We live in exceptional times and there is little hope that we will go back to normal. What does this mean for online delivery? How can we cope with business as unusual? How did we build ultra-scalable elasticity on application, infrastructure and monitoring level? Meet Daniel, Sander, Phil and Busra and get inspired by their solutions and insights.
#12: Voice interfaces
Autonomous warehouses
Self-driving delivery
Trading food is one of the oldest and most fundamental business of humans. We do it since thousands of years.
But think about, how are you consuming now media, and how did it your parents do it 20 years back?
How do you comunidate now, and how did your parents do 20 years ago?
How do you do your finance, and how did you pranets do 20 years ago?
And now in contrast, how are you shopping for your groceries, and how did your parents do it? Sure, some will already use Picnic, some may use mealkit serives.
But for many digital innovation and disruption hasnt have any impact to buying your groceries. And our mission is simple: We want to change how your shop for your grociers. We want to make it simple, fun and affordable.
We started the business with a very simple question: Why?