This document provides recollections and recommendations written by the author about their longtime friend and client, Walt Harris. Over their 15 year working relationship, the author created storyboards, sketches, and other artwork to bring Walt's advertising ideas to life for various automotive clients. The document reflects on their collaborative process, memorable projects they worked on together over the years for agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi, and how their relationship evolved as both their careers progressed. It concludes by expressing sadness at losing touch with Walt in recent years and only recently learning that he passed away.
Task 10 hwo to use indesign and daniel radcliffeelliemoney
Daniel Radcliffe discusses his unusual career choices since starring in the Harry Potter films, preferring roles in independent and strange films rather than mainstream blockbusters. He talks about his role in the new film Victor Frankenstein playing Igor and enjoying aspects of larger studio films like action scenes. Radcliffe also discusses his openness in interviews and admits a misunderstanding from a previous interview where he did not actually masturbate on the Harry Potter film set as was reported. He remains fond of the Harry Potter franchise and jokes about another actor's costume in an upcoming spin-off film.
The document summarizes an opening sequence created for a psychological thriller film called "Destitute". The sequence introduces victims who appear scared and bruised in the back of a driver's isolated car at night. Questions are posed about what happened to the victims and why to build tension without revealing too much. Typical thriller conventions like an ominous musical score and expressionless "monster" driver are used to unsettle the audience.
This document provides an overview of the beginning of a Sims community called Uncanny Valley. The founder, Heaven Lindemann, brings the first settlers to an empty lot. At an initial welcoming party, several romantic pairings form spontaneously. Heaven begins a romantic relationship with Nabila. Kareema works to get electricity and plumbing set up for the town. Stephanie offers to help her with this project. The community is off to an interesting start with new dynamics and relationships unfolding between the settlers.
Tarsem directed the film The Fall, which was shot over 6 years in 24 countries. It centers on a paraplegic man telling a fantasy story to a hospitalized child. To maintain realism for the child actress, Tarsem pretended the actor playing the paraplegic man was actually paralyzed, not telling crew members or actors he could walk. Much of the film was unscripted, allowing the child to determine the story's progression naturally through improvisation. Tarsem utilized commercial work to fund location shooting for the film by choosing jobs that took him to desired locations.
Textual analysis of American Horror Story HotelLauraKN
The opening titles of American Horror Story Hotel use various shots and imagery to subtly foreshadow many important elements of the show. Close-ups of blood and people cleaning imply violence and secrecy. Shots through doors and of room 64 create intrigue about what is hidden inside the hotel. Stylized neon text and the inclusion of religious symbols hint that religion and secrets will be significant themes. The effective title sequence draws in viewers by teasing the dark and mysterious events that will be revealed throughout the season.
Artist Jeff Scher has two major shows of his animated films coming up in the fall. His films use techniques like rotoscoping, in which live-action footage is traced and re-drawn frame by frame. This gives his narratives a fluid, unpredictable quality that invites personal interpretation. Rather than focusing on themes of despair, Scher's stories leave viewers with a sense of hope and wholeness. His busy fall highlights how he is an acclaimed, though somewhat removed, figure in the art world.
This biography summarizes pop singer Liv J. It notes that she was discovered on YouTube by Simon Cowell, who signed her to a record contract. She toured as a supporting act for One Direction and has since had her own headlining tour. Her biggest hit to date is the number 1 single "Right Now" featuring Justin Bieber. The biography provides details about her musical style and influences, her signature flower crowns worn on stage, and her ambitions to have a number 1 album and win a BRIT award.
Here are a few key points about the conclusion:
- It brings the interview full circle by returning to the topic of Radcliffe's role in the upcoming film Victor Frankenstein and his character Igor. This gives a sense of resolution.
- Radcliffe expresses his admiration and slight envy of Eddie Redmayne's costume in the Fantastic Beasts film, jokingly saying "Fuck you, Eddie, in your brilliant costume...I got jeans and a zip top for 10 years and youve got a greatcoat already?". This shows his good humor and plays into his odd/quirky public persona.
- He discusses his interest in seeing the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play, which continues Harry's
This picture book tells a Christmas story through a series of web pages and URLs. Each page alternates between promoting a website called "" that can launch pages in 60 seconds and a site called "". It concludes by wishing readers a merry Christmas.
The document proposes a green space design called ReggieGarden for a balcony at Block D Level 5 to provide a stress-relieving environment for medical students. Key elements include potted trees for shade, fragrant plants, benches, bean bags, pergolas, and a water feature. A site analysis identified the space as suitable due to its size, accessibility, and views. The concept aims to calm students through their senses. The proposal includes a master plan, perspectives, planting plan, cost estimates, construction details, and 6-month maintenance plan totaling $7,230.
1. The document provides lesson materials for a Grade 3 MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) class on the topic of melody and form.
2. It includes 7 lessons that cover musical concepts like pitch, melodic contour, perfect pitch, musical form, repetitions in music, musical lines, beginning and ending, and singing in tune.
3. Each lesson includes introductions to the concepts, example songs and activities for students to explore the concepts through singing, playing instruments, drawing, and body movements.
The document provides tips for using LinkedIn to grow a professional network and increase profits. It recommends completing your profile with a photo, resume, and up-to-date information to brand yourself positively. It also suggests connecting with your existing contacts database, joining relevant industry groups to become a thought leader, actively participating and seeking connections, and starting a group for your peers or clients to further build your network.
The curious case of joan rivers by Mellini KantayyaBryan R. Adams
The document discusses Joan Rivers' career trajectory from edgy comedian to mainstream celebrity. It notes that Rivers was a pioneering female comedian but is not viewed as a comedy trailblazer like Lenny Bruce because she never turned down work and wanted mainstream success. The document argues that Rivers' willingness to do any job for money, including endorsements where she would wear dentures or diapers, undermined her desire to be taken seriously as an artist later in her career. However, the document also admires Rivers' perseverance and willingness to continue performing and honing her craft despite criticism and career setbacks.
The interviewee is British gymnast Max Whitlock. The interview is conducted in a question and answer format where Whitlock provides concise answers about his career, family, goals, and personal life. Some key details he shares include winning gold medals in pommel horse and floor exercise at the 2016 Rio Olympics, crediting his parents for their support of his gymnastics career from a young age, and his engagement to be married to his long-time girlfriend Leah in 2023.
The document discusses different types of music magazine articles - free flowing articles and Q&A style articles. Free flowing articles require the writer to describe scenes and express opinions to set an atmosphere, while Q&As are easier to create by simply writing questions and answers. After analyzing examples of each style, the conclusion is that a free flowing article would allow more creative expression, but a Q&A is good for getting specific information from an artist and is interesting for readers. The decision is made to produce a free flowing article to take advantage of the more open format.
The Creators of Kill Shakespeare; William Shakespeare Should've Been An Ortho...Mimic Octopus Man
This is Jeff Lemire's email.
Jeff Lemire (
This is Charlie Olson's email.
charlie@inkwellmanagement.comThis is Connor McCreery's email.
遑ThisisEmErdman'semail.emerdmanart@gmail.comThis is the email of Noni Kaur/Noni Lioness. Kaur means lioness.noni.kaur@humber.caThisistheemailofColeSwanson.cole.swanson@humber.caTheseareemailsofmyformerstudents.skalyanpur1992@gmail.comferreiraa09kaylaferreiraa@hotmail.comkarleena.cheung@hotmail.comgallivanta@hotmail.comwormmoon1994@gmail.comCreativepeoplelikeartists,writers,andmusicianscreatepredictiveprogramming.Theycanpredictthefuture.Forexample,WilliamShakespearewasanEnglishplaywright,poetandactor.Hecouldpredictthefuture.,CharlieOlsen,EmErdman,AnthonyDelCol,ConnorMcCreery,KaganMcLeod,AndyB,NoniKaur/NoniLioness,ColeSwanson,ShalakaKalyanpur,KaylaFerreia,KarleenaCheung,TerryGallivan,andChelseaJoOrlandomustbecomeorthodoxTrotskyists/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunists/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticsocialists/Trotskyists/oneworlddemocraticcommunists/oneworlddemocraticsocialists.WrittenFriday,July212023TheICFIisanevilsterilesect.INTERNATIONALSECTOFTHEFOURTHINTERNATIONAL,theymustopposetheevilAlphaDraconians/fallenangels,evilCarians/fallenangels,evilCarian-humanhybrids/Carumans/Humarians/angel-humanhybrids/Nephilim,AlphaDraconian-humanhybrids/AlphaDracumans/AlphaHumonians/Nephilim,Carian-animalhybrids/Caranimals/Anarians,andAlphaDraconian-animalhybrids/AlphaDracimals/AlphaAnimonians.WhatTheAlpha-DraconianReptiliansReallyLookLike...,theymustpromotePleistocenerewilding.,theymustpromotefreeinggoodhumansfromjaillikeJulianAssange.JulianAssangeexposedwarcrimesinIraq.,theorthodoxTrotskyist/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunist/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticsocialist/Trotskyist/oneworlddemocraticcommunist/oneworlddemocraticsocialistpremier/generalsecretary/king,withhisbooks.Also,StevenCandaeiswouldsayaboutShalakaKalyanpur,EekalakaShalakaHorse'sCocka.Also,Iwanttobeahermitintherewildedwild.WrittenSun,Sep10,2023Eusingsisshortforeusocialbeings.TrotsarealsocalledEusings.
This article is a Q&A with Harry Styles of One Direction. In it, Styles discusses the band's amazing year in 2012, including being Billboard's Top New Artist. He shares some of his personal music tastes, including The Lumineers and Elvis Perkins. Styles says one of his personal highlights was One Direction performing at the Olympics where their families were present. He also discusses enjoying their performance at the VMAs where they won three awards. Styles notes an upcoming concert film will allow fans to look back at footage of their performances.
Public Law Essay Plans - Lecture Notes 1-12 - PubliKatie Williams
Here are the key steps for conducting this experiment to determine the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate:
1. Prepare sodium thiosulphate solutions of different known concentrations (e.g. 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M).
2. Prepare hydrochloric acid solutions of the same concentrations.
3. Place a cross marked on paper under a conical flask. This will serve as the timer.
4. Add the sodium thiosulphate solution to the conical flask. Start the timer.
5. Quickly add the hydrochloric acid solution to the conical flask and start timing how long it takes
Daniel Radcliffe discusses his unconventional career choices since Harry Potter and his dislike of being pigeonholed. The article describes Radcliffe as cheerful yet odd, choosing strange and complex roles rather than mainstream parts. It notes his openness in the interview and willingness to discuss both his career and personal life. Radcliffe expresses surprise that the Potter franchise continues expanding but interest in seeing its future portrayal and how fans still find meaning in the stories from their childhood. The piece presents Radcliffe as not fully realizing his own fame despite constant public recognition.
My Hobby Essay Class 12. Online assignment writing service.Jenny Price
The document discusses the leadership roles of Demetrio Macias, the main character in the novel The Underdogs. It describes how Macias takes on leadership positions within his community by organizing protests and advocating for worker's rights as a union leader. The challenges he faces in these roles, such as pushback from authorities, are also examined.
The document is an interview transcript with actor Daniel Radcliffe. It discusses his unconventional career choices since Harry Potter, taking roles in independent and unusual films. It also covers his thoughts on the expanding Harry Potter universe, including the new Fantastic Beasts film and upcoming Harry Potter play. The interview highlights Radcliffe's odd but likeable personality and how he hasn't fully embraced being a famous film star despite his massive success in the Potter films. He remains enthusiastic about the series and its continued popularity among fans.
The document summarizes an interview with actor Daniel Radcliffe. It discusses his unconventional career choices since playing Harry Potter, taking on strange and unique roles. It describes Radcliffe as humble and down-to-earth, despite his fame from playing Potter. The article notes Radcliffe's affinity for older TV shows and his frankness in interviews. It concludes that what makes Radcliffe unusual is that he does not seem to realize how famous he is as an actor.
The document is a transcript of a talk given by Pete Forde at CUSEC in 2010. In the summary:
Pete Forde gives a unconventional talk where he discusses various topics in a free-flowing, candid manner. He talks about his career in software development, starting his company Unspace, his views on entrepreneurship and leadership, and his unconventional approach to life and work. He encourages the audience to see their lives and careers as ongoing 5-year plans and to constantly challenge themselves.
This article profiles Daniel Radcliffe and discusses his unconventional career choices since starring in the Harry Potter films. It notes that rather than taking mainstream leading roles, Radcliffe has chosen to star in strange, independent films playing unusual characters. It provides examples of some of these roles and quotes Radcliffe explaining that he doesn't think the films are weird, just stories he finds interesting. The article characterizes Radcliffe as Britain's weirdest film star and discusses his ongoing enthusiasm for and connection to the Harry Potter franchise despite it ending years ago.
Task 10 InDesgin guide and the article on Daniel Radcliffe greenie101
Daniel Radcliffe discusses his unconventional career choices after playing Harry Potter, including roles in strange indie films. He enjoys taking on weird and interesting characters rather than traditional leading man roles. Radcliffe also talks about his experience with fame from a young age and how it has impacted his perspective. He remains open to discussing both his work and personal life, and still engages enthusiastically with the Harry Potter franchise despite its conclusion years ago.
The document provides information about the structure and elements of a news article. It outlines the typical sections like the headline, standfirst, byline, picture credit, drop cap, crosshead, grab quote, caption, and main image. It then discusses the differences between a question and answer (Q&A) style article and a free-flowing style article. The author analyzes a sample free-flowing article interviewing Daniel Radcliffe and determines that a Q&A format would be better suited for their needs because it is more linear, extracts the main information easily, and avoids unnecessary descriptions. They conclude that a Q&A article would be the best choice for their interview double-page spread.
Based on your analysis, I would choose to do a Q&A style article rather than a free flowing article for the following three reasons:
1. The Q&A style is simpler and more straightforward to write since it involves posing questions and recording answers rather than crafting longer descriptive paragraphs. This format would better suit my current writing abilities.
2. My primary research found that readers prefer less writing and more imagery, which the Q&A style provides through its brevity and inclusion of quotes from the subject. It would therefore be a more effective style for my intended audience.
3. Doing a Q&A article would help my magazine stand out from others that typically feature free-flowing articles. This differentiation could attract
Daniel Radcliffe is interviewed about his career after Harry Potter. While famous from the hugely successful Potter films, Radcliffe chooses unusual roles in independent movies rather than mainstream blockbusters. He discusses some of these strange roles and says he has odd tastes, finding weird stories more interesting than always playing handsome heroes. Radcliffe also talks openly about his fame from Potter and struggles with alcohol as a teenager, but seems to have a grounded perspective on his celebrity status.
This picture book tells a Christmas story through a series of web pages and URLs. Each page alternates between promoting a website called "" that can launch pages in 60 seconds and a site called "". It concludes by wishing readers a merry Christmas.
The document proposes a green space design called ReggieGarden for a balcony at Block D Level 5 to provide a stress-relieving environment for medical students. Key elements include potted trees for shade, fragrant plants, benches, bean bags, pergolas, and a water feature. A site analysis identified the space as suitable due to its size, accessibility, and views. The concept aims to calm students through their senses. The proposal includes a master plan, perspectives, planting plan, cost estimates, construction details, and 6-month maintenance plan totaling $7,230.
1. The document provides lesson materials for a Grade 3 MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) class on the topic of melody and form.
2. It includes 7 lessons that cover musical concepts like pitch, melodic contour, perfect pitch, musical form, repetitions in music, musical lines, beginning and ending, and singing in tune.
3. Each lesson includes introductions to the concepts, example songs and activities for students to explore the concepts through singing, playing instruments, drawing, and body movements.
The document provides tips for using LinkedIn to grow a professional network and increase profits. It recommends completing your profile with a photo, resume, and up-to-date information to brand yourself positively. It also suggests connecting with your existing contacts database, joining relevant industry groups to become a thought leader, actively participating and seeking connections, and starting a group for your peers or clients to further build your network.
The curious case of joan rivers by Mellini KantayyaBryan R. Adams
The document discusses Joan Rivers' career trajectory from edgy comedian to mainstream celebrity. It notes that Rivers was a pioneering female comedian but is not viewed as a comedy trailblazer like Lenny Bruce because she never turned down work and wanted mainstream success. The document argues that Rivers' willingness to do any job for money, including endorsements where she would wear dentures or diapers, undermined her desire to be taken seriously as an artist later in her career. However, the document also admires Rivers' perseverance and willingness to continue performing and honing her craft despite criticism and career setbacks.
The interviewee is British gymnast Max Whitlock. The interview is conducted in a question and answer format where Whitlock provides concise answers about his career, family, goals, and personal life. Some key details he shares include winning gold medals in pommel horse and floor exercise at the 2016 Rio Olympics, crediting his parents for their support of his gymnastics career from a young age, and his engagement to be married to his long-time girlfriend Leah in 2023.
The document discusses different types of music magazine articles - free flowing articles and Q&A style articles. Free flowing articles require the writer to describe scenes and express opinions to set an atmosphere, while Q&As are easier to create by simply writing questions and answers. After analyzing examples of each style, the conclusion is that a free flowing article would allow more creative expression, but a Q&A is good for getting specific information from an artist and is interesting for readers. The decision is made to produce a free flowing article to take advantage of the more open format.
The Creators of Kill Shakespeare; William Shakespeare Should've Been An Ortho...Mimic Octopus Man
This is Jeff Lemire's email.
Jeff Lemire (
This is Charlie Olson's email.
charlie@inkwellmanagement.comThis is Connor McCreery's email.
遑ThisisEmErdman'semail.emerdmanart@gmail.comThis is the email of Noni Kaur/Noni Lioness. Kaur means lioness.noni.kaur@humber.caThisistheemailofColeSwanson.cole.swanson@humber.caTheseareemailsofmyformerstudents.skalyanpur1992@gmail.comferreiraa09kaylaferreiraa@hotmail.comkarleena.cheung@hotmail.comgallivanta@hotmail.comwormmoon1994@gmail.comCreativepeoplelikeartists,writers,andmusicianscreatepredictiveprogramming.Theycanpredictthefuture.Forexample,WilliamShakespearewasanEnglishplaywright,poetandactor.Hecouldpredictthefuture.,CharlieOlsen,EmErdman,AnthonyDelCol,ConnorMcCreery,KaganMcLeod,AndyB,NoniKaur/NoniLioness,ColeSwanson,ShalakaKalyanpur,KaylaFerreia,KarleenaCheung,TerryGallivan,andChelseaJoOrlandomustbecomeorthodoxTrotskyists/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunists/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticsocialists/Trotskyists/oneworlddemocraticcommunists/oneworlddemocraticsocialists.WrittenFriday,July212023TheICFIisanevilsterilesect.INTERNATIONALSECTOFTHEFOURTHINTERNATIONAL,theymustopposetheevilAlphaDraconians/fallenangels,evilCarians/fallenangels,evilCarian-humanhybrids/Carumans/Humarians/angel-humanhybrids/Nephilim,AlphaDraconian-humanhybrids/AlphaDracumans/AlphaHumonians/Nephilim,Carian-animalhybrids/Caranimals/Anarians,andAlphaDraconian-animalhybrids/AlphaDracimals/AlphaAnimonians.WhatTheAlpha-DraconianReptiliansReallyLookLike...,theymustpromotePleistocenerewilding.,theymustpromotefreeinggoodhumansfromjaillikeJulianAssange.JulianAssangeexposedwarcrimesinIraq.,theorthodoxTrotskyist/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunist/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticsocialist/Trotskyist/oneworlddemocraticcommunist/oneworlddemocraticsocialistpremier/generalsecretary/king,withhisbooks.Also,StevenCandaeiswouldsayaboutShalakaKalyanpur,EekalakaShalakaHorse'sCocka.Also,Iwanttobeahermitintherewildedwild.WrittenSun,Sep10,2023Eusingsisshortforeusocialbeings.TrotsarealsocalledEusings.
This article is a Q&A with Harry Styles of One Direction. In it, Styles discusses the band's amazing year in 2012, including being Billboard's Top New Artist. He shares some of his personal music tastes, including The Lumineers and Elvis Perkins. Styles says one of his personal highlights was One Direction performing at the Olympics where their families were present. He also discusses enjoying their performance at the VMAs where they won three awards. Styles notes an upcoming concert film will allow fans to look back at footage of their performances.
Public Law Essay Plans - Lecture Notes 1-12 - PubliKatie Williams
Here are the key steps for conducting this experiment to determine the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate:
1. Prepare sodium thiosulphate solutions of different known concentrations (e.g. 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M).
2. Prepare hydrochloric acid solutions of the same concentrations.
3. Place a cross marked on paper under a conical flask. This will serve as the timer.
4. Add the sodium thiosulphate solution to the conical flask. Start the timer.
5. Quickly add the hydrochloric acid solution to the conical flask and start timing how long it takes
Daniel Radcliffe discusses his unconventional career choices since Harry Potter and his dislike of being pigeonholed. The article describes Radcliffe as cheerful yet odd, choosing strange and complex roles rather than mainstream parts. It notes his openness in the interview and willingness to discuss both his career and personal life. Radcliffe expresses surprise that the Potter franchise continues expanding but interest in seeing its future portrayal and how fans still find meaning in the stories from their childhood. The piece presents Radcliffe as not fully realizing his own fame despite constant public recognition.
My Hobby Essay Class 12. Online assignment writing service.Jenny Price
The document discusses the leadership roles of Demetrio Macias, the main character in the novel The Underdogs. It describes how Macias takes on leadership positions within his community by organizing protests and advocating for worker's rights as a union leader. The challenges he faces in these roles, such as pushback from authorities, are also examined.
The document is an interview transcript with actor Daniel Radcliffe. It discusses his unconventional career choices since Harry Potter, taking roles in independent and unusual films. It also covers his thoughts on the expanding Harry Potter universe, including the new Fantastic Beasts film and upcoming Harry Potter play. The interview highlights Radcliffe's odd but likeable personality and how he hasn't fully embraced being a famous film star despite his massive success in the Potter films. He remains enthusiastic about the series and its continued popularity among fans.
The document summarizes an interview with actor Daniel Radcliffe. It discusses his unconventional career choices since playing Harry Potter, taking on strange and unique roles. It describes Radcliffe as humble and down-to-earth, despite his fame from playing Potter. The article notes Radcliffe's affinity for older TV shows and his frankness in interviews. It concludes that what makes Radcliffe unusual is that he does not seem to realize how famous he is as an actor.
The document is a transcript of a talk given by Pete Forde at CUSEC in 2010. In the summary:
Pete Forde gives a unconventional talk where he discusses various topics in a free-flowing, candid manner. He talks about his career in software development, starting his company Unspace, his views on entrepreneurship and leadership, and his unconventional approach to life and work. He encourages the audience to see their lives and careers as ongoing 5-year plans and to constantly challenge themselves.
This article profiles Daniel Radcliffe and discusses his unconventional career choices since starring in the Harry Potter films. It notes that rather than taking mainstream leading roles, Radcliffe has chosen to star in strange, independent films playing unusual characters. It provides examples of some of these roles and quotes Radcliffe explaining that he doesn't think the films are weird, just stories he finds interesting. The article characterizes Radcliffe as Britain's weirdest film star and discusses his ongoing enthusiasm for and connection to the Harry Potter franchise despite it ending years ago.
Task 10 InDesgin guide and the article on Daniel Radcliffe greenie101
Daniel Radcliffe discusses his unconventional career choices after playing Harry Potter, including roles in strange indie films. He enjoys taking on weird and interesting characters rather than traditional leading man roles. Radcliffe also talks about his experience with fame from a young age and how it has impacted his perspective. He remains open to discussing both his work and personal life, and still engages enthusiastically with the Harry Potter franchise despite its conclusion years ago.
The document provides information about the structure and elements of a news article. It outlines the typical sections like the headline, standfirst, byline, picture credit, drop cap, crosshead, grab quote, caption, and main image. It then discusses the differences between a question and answer (Q&A) style article and a free-flowing style article. The author analyzes a sample free-flowing article interviewing Daniel Radcliffe and determines that a Q&A format would be better suited for their needs because it is more linear, extracts the main information easily, and avoids unnecessary descriptions. They conclude that a Q&A article would be the best choice for their interview double-page spread.
Based on your analysis, I would choose to do a Q&A style article rather than a free flowing article for the following three reasons:
1. The Q&A style is simpler and more straightforward to write since it involves posing questions and recording answers rather than crafting longer descriptive paragraphs. This format would better suit my current writing abilities.
2. My primary research found that readers prefer less writing and more imagery, which the Q&A style provides through its brevity and inclusion of quotes from the subject. It would therefore be a more effective style for my intended audience.
3. Doing a Q&A article would help my magazine stand out from others that typically feature free-flowing articles. This differentiation could attract
Daniel Radcliffe is interviewed about his career after Harry Potter. While famous from the hugely successful Potter films, Radcliffe chooses unusual roles in independent movies rather than mainstream blockbusters. He discusses some of these strange roles and says he has odd tastes, finding weird stories more interesting than always playing handsome heroes. Radcliffe also talks openly about his fame from Potter and struggles with alcohol as a teenager, but seems to have a grounded perspective on his celebrity status.
This summary provides an overview of the article in 3 sentences:
The article profiles British actor Daniel Radcliffe, known for playing Harry Potter, and discusses his unconventional career choices in playing unusual roles in independent and studio films since the end of the Potter series. These roles include a haunted lawyer, a man turning into a devil, and a hunchbacked assistant in Frankenstein, showing Radcliffe's taste for "weird" films rather than mainstream leading man roles. The article examines Radcliffe's openness in interviews, his enthusiasm for discussing obscure pop culture references from his childhood, and his willingness to continue discussing the Harry Potter franchise despite its conclusion years ago.
This document summarizes an interview with actor Daniel Radcliffe. Some key points:
- Radcliffe discusses his unconventional career choices after Harry Potter, taking roles in strange indie films rather than mainstream blockbusters.
- He is known for being a cheerful and open interview subject, readily discussing his interests which include older British sitcoms.
- Radcliffe remains fond of discussing the Harry Potter films but acknowledges he is lucky to be associated with a beloved franchise rather than something more controversial.
- The document was written when the first Fantastic Beasts film was being promoted, and Radcliffe reacts enthusiastically to images from the film while joking about his plain Potter costumes.
The article profiles British actor Daniel Radcliffe, known best for his role as Harry Potter, discussing his unconventional career choices in independent films since the franchise ended, his self-deprecating and cheerful personality during an interview, and his perspective on the ongoing popularity and expansion of the Harry Potter universe despite having moved on from the role.
The article profiles British actor Daniel Radcliffe through an in-depth interview. It describes Radcliffe's unconventional career choices since starring in the Harry Potter films, including playing strange and unusual roles. Radcliffe discusses wanting to prove himself as an actor beyond Potter and not taking the typical leading man roles. He comes across as cheerful, frank and down-to-earth regarding his massive fame from Potter. While proud of his work in the films, Radcliffe seems not to fully realize his own celebrity status. The journalist argues this odd self-awareness is what makes Radcliffe Britain's strangest film star.
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IPTV is a modern way to stream TV shows, movies, and live channels using the internet instead of cable or satellite. Unlike traditional TV, IPTV offers on-demand content across multiple devices like Smart TVs, smartphones, Firestick, and Android boxes. Enjoy 4K streaming, live sports, international channels, and a vast content libraryall at a fraction of the cost of cable.
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Types of IPTV Services
Live IPTV Streaming live TV channels in real time, similar to traditional broadcasts.
Time-Shifted IPTV Allows users to watch previously aired content (like catch-up TV).
Video-On-Demand (VOD) On-demand access to movies, shows, and other content.
Key Features of IPTV Subscription:
Live TV Streaming: Watch live broadcasts of news, sports, or entertainment channels.
Video on Demand (VOD): Access a library of movies and TV shows to watch whenever you want.
Time-Shifted Content: Pause, rewind, or watch previously aired shows (Catch-Up TV).
High-Quality Streaming: Often includes HD or 4K resolution options, depending on the provider and your internet connection.
Device Compatibility: Works on a range of devices, including Smart TVs, streaming boxes (like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick), and mobile devices.
Common Requirements:
A stable and fast internet connection (minimum of 10 Mbps recommended for HD streaming).
A compatible IPTV player app or device (e.g., VLC, Kodi, or a dedicated IPTV box).
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2. This is a recommendation I wrote for Walt, May, 2009. I thought it was pretty darn
clever of me. Had I known that he was going through such apparent turmoil, I might
not have been so glib. But indeed, this perfectly illustrates how our relationship
actually worked.
Its ten pm on no particular evening and it is Walt on the phone asking me to help him concoct a
new, fresh idea he needs by the end of the day tomorrow.
"Hey Walt, it is ten pm man, this better be good!"
He retorts, "Sorry man, I just got this idea and it is better than anything I have so is perfect
and you're the only one I trust to pull this off, you know!"
I reply,"Yeh man, I appreciate the compliment, but geez, it is late and how much is this great, new
idea gonna cost, man.
"Hey, he says, "Don't worry 'bout it, I gotcha covered man, you know I do!"
I reply, "Okay, okay, man, fax me the script... Walt, you owe me big time... again!"
That's Walt Harris. Intense, dedicated to providing the best solutions to a client's need. No matter
what it takes. You just have to respect someone that goes that extra mile, pushes the envelope.
He's a talented designer, adept storyteller and a crafty salesman. Hell, he sells me into striving for
the impossible just about every time he calls... And, more often than not, those insane moments
turn into great commercials.
I'd recommend him in a second. Walt, it has always been pleasure.
3. It is not my intention, now, to highlight my
accomplishments through all the great art directors I
have had the privilege to work with. Originally, I was
going use the assembled work to promote my talents.
It is a strange coincidence that Walt Harris was one of
the first art directors I plan to incorporate for that
purpose. Believe me when I say, I have almost every
pitch I ever worked on with Walt, in some form or
another. To add any more than I am showing here truly
would be only selfserving.
And that is not my intention
4. It was called Dancer, Fitzgerald, Sample
When I first came to what would eventually be called Saatchi, I
showed my student portfolio to Gale Napier and Ron Wolin.
Barron Storey gave me a host of his contacts when we graduated
from Art Center. About a year later, Gale was the first person to
hire me for a storyboard though I dont remember the details. I
later did some work for Ron, but I dont think it went to well. Ron
and illustrator, Larry Salk, were SILA members and thats how I
got my foot in to that door. I once brought my five or six year old
son to deliver a job and crusty, but lovable Katherine Johnson
took a liking to him. Though the dates are quite fuzzy, I am sure
that thats how I was introduced to Walt through Katherine
Johnson. I rarely worked in-house at the agency and never did
for Walt. Reading between the lines, I now have a better
understanding why.
5. Walt like big bosomed women
I cant tell how many times we went over this. One time, in the pre dawn
hours, I delivered a board for him and he was not happy with it because
the babes werent buxom enough. There were three or four frames that
he had me changed the women on. He must have known me well enough
to know Id not appreciate his cut and paste approach to making a C cup
a D cup on my art work because he gave me the option to fix it.
6. A really good idea, at the time, to show the go
anywhere ruggedness of the FourRunner.
7. These hikers, bosoms aside, realize the
Four Runner can go where only hikers can.
8. Walt also liked the cinematic approach
I sometimes think Walt really wanted to be a film
director because in many of the scripts he had me
create the look of a film noir movie. Although I
always complained when hed ask me to render that
way, it was only because he squeezed me with the
deadline. Actually, I rather enjoyed the look
because my style of working was conducive to dark,
moody forms that hid my line work.
Heres one of my better interpretations to the
10. Italian mafiaso types were used to represent the
European car companies in this commercial
which actually ran on tv. Walt and I had pretty
good success on tv. Japan was always pitting
their product against the BMWs, Porsches,
Mercedes, Jags and Ferraris. This edited framed
board was introducing the new Toyota Celica
which was totally redesigned and hot
Walt relished the role of the underdog
11. It was a rare event when Walt required
tight sketches from me
It kind of went like this. Walt would call me in to view a bunch of
vids from the movies, or samples sent to him by various
suppliers and wed kick it around. I dont remember having too
many writers in these meetings. It was usually just Walt and me
and my sketchpad. Walt rarely sketched his ideas for me, but
preferred to talk it out with the script in hand as I scribbled out
thumbnails for his approval. When he did require more detailed
drawings before going to final, I knew it was only because his
bosses were somehow calling him out. Maybe, it was for his style
of presenting or not presenting an idea to the higher ups! But I
could tell. His usual bravado was a bit turned down a few
notches. It only drove me more to help cover his back and
15. Another Script... for Previa.
I believe the Previa Mini Van debut in 90/91. I should remember because I was so busy illustrating from scripts
that I started to employ other artists. Some of the titles included concepts about the cars handling in Stunt
Driver, its performance as a family car, Family Car, its safety features in, Unexpected, its revolutionary
design in, New Job and its versatility as in, New Addition. These titles were just Walters, but I was also
servicing other art directors and their many concepts.
21. More Tight Beauty Shots
I also did tight renderings for brochure designs as well as print ads and, as in this
illustration, a double 5x7 storyboard frame. This is taken from a color xerox, which, at
the time, was all the rage. If I did not shoot slides of the work in my studio, this is all Id
have to show for my efforts.
22. The RAV4 is a crossover compact SUV that debut here in America in 1996.
This is one of many print campaign ideas touting the uniqueness of the car
and its owners.
24. Walt, stop asking me to make this
the best thing Ive ever done!
There were times when both of us were pretty stressed out! I believe it was in the late nineties. Because
of Walts personality, he never led on that he was not under control, but it seemed every time we began
working together, hed tell me over the phone that he needed this board to be the best thing Ive ever
done. Many times, hed just give me scripts and let me run with it. We were a team, of sorts! It was not
like he only used my services to help him produce a winner. Walt, with the many writers he worked
with, was pretty prolific and even with my hiring artists to assist me, I could not always keep up with
Maybe, he was starting to feel the pressure of the inner office politics. If I asked him about his status at
Saatchi, hed blow me off. Computers made it easier to stay at home to work and then, just email the
work to the agency. So it wasnt always necessary to come in and see Walt. But whenever I came in to
see him, he just didnt look healthy to me. Early in the nineties, Gale Napier past away from a heart
attack. Walt started to remind me of Gale and it was around that time that we all lost Ron Wolin, May
I dont know why, but it never occurred to me that art directors were human and were susceptible to
those normal human frailties like sickness and death.
And, I dont know why, but late one night when he called me to work the weekend, I had to tell him to
stop expecting a new impossibility from me. At this point, I was really starting to feel responsible if the
concept I was working on for him, didnt sell. I really could not make the frames any more sensual and
photographic than I had been making them in the time frame I was being allowed.
25. Possibly the last board I created for Walt at Saatchi
Actually, there were a few more in-house jobs that I worked on, but I couldnt use
our style. Another storyboard company came in and basically took over the artwork
which was all done in-house and the agency wanted all one unified look for the
presentation. Although most of the artists were very qualified, Walt had to work
within the factory line style to get his ideas visualized. I dont think that it really
mattered to him at this point of his career. Being expected to conform to the new
way of working wasnt what I was interested in doing. Walt had to play the game
and I didnt!
26. Making the most out of technology. Heres six of twelve
frames for a storyboard entitled, Mower.
27. Walts loyalty was something I knew I could always
count on
In 2001, my wife and I cashed out of Southern California. I was
quite ambivalent about the departure, but it seem the most
prudent thing to do at the time. Before I left, I called some of my
best and most loyal clients to alert them of my move. The
computer had created new opportunities while wrecking other
ones and one of those advantages was that I could work
anywhere I chose and still make good art while meeting my
deadlines. I suppose by that time, Walt was already through with
Saatchi and had moved over to Y&R in Irvine. I had a pretty good
working relationship there already. When I called Walt to let him
know, he wished me well in our move and promised to call when
he got some interesting projects. I did not hear from him for
about a year or so
28. This is one of the first boards I did for Walt at Y&R/Irvine sometime in 2002. I
didnt feel that Walt ever felt comfortable here in Irvine although he told me
it was closer to home than Del Amo square. Here we tried to interject that
cinematic feel, but by now, with tighter budgets and less patient clients,
every board seem to have four frames of storyline and the rest of the eight
frames were running shots of the vehicle plus a logo frame.
29. In the period of over a year, I had acquired a few reps to help me keep
my name out and about, so I wasnt in dire need of work, but I did
wonder about some of my loyal clients and wondered if out of sight,
out of mind was a reality for me!
30. Benny Boy, howd you like to work with me on some
Lincoln Aviator scripts?
Me and Richard Pass have a bunch of work we need comped and we actually have some
time on these ideas to cherry it up! These are some of those concepts we put together for
31. How appropriate that this board featuring my hometown, New Orleans was bought
and shown on prime time television. He was excited at the prospect of getting
together on Bourbon Street, but somehow, it never happened!
It felt great to be back in the saddle again
33. Walt and I worked sporadically in 2003 on the Lincoln Towncar and
sold a couple of ideas, one in particular highlighting Senator Robert
Dole. But, in 2004, we barely worked together at all.
34. A few months after Hurricane Katrina, I visited SoCal just to let people know I
survived. I made a point to visit Richard Pass, Elayna Rocha, Carolyn Clare,
John Doyle and most importantly, Walt at Y&R/ Irvine.
As sadly, it often happens, no one was there that I knew except Elayna and Walt. He looked as forlorn as I have ever
seen him. I offered to take him to lunch, but he said he had two ADs under him and he needed to be there in case they
needed some help. So, he took his pack of ciggies and a cup of coffee as we exited for a walk on the agency grounds.
Ben, he said, Ive got these two guys working for me, but I can tell Im being put out to pasture. Those two guys dont
need me to oversee their work! Whenever HR or a big wig is in the vicinity, I hide in the bathroom!
It is only a matter of time, but I cant afford to lose my job right now!
How can you tell, Walt, I asked.
Easy, he said. Nobodys bought any of my ideas and now, there are meetings that Im no longer a part of.
Kinda like Jim Doyles scene, huh? I said, acting like I had all the poop on what happen to him at Saatchi.
We continued our walk and talked about the whereabouts of all the folks I hadnt seen in years. Apparently, he hadnt
seen anyone either. He mentioned seeing Sherry Datwyler, who now was a freelance art director and a mother.
Shes still as cute and as hot as she ever was, he quipped!
After about twenty more awkward minutes, we shook hands and as we parted ways, I said to tell Sherry hello for me!
I never saw Walt, ever again though I did hear from him again just one more time.
35. I called Walt a couple more times when I returned to
SoCal with the U. S. Air Force Art Program in 2008
I cant even remember if I got a voicemail. I had Carolyn Clares number and spoke to her about Walts
whereabouts, but she did not have any viable information. When I left him back in 06, his spirits were pretty
down, but I had faith that hed bounce back just one more time.
Being a freelance hired gun, you never really get to know well all the great people you work for and with. They
are the people you bust your ass with to reach a common goal but when those horrendous deadlines are met, they
and you are headed for hometill the next time! I knew he had triplets because he always made jokes about his
virility! I dont believe Ive ever met Randaleigh, his wife, though Ive seen pictures of her and the triplets in his
office! Thats pretty sad! Theres seldom any time to just chit-chat, so you really dont get to know too well the
people you share these stressful days with.
Ive worked with Walt for almost twenty years, off and on, and now Im told that he is no longer with us here on
earth. I found out about Walts passing about two weeks ago from Al Abbott, who is someone Ive known for
almost as long as I knew Walt. Upon further investigation, I read that the last two years of his life was not very
pleasant. Ive yet to find out why his last years werent good for him, but regardless, there is a giant whole in my
heart. I wish I could have been of some assistance or comfort for the big lug! I dont know, had I known something
was wrong, I would have tried to fly back into SoCal ( I was just there at Christmas 2012! ) and spend some of that
time that was lost so long ago.
The last time I spoke to Walt was in 2009. He called me to tell me that he was working at an agency in Detroit and
wanted me to recommend him on Linkedin. I told him that I was flattered that hed ask! I also teased him by
asking, More cars, dude? You still doing cars? Well, you know whos the best sheet metal guy around! Just call
me if you need any help!
God, we were always so damn busy
36. Just wanna say thanks to all my Saatchi friends.
You will always be in my heart, mind and soul
Thanks to: Walt Harris, Terry Belagia, Jennifer Phillips, Virginia Witt, Al Abbott,
Eric Gardner, Steve Wilson, Jim Doyle, Kevin Murphy, Sherry Datwyler, Pat
Pellicano, Katherine Johnson, Eileen Turpin, Ron Wolin, Gale Napier, Doug Van
Andel, Joe McDonagh, John Alexander, Dennis Millette, David Tanimoto, and
Leo Circo, for being a part of my life.
Those days and the people Ive met and worked with during those years at
Saatchi will always be special to me. Like Ron, Gale and Walt Harris, I may
never see any of these colleagues again, but I will always have those
memories: the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny, the crazy, the stressful and
the artistic.