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Week 5iFruity
Directions researchTasks of BlackboardSupport of educational processEnhance communication between lecturers & students
SocietyEducation practicesChanged communication
InteractionOffering possibility is insufficientUnrealistic expectationRestrict interaction to education interventionsSocial/informal interaction key > collaboration
Knowledge managementTechnological literacyTechnical skillsConceptual frameworkOrganizational contextSelf-management
SourcesDonataFrancescato, Rita Porcelli, Minou Mebane, Marcella Cuddetta, Jane Klobas, Paolo Renzi Evaluation of the efficacy of collaborative learning in face-to-face and computer-supported university contexts (2005)KarelKreijnsa, Paul A. Kirschner, WimJochems Identifying the pitfalls for social interaction in computer-supported collaborative learning environments: a review of the research (2003)Jeroen Janssen, GijsbertErkens, GellofKanselaar, Jos Jaspers Visualization of participation: Does it contribute to successful computer-supported collaborative learning? (2005)Jeroen J.G. Merri谷nboer Cognition and Multimedia Design for Complex Learning (1999)Florence E. Bacabac From Cyberspace to Print: Re-examining the Effects of Collaborative Online Invention on First-year Academic Writing (2008)Hsiu-Ping Yueh, Shihkuan Hsu Designing a Learning Management System to Support Instruction (2008)L. Munneke, J. Andriessen, G. Kanselaar, P.A. Kirschner Interactive argumentation: impact of synchronous and asynchronous CMC (2007)SweeChiewGoh, Kenneth Tobin Student and Teacher Perspectives in Computer-mediated Learning Environments in Teacher Education (1998)JoostLowyck, Jan Elen, ErnoLehtinen Students Perspectives on Learning Environments (2004?)SheldaDebowski Knowledge Management (2006)
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Week 4 - Theory

  • 2. Directions researchTasks of BlackboardSupport of educational processEnhance communication between lecturers & students
  • 4. InteractionOffering possibility is insufficientUnrealistic expectationRestrict interaction to education interventionsSocial/informal interaction key > collaboration
  • 5. Knowledge managementTechnological literacyTechnical skillsConceptual frameworkOrganizational contextSelf-management
  • 6. SourcesDonataFrancescato, Rita Porcelli, Minou Mebane, Marcella Cuddetta, Jane Klobas, Paolo Renzi Evaluation of the efficacy of collaborative learning in face-to-face and computer-supported university contexts (2005)KarelKreijnsa, Paul A. Kirschner, WimJochems Identifying the pitfalls for social interaction in computer-supported collaborative learning environments: a review of the research (2003)Jeroen Janssen, GijsbertErkens, GellofKanselaar, Jos Jaspers Visualization of participation: Does it contribute to successful computer-supported collaborative learning? (2005)Jeroen J.G. Merri谷nboer Cognition and Multimedia Design for Complex Learning (1999)Florence E. Bacabac From Cyberspace to Print: Re-examining the Effects of Collaborative Online Invention on First-year Academic Writing (2008)Hsiu-Ping Yueh, Shihkuan Hsu Designing a Learning Management System to Support Instruction (2008)L. Munneke, J. Andriessen, G. Kanselaar, P.A. Kirschner Interactive argumentation: impact of synchronous and asynchronous CMC (2007)SweeChiewGoh, Kenneth Tobin Student and Teacher Perspectives in Computer-mediated Learning Environments in Teacher Education (1998)JoostLowyck, Jan Elen, ErnoLehtinen Students Perspectives on Learning Environments (2004?)SheldaDebowski Knowledge Management (2006)