狠狠撸s della sessione su Automatic Reference Counting, tenuta da Giuseppe Arici alla WhyMCA 2012.
Where'd all my memory go? SCALE 12x SCALE12xJoshua Miller
Insufficient memory is a regular problem for systems, and finding what is using up our memory can be tricky. In this session we look at the linux kernel memory system : where memory is consumed, why, and what to do about it. We'll explore memory metrics through utilities like top, ps, vmstat, pmap, and slabinfo. We'll start with the basics of memory in the Linux kernel - overviewing the relevant fields in top, looking at per process statistics in ps, but then quickly work up to more complex matters. Topics will include paging, swapping, caches, buffers, the Linux VFS, and shared memory. Throughout the presentation we'll look at sample cases which highlight particular components, the circumstances in which that component might become involved in using a significant portion of a system's memory, and discuss how and whether tunables should be used to manage how the kernel manages its resources.
Advanced Dynamic Analysis for Leak Detection (Apple Internship 2008)James Clause
The document discusses advanced dynamic analysis techniques for leak detection. It describes how dynamic taint analysis works by assigning taint marks, propagating those marks, and checking the marks. This allows detecting where memory was allocated but not freed. The document outlines an implementation of leak detection as a Valgrind tool that intercepts memory functions and instruments instructions. It summarizes the current status of handling different languages and platforms. Future work ideas include improving the leakpoint tool and collaborating with Apple on new analysis techniques based on the experiences gained.
狠狠撸s della sessione su Automatic Reference Counting, tenuta da Giuseppe Arici alla WhyMCA 2012.
Where'd all my memory go? SCALE 12x SCALE12xJoshua Miller
Insufficient memory is a regular problem for systems, and finding what is using up our memory can be tricky. In this session we look at the linux kernel memory system : where memory is consumed, why, and what to do about it. We'll explore memory metrics through utilities like top, ps, vmstat, pmap, and slabinfo. We'll start with the basics of memory in the Linux kernel - overviewing the relevant fields in top, looking at per process statistics in ps, but then quickly work up to more complex matters. Topics will include paging, swapping, caches, buffers, the Linux VFS, and shared memory. Throughout the presentation we'll look at sample cases which highlight particular components, the circumstances in which that component might become involved in using a significant portion of a system's memory, and discuss how and whether tunables should be used to manage how the kernel manages its resources.
Advanced Dynamic Analysis for Leak Detection (Apple Internship 2008)James Clause
The document discusses advanced dynamic analysis techniques for leak detection. It describes how dynamic taint analysis works by assigning taint marks, propagating those marks, and checking the marks. This allows detecting where memory was allocated but not freed. The document outlines an implementation of leak detection as a Valgrind tool that intercepts memory functions and instruments instructions. It summarizes the current status of handling different languages and platforms. Future work ideas include improving the leakpoint tool and collaborating with Apple on new analysis techniques based on the experiences gained.
The document discusses CSS3 techniques including rounded borders, box shadows, transitions, animations, and multi-column layouts. It provides code examples for applying various CSS3 properties such as border-radius, box-shadow, transform, transition, and animation. It also introduces CSS3 selectors like nth-of-type and nth-last-child for selecting elements by their position.