This document discusses the benefits of DragonWAF website security software. DragonWAF protects websites from common attacks like SQL injection, buffer overflows, and cross-site scripting by filtering malicious code and requests. It offers more protection than ordinary firewalls, which miss 25% of cyber attacks, and conventional firewalls. DragonWAF securely handles user access and online transactions while maintaining brand trustworthiness and business sustainability.
This document discusses research into three different types of anomaly-based web application firewalls (WAFs): statistical techniques, Markov chains, and machine learning. It describes creating datasets for evaluating WAFs, the results of experiments showing statistical techniques had the lowest false positive rate but Markov chains and machine learning also had high detection rates, and contributions like reducing the number of features and training requests to optimize WAF performance.
The document discusses Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and how to implement RPC between a GWT client and server. It describes the key classes and interfaces used for RPC, how to define the service interface and implementation classes, deploying the service, and making an asynchronous call from the client to retrieve the response.
Web Application Firewall (WAF) DAST/SAST combinationTjylen Veselyj
In this presentation we analyze benefits of applied innovative WAF that have callback connection with DAST security tools and allow very quickly detect security defects in critical SaaS or e-commerce application
This document introduces Web Application Firewall (WAF) and discusses techniques for bypassing WAF protections, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, file inclusion, HTTP parameter contamination, and HTTP pollution attacks. It provides examples of bypassing specific WAF vendors and open source WAFs like ModSecurity and PHPIDS. While WAFs can block some attacks, the document argues they cannot eliminate all vulnerabilities and proper secure coding is still needed. It concludes that WAFs may succeed or fail depending on configurations and imaginative attacks.
Introdu巽達o a Web Applications Firewalls - Apresenta巽達o realizada no dia 31/mar巽o/2011 no primeiro encontro do grupo OWASP Porto Alegre -
This document discusses strong authentication methods that use two factors of identification. It describes traditional methods like ATM cards that use something you have (the card) and something you know (the PIN). Modern methods discussed include one-time passwords, smart cards, and out-of-band authentication using a mobile phone for an extra layer of security beyond just a password. The document analyzes the security and weaknesses of various knowledge-based and ownership-based authentication approaches.
The document discusses various security issues that can occur on web portals, including cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow altering of content or stealing cookies, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. It provides examples of how these attacks can be carried out, such as using XSS to change website branding or send a user's cookies to an attacker. The document recommends mitigation techniques like input filtering, consistency checks, and tying sessions to IP addresses to help prevent these types of attacks.
This document discusses strong authentication methods that use two factors of identification. It describes traditional methods like ATM cards that use something you have (the card) and something you know (the PIN). Modern methods discussed include one-time passwords, smart cards, and out-of-band authentication using a mobile phone for an extra layer of security beyond just a password. The document analyzes the security and weaknesses of various knowledge-based and ownership-based authentication approaches.
The document discusses various security issues that can occur on web portals, including cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow altering of content or stealing cookies, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. It provides examples of how these attacks can be carried out, such as using XSS to change website branding or send a user's cookies to an attacker. The document recommends mitigation techniques like input filtering, consistency checks, and tying sessions to IP addresses to help prevent these types of attacks.
2. WAF zastosowanie Obrona aplikacji i serwer坦w webowych przed atakami typu Brute Force i SQLInjection Ochrona u甜ytkownik坦w przed przejciem sesji Ochrona XML-RPC (AJAX) Ochrona XML WebServices Ochrona komunikacji SOAP
3. WAF tarcza webservera WAF Web Server Web Client
4. WAF bogactwo i r坦甜norodno Architektura wdro甜enia Sposoby dziaania Wsparcie HTTP Rodzaje detekcji Rodzaje ochrony Logowanie i raportowanie Zarzdzanie Wydajno XML
5. WAF architektura wdro甜enia Tryby dziaania: Bridge Router Reverse proxy WebServer plug-in Spos坦b wykonania BlackBox oprogramowanie i specjalizowany sprzt Oprogramowanie WAF jako farma urzdze
6. WAF sposoby dziaania Wsp坦dziaanie z SSL Terminator SSL Pasywne rozkodowanie SSLa Blokowanie ruchu Blokowanie przez WAF 纏dania HTTP, poczenia, adresy IP, sesje, u甜ytkownicy Delegacja blokowanie na inne urzdzenia
7. WAF wsparcie HTTP Wsparcie HTTP HTTP 1.0/1.1, formularze, ciasteczka kompresja, walidacja URL ograniczenia na typ protokou i wielko, dugo URI, nag坦wki, parametry (typ i wielko) transfer plik坦w autentykacja Wsparcie HTML Kodowanie stron Wsparcie innych protoko坦w (FTP, LDAP, DNS)
8. WAF rodzaje detekcji Dekodowanie HTTP/HTML Znaki specjalne HTML i URL cie甜ki (./, ../) Nadu甜ywanie biaych znak坦w Pozytywny i negatywny model bezpieczestwa Sygnatury i Role (bazy danych producent坦w) Konfiguracja rczna Mo甜liwo tworzenia wasnych dodatk坦w
9. WAF rodzaje ochrony Detekcja atak坦w typu Brute Force Ochrona ciasteczek (podpisywanie i szyfrowanie) Ochrona sesji (autentykacja ID sesji) Ochrona p坦l ukrytych Mapa aplikacji restrykcje sposobu poruszania si u甜ytkownika
10. WAF logowanie i raportowanie Eksport log坦w do pliku w wybranym formacie z zadanym interwaem (via FTP) Powiadamianie o zdarzeniach Obsuga danych wra甜liwych Raportowanie automatyzacja
11. WAF zarzdzanie Zarzdzanie polisami Tryb uczenia si Zarzdzanie konfiguracj i u甜ytkownikami Interface WAF GUI (via https) konsola
15. XML Firewall Rodzaj WAF Filtrowanie nag坦wk坦w SOAP Uprawnienia i restrykcje Token SAML Filtrowanie treci SOAP Walidacja XSD Ochrona XML WebServices
16. XML Firewall zastosowanie HTTPS HTTP XML Firewall XML WebService (MIDDLEWARE) Zewntrzny system ERP FK
17. WAF - Najlepsze praktyki Tworzenie aplikacji filtrowanych przez WAF Uwaga na WIZARDy w narzdziach devloperskich! Obiekty HTTP w protokole HTTPS Testy aplikacji razem z WAF przed wdro甜eniem Mapy aplikacji i polisy bezpieczestwa Najpierw mapa, potem polisy Tryb uczenia jako dodatek i uzupenienie Dynamiczne serwisy Problem z dynamicznie tworzon zawartoci