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Presented By  We Are One
Que:1: Justify the title of the movie
Ans: In the Commencement of the movie it is said conveyed that Our Fates are
Destined and Cannot be CHANGED even if we Want To.
At the starting of the movie Merida Says:
Some people Say that Our Destiny is a part of Our Land that we Live in,
while others say,  Fate is Woven like a Cloth, So that our Destiny Intertwines
with Others; And that we always Want/Strive to CHANGE our Fates. 
In the whole movie Merida tries to Change her Fate. She breaks Traditions and
She tries to find her own Path. And thus in the End of the Film, Merida
Understands that;
 Our Fate lives Within us And you only have
to be BRAVE enough to See it
 And truly she is able to change her Fate by
her BRAVERY and Dedication.
 So yes I completely agree with the Title of
the Film Brave. And I also think that
BRAVERY is one of Character trait of
Merida (the main Protagonist)/Heroine) of
the Film And the Title defines or Implies
Meridas Courage and BRAVERY.
Being able to communicate Effectively is one of the most Important Life Skill. Communication is
tranferring one Information to another through Vocally, Written form, Visually or Non-Verbally.
The film Brave teaches us Interpersonal Communication skills. The following are
Communication skills:
1) Non Verbal Communication: The Non Verbal Communication is very efficiently and
Effectively used by:
Queen Elinor when she turns into bear by the magic Cake. She effectively Communicates her
ideas and helps her daughter to solve the Fight Between the Clans and to bring them to
The Triplets, Harris, Hubert and Hamish. They are not seen talking in the whole movie. But they
are Successful in Communicating (with each Other and also with others) and Exprssing their
ideas through Gestures and Body Language.
2)Building Relation: In the beginning of the Film or at initial stage, we can see that the
Relationship between Queen Elinor and princess Merida is not very Good. And there is
Communication Gap, a rift in their Relationship. But they Mend the Bond between each other.
Solve problems with the help of each other, and their Bonding becomes stronger. In film we
see that Building Report is helpful in Understanding each other and is very vital in relationship.
3) Convicing: Convincing and Motivating others is very important. This is
skill is shown by:
Merida, when she is trying to convince all the leaders of the three Clans
who are Fighting amongst each other and also with king Fergus. As all
of them want to marry their sons with princess Merida. But Merida
effectively convinces them that she is not yet ready for the Marriage.
And let the Young princes decide for themselves who they love and in
their own time.
Queen Elinor, As the diplomatic counterpoint to her more impulsive
husband, King Fergus, She deals with the more political, diplomatic
problems among the four clans. This is shown as the leaders of the three
clans went to Elinor to decide who was the winner of the queen and as
she helped Merida reach a compromise among the four clans regarding
who would marry Merida that satisfied all sides
4) Listening Skills: Other characters in the film also show other
Communication skills such as Listening skills, Reflecting and
Clarification. Active Listening is very important in understanding what
is being communicated. It also helps us to avoid Misunderstandings.
 Absolutely, Legends are always based upon the the
Truths. Queen Elinor tells the story of how an
Ancient kingdom fell to ruins due to one selfish act
of the Prince. Later it is revealed in the movie that
the story that Queen Elinor had said to Merida had
happened for real. The prince had become the
Demon Bear MorDu and had killed his whole family
i.e his father and brothers.
1) Planning: In the film Queen Elinor shows that she is a good planner. She
can be seen planning for a Meridas marrige. And for the better future of
her daughter.
2) Controlling: As the diplomatic counterpoint to her more impulsive
husband, King Fergus, Elinor carries the weight of the kingdom on her
shoulders. Queen Elinor is, initially, a very strict authoritarian figure in
Merida's life and her kingdom. She demands that Merida follow in her
footsteps as queen and follow the customs and traditions of her kingdom,
despite them conflicting with Merida's desire for freedom and
independence. She is shown to be a very stern teacher who expects
nothing less but perfection from Merida. This causes a strain in the
relationship between her and Merida.
3) Co-Ordination: There is co-ordination seen in the various parts of the
movie. Queen Elinor is the one who maitains Coordination and Team
Work between all the four Clans
Co-Ordination and team Work is also seen When the Triplets: Hamish,
Harris and Hubert are also doing some mischief and stealing sweets.
4) Team Work: There is Team Work seen in the various parts of the movie.
Co-Ordination and team Work is also seen When the Triplets: Hamish,
Harris and Hubert are also doing some mischief and stealing sweets.
5)Leadership: King Fergus is the selected leader of all the four Clans. Also
the Queen Elinore takes up Directing and Motivating all the four clans
when Fergus is not able to direct and Motivate due to his impulsiveness.
6) Communication: Being able to communicate Effectively is one of the
most Important Life Skill. Communication is tranferring one Information
to another through Vocally, Written form, Visually or Non-Verbally. The
film Brave teaches us Interpersonal Communication skills. And this skills
are shown by both Queen Elinore and also her daughter rincess Merida.
7) Marketing: The Marketing is done in the few instances in the Film. By
witch when she tries to sell her Wood Carvings to Merida. Then when
Queen Elinore dress Up Merida to present her to the suitors for her
(Meridas) Marriage.
I. Merida - Bhumika Bhatt
II. King Fergus- Jay Goswami
III. (A) Harris- Jemish Donda
(B) Hubert- Vivek Malsatar
(C) Hamish- Girish Bhutaiya
IV. The Crow- Haresh Gujarati
V. Will o the Wisps  Bhumika Bhatt
VI. Angus  Akshay Navdiya

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  • 1. BRAVE Presented By We Are One
  • 2. Que:1: Justify the title of the movie Brave. Ans: In the Commencement of the movie it is said conveyed that Our Fates are Destined and Cannot be CHANGED even if we Want To. At the starting of the movie Merida Says: Some people Say that Our Destiny is a part of Our Land that we Live in, while others say, Fate is Woven like a Cloth, So that our Destiny Intertwines with Others; And that we always Want/Strive to CHANGE our Fates. In the whole movie Merida tries to Change her Fate. She breaks Traditions and She tries to find her own Path. And thus in the End of the Film, Merida Understands that;
  • 3. Our Fate lives Within us And you only have to be BRAVE enough to See it And truly she is able to change her Fate by her BRAVERY and Dedication. So yes I completely agree with the Title of the Film Brave. And I also think that BRAVERY is one of Character trait of Merida (the main Protagonist)/Heroine) of the Film And the Title defines or Implies Meridas Courage and BRAVERY.
  • 4. Being able to communicate Effectively is one of the most Important Life Skill. Communication is tranferring one Information to another through Vocally, Written form, Visually or Non-Verbally. The film Brave teaches us Interpersonal Communication skills. The following are Communication skills: 1) Non Verbal Communication: The Non Verbal Communication is very efficiently and Effectively used by: Queen Elinor when she turns into bear by the magic Cake. She effectively Communicates her ideas and helps her daughter to solve the Fight Between the Clans and to bring them to Harmony. The Triplets, Harris, Hubert and Hamish. They are not seen talking in the whole movie. But they are Successful in Communicating (with each Other and also with others) and Exprssing their ideas through Gestures and Body Language. 2)Building Relation: In the beginning of the Film or at initial stage, we can see that the Relationship between Queen Elinor and princess Merida is not very Good. And there is Communication Gap, a rift in their Relationship. But they Mend the Bond between each other. Solve problems with the help of each other, and their Bonding becomes stronger. In film we see that Building Report is helpful in Understanding each other and is very vital in relationship.
  • 5. 3) Convicing: Convincing and Motivating others is very important. This is skill is shown by: Merida, when she is trying to convince all the leaders of the three Clans who are Fighting amongst each other and also with king Fergus. As all of them want to marry their sons with princess Merida. But Merida effectively convinces them that she is not yet ready for the Marriage. And let the Young princes decide for themselves who they love and in their own time. Queen Elinor, As the diplomatic counterpoint to her more impulsive husband, King Fergus, She deals with the more political, diplomatic problems among the four clans. This is shown as the leaders of the three clans went to Elinor to decide who was the winner of the queen and as she helped Merida reach a compromise among the four clans regarding who would marry Merida that satisfied all sides 4) Listening Skills: Other characters in the film also show other Communication skills such as Listening skills, Reflecting and Clarification. Active Listening is very important in understanding what is being communicated. It also helps us to avoid Misunderstandings.
  • 6. Absolutely, Legends are always based upon the the Truths. Queen Elinor tells the story of how an Ancient kingdom fell to ruins due to one selfish act of the Prince. Later it is revealed in the movie that the story that Queen Elinor had said to Merida had happened for real. The prince had become the Demon Bear MorDu and had killed his whole family i.e his father and brothers.
  • 7. 1) Planning: In the film Queen Elinor shows that she is a good planner. She can be seen planning for a Meridas marrige. And for the better future of her daughter. 2) Controlling: As the diplomatic counterpoint to her more impulsive husband, King Fergus, Elinor carries the weight of the kingdom on her shoulders. Queen Elinor is, initially, a very strict authoritarian figure in Merida's life and her kingdom. She demands that Merida follow in her footsteps as queen and follow the customs and traditions of her kingdom, despite them conflicting with Merida's desire for freedom and independence. She is shown to be a very stern teacher who expects nothing less but perfection from Merida. This causes a strain in the relationship between her and Merida. 3) Co-Ordination: There is co-ordination seen in the various parts of the movie. Queen Elinor is the one who maitains Coordination and Team Work between all the four Clans Co-Ordination and team Work is also seen When the Triplets: Hamish, Harris and Hubert are also doing some mischief and stealing sweets.
  • 8. 4) Team Work: There is Team Work seen in the various parts of the movie. Co-Ordination and team Work is also seen When the Triplets: Hamish, Harris and Hubert are also doing some mischief and stealing sweets. 5)Leadership: King Fergus is the selected leader of all the four Clans. Also the Queen Elinore takes up Directing and Motivating all the four clans when Fergus is not able to direct and Motivate due to his impulsiveness. 6) Communication: Being able to communicate Effectively is one of the most Important Life Skill. Communication is tranferring one Information to another through Vocally, Written form, Visually or Non-Verbally. The film Brave teaches us Interpersonal Communication skills. And this skills are shown by both Queen Elinore and also her daughter rincess Merida. 7) Marketing: The Marketing is done in the few instances in the Film. By witch when she tries to sell her Wood Carvings to Merida. Then when Queen Elinore dress Up Merida to present her to the suitors for her (Meridas) Marriage.
  • 9. I. Merida - Bhumika Bhatt II. King Fergus- Jay Goswami III. (A) Harris- Jemish Donda (B) Hubert- Vivek Malsatar (C) Hamish- Girish Bhutaiya IV. The Crow- Haresh Gujarati V. Will o the Wisps Bhumika Bhatt VI. Angus Akshay Navdiya