1. Docker EE will include an unmodified Kubernetes distribution to provide orchestration capabilities alongside Docker Swarm.
2. When running mixed workloads across orchestrators, resource contention is a risk and it is recommended to separate workloads by orchestrator on each node for now.
3. Docker EE aims to address the shortcomings of running mixed workloads to better support this in the future.
Amongst all the big front end frameworks, Nuxt.js stands out as it has a lot of advantages over the other. This presentation covers an overview of Nuxt.js and how Server Side Rendering helps in improving the SEO of a site.
VueJs is a front-end framework for building JavaScript applications that run in the browser. It allows creation of components, two-way data binding, communication between components, and conditional rendering. To install Vue, use npm to install vue-cli and initialize a project, which will create the initial project structure including a component template with sections for template, script, and style. Components can then be built with data, methods, and bindings for properties like classes and styles.
The document provides an overview of Vue.js, including:
- Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses only on the view layer.
- It is easy to integrate Vue.js into existing projects or with other libraries.
- Vue.js allows developers to progressively adopt capabilities as needed rather than requiring adoption of the entire framework upfront like some other frameworks.
- The document then covers various Vue.js concepts like directives, components, routing, communication between components, and connecting Vue.js to a backend.
The document provides an introduction and overview of Prometheus for monitoring systems. It discusses key concepts such as metric types, exposing metrics through HTTP endpoints, querying metrics with PromQL, and creating alerts. It also covers visualizing data with Grafana, using ServiceMonitors to monitor Kubernetes services, and leveraging exporters to get additional system metrics. The overall document serves as a tutorial for getting started with Prometheus and its monitoring capabilities.
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Ryan Jarvinen
This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.
The document discusses how Helm can help manage Kubernetes deployments by bundling manifests into reusable charts. It describes how Helm works by initializing a Tiller server and installing charts which generate Kubernetes resources. The document outlines best practices for writing charts, including using templates, values, and dependencies. It also provides tips for tools like kubeval and kubetest that can help validate charts.
Seller Presentation - Power Systems Power Virtual Server.PPTXEdilsonNeto8
IBM Power Systems Virtual Server provides a cloud-based virtual machine service for IBM Power workloads like AIX, IBM i, and Linux. It offers flexible consumption-based pricing and access to IBM Cloud services. Key benefits include maximizing availability and security for critical workloads, responding faster to business needs through efficient scaling, and providing a consistent hybrid cloud experience. The presentation reviews use cases for business continuity, datacenter strategy, modernization, and cost optimization. It also positions IBM Power Systems Virtual Server competitively by noting strengths like certification, security, and skills while addressing weaknesses of alternative options.
Docker Kubernetes Istio
Understanding Docker and creating containers.
Container Orchestration based on Kubernetes
Blue Green Deployment, AB Testing, Canary Deployment, Traffic Rules based on Istio
The document discusses Node.js and Express.js concepts for building web servers and applications. It includes examples of creating HTTP servers, routing requests, using middleware, handling errors, templating with views and layouts, and separating code into models and routes.
Introduction to Kubernetes and Google Container Engine (GKE)Opsta
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating
deployment, scaling, and management of containerized
applications. This presentation will show you overview of Kubernetes concept and benefit with Google Container Engineer (GKE)
GDG DevFest Bangkok 2017 at Ananda UrbanTech FYI Center on October 7, 2017
See Facebook Live here
Nginx pronounced as "Engine X" is an open source high performance web and reverse proxy server which supports protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, IMAP. It can also be used for load balancing and HTTP caching.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) deep diveAkash Agrawal
This document provides an overview of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) including its architecture and request flow. It discusses GKE features like node pools, cluster scoping, auto repair, and integration with other Google Cloud services. The presenter then covers getting started with GKE, best practices for production usage, and the broader GKE ecosystem which includes GKE, GKE On-Prem, Anthos, and Cloud Run.
This document provides an overview of Docker concepts including containers, images, Dockerfiles, and the Docker architecture. It defines key Docker terms like images, containers, and registries. It explains how Docker utilizes Linux kernel features like namespaces and control groups to isolate containers. It demonstrates how to run a simple Docker container and view logs. It also describes the anatomy of a Dockerfile and common Dockerfile instructions like FROM, RUN, COPY, ENV etc. Finally, it illustrates how Docker works by interacting with the Docker daemon, client and Docker Hub registry to build, run and distribute container images.
Lessons learned on the Azure API Stewardship Journey.pptxapidays
apidays LIVE Singapore 2022: Digitising at scale with APIs
April 20 & 21, 2022
Lessons learned on the Azure API Stewardship Journey
Adrian Hall, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft
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Apache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume NodetNormandy JUG
Vous avez entendu parler de OSGi (ou pas dailleurs), vous aimeriez que lon vous explique ce que cest et quoi cela sert ?
Vous voudriez savoir comment on participe des projets Open-Source, comment on devient acteur au sein de la fondation Apache ?
Vous avez lu lexcellent article dOcto de la semaine dernire sur Camel, mais vous navez pas tout compris ou voulez en savoir plus ?
Ou tout simplement vous voudriez avoir une prsentation de la solution OSGi dApache : Karaf ?
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Ryan Jarvinen
This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.
The document discusses how Helm can help manage Kubernetes deployments by bundling manifests into reusable charts. It describes how Helm works by initializing a Tiller server and installing charts which generate Kubernetes resources. The document outlines best practices for writing charts, including using templates, values, and dependencies. It also provides tips for tools like kubeval and kubetest that can help validate charts.
Seller Presentation - Power Systems Power Virtual Server.PPTXEdilsonNeto8
IBM Power Systems Virtual Server provides a cloud-based virtual machine service for IBM Power workloads like AIX, IBM i, and Linux. It offers flexible consumption-based pricing and access to IBM Cloud services. Key benefits include maximizing availability and security for critical workloads, responding faster to business needs through efficient scaling, and providing a consistent hybrid cloud experience. The presentation reviews use cases for business continuity, datacenter strategy, modernization, and cost optimization. It also positions IBM Power Systems Virtual Server competitively by noting strengths like certification, security, and skills while addressing weaknesses of alternative options.
Docker Kubernetes Istio
Understanding Docker and creating containers.
Container Orchestration based on Kubernetes
Blue Green Deployment, AB Testing, Canary Deployment, Traffic Rules based on Istio
The document discusses Node.js and Express.js concepts for building web servers and applications. It includes examples of creating HTTP servers, routing requests, using middleware, handling errors, templating with views and layouts, and separating code into models and routes.
Introduction to Kubernetes and Google Container Engine (GKE)Opsta
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating
deployment, scaling, and management of containerized
applications. This presentation will show you overview of Kubernetes concept and benefit with Google Container Engineer (GKE)
GDG DevFest Bangkok 2017 at Ananda UrbanTech FYI Center on October 7, 2017
See Facebook Live here
Nginx pronounced as "Engine X" is an open source high performance web and reverse proxy server which supports protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, IMAP. It can also be used for load balancing and HTTP caching.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) deep diveAkash Agrawal
This document provides an overview of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) including its architecture and request flow. It discusses GKE features like node pools, cluster scoping, auto repair, and integration with other Google Cloud services. The presenter then covers getting started with GKE, best practices for production usage, and the broader GKE ecosystem which includes GKE, GKE On-Prem, Anthos, and Cloud Run.
This document provides an overview of Docker concepts including containers, images, Dockerfiles, and the Docker architecture. It defines key Docker terms like images, containers, and registries. It explains how Docker utilizes Linux kernel features like namespaces and control groups to isolate containers. It demonstrates how to run a simple Docker container and view logs. It also describes the anatomy of a Dockerfile and common Dockerfile instructions like FROM, RUN, COPY, ENV etc. Finally, it illustrates how Docker works by interacting with the Docker daemon, client and Docker Hub registry to build, run and distribute container images.
Lessons learned on the Azure API Stewardship Journey.pptxapidays
apidays LIVE Singapore 2022: Digitising at scale with APIs
April 20 & 21, 2022
Lessons learned on the Azure API Stewardship Journey
Adrian Hall, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft
Check out our conferences at https://www.apidays.global/
Do you want to sponsor or talk at one of our conferences?
Learn more on APIscene, the global media made by the community for the community:
Explore the API ecosystem with the API Landscape:
Deep dive into the API industry with our reports:
Subscribe to our global newsletter:
Apache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume NodetNormandy JUG
Vous avez entendu parler de OSGi (ou pas dailleurs), vous aimeriez que lon vous explique ce que cest et quoi cela sert ?
Vous voudriez savoir comment on participe des projets Open-Source, comment on devient acteur au sein de la fondation Apache ?
Vous avez lu lexcellent article dOcto de la semaine dernire sur Camel, mais vous navez pas tout compris ou voulez en savoir plus ?
Ou tout simplement vous voudriez avoir une prsentation de la solution OSGi dApache : Karaf ?
The talk is introduction to OSGi specification and its implementations. It summarizes corner stones of OSGi (bundles, services, components) and describes a technical background of OSGi implementations on a simple example.
[Hello world ???????????]???????????????????comet??socket.ioNAVER D2
The document discusses different types of users (A, B, C) and their perspectives on real-time web technologies. Type A users prefer simple explanations, while Type B users like examples and case studies. Type C users want discussions of principles and performance. The presenter then provides a high-level overview comparing the client-server approach of Comet to the true real-time model of Socket.io.
The document discusses the key capabilities of IBM WebSphere Portal including:
1. Providing a single user experience and navigation model across different devices and clients.
2. Supporting personalization, security, web content management, and application integration features.
3. Allowing integration with Microsoft applications and environments like SharePoint through out-of-the-box federation portlets.
?2? hello world ????? hello world-raphael??NAVER D2
The document discusses the process of creating charts with Raphael.js and SVG. It begins by asking why the author chose to create new charts rather than use existing ones, and why SVG and Raphael.js were selected. It then addresses challenges as this was the author's first time developing charts. Considerations around existing charting libraries and design/development processes are also mentioned.
Just Model It ????? ??? Backend.AI ? ?? ?????. Backend.AI? ??, ?? ?? ? ????? ????. ?? Backend.AI ? ??? End-to-end ML model ?? ????? ?????.
An Introduction to Backend.AI to use in Just Model It event. It covers the overview of Backend.AI, its main features and examples. It also introduces the scenario of developing end-to-end ML model using Backend.AI.
6. ? WAS infrastructure ? ??? ??? ???
? ??? ?? WAS - IBM WebSphere Liberty Server
C Liberty Server ? ?? ??? ?? ??
? ??
? Q&A
7. IBM WebSphere Application Server ? ??
IBM ?? ???? ??,
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8. ???? ??? ? - ???? IBM WAS Liberty Server
IBM ? ????? ?? ?
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IBM WebSphere Liberty Server
?? ?? : http://www.slideshare.net/stephanj/ejb-31-by-bert-ertman
9. ???? ??
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??? eclipse ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?
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50MB zip ??? ?? ???? ???
C Unzip ? ?? ???
IBM Installation Manager ? ?? ?? ??
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1. Eclipse ?? ???? IBM WAS ??? ?? ??
2. ?? ??? ???? IBM WAS Liberty Server ?
???? ??? WASdev.net ?? ?? ????
26. ???? IBM WebSphere Liberty Server ? ?? ??
??? ??? IBM WebSphere Liberty Server ??? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ??
Agent ? ?? ?? ??? ??
Liberty ???? ??
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Java, Jython, Jconsol clients ? ?? JMX API
r Collective
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reversed, reconfigured
Liberty ???? B
C ???? ?? :
- Liberty Server, WAS Base, WAS ND
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Liberty ???? A
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27. IMDB ???? WXS ? ?? ??
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Grid Client
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In-Memory DataGrid
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eXtreme Scale? ???? Session cluster ??
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28. Cloud ? ?? ??
Cloud Foundry
????? ?? IBM WebSphere Liberty Server
Buildpack ? ??/???? ?? ??
Chef for
?IBM WebSphere Liberty Server ? ?? ?
??? ?? Chef cookbook ????
??? ?? ??
WW ??? ???? : http://wasdev.net
?? WebSphere User Group : http://websphere.pe.kr
29. ?? : ???? IBM WAS Liberty Server
IBM ? ????? ?? ?
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IBM WebSphere Liberty ?
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IBM WebSphere
Liberty Server
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30. ? WAS infrastructure ? ??? ??? ???
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C Liberty Server ? ?? ??? ?? ??
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? Q&A