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 These following activitieswere created to you!!!Thinking in help you withthe hard part of Englishlistening. I hope you enjoythe different tasks youhave to develop, you willfind songs, movies, videos,news and interviews whichhelp you to improve andincrease the competence inthis skill
Students have to create a
role play based on a
break news report
 Watch the video of the breaking new report,
listen carefully and answer the following
 While you are watching answer these questions
1. what king of story is often at the beginning of a
news program?
2. what kind of reports are often in the middle?
3. what kind of story is often at the end?
 Socialize your answers with the group and
organize the schema of the news taking into
account the running order
 Complete the given task on
worksheets 5.1 and 5.2
In groups of 3, students following the given tips are going to
create his/her own breaking news report including
different sections such as international, sport, science,
gossip, t.v guide etc
 Make the script of your own news taking into
account the given worksheet you can watch the
following video to help you
 Be as creative as possible!!!
 Follow the steps given in the video and present your script.
When your news is ready and mistakes are checked by the
teacher your news can be recorded you can watch the
following link and have an idea
 Once your news is recorded you can upload to
the red and enjoy the work you have made
News tip to create good news
How to create a break news report
Examples of activities
 During the class the learners
will be given tasks in order to
improve listening skills. The
students progress will be
shown in the assessment table
which evaluate them according
to the standards and the level
(1 point)
(3 points)
(5 Points)
Video how Edward tips My lack of vocabulary
doesnt allow me to
understand information
from the video
I understand the 8o% of
information from the video
Understand essential
information from the video
which help me to answer
the worksheets
I couldnt complete all the
exercises from the
worksheet because It is
was complicated to infer
the information from the
listening exercise
I commit some mistakes
answering the task but
the general idea from the
video was clear
The video help me to
answer the task given in
the worksheets
Breaking news
I couldnt create the new
according to the steps
given on the video
It was difficult to plan the
news because I didnt
understand what I have to
do according to the tips
The steps for the news
construction are not
The stories I create have
some grammatically
mistakes but the main
idea is evident
Planning the script of the
news was not too easy
but the video, the tips and
my classmates help me
The news presentations
have some mistakes
related to preparation and
the given scheme
The stories created to the
news report follows the
tips given in the videos
The script of the news
follow the steps giving in
the video including the
tips from the conductor
The newss organization
and preparation reveals
the scheme form the
 Listening is one of the receptive skill which needs to
be develop in the classroom, with the previous
activities hopefully you improve your listening skill
continue practicing this type of exercises that will
help you to increase your language vocabulary

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  • 2. These following activitieswere created to you!!!Thinking in help you withthe hard part of Englishlistening. I hope you enjoythe different tasks youhave to develop, you willfind songs, movies, videos,news and interviews whichhelp you to improve andincrease the competence inthis skill
  • 3. Students have to create a role play based on a break news report
  • 4. Watch the video of the breaking new report, listen carefully and answer the following questions While you are watching answer these questions 1. what king of story is often at the beginning of a news program? 2. what kind of reports are often in the middle? 3. what kind of story is often at the end?
  • 5. Socialize your answers with the group and organize the schema of the news taking into account the running order Complete the given task on http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/school_report/7499484.stm worksheets 5.1 and 5.2 In groups of 3, students following the given tips are going to create his/her own breaking news report including different sections such as international, sport, science, gossip, t.v guide etc
  • 6. Make the script of your own news taking into account the given worksheet you can watch the following video to help you http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/school_report/resource s_for_teachers/8472052.stm Be as creative as possible!!! Follow the steps given in the video and present your script. When your news is ready and mistakes are checked by the teacher your news can be recorded you can watch the following link and have an idea http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=I8bQ-lKda5U
  • 7. Once your news is recorded you can upload to the red and enjoy the work you have made
  • 8. News tip to create good news http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/school_report/74994 84.stm How to create a break news report http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/school_report/resourc es_for_teachers/8472052.stm Examples of activities http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=I8bQ-lKda5U
  • 9. During the class the learners will be given tasks in order to improve listening skills. The students progress will be shown in the assessment table which evaluate them according to the standards and the level
  • 10. CATEGORY STARTERS (1 point) MOVERS (3 points) GRADERS (5 Points) Video how Edward tips My lack of vocabulary doesnt allow me to understand information from the video I understand the 8o% of information from the video Understand essential information from the video which help me to answer the worksheets Worksheets I couldnt complete all the exercises from the worksheet because It is was complicated to infer the information from the listening exercise I commit some mistakes answering the task but the general idea from the video was clear The video help me to answer the task given in the worksheets Breaking news Stories Planning Filming I couldnt create the new according to the steps given on the video It was difficult to plan the news because I didnt understand what I have to do according to the tips presented The steps for the news construction are not evident The stories I create have some grammatically mistakes but the main idea is evident Planning the script of the news was not too easy but the video, the tips and my classmates help me The news presentations have some mistakes related to preparation and the given scheme The stories created to the news report follows the tips given in the videos The script of the news follow the steps giving in the video including the tips from the conductor The newss organization and preparation reveals the scheme form the video
  • 11. Listening is one of the receptive skill which needs to be develop in the classroom, with the previous activities hopefully you improve your listening skill continue practicing this type of exercises that will help you to increase your language vocabulary