 3. Part or Full Time Integrated Virtual Assistants
  • 26. The Automated Agent Project Based - Fiverr
  • 27. The Automated Agent Task Based on Demand Task Bullet & Fancy Hands
  • 28. The Automated Agent Part or Full Time - Upwork
  • 29. The Automated Agent Step by Step Template for Your Own VA 1. For one day only, write down bullet points of everything that you do 2. Select two items that somebody else could do fairly easily 3. Go to Upwork.com and signup 4. Post a job 5. Find freelancers 6. Invite them for an interview 7. Send invitation 8. Video Interview on Upwork 9. *Listen for their English skills first
  • 30. The Automated Agent Step by Step Template for Your Own VA 9. Hire your VA! 10. Manage your VA: Gmail 11. Train your VA: Record the processes 1. Screencast o matic / YouTube 2. Google Docs 12.Require a Daily email 1. What did you do today? 2. What difficulties did you encounter? 3. Where do you need help?
  • 31. The Automated Agent Step 1: For one day only, write down bullet points of everything that you do 1.Morning walk with Podcast 2.Coffee with daughter 3.Check and reply to email 4.Check on the Buckeye football recruiting updates 5.Follow up on prospecting calls or outstanding docs 6.Set up lunch meetings with clients 7.Go to UPS store for stamps and pick up mail 8.Run updated CMAs and schedule price reductions 9.Play Tennis with buddies
  • 32. The Automated Agent Step 2: Select two items that somebody else could do fairly easily Eliminate Time Wasters: 4. Check on the Buckeye football recruiting updates
  • 33. The Automated Agent Step 2: Select two items that somebody else could do fairly easily Select a delegatable task - one that doesn't require your special expertise or can be repeated easily: 6. Set up lunch meetings with clients 8. Run updated CMAs and schedule price reduction conversations
  • 34. The Automated Agent Step 3: Go to Upwork.com and Sign Up
  • 35. The Automated Agent Step 4: Post a Job Category: Admin Support / Personal / Virtual Assistant Job Description: Please use a cover letter beginning with 'I love Florida Real Estate! Job Name: Real Estate VA needed Describe the work to be done: I am looking for someone to be my right hand guy or gal to help with my daily tasks as a real estate agent. These tasks include but are not limited to: calendar management, email management, posting online ads, transaction management. We can provide full training, attention to detail is a must! Skills Needed: Administrative Support, Virtual Assistant, Email Handling, Calendar Management How would you like to pay? Hourly Estimated Duration: 6 months Estimated Workload: Less than 30 hours per week Desired Experience Level: Entry Marketplace Visibility: Give my job maximum exposure
  • 36. The Automated Agent Step 4: Post a Job Number of Hires: I want to hire 1 freelancer Preferred Qualifications Freelancer Type: No Preference Minimum Feedback Score: At least 4.5 Hours Billed on oDesk: At least 1 hour Location: East Asia English Level: Fluent Screening Questions: Why do you think you are a good fit for this particular project? What past project or job have you had that is most like this one and why?
  • 37. The Automated Agent Step 5: Find Freelancers All Design & Creative Animation Audio Production Graphic Design Illustration Logo Design & Branding Photography Presentations Video Production Accounting Financial Planning Admin Support Data Entry Personal / Virtual Assistant Project Management Web Research Email & Marketing Automation Lead Generation Market & Customer Research Marketing Strategy SEM - Search Engine Marketing SEO - Search Engine Optimization SMM - Social Media Marketing
  • 38. The Automated Agent Step 5: Find Freelancers Category: Administrative Support / Personal Virtual Assistant Feedback: 4.5 and up Hourly Rate: $10 and below US English Basic Skills: Top 10% Location: Philippines Hours: At least 1 hour or $1 earned Last Activity: Within 1 month
  • 39. The Automated Agent Step 6: invite them for an interview
  • 40. The Automated Agent Step 7: Send Invitation with Below Text
  • 41. The Automated Agent Step 8: Video Interview in Upwork Question 1: What did you like about your last job and why? Just listen for their English skills, engage them with some follow up questions, but we are just evaluating their English Question 2: Tell me about your workspace Power and internet outages are fairly common in the Philippines, so make sure that they have a backup plan and that they have a place to work free from distractions. Question 3: Give me some examples of the coolest stuff that you have done at other jobs? See their enthusiasm, maybe get some great ideas. Similar to hiring an American. Above all listen for their English skills.
  • 42. The Automated Agent Step 9: Hire your VA! Click Hire Now
  • 43. The Automated Agent Step 9: Hire your VA! Related Job: Real Estate VA Contract Title: Personal Assistant Contract Type: Hourly Hourly Rate: $ 4.00 Weekly Limit: 10 hours/week Start Date: 09/01/2015 Message: Hi, Please review and accept my offer. I look forward to working with you. [Your name] Click Hire Now
  • 44. The Automated Agent Step 10: Manage Your VA - GMail
  • 45. The Automated Agent Step 11: Train your VA: Record your process
  • 46. The Automated Agent Step #4 Train Your VA I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened. -Mark Twain
  • 47. The Automated Agent Ask Yourself What is the worst that could happen? How much time/effort/money would it take for me to fix it?
  • 48. The Automated Agent Step #4 Train Your VA
  • 49. The Automated Agent Train #1 Do your tasks normally, but record
  • 50. The Automated Agent Train #2 Convert Activities into Steps
  • 51. The Automated Agent Train #3 Hand off 80% of your tasks
  • 52. The Automated Agent Train #3 Hand off 80% of tasks, done to your specs
  • 53. The Automated Agent Step #5 Manage Your VA These are real people! Philippine Holidays 13th Month Bonus Law in Philippines Communication Channels
  • 54. The Automated Agent Finally, a SYSTEM that will benefit clients as well: Your clients will appreciate: 1. Increased time with them 2. Time to take more classes and stay current with the latest trends and laws to provide better service for the clients 3. Improvement in accuracy and consistency of our administrative tasks done on behalf of the client
  • 55. The Automated Agent Would you like a copy of this presentation? Keep you up-to-date with the best practices in working with VAs Get this PowerPoint presentation Email terry@automatedagent.net