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Virtual Worlds & Second LifeMKTG 6226Prepared By: Alison Hoy	 	@AHoy09
Virtual WorldsBased on postmodernist concept of hyperrealities		“The idea that reality is constructed, and 	therefore it is possible to construct things that 	are more real than real” – Venkatesh et al.Existing virtual worlds include:
Second LifeFounded by Linden Labs in 2003Over 20 million registered residents, 800,000 actively usedUsers can construct alternative identities & environments$1 USD = Approx L$265
Virtual Worlds vs. Other Social MediaInteract with users in real-timeCreate fully customized virtual self-presentations in avatarsWorlds are 3-D versus 2-D
Corporate OpportunitiesAdvertising & communicationsSelling virtual productsMarket researchHuman resourcesInternal process management
5Cs of Success in Virtual WorldsCatch trafficCompensate presenceConsider InnovativenessCreating a learning environmentCare about avatars
Second Life CampaignsFailure:
Second Life CampaignsSuccess:

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