Wayne Lavender has over 30 years of experience in civil construction, project management, and training. He has worked as a supervisor, contractor, and trainer on various civil projects across Queensland and the Northern Territory, including subdivisions, road works, and plumbing. Some of his responsibilities include scheduling, budgeting, workplace health and safety, staff management, and quality control. He has obtained several qualifications including certificates in civil construction, welding, plant operation licenses, and training and assessment. References are provided from past project managers and superintendents he has worked with on civil projects.
Dylan Riley Hall has over 2 years of experience as a floorhand and derrickhand for Sun Country Well Servicing, where he assisted in tasks, safety meetings, and equipment maintenance. He also has experience as a field technician for TBT Engineering, where he focused on safety and efficient job completion. He has a high school diploma as well as hospitality and tourism training. His licenses and certificates include air brake certification and certificates in safety, transportation of dangerous goods, and fatigue management.
The document is a cover letter and resume submitted by Michael Hockley for an entry-level health and safety position, highlighting his certification as a National Construction Safety Officer and experience in safety roles in the construction industry, with a demonstrated commitment to health, safety and the environment. Hockley emphasizes his strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills that would make him an asset on any safety team.
OSullivan Davies Lawyers and GHD Woodhead engaged SHAPE to complete a modern and contemporary fitout on level 27 at 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth. The client were moving premises from the Esplanade to St Georges Terrace, where they had leased a tenancy that was 850 square metres and over looked the Perth skyline.
The document is a resume for Ana-Maria Sanseovic, a quality and environment consultant and auditor. She has over 15 years of experience developing and implementing quality and environmental processes. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering and has worked as a consultant through her own firm, AM-Consulting in Sweden, since 2002 providing consultancy services in quality, environment, work safety and traffic safety. She is a certified auditor for ISO standards and has expertise in management systems, quality assurance, audits, risk management and project coordination.
Vivaldi was an Italian composer born in Venice in 1678. He studied music as a child and became a priest and violin teacher. As a priest, he was nicknamed "Il Prete Rosso" or the Red Priest. Vivaldi was a prolific composer who wrote over 700 musical works including 450 concertos, 70 sonatas, 45 operas, and 35 cantatas. His most famous work is The Four Seasons, a cycle of four violin concertos composed in 1725 that depicts scenes from each season through music.
myPRO-Consulting: 3 tips to help you throughout your Job Search Abroad process. Get ready to i) customize your Professional Profile, ii) communicate your uniqueness over the phone, through skype and perhaps at another language and iii) network for potential opportunities and valuable insights.
For further insight, visit us at www.mypro-consulting.com
Este documento enumera ocho 叩reas clave de apoyo para el desarrollo integral de las personas: salud, desarrollo intelectual, consejer鱈a y orientaci坦n, promoci坦n socioecon坦mica, recreaci坦n y deporte, informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n, protecci坦n y servicios institucionales, y monitoreo.
Paul Marples has over 17 years of experience in information technology with expertise in QA test management, testing, project management, and business analysis. He has a proven track record of analyzing problems, simplifying processes, and finding innovative solutions. His technical skills include testing tools, programming languages, databases, and Microsoft products. He has worked in roles such as test lead, project manager, and business analyst for companies such as TELUS, IBM, and Coca-Cola.
Estos documentos proporcionan informaci坦n sobre varias plantas bulbosas, incluyendo el Crocus, Fresia, Lirio azul e Iris, y Tulip叩n. Todas son plantas herb叩ceas que crecen de bulbos y florecen en primavera. Requieren suelo bien drenado, sol o semisombra, y plantaci坦n oto単al para que florezcan en la primavera siguiente.
El documento presenta el reglamento de seguridad e higiene de Petr坦leos Mexicanos. El Cap鱈tulo XXV consta de 23 art鱈culos que detallan medidas de seguridad contra incendios, estiba y almacenaje de productos, as鱈 como responsabilidades. Los temas principales son la estiba por tipo de producto, medidas contra incendio, medidas preventivas y responsabilidades. Esto permite que los almacenes operen de forma eficiente y segura.
Las hamacas deben cumplir con los requisitos de dise単o, materiales y especificaciones establecidos para el izaje de personal, herramientas y materiales peque単os. El personal que opera y ensambla las hamacas debe estar capacitado por el fabricante o tener un a単o de experiencia. El operador debe cumplir con el manual del operario del fabricante y elevar las hamacas de manera sincronizada, lenta y controlada sin movimientos bruscos.
El documento describe un juego interactivo para aprender las partes del cuerpo usando una hoja de c叩lculo de Excel. Se instruye al lector a seleccionar una imagen de una persona, se単alar las partes del cuerpo que quiere nombrar y usar la funci坦n SI para que otra persona responda las preguntas y reciba comentarios si contesta bien o mal.
Este documento ofrece consejos para que los padres orienten las labores escolares de sus hijos. Se単ala que los estudiantes con mejores resultados son aquellos cuyos padres hacen un seguimiento continuo de su educaci坦n. Recomienda establecer un espacio y horario de estudio, t辿cnicas como que la tarea sea la 炭nica actividad, y supervisi坦n sin hacer el trabajo de los hijos. Tambi辿n sugiere mantener comunicaci坦n con la escuela y planear actividades extracurriculares.
Este documento describe un proyecto de construcci坦n de viviendas sociales utilizando materiales reciclados como bloques de pl叩stico. El proyecto busca proveer viviendas econ坦micas y amigables con el medio ambiente mientras genera empleos y recicla desechos. Los bloques de pl叩stico resultantes son livianos, resistentes al clima y aislan el sonido y calor.
El documento presenta datos sobre bibliotecas p炭blicas e instituciones de ense単anza superior en las diferentes comunidades aut坦nomas de Espa単a. Andaluc鱈a y la Comunidad Valenciana tienen el mayor n炭mero de bibliotecas p炭blicas, mientras que Catalu単a tiene el mayor n炭mero de instituciones de ense単anza superior. El sur de Espa単a tiene m叩s bibliotecas p炭blicas que el norte.
Presentaci坦n xvi festival danzas tradicionales bloggarfredy
El documento habla sobre la contaminaci坦n auditiva y sus efectos en la salud. Explica que la exposici坦n constante a niveles de ruido mayores a 65 decibeles puede ser perjudicial y causar problemas como sordera y estr辿s. Tambi辿n menciona que existen 130 millones de personas expuestas a estos niveles de ruido y que el tr叩fico es responsable del 80% de la contaminaci坦n auditiva en ciudades. Finalmente, propone medidas para reducir la contaminaci坦n como mapear las zonas con mayor ruido y eliminar fuentes molestas que lo
Este documento trata sobre los sistemas operativos. Explica que un sistema operativo es el software b叩sico de una computadora que provee una interfaz entre los programas, dispositivos hardware y el usuario. Luego clasifica los sistemas operativos y describe algunos ejemplos principales como DOS, UNIX, Mac OS y OS/2. Finalmente, detalla algunas versiones espec鱈ficas de estos sistemas operativos.
David Alder is seeking a position as a results-oriented professional with experience in well service operations, supervision, project management, and execution. He has over 10 years of experience as a service supervisor and consultant overseeing hydraulic fracturing operations. As a supervisor, he led crews to fracture over 225 wells and was responsible for daily operations, safety, data analysis and equipment maintenance. He also has experience managing custom home building projects. References and skills are provided.
Richard McClain has over 13 years of experience as a manager and supervisor at Duke Energy and Cinergy. He currently serves as the Manager of Distribution Resource Planning, Scheduling, and Analysis at Duke Energy Indiana, where he oversees $146 million in annual capital construction and maintenance work plans. Previously, he held roles such as General Supervisor and Customer Project Supervisor, where he coordinated projects, personnel, and day-to-day operations. McClain demonstrates leadership, strategic thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. He has a Master's degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Science.
Este documento enumera ocho 叩reas clave de apoyo para el desarrollo integral de las personas: salud, desarrollo intelectual, consejer鱈a y orientaci坦n, promoci坦n socioecon坦mica, recreaci坦n y deporte, informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n, protecci坦n y servicios institucionales, y monitoreo.
Paul Marples has over 17 years of experience in information technology with expertise in QA test management, testing, project management, and business analysis. He has a proven track record of analyzing problems, simplifying processes, and finding innovative solutions. His technical skills include testing tools, programming languages, databases, and Microsoft products. He has worked in roles such as test lead, project manager, and business analyst for companies such as TELUS, IBM, and Coca-Cola.
Estos documentos proporcionan informaci坦n sobre varias plantas bulbosas, incluyendo el Crocus, Fresia, Lirio azul e Iris, y Tulip叩n. Todas son plantas herb叩ceas que crecen de bulbos y florecen en primavera. Requieren suelo bien drenado, sol o semisombra, y plantaci坦n oto単al para que florezcan en la primavera siguiente.
El documento presenta el reglamento de seguridad e higiene de Petr坦leos Mexicanos. El Cap鱈tulo XXV consta de 23 art鱈culos que detallan medidas de seguridad contra incendios, estiba y almacenaje de productos, as鱈 como responsabilidades. Los temas principales son la estiba por tipo de producto, medidas contra incendio, medidas preventivas y responsabilidades. Esto permite que los almacenes operen de forma eficiente y segura.
Las hamacas deben cumplir con los requisitos de dise単o, materiales y especificaciones establecidos para el izaje de personal, herramientas y materiales peque単os. El personal que opera y ensambla las hamacas debe estar capacitado por el fabricante o tener un a単o de experiencia. El operador debe cumplir con el manual del operario del fabricante y elevar las hamacas de manera sincronizada, lenta y controlada sin movimientos bruscos.
El documento describe un juego interactivo para aprender las partes del cuerpo usando una hoja de c叩lculo de Excel. Se instruye al lector a seleccionar una imagen de una persona, se単alar las partes del cuerpo que quiere nombrar y usar la funci坦n SI para que otra persona responda las preguntas y reciba comentarios si contesta bien o mal.
Este documento ofrece consejos para que los padres orienten las labores escolares de sus hijos. Se単ala que los estudiantes con mejores resultados son aquellos cuyos padres hacen un seguimiento continuo de su educaci坦n. Recomienda establecer un espacio y horario de estudio, t辿cnicas como que la tarea sea la 炭nica actividad, y supervisi坦n sin hacer el trabajo de los hijos. Tambi辿n sugiere mantener comunicaci坦n con la escuela y planear actividades extracurriculares.
Este documento describe un proyecto de construcci坦n de viviendas sociales utilizando materiales reciclados como bloques de pl叩stico. El proyecto busca proveer viviendas econ坦micas y amigables con el medio ambiente mientras genera empleos y recicla desechos. Los bloques de pl叩stico resultantes son livianos, resistentes al clima y aislan el sonido y calor.
El documento presenta datos sobre bibliotecas p炭blicas e instituciones de ense単anza superior en las diferentes comunidades aut坦nomas de Espa単a. Andaluc鱈a y la Comunidad Valenciana tienen el mayor n炭mero de bibliotecas p炭blicas, mientras que Catalu単a tiene el mayor n炭mero de instituciones de ense単anza superior. El sur de Espa単a tiene m叩s bibliotecas p炭blicas que el norte.
Presentaci坦n xvi festival danzas tradicionales bloggarfredy
El documento habla sobre la contaminaci坦n auditiva y sus efectos en la salud. Explica que la exposici坦n constante a niveles de ruido mayores a 65 decibeles puede ser perjudicial y causar problemas como sordera y estr辿s. Tambi辿n menciona que existen 130 millones de personas expuestas a estos niveles de ruido y que el tr叩fico es responsable del 80% de la contaminaci坦n auditiva en ciudades. Finalmente, propone medidas para reducir la contaminaci坦n como mapear las zonas con mayor ruido y eliminar fuentes molestas que lo
Este documento trata sobre los sistemas operativos. Explica que un sistema operativo es el software b叩sico de una computadora que provee una interfaz entre los programas, dispositivos hardware y el usuario. Luego clasifica los sistemas operativos y describe algunos ejemplos principales como DOS, UNIX, Mac OS y OS/2. Finalmente, detalla algunas versiones espec鱈ficas de estos sistemas operativos.
David Alder is seeking a position as a results-oriented professional with experience in well service operations, supervision, project management, and execution. He has over 10 years of experience as a service supervisor and consultant overseeing hydraulic fracturing operations. As a supervisor, he led crews to fracture over 225 wells and was responsible for daily operations, safety, data analysis and equipment maintenance. He also has experience managing custom home building projects. References and skills are provided.
Richard McClain has over 13 years of experience as a manager and supervisor at Duke Energy and Cinergy. He currently serves as the Manager of Distribution Resource Planning, Scheduling, and Analysis at Duke Energy Indiana, where he oversees $146 million in annual capital construction and maintenance work plans. Previously, he held roles such as General Supervisor and Customer Project Supervisor, where he coordinated projects, personnel, and day-to-day operations. McClain demonstrates leadership, strategic thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. He has a Master's degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Science.
Niels Andersen is an experienced Project Manager specializing in interior fitouts and commercial construction projects up to $10 million. He has over 15 years of experience successfully managing projects from establishment through to handover, on time and on budget. He is highly skilled in all phases of construction projects including specifying, designing, commissioning, and ensuring high quality finishes. Niels is a dynamic leader with strong communication, planning, and relationship building abilities.
David Harrison is a British national with over 10 years of experience in construction management roles. He currently works as an HSE Coordinator for GHD Global PTY in Qatar, where he ensures compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations. Prior to this, he held roles such as Middle East Quality Manager and Project Manager for other construction companies. Harrison has a degree in site management and extensive training in areas like auditing, health and safety, and project management.
Daniel Rayas is seeking a position that utilizes his 20+ years of experience in facility, project, and construction management. He has a proven track record of completing projects on time and under budget. Rayas has extensive experience managing over 1,000 staff throughout his career in construction and power generation. He possesses strong leadership skills and the ability to direct cross-functional teams through all project stages. Rayas is confident that his combination of skills and experience would make him a valuable asset to help improve operational performance.
Daniel Rayas is applying for a Project Manager position and has over 20 years of experience in facility, project, and construction management. He has a proven track record of completing projects on time and under budget through his roles overseeing over 1,000 staff members and multiple large-scale projects. Rayas believes his combination of skills, experience, and ambitions would make him a valuable asset for the Project Manager role.
Don Keith is an experienced drilling professional seeking a position as a Drilling Supervisor, Drilling Superintendent, or Operations Manager where he can utilize over 30 years of relevant experience. He has extensive experience leading drilling teams and operations on offshore rigs around the world, including in the North Sea, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Cameroon, and Holland. Keith is a strong leader with excellent management, communication, and organizational skills who is passionate about safety and meeting objectives on time and on budget.
This document summarizes the education and experience of an engineering graduate seeking employment. It outlines their Bachelor of Civil/Construction Engineering degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast with Honours and a GPA of 6.04/7. Their experience includes working as an undergraduate engineer at Sunshine Coast Council and owning a successful furniture manufacturing and retail business. Key skills developed include strong communication, teamwork, time management, problem solving, and experience with software like AutoCAD.
Emilio Chinea is seeking an internship in production or project management with over 15 years of management experience. He has held assistant manager and shift supervisor roles overseeing mailroom, copy center, and reprographics operations. Currently, he is participating in an intensive career development program focusing on networking, professionalism, public speaking, and Microsoft Office skills. Chinea has an Associate's degree in Business Management and certification in medical records and office administration.
Kevin Cady is an experienced continuous improvement engineer and lean manufacturing expert with over 10 years of experience leading business improvement projects and implementing lean techniques. He is currently a Continuous Improvement Engineer at Kimura Logistics where he leads kaizen events and ensures effective continuous improvement. Previously he held roles such as Continuous Improvement Manager, Production Manager, and Operations Supervisor where he implemented methodologies like TPS, kaizen, 5S, and lean manufacturing. He has a background in manufacturing, production management, and lean leadership.
Scott Corbin has over 10 years of experience in operations management and logistics roles. He is skilled in team building, leadership, project planning, process improvement, and ensuring compliance. Corbin has held roles such as Vice President of Operations and Director of Distribution where he was responsible for overseeing distribution networks, implementing best practices, and developing long-term strategies. He is proficient in Lean management techniques and holds a Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma.
Suganthy Dilip is a Technical Lead and Project Manager with over 15 years of experience in banking, telecom, and insurance industries. She is seeking a middle management role where she can independently handle back office operations and a team. She has strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. She has experience preparing reports, coordinating teams, project management, and workforce management. Previously she held roles as a Team Lead, Process Officer, and Junior Officer where she was responsible for tasks like order entry/management, loan processing, funds transfer, and quality assurance. She has a Bachelor's degree in Corporate Secretaryship and a Master's in Financial Management.
Kevin Mitchell has over 18 years of experience in IT support, pension administration, learning and development, and management. He has a proven track record of strong leadership, communication skills, and the ability to manage projects. His most recent role was as an IT Support Manager for the Department for Work and Pensions in Scotland, where he oversaw IT support and completed projects like installing wireless access devices.
Dale Nolden has over 22 years of experience in construction, maintenance, and disaster restoration. He has a proven track record of managing teams and projects successfully. Nolden is OSHA certified and has experience managing multi-unit properties and supervising teams of up to 10 people on various projects simultaneously. His professional experience includes senior roles managing coordinators, carpenters, and contractors at Superior Construction Services and Ruedebusch Development & Construction.
E'lon Rives has over 9 years of experience in sales, operations management, project management, and financial reporting. He has a track record of success managing teams, meeting key performance indicators, and developing employees. Currently he is a Business Initiatives/Operations Manager at The Hertzcorp where he leads presentations, audits, manages vendors, and trains employees. Previously he held project coordinator and management roles at FlowLogistics, UPS, and Clark Security Products/Anixter where he oversaw projects, resources, budgets, and risks. Rives has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Kentucky State University and a master's degree in industrial/organizational psychology from Eastern Kentucky University.
Mandla Oscar Teffu has over 10 years of experience in business coaching, project management, training, and facilitation. He holds certificates in Management Principles, Business Basics, Project Management Fundamentals, and Change Management. Currently he works as a Business Coach, Trainer, and Junior Project Manager at ICTUS, where he has led projects to improve productivity, communication, and performance at Sasol Mining.
Gemma Howard is seeking a new challenging opportunity and has over 15 years of experience in project management and customer service roles. She has a PRINCE2 Practitioner qualification and experience developing processes to formalize project delivery approaches. Her most recent role was as a Project Implementation Manager where she was responsible for delivering multiple projects on time and on budget.
Suzanne Sweet has over 8 years of experience in project management for clinical trials and manufacturing of investigational medicinal products. She is currently a Project Manager at Quotient Clinical where she is responsible for managing timelines, budgets, and deliverables for various phase 1 clinical trials. Previously, she has held roles in manufacturing and production management at Quotient Clinical and Charles River Laboratories where she oversaw GMP manufacturing, equipment maintenance, and process improvement initiatives. Suzanne has a degree in Physiology from the University of Edinburgh and has developed strong skills in communication, planning, leadership, and problem solving over the course of her career.
David Whynot has over 20 years of experience in operations management, project management, supervision and training with the Michigan Air National Guard. He is currently the State Recruiting and Retention Superintendent, where he oversees recruiting and retention programs. Previously he held roles such as Recruiting Office Supervisor and Retention Office Manager. Whynot also has experience in residential construction as the manager of Dave Whynot, Residential Builder L.L.C. He is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Kaplan University and holds an Associate's degree in Human Resources from the Community College of the Air Force.
Joshua Ibbertson is an experienced Civil Construction Supervisor seeking a new role. He has over 9 years of experience managing construction projects across Queensland and Western Australia. Some of his past projects include overseeing infrastructure development for Rio Tinto's Nammuldi project and BHP's Area C MEM Upgrade. Ibbertson has strong skills in planning, safety management, and ensuring quality outcomes are delivered on time. He aims to fully utilize his skills and knowledge gained over his career.
1. Wayne Lavender
Address: unit 4/6 mangola cr Private Mobile: 0428151965
Darwin 0800 Work Mobile : 0428151965
Email work:
Email home:lavenderoperations@hotmail.com
Results-driven, quality focused professional with record of success in civil
construction, scheduling and managing budgets, maintenance and projects. Multi
skilled and flexible team player allows me to perform at peak levels.
Demonstrated expertise in:
Strategic Planning and Execution
Focus in workplace Health & Safety and Environment
Coaching focus within a team and individual environment
Customer Relationship Management
Achieving essential key performance targets
Leadership implementation
Organisation and Planning Skills
Project development and implementing
Decision Making and Follow-through
leadership ability and have the ability to motivate and develop others
Highly focused, motivated, and self-directed
Good negotiation and influencing skills
Ability to effectively communicate both externally and internally
Ability to liaise with staff at all levels and confident in communicating with senior
Ability to prioritise own workload and manage multiple tasks at the same time
Diligent and pro-active approach to work
Committed to meeting deadlines and ability to work well under pressure
Good attention to detail with a strong focus on quality outcomes
Strives for continuous improvement
Ensure highest personal standards of behaviour, acting with integrity at all times
Professional presentation and manner at all times
Ability to think laterally and strategically
Ability to liaise & co-ordinate across numerous departments
Ability to integrate resources across functions or teams
Cultural Awareness and Adaptability nationally and internationally
January 2005 supervisor on 48 unit retirement building in emerald Queensland
completed in November 2005
February 2006 supervised 26 lot subdivision water view estate in yeppoon
Queensland for Integra civil completed in December 2006
January 2007 subcontract works for cmc civil in emerald Queensland doing water
mains, drainage mains ,storm water mains on Mayfair ridge estate completed
in October 2007
November 2007 self-employed civil contractor on subdivisions in central
2. Queensland employing 5 employees
January 2009 subcontracted and supervised 32 lot subdivision in rockhampton
Queensland city lights estate for john doony and associates completed in
December 2009
February 2010 self-employed civil & plumbing works on 17 units Christmas island
for canstruct pty Brisbane then did 40 units at weipa Queensland completed
in July 2011
October 2011 supervised 26 lot subdivision central park estate yeppoon for
northside projects completed April 2012
June 2012 supervised road works ,culvert works batter works mine road works I
MacKay Queensland for epica civil contract ran out march 2013
May 2013 self-employed works on civil plumbing for Hutchinson builders in
rockhampton completed September 2013
October 2013 supervisor for busby group on civil works and installing power poles
for mines around rockhampton contract finished January 2014
February 2014 moved to Darwin to do 100 lot subdivision for Ruska bros at
humpty do council trouble and it did not start
March 2014 self-employed civil works in Darwin
January 2015 cert iii civil trainer/assessor for is Australia current job
The key areas are:
Responsible for the efficient execution of the water and sewer lines management,
planning and scheduling process in all sections of civil works.
Specific responsibilities follow:
. Pre starts with employees
Toolbox meetings
Work schedules
Oh&s issues
Carry out works in a professional manner
Scope work.
Procurement with suppliers (vendors)
Notification & Work Order development
Scheduling for future work
Standard tasking development & coaching
Reviewing work schedule (actual vs. plan)
General Ensure that all duties and tasks that are assigned to me by
immediate project Management Team are carried out
My responsibilities was to supervise, coach and manage the team that carries out
maintenance and projects of activities associated with all types of civil works,
Drive Zero Harm, Zero Incident Process (ZIP) awareness and leading by
example to foster Work Place Health and Safety environment.
Manage staff performance to ensure optimum output for the section using
coaching, employee performance and development or training.
Foster a harmonious work environment by emphasising communication,
consultation and teamwork.
Plan, develop and report on budget performance.
Create & maintain risk assessments with each task or project that is taken
3. Ensure efficient production levels are achieved, while maintaining a high
standard of quality. This ensures we meet customer expectations.
Use people management skills to achieve goals.
Plumbing Background
1988 Trade Certificate cert iii civil construction
1996 self-certified plumber NT
2012 poly welder certificate
2000 excavator lic, skid steer lic,
2000 grader lic, backhoe lic, loader lic
2005 trainer and assessor cert IV
2006 road train lic
Workplace Health and Safety Awareness/First Aid
2011 C.P.R and First Aid (Updated annually)
2000 Health and Safety Induction
2000 Risk assessment
1994 Manual Handling
1994 Hearing Protection
1994 Eye Protection
1994 Construction Industry Safety Induction
1999 Workplace Harassment/Bulling Awareness
2000 Environmental Awareness
People Management and development skills
2008 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104)
Mick Roy
Project manager [Suffern contracting]
Mark garner
Project Manager platinum fuels
Ken woodhouse
Superintendent [epica constructions]
Darren ethridge
Project manager northside projects