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EQ: What is the purpose of the European Union?
HW: 10 more questions from your Study Guide

Self Assessment- Using your Unit 3
What I Know go through and check
the standards you got and circle the
parts that you dont got
Week 16  day 3-eu
What is the European Union?
 EU- An organization of more than 25
 European countries who joined together to
 encourage trade within Europe.

 A multinational confederation

 Creates a free-trade zone: no tariffs, no
 quotas, no embargos!
there are
of the EU
European Union Members

Austria     Finland   Latvia        Romania
Belgium     France    Lithuania     Slovakia
Bulgaria    Germany   Luxembourg    Slovenia
Cyprus      Greece    Malta         Spain
Czech Republic
            Hungary   Netherlands   Sweden
            Ireland   Poland        United
Denmark     Italy     Portugal      Kingdom
 With your partner, brainstorm
 Why do you think a country
 might want to join the EU?
Why Join Together?
 Believe that when countries work together
 they are a more powerful force in the
 world because they involve:
   More money
   More people
   More land area
  This helps make small countries more
    competitive in the world market
Breaking it down by the #s
                           EU                      United
  Land Area                1,500,000               3,700,000
  Population               500,000,000             305,000,000
  Gross Domestic           $14 Trillion            $13.5 Trillion
  GDP Per Capita $28,213                           $43,444
The US is much larger than separate European countries
When the EU countries combine, they have more people and a larger economy; they
can compete in a global economy
Whats the Purpose?
#1- Create a peaceful, stable environment
#2- Promote free trade among members
#3- Ensure safety and security of member
#4- Assist in social issues like preserving the
 environment and protecting human rights
 With your partner, brainstorm
 One BENEFIT of European
 countries joining together
 for trade.
Benefits for the Members
Members may use a common currency
 (euro) that makes trade easier

EU works to improve trade, education,
 farming, & industry among its members

No tariffs (taxes) among member countries
  free trade zone
 With your partner, discuss
 How would having different
 currency (money) effect
 trade in Europe?
 The euro is the currency of MOST EU countries.
 Member countries can choose to give up their own
  currency and exchange them for euros.
    French francs and German marks have been replaced by
     the euro
 Why? Common currency makes trade between the
  countries much easier and less expensive
 12 countries in the EU do not use the euro
    United Kingdom has decided to continue to use the
     British pound
Week 16  day 3-eu
Using your resources, choose your task from your
 handout and complete your assignment.
  Coach book pages 142-143
  Textbook pages 328-333
  iPad Computer
TOTD- ABC Summary
Using your post it note, and your
 assigned letter, create a sentence
 explaining a key idea from todays lesson
 that starts with your letter.
The EURO is the the common currency of
 many EU nations that helps to make
 trade easier.

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Week 16 day 3-eu

  • 1. EQ: What is the purpose of the European Union? HW: 10 more questions from your Study Guide SPONGE Self Assessment- Using your Unit 3 What I Know go through and check the standards you got and circle the parts that you dont got
  • 3. What is the European Union? EU- An organization of more than 25 European countries who joined together to encourage trade within Europe. A multinational confederation Creates a free-trade zone: no tariffs, no quotas, no embargos!
  • 5. European Union Members Austria Finland Latvia Romania Belgium France Lithuania Slovakia Bulgaria Germany Luxembourg Slovenia Cyprus Greece Malta Spain Czech Republic Hungary Netherlands Sweden Ireland Poland United Denmark Italy Portugal Kingdom Estonia
  • 6. S-C-L With your partner, brainstorm Why do you think a country might want to join the EU?
  • 7. Why Join Together? Believe that when countries work together they are a more powerful force in the world because they involve: More money More people More land area This helps make small countries more competitive in the world market
  • 8. Breaking it down by the #s EU United States Land Area 1,500,000 3,700,000 (approx.) Population 500,000,000 305,000,000 (approx.) Gross Domestic $14 Trillion $13.5 Trillion Product GDP Per Capita $28,213 $43,444 The US is much larger than separate European countries When the EU countries combine, they have more people and a larger economy; they can compete in a global economy
  • 9. Whats the Purpose? #1- Create a peaceful, stable environment #2- Promote free trade among members #3- Ensure safety and security of member nations #4- Assist in social issues like preserving the environment and protecting human rights
  • 10. S-C-L With your partner, brainstorm One BENEFIT of European countries joining together for trade.
  • 11. Benefits for the Members Members may use a common currency (euro) that makes trade easier EU works to improve trade, education, farming, & industry among its members No tariffs (taxes) among member countries free trade zone
  • 12. S-C-L With your partner, discuss How would having different currency (money) effect trade in Europe?
  • 13. Euro The euro is the currency of MOST EU countries. Member countries can choose to give up their own currency and exchange them for euros. French francs and German marks have been replaced by the euro Why? Common currency makes trade between the countries much easier and less expensive 12 countries in the EU do not use the euro United Kingdom has decided to continue to use the British pound
  • 15. Directions Using your resources, choose your task from your handout and complete your assignment. Resources: Notes Coach book pages 142-143 Textbook pages 328-333 Partner Teacher iPad Computer
  • 16. TOTD- ABC Summary Using your post it note, and your assigned letter, create a sentence explaining a key idea from todays lesson that starts with your letter. EX- E The EURO is the the common currency of many EU nations that helps to make trade easier.