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Legalized Racism<br />Who We AreWe are the Legalized Racism. We believe that the new Arizona immigration law is not right! This law is a social injustice! That any police can stop someone who looks like an illegal immigrate and demand that they show their papers. That means  I could be stopped and have to show papers that Im a U.S. citizen. Just because I look like a immigrate!Our IssueSocial Injustice is a concept relating to the claimed unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens and other incidental inequalities. The concept is distinct from those of justice in law, which may or may not be considered moral in practice, or from the concept of justice within a coherent ideological system, which focuses on just process rather than on incidental inequalities. Opposition to social injustice is increasingly a platform of emerging political parties. Social injustice arises when equals are treated unequally and unequals are treated equally A good example of social injustice is this new law that Arizona has passed, requires police to ask for identification from anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Hispanics will be racially targeted by police on the basis of their appearance, and said it will make undocumented immigrants reluctant to report crimes or cooperate in police investigations.See What Others Are SayingMexican President Felipe Calderon says his government \"
cannot and will not remain indifferent\"
 in the face of Arizona's new immigration enforcement law, which he says violates human rights. But Mexico itself has \"
incredibly restrictive\"
 immigration laws, experts told FoxNews.com.When Arizona's law goes into effect this summer, law enforcement officers in the state will be required to verify the immigration status of individuals they suspect are in the country illegally. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder quickly criticized the law despite its popularity in Arizona, and a referendum drive and a lawsuit have emerged as potential roadblocks to it.But Calderon's objection has riled some immigration policy experts, who called his take on the 油measure misguided given Mexico's policies on unauthorized residents, particularly how the country deals with illegal entry and foreign ownership of property.\"
It shows more than anything else that Mexico's restrictive immigration policies have kept that country poor and in conflict for years,\"
 said Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based conservative think tank. \"
The United States should not try to emulate that.\"
Before last year, when Mexican immigration law was amended, the penalties for entering Mexico illegally ranged from fines to imprisonment for up to two years, followed by deportation. The law now allows for fines up to 5700 pesos (roughly $470), and a $400 fine for overstaying on a visa.Becerra wants 'sensible' reformAnd the U.S. State Department warns Americans to exercise \"
extreme caution\"
 prior to investing in property in Mexico, due to substantially different real estate practices and laws. The Mexican Constitution bans direct ownership by foreigners of real estate within 10 kilometers -- or 6.2 miles -- of any border and within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of any coastline.\"
In order to permit foreign investment in these areas, the Mexican government has created a trust mechanism in which a bank has title to the property but a trust beneficiary enjoys the benefits of ownership,\"
 the State Department profile on Mexico reads. \"
However, U.S. citizens are vulnerable to title challenges that may result in years of litigation and possible eviction.\"
Nowrasteh said those policies hurt Mexico financially and contribute to a system that is not designed to accommodate foreigners.\"
Restrictive ownership of property by foreigners restricts foreign investment,\"
 he said. \"
It restricts the movement of entrepreneurs and laborers to Mexico who make the country wealthier. Any person around the world should be able to own property and invest in any economy around the world. It's to everyone's benefit.\"
Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin said Mexico's immigration laws are \"
far more draconian\"
 than those in the United States, adding that Mexican authorities can \"
exercise any discretion\"
 regarding deportations.\"
So it's particularly ironic to see them complaining about America when we allow open borders activists and illegal aliens to march on the streets demanding that we give them more than they certainly do in Mexico,\"
 said Malkin, who is a Fox News contributor.Andrew Selee, director of the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, agreed that Calderon's statements regarding Arizona's law are seemingly incongruous given immigration policies in his own country.\"
The Mexican government is certainly within its rights to defend its citizens abroad, but they should also remind them of the need to substantially improve immigration laws in Mexico,\"
 Selee said. \"
We would expect the Mexican government to want to protect their citizens living in the United States, but this is a highly public issue. It should certainly also bring about some reflection on how immigration law is applied in Mexico.\"
Dan Griswold, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, disagreed, saying Calderon has a right to speak his mind about Arizona's new law.\"
The Mexican president has a right to complain about laws he thinks work against Mexican citizens in the United States,\"
 he said. \"
And the Arizona law does raise legitimate questions about discrimination.\"
Griswold continued, \"
The Mexican president is an important voice in this discussion. They're an important neighbor, an important trading partner and we have mutual interests.\"
<br />What You Can Do to HelpWell now that you have read all of this we hope you are disgusted by this new law that Arizona has passed and want to help stop this social injustice! You are probably asking Well how can I help? Im just one person. Wrong! Even one person can help make a difference. Plus just that one person can encourage other people to get involved and then the next thing you know there are millions of people helping just because of that one person!  There are several options that you can do to help stop this social injustice:Boycott existing tourism, meetings, conferences, athletic events in Arizona.油 Cancel plans for all future events.Boycott products manufactured in Arizona (if you can identify them).Increase the number and duration of油 highly visible protests throughout ArizonaHave the DOJ start legal proceedings against the state of ArizonaHave individuals stopped by the Arizona Gestapo for their papers join together and start a class action suit against the state of ArizonaHave Hispanics on the police force stop high level white politicians like John McCain, prominent business people, media celebrities or sports stars and demand their papersAs New York Times columnist Linda Greenhouse suggests, have all Arizonans who protest this law walk the streets of Tucson and Phoenix wearing buttons that say: I Could be Illegal.Increase Hispanic and legal immigrant voter registrations in Arizona and other states of their ilk so that the political power begins to shift away from this lunacy.Continue to get well-spoken Hispanic politicians like Representative Gutierrez of IL on the air, like we saw with his interview on Keith Olbmerman last night.Encourage the Hispanic media  print, broadcast, Internet, radio, etc. to continue their barrage of negative response to this bill.Have legal Hispanic workers in Arizona institute periodic work stoppages.Continue foreign news coverage of this discriminatory, prejudicial law.Write letters to the legislators telling them how this new law is a social injustice, and how you want it to change!Works CitedJoshua Rhett Miller. \"
Mexican Hypocrisy? U.S. Neighbor Has Its Own Tough Take on Immigration.\"
 FoxNews.com 30 April 2010. 30 April 2010. <http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/30/mexican-hypocrisy-neighbor-tough-immigration/>Pictures are taken from-Miranda Wilson. \"
What is Going on in Arizona: States Try to Reform Immigration Law Because the Feds Havent.\"
 Conducive Chronicle 26 April 2010. 30 April 2010. <http://cchronicle.com/2010/04/what-is-going-on-in-arizona/>Anonymous. Arizona Residents React to New Immigration Reform.FoxNews.com 30 April 2010 < http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/us/2010/04/21/arizona-residents-react-new-immigration-reform/?slide=1>  Works Cited Pictures are from <br />
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  • 1. Legalized Racism<br />Who We AreWe are the Legalized Racism. We believe that the new Arizona immigration law is not right! This law is a social injustice! That any police can stop someone who looks like an illegal immigrate and demand that they show their papers. That means I could be stopped and have to show papers that Im a U.S. citizen. Just because I look like a immigrate!Our IssueSocial Injustice is a concept relating to the claimed unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens and other incidental inequalities. The concept is distinct from those of justice in law, which may or may not be considered moral in practice, or from the concept of justice within a coherent ideological system, which focuses on just process rather than on incidental inequalities. Opposition to social injustice is increasingly a platform of emerging political parties. Social injustice arises when equals are treated unequally and unequals are treated equally A good example of social injustice is this new law that Arizona has passed, requires police to ask for identification from anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Hispanics will be racially targeted by police on the basis of their appearance, and said it will make undocumented immigrants reluctant to report crimes or cooperate in police investigations.See What Others Are SayingMexican President Felipe Calderon says his government \" cannot and will not remain indifferent\" in the face of Arizona's new immigration enforcement law, which he says violates human rights. But Mexico itself has \" incredibly restrictive\" immigration laws, experts told FoxNews.com.When Arizona's law goes into effect this summer, law enforcement officers in the state will be required to verify the immigration status of individuals they suspect are in the country illegally. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder quickly criticized the law despite its popularity in Arizona, and a referendum drive and a lawsuit have emerged as potential roadblocks to it.But Calderon's objection has riled some immigration policy experts, who called his take on the 油measure misguided given Mexico's policies on unauthorized residents, particularly how the country deals with illegal entry and foreign ownership of property.\" It shows more than anything else that Mexico's restrictive immigration policies have kept that country poor and in conflict for years,\" said Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based conservative think tank. \" The United States should not try to emulate that.\" Before last year, when Mexican immigration law was amended, the penalties for entering Mexico illegally ranged from fines to imprisonment for up to two years, followed by deportation. The law now allows for fines up to 5700 pesos (roughly $470), and a $400 fine for overstaying on a visa.Becerra wants 'sensible' reformAnd the U.S. State Department warns Americans to exercise \" extreme caution\" prior to investing in property in Mexico, due to substantially different real estate practices and laws. The Mexican Constitution bans direct ownership by foreigners of real estate within 10 kilometers -- or 6.2 miles -- of any border and within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of any coastline.\" In order to permit foreign investment in these areas, the Mexican government has created a trust mechanism in which a bank has title to the property but a trust beneficiary enjoys the benefits of ownership,\" the State Department profile on Mexico reads. \" However, U.S. citizens are vulnerable to title challenges that may result in years of litigation and possible eviction.\" Nowrasteh said those policies hurt Mexico financially and contribute to a system that is not designed to accommodate foreigners.\" Restrictive ownership of property by foreigners restricts foreign investment,\" he said. \" It restricts the movement of entrepreneurs and laborers to Mexico who make the country wealthier. Any person around the world should be able to own property and invest in any economy around the world. It's to everyone's benefit.\" Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin said Mexico's immigration laws are \" far more draconian\" than those in the United States, adding that Mexican authorities can \" exercise any discretion\" regarding deportations.\" So it's particularly ironic to see them complaining about America when we allow open borders activists and illegal aliens to march on the streets demanding that we give them more than they certainly do in Mexico,\" said Malkin, who is a Fox News contributor.Andrew Selee, director of the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, agreed that Calderon's statements regarding Arizona's law are seemingly incongruous given immigration policies in his own country.\" The Mexican government is certainly within its rights to defend its citizens abroad, but they should also remind them of the need to substantially improve immigration laws in Mexico,\" Selee said. \" We would expect the Mexican government to want to protect their citizens living in the United States, but this is a highly public issue. It should certainly also bring about some reflection on how immigration law is applied in Mexico.\" Dan Griswold, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, disagreed, saying Calderon has a right to speak his mind about Arizona's new law.\" The Mexican president has a right to complain about laws he thinks work against Mexican citizens in the United States,\" he said. \" And the Arizona law does raise legitimate questions about discrimination.\" Griswold continued, \" The Mexican president is an important voice in this discussion. They're an important neighbor, an important trading partner and we have mutual interests.\" <br />What You Can Do to HelpWell now that you have read all of this we hope you are disgusted by this new law that Arizona has passed and want to help stop this social injustice! You are probably asking Well how can I help? Im just one person. Wrong! Even one person can help make a difference. Plus just that one person can encourage other people to get involved and then the next thing you know there are millions of people helping just because of that one person! There are several options that you can do to help stop this social injustice:Boycott existing tourism, meetings, conferences, athletic events in Arizona.油 Cancel plans for all future events.Boycott products manufactured in Arizona (if you can identify them).Increase the number and duration of油 highly visible protests throughout ArizonaHave the DOJ start legal proceedings against the state of ArizonaHave individuals stopped by the Arizona Gestapo for their papers join together and start a class action suit against the state of ArizonaHave Hispanics on the police force stop high level white politicians like John McCain, prominent business people, media celebrities or sports stars and demand their papersAs New York Times columnist Linda Greenhouse suggests, have all Arizonans who protest this law walk the streets of Tucson and Phoenix wearing buttons that say: I Could be Illegal.Increase Hispanic and legal immigrant voter registrations in Arizona and other states of their ilk so that the political power begins to shift away from this lunacy.Continue to get well-spoken Hispanic politicians like Representative Gutierrez of IL on the air, like we saw with his interview on Keith Olbmerman last night.Encourage the Hispanic media print, broadcast, Internet, radio, etc. to continue their barrage of negative response to this bill.Have legal Hispanic workers in Arizona institute periodic work stoppages.Continue foreign news coverage of this discriminatory, prejudicial law.Write letters to the legislators telling them how this new law is a social injustice, and how you want it to change!Works CitedJoshua Rhett Miller. \" Mexican Hypocrisy? U.S. Neighbor Has Its Own Tough Take on Immigration.\" FoxNews.com 30 April 2010. 30 April 2010. <http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/30/mexican-hypocrisy-neighbor-tough-immigration/>Pictures are taken from-Miranda Wilson. \" What is Going on in Arizona: States Try to Reform Immigration Law Because the Feds Havent.\" Conducive Chronicle 26 April 2010. 30 April 2010. <http://cchronicle.com/2010/04/what-is-going-on-in-arizona/>Anonymous. Arizona Residents React to New Immigration Reform.FoxNews.com 30 April 2010 < http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/us/2010/04/21/arizona-residents-react-new-immigration-reform/?slide=1> Works Cited Pictures are from <br />