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亠弍-仂亰仂弍从舒: 于仂舒, 仂亞仂亟仆,亰舒于舒从仂 舒亶亟仆, Eleks Software Ltd.
乂仂 舒从亠 于亠弍-仂亰仂弍从舒?从仍仆-亠于亠仆舒 舒亠从舒, 亰舒仆仂于舒仆舒 仆舒 亰舒仗亳舒;从仂仗仍舒仂仄亠仆仆亠 从仍仆从亠 亠亠亟仂于亳亠;于亟仆 从亳 舒仆亟舒于 舒 100%-仗舒于亳仍仆亳  亠舒仍亰舒亶;弍舒亞舒仂仄仂于仆亠 亠亠亟仂于亳亠 仂亰仂弍从亳 (从仍仆: HTML + CSS + JavaScript, 亠于亠: PHP/Python/ASP.Net/Ruby/SQL/).
仍ム仂于 亠仆仂仍仂亞
HTML弌亳仆舒从亳: 仆舒 弍舒亰 SGML仂舒从仂于亠 仗亳亰仆舒亠仆仆: 仄仂于舒 仂亰仄从亳  仂仄舒于舒仆仆 仆舒从仂于仂 亟仂从仄亠仆舒1989: 仗仂舒仂从 仂亰仂弍从亳1991: HTML 1.01994: v 2.01999: v 4.01, XHTML 1.0
CSS亳亰仆舒亠仆仆: 仄仂于舒 仂仗亳 亰仂于仆仆仂亞仂 于亳亞仍磲 亟仂从仄亠仆于, 仂仗亳舒仆亳 仄仂于仂 仂亰仄从亳1994: 仗仂舒仂从 仂亰仂弍从亳1996: v 1.01998: v 2.02007: v 2.1
JavaScript弌亳仆舒从亳: C/Java亳亰仆舒亠仆仆: 仄仂于舒 仗仂亞舒仄于舒仆仆 亟仍 仆亠舒从亳于仆亳 于亠弍-仂仆仂从仍舒亳于仂: 仂弍从仆仂-仂仆仂于仆舒, 亟亳仆舒仄仆仂-亳仗亰仂于舒仆舒, 从亳仗仂于舒1994: LiveScript1996: JavaScript 1.0 (Netscape)1997: JavaScript 1.2, ECMAScript v11999: AJAX (XMLHTTPRequest)2000: JavaScript 1.5
舒亶弍仆:HTML 5.0CSS 3.0JS APIs
Semantics弌亠仄舒仆亳仆 亠亞亳MicrodataMicroformats
Offline & StorageWeb Application CacheLocal StorageIndexed DBFile API
Device Access亠仂仍仂从舒仂仗 舒仗舒舒仆亳 仄仂亢仍亳于仂亠亶 (从舒仄亠舒, 仄从仂仂仆, 舒从亠仍亠仂仄亠)仂仗 亟仂 API (从仂仆舒从亳, 从舒仍亠仆亟舒, drag&drop)
ConnectivityWeb SocketsServer-side eventsCross-document messaging
3D, Graphics & EffectsSVGCanvasWebGLCSS 3D
Performance & IntegrationWeb WorkersXMLHttpRequest 2
CSS3BordersBackgroundText effectsSizingSelectorsFonts, columnsSpeech

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Editor's Notes

  • #2: This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting.SectionsRight-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors.NotesUse the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production)Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes.Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale.Graphics, tables, and graphsKeep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors.Label all graphs and tables.
  • #3: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #4: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #5: Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience.
  • #6: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #7: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #8: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #9: Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience.
  • #10: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #11: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #12: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #13: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #14: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #15: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #16: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #17: Summarize presentation content by restating the important points from the lessons.What do you want the audience to remember when they leave your presentation?Save your presentation to a video for easy distribution (To create a video, click the File tab, and then click Share. Under File Types, click Create a Video.)
  • #18: Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience.