Maica is a 17-year old girl from Barcelona traveling to Britain to study English for a year. On her journey to London, she meets Charlie, a boy from Glasgow returning home. Maica struggles with cultural stereotypes as she tries to navigate Britain, from ordering food to attending her new school, while Charlie struggles with his own stereotypes of Spanish people. As they get to know each other, Maica and Charlie must overcome their differences if they want to pursue a romance.
The document contains a New Year's greeting from Joseph Jeevanand Ministries, thanking God for protection in 2007 and urging prayers for guidance, cleansing from sin, and a good start in 2008 with the Holy Spirit's help, so that God can solve all problems.
The document discusses various aspects of product planning and management including product personality, core and associated features, packaging, branding, and Theodore Levitt's concept of generic, expected, augmented, and potential products. It also covers product classification based on durability, tangibility, and usage. The document lists different product policy and mix strategies companies use including expanding or contracting their mix, altering existing products, and trading up or down product lines through line stretching, filling, or pruning. Finally, it discusses product life cycles and strategies used in the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline stages.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
The document contains a New Year's greeting from Joseph Jeevanand Ministries, thanking God for protection in 2007 and urging prayers for guidance, cleansing from sin, and a good start in 2008 with the Holy Spirit's help, so that God can solve all problems.
The document discusses various aspects of product planning and management including product personality, core and associated features, packaging, branding, and Theodore Levitt's concept of generic, expected, augmented, and potential products. It also covers product classification based on durability, tangibility, and usage. The document lists different product policy and mix strategies companies use including expanding or contracting their mix, altering existing products, and trading up or down product lines through line stretching, filling, or pruning. Finally, it discusses product life cycles and strategies used in the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline stages.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Some general imformation of Web 2.0, including its definition, characteristics, compared with Web 1.0, some application in education and the future of Web 2.0 and our attitudes award it.
18. 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools
19. Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0 - 有很多 Web 2.0 的網上工具介紹 Blogging for Large Classes - 一篇很好的文章 Teaching Tips: Using Online Journals and Blogs 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools