El documento contiene promesas para convivir bien con los demás y con el medio ambiente. Incluye promesas de ser bueno, amable y tolerante con los demás; no hablar mal ni a espaldas de otros; y no contaminar, quemar basura o talar árboles para cuidar el medio ambiente. Fue escrito por Marilú y Angie.
Kerajaan Majapahit adalah kerajaan Hindu-Buddha terakhir yang berdiri dari tahun 1293 hingga 1500 di Jawa Timur dan menguasai sebagian besar Indonesia. Majapahit memiliki struktur pemerintahan teratur dengan raja sebagai kepala negara dan dibantu menteri dan dewan pertimbangan. Kekuasaan Majapahit mulai melemah pada abad ke-15 akibat perang saudara dan pemberontakan.
The document discusses conspiracy theories that claim the United States faked the moon landings and did not actually send astronauts to the moon. It presents evidence cited by conspiracy theorists, such as photos appearing to show the American flag waving in the moon's atmosphere, which does not exist, and a lack of impact craters under the lunar modules. However, the document also provides explanations from NASA for these observations, such as the flag being stored in a tube to cause ripples and the lunar surface being solid rock so craters would not necessarily form from the modules landing. The document examines videos and evidence from both supporters and critics of the moon landing missions.
Wooden frame houses in Germany use wooden frames, bricks for walls, and ceramic roof tiles. Gel houses in Mongolia are portable nomadic dwellings used by herders, with a wool-filled cloth covering over a wooden pole framework. Houses in southern Morocco are made of sun-dried clay bricks mixed with water and molded, then assembled and plastered with clay. Native American tepees were portable cone-shaped tents carried on horses, covered with buffalo hides or canvas, and used for hunting or festivals. Batak houses in Indonesia are stilt houses with ornamental carvings meant to ward off evil, using natural red, white, and black pigments representing the cosmic spheres.
A Virtual student made Power Point showcasing 21st century skills along with learning the 50 states. Students created their own slides and gave presentation on their states.
This document outlines a virtual field trip created by a 2nd grade class that focuses on learning about different states in the United States. It includes pages from several students where they provide the state abbreviation, capital, animal, and a fun fact for their assigned state. It also lists some suggested extension activities for learning more about states through social studies, apps, math, writing, spelling, art, and songs. Links are included for additional facts and resources on the 50 U.S. states.
El documento contiene promesas para convivir bien con los demás y con el medio ambiente. Incluye promesas de ser bueno, amable y tolerante con los demás; no hablar mal ni a espaldas de otros; y no contaminar, quemar basura o talar árboles para cuidar el medio ambiente. Fue escrito por Marilú y Angie.
Kerajaan Majapahit adalah kerajaan Hindu-Buddha terakhir yang berdiri dari tahun 1293 hingga 1500 di Jawa Timur dan menguasai sebagian besar Indonesia. Majapahit memiliki struktur pemerintahan teratur dengan raja sebagai kepala negara dan dibantu menteri dan dewan pertimbangan. Kekuasaan Majapahit mulai melemah pada abad ke-15 akibat perang saudara dan pemberontakan.
The document discusses conspiracy theories that claim the United States faked the moon landings and did not actually send astronauts to the moon. It presents evidence cited by conspiracy theorists, such as photos appearing to show the American flag waving in the moon's atmosphere, which does not exist, and a lack of impact craters under the lunar modules. However, the document also provides explanations from NASA for these observations, such as the flag being stored in a tube to cause ripples and the lunar surface being solid rock so craters would not necessarily form from the modules landing. The document examines videos and evidence from both supporters and critics of the moon landing missions.
Wooden frame houses in Germany use wooden frames, bricks for walls, and ceramic roof tiles. Gel houses in Mongolia are portable nomadic dwellings used by herders, with a wool-filled cloth covering over a wooden pole framework. Houses in southern Morocco are made of sun-dried clay bricks mixed with water and molded, then assembled and plastered with clay. Native American tepees were portable cone-shaped tents carried on horses, covered with buffalo hides or canvas, and used for hunting or festivals. Batak houses in Indonesia are stilt houses with ornamental carvings meant to ward off evil, using natural red, white, and black pigments representing the cosmic spheres.
A Virtual student made Power Point showcasing 21st century skills along with learning the 50 states. Students created their own slides and gave presentation on their states.
This document outlines a virtual field trip created by a 2nd grade class that focuses on learning about different states in the United States. It includes pages from several students where they provide the state abbreviation, capital, animal, and a fun fact for their assigned state. It also lists some suggested extension activities for learning more about states through social studies, apps, math, writing, spelling, art, and songs. Links are included for additional facts and resources on the 50 U.S. states.
Telecamere N&D alta risoluzione
Specifiche funzionali
VSCC-B2013P/B2313P sono telecamere digitali a colori
Night&Day, Frame Integration, WDR ad alta risoluzione per
la videosorveglianza a circuito chiuso e utilizzano un sen-
sore CCD da 1/3ʼʼ 470,000 pixels. Inoltre integrano al loro
interno la funzione privacy zone (24).
Caratteristiche Dimensioni (mm)
• 1/3ʼʼ Super HAD Progressive CCD
• Commutazione giorno/notte (filtro meccanico)
• Risoluzione orizzontale 540 (colore) - 570 (b/n)
• DNR (Riduzione digitale del rumore)
• Illuminazione minima: 0,0005 (colore) - 0,00005 (b/n) lux
• 24 privacy zone
• Motion detector
• 2X zoom
• RS485 controllo remoto
• Alimentazione: 220Vac (VSCC-B2013P) - 12Vdc/24Vac
Specifiche Tecniche
Immagine Dimensione 1/3" Super HAD PS CCD,470K pixel
Pixel effettivi PAL :752(H)x 582(V)
Metodo di scansione 2:1 interfaccio
Scansione Orizzontale PAL:15,625 Hz
Frequenza di linea 50 Hz
Metodo di sincron. Interno/line lock(Vphase)
Risoluzione Orizzontale Colore: 540 linee TV / Bianco/Nero: 570 linee TV
Segnale di uscita VBS1,0 Vpp(75 ohm,(composito)
Rapporto S/N Rapporto S/N 50db
TIpo di obiettivo C/CS
Illuminaz. minima Colore: 0,0005(sense up 256x,15 IRE )lux / B/n: 0,00005(sense up 256x,15 IRE)lux
Funzioni Privacy zone Off-On (max 24 aree)
Giono/notte Giorno-Notte /automatico/esterno
Motion Detection Off/On (4 aree)
Wide Dinamic Range No
Digital zoom Off-2X
Velocità shutter Off/1/10K sec
Sense-Up Off/256X
BLC Off/On(settaggio aree)
AGC Off/Basso /Alto
ELC Off/On(Max1/100K sec
Line Lock Off/On
Identificativo telecamera Off/On
Bilanciamento del bianco ATW1/ATW2/AWC/MANUAL
OSD Telecamera Si
Uscita allarmi Si
Controllo remoto RS 485(Half)
Temperatura di esercizio -10° ~ +50°
Umidità di esercizio 90%
Alimentazione AC24V/DC12V
Assorbimento 3,5W
Dimensioni (LxHxP) / Peso 68x55x128,7 mm / 410 g