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Veras employers and
    clients say ...
        息 2010 Vera Struck
She employed a methodology that achieved
 results. Her organizational astuteness and
professionalism streamlined our accounting
        procedures and operations.

                  息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera is an asset to any organization because of
her strong work ethics and diverse background.
Her strengths included creative problem solving
     with effective communication skills.

                    息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera initiated and guided corporate
    sponsorships...she is an accomplished
 financial analyst,an engaged change agent,
 networker, and fundraiser for non-profits...
When Vera sets thing in motion, they move!

                   息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera has the ability to cross all borders. This
  serves her well...her students return to take
additional classes based on the excitement and
heightened awareness of what they experienced
   in her class. She is an enthusiastic and an
               effective educator.

                     息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera is the finest...an educator with a
determined attitude to enlighten her students.
It was a beneficial and stimulating experience
    to interact with Vera Struck as a fellow
        instructor... She is an inspiration
             to many of the faculty.
                   息 2010 Vera Struck
Your work exemplified a professionalism
found in all too few individuals. Your dedication
 to the job...your significant contributions...you
   were always a pleasure to work with. Your
  constant willingness to look for new ways to
  improve our processes and systems were two
     attributes which I admired in particular.
                      息 2010 Vera Struck
As Board Treasurer, Vera served for
  years...towards the realization of a dream...
legal live-in housing for the Fort Point Artists
 Community. Vera has the right attitude, skills
and creative resources to actualize success and
  achievement in whatever she undertakes.

                    息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera was ...instrumental in the conception and
implementation of a computerized analysis...
    allowing more effective management...
her duties were executed with professionalism,
enthusiasm...and cheerfulness. She would be a
  treasured asset wherever she is employed.
                    息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera is a self-starter, consummate professional,
 and delivers objectives in a timely manner...for
more than 4 years she utilized a strong working
   knowledge of the Internal Revenue Service
Code, as well as GAAP accounting procedures.

                     息 2010 Vera Struck
...the Board is grateful for your ongoing
support of the ECEC philosophy and for
 making it possible to donate additional
         thousands of dollars....

                  息 2010 Vera Struck
The quality of her work was excellent...
during my tenure as President of the A.I.C.P.A.
Vera is, a valuable asset to any accounting firm
  and I am most pleased to recommend her.

                     息 2010 Vera Struck
...dependable, conscientious...
     pleased to recommend
    her for a position in your
             息 2010 Vera Struck
Vera Struck


       息 2010 Vera Struck

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  • 1. Veras employers and clients say ... 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 2. She employed a methodology that achieved results. Her organizational astuteness and professionalism streamlined our accounting procedures and operations. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 3. Vera is an asset to any organization because of her strong work ethics and diverse background. Her strengths included creative problem solving with effective communication skills. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 4. Vera initiated and guided corporate sponsorships...she is an accomplished financial analyst,an engaged change agent, networker, and fundraiser for non-profits... When Vera sets thing in motion, they move! 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 5. Vera has the ability to cross all borders. This serves her well...her students return to take additional classes based on the excitement and heightened awareness of what they experienced in her class. She is an enthusiastic and an effective educator. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 6. Vera is the finest...an educator with a determined attitude to enlighten her students. It was a beneficial and stimulating experience to interact with Vera Struck as a fellow instructor... She is an inspiration to many of the faculty. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 7. Your work exemplified a professionalism found in all too few individuals. Your dedication to the job...your significant contributions...you were always a pleasure to work with. Your constant willingness to look for new ways to improve our processes and systems were two attributes which I admired in particular. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 8. As Board Treasurer, Vera served for years...towards the realization of a dream... legal live-in housing for the Fort Point Artists Community. Vera has the right attitude, skills and creative resources to actualize success and achievement in whatever she undertakes. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 9. Vera was ...instrumental in the conception and implementation of a computerized analysis... allowing more effective management... her duties were executed with professionalism, enthusiasm...and cheerfulness. She would be a treasured asset wherever she is employed. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 10. Vera is a self-starter, consummate professional, and delivers objectives in a timely manner...for more than 4 years she utilized a strong working knowledge of the Internal Revenue Service Code, as well as GAAP accounting procedures. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 11. ...the Board is grateful for your ongoing support of the ECEC philosophy and for making it possible to donate additional thousands of dollars.... 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 12. The quality of her work was excellent... during my tenure as President of the A.I.C.P.A. Vera is, a valuable asset to any accounting firm and I am most pleased to recommend her. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 13. ...dependable, conscientious... pleased to recommend her for a position in your organization. 息 2010 Vera Struck
  • 14. Vera Struck www.linkedin.com/in/verastruck verastruck@mac.com 息 2010 Vera Struck

Editor's Notes