Az oktatás szervezeti formái és szervezési módjai 2/2Dr. Ollé JánosA tanítás-tanulás elmélete
2016/2017. tanév őszi félév
Ollé János
EKE Neveléstudományi Intézet
Az iskola világának narratívái: elmélet és gyakorlat a pedagógiában Dr. Ollé JánosA tanítás-tanulás elmélete
2016/2017. tanév őszi félév
Ollé János
EKE Neveléstudományi Intézet
2016. szeptember 21. 15:30-17.00 "B" épület nagyelőadó
Didaktikai részterületek változása: trendek és sajátosságokDr. Ollé JánosEKE Neveléstudományi Doktori iskola
2017/2018. tanév őszi félév
2017. október 7.
Didaktika az ezredfordulón Dr. Ollé JánosEKF NTDI 2015/2016. tanév tavaszi félév
Új irányzatok az oktatás elméletében
2016. április 23.
Ollé János
Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
Neveléstudományi Intézet
Final presentation Seminar IMgertjanscholtenOur (group Frfinal presentation for the project of Seminar Information Management. The presentation was given on March 21st, 2011 at Esplanade, Tilburg University.
Sim 2nd presentationgertjanscholtenThe document discusses plans to interview stakeholders about improving features for the next version of Blackboard. It outlines topics to cover in the interviews such as criticisms of the current Blackboard, desired collaboration and interaction tools, and opinions on incorporating social media features. The group aims to interview faculty, conduct background research, develop a conceptual model and functional design, and write a report on their findings with the goal of informing the development of "Blackboard 11".
Interactive student portalgertjanscholtenStudents are currently isolated and unable to interact within the existing student portal system, which has limited discussion forums and file sharing capabilities. An ideal system would allow teachers to easily start interactive discussions among students and enable groups to freely communicate and collaborate within and across groups. Realizing this vision faces challenges regarding privacy, resources, stakeholder needs, and potential user resistance. The deliverables from exploring this issue will include interviews, student feedback on the current system, research on interactive education tools, and brainstorming sessions to facilitate greater interaction among teachers and students while focusing on design rather than specific software or coding implementation.
Impactul pretului utilitatilor asupraIMMRomaniaConsiliul National al Intreprinderilor Private Mici si Mijlocii din Romania (CNIPMMR), confederatie patronala reprezentativa la nivel national pentru IMM-uri, a realizat in perioada 9-26 ianuarie 2011 o consultare privind impactul majorarii pretului combustibililor asupra activitatii IMM-urilor, sub forma unui sondaj derulat prin intermediul portalului si la nivelul membrilor CNIPMMR.
Week 4 - TheorygertjanscholtenThe document discusses various topics related to computer-supported collaborative learning including:
1) The tasks of using a learning management system called Blackboard to enhance communication between lecturers and students.
2) How education practices have changed with changed communication through interaction online.
3) Several sources that have evaluated the efficacy of collaborative learning in online and in-person university settings.
Final presentation FruitygertjanscholtenThe document proposes a conceptual redesign of Blackboard to address 4 main issues: 1) Isolated users, 2) Lack of integration between features, 3) Inflexibility, and 4) Inability to keep up with developments in technology and society. The proposed redesign includes: 1) Enhancing communication and collaboration between groups/profiles, 2) Better integrating core components like communication, file sharing, and scheduling, 3) A modular design for increased flexibility and customization, and 4) A marketplace for user-generated modules to encourage innovation.
Week 3 - FruitygertjanscholtenThe document discusses interviews conducted with various people from the University of Twente regarding their use and opinions of Blackboard and other educational technologies. It mentions that Vincent Kalis from the IT department likes the idea of an interactive portal but there is no budget. Henk Akkermans believes universities are behind consumers in their use of technology and wants to get rid of Blackboard. Marije van Amelsvoort from expertise in collaborative learning and ICT suggests doing usability testing from the student perspective and improving collaboration and notification features.
Interactive student portalgertjanscholtenStudents are currently isolated and unable to interact within the existing student portal system, which has limited discussion forums and file sharing capabilities. An ideal system would allow teachers to easily start interactive discussions and enable student groups to freely communicate and build communities both within and across groups. Realizing this vision faces challenges regarding privacy, resources, stakeholder variety, and potential user resistance. The deliverables from exploring this issue would include interviews, student responses, research, and brainstorm sessions to focus on improving interaction between teachers, students and groups within the scope defined, without selecting or designing specific software.
PiElanjobeceThis document lists things people like and dislike about the town of Bonares. Things liked are specific locations like "Las Cruces" and "La Santa", while things disliked are the smell from chicken farms, too many slopes, and the lack of a disco in the town.
Halász Gábor lll_előadás_(2012.02.21)elteppkÉlethosszig tartó tanulás: XXI. századi oktatási paradigma vagy múló divat?
„Kazinczy esték- tudomány és kultúra utcájában”
Achizitiile publice sub lupa IMM-urilorIMMRomaniaReferitor la accesul IMM-urilor la procedurile de achizitie publica, Consiliul National al Intreprinderilor Private Mici si Mijlocii din Romania (CNIPMMR), confederatie patronala reprezentativa la nivel national pentru IMM-uri, prin intermediul Portalului, a realizat in perioada 6 – 14 aprilie 2011 un sondaj in randul societatilor comerciale membre privind opinia acestora in legatura cu legislatia existenta si problemele intampinate in procesul de atribuire a contractelor de achizitie publica.
Lukács Szilvia A módszertani kultúra megújulása a pedagógusok mindennapi gy...Dr. Török Béla Általános IskolaA módszertani kultúra megújulása a pedagógusok mindennapi gyekorlatában
Final presentation Seminar IMgertjanscholtenOur (group Frfinal presentation for the project of Seminar Information Management. The presentation was given on March 21st, 2011 at Esplanade, Tilburg University.
Sim 2nd presentationgertjanscholtenThe document discusses plans to interview stakeholders about improving features for the next version of Blackboard. It outlines topics to cover in the interviews such as criticisms of the current Blackboard, desired collaboration and interaction tools, and opinions on incorporating social media features. The group aims to interview faculty, conduct background research, develop a conceptual model and functional design, and write a report on their findings with the goal of informing the development of "Blackboard 11".
Interactive student portalgertjanscholtenStudents are currently isolated and unable to interact within the existing student portal system, which has limited discussion forums and file sharing capabilities. An ideal system would allow teachers to easily start interactive discussions among students and enable groups to freely communicate and collaborate within and across groups. Realizing this vision faces challenges regarding privacy, resources, stakeholder needs, and potential user resistance. The deliverables from exploring this issue will include interviews, student feedback on the current system, research on interactive education tools, and brainstorming sessions to facilitate greater interaction among teachers and students while focusing on design rather than specific software or coding implementation.
Impactul pretului utilitatilor asupraIMMRomaniaConsiliul National al Intreprinderilor Private Mici si Mijlocii din Romania (CNIPMMR), confederatie patronala reprezentativa la nivel national pentru IMM-uri, a realizat in perioada 9-26 ianuarie 2011 o consultare privind impactul majorarii pretului combustibililor asupra activitatii IMM-urilor, sub forma unui sondaj derulat prin intermediul portalului si la nivelul membrilor CNIPMMR.
Week 4 - TheorygertjanscholtenThe document discusses various topics related to computer-supported collaborative learning including:
1) The tasks of using a learning management system called Blackboard to enhance communication between lecturers and students.
2) How education practices have changed with changed communication through interaction online.
3) Several sources that have evaluated the efficacy of collaborative learning in online and in-person university settings.
Final presentation FruitygertjanscholtenThe document proposes a conceptual redesign of Blackboard to address 4 main issues: 1) Isolated users, 2) Lack of integration between features, 3) Inflexibility, and 4) Inability to keep up with developments in technology and society. The proposed redesign includes: 1) Enhancing communication and collaboration between groups/profiles, 2) Better integrating core components like communication, file sharing, and scheduling, 3) A modular design for increased flexibility and customization, and 4) A marketplace for user-generated modules to encourage innovation.
Week 3 - FruitygertjanscholtenThe document discusses interviews conducted with various people from the University of Twente regarding their use and opinions of Blackboard and other educational technologies. It mentions that Vincent Kalis from the IT department likes the idea of an interactive portal but there is no budget. Henk Akkermans believes universities are behind consumers in their use of technology and wants to get rid of Blackboard. Marije van Amelsvoort from expertise in collaborative learning and ICT suggests doing usability testing from the student perspective and improving collaboration and notification features.
Interactive student portalgertjanscholtenStudents are currently isolated and unable to interact within the existing student portal system, which has limited discussion forums and file sharing capabilities. An ideal system would allow teachers to easily start interactive discussions and enable student groups to freely communicate and build communities both within and across groups. Realizing this vision faces challenges regarding privacy, resources, stakeholder variety, and potential user resistance. The deliverables from exploring this issue would include interviews, student responses, research, and brainstorm sessions to focus on improving interaction between teachers, students and groups within the scope defined, without selecting or designing specific software.
PiElanjobeceThis document lists things people like and dislike about the town of Bonares. Things liked are specific locations like "Las Cruces" and "La Santa", while things disliked are the smell from chicken farms, too many slopes, and the lack of a disco in the town.
Halász Gábor lll_előadás_(2012.02.21)elteppkÉlethosszig tartó tanulás: XXI. századi oktatási paradigma vagy múló divat?
„Kazinczy esték- tudomány és kultúra utcájában”
Achizitiile publice sub lupa IMM-urilorIMMRomaniaReferitor la accesul IMM-urilor la procedurile de achizitie publica, Consiliul National al Intreprinderilor Private Mici si Mijlocii din Romania (CNIPMMR), confederatie patronala reprezentativa la nivel national pentru IMM-uri, prin intermediul Portalului, a realizat in perioada 6 – 14 aprilie 2011 un sondaj in randul societatilor comerciale membre privind opinia acestora in legatura cu legislatia existenta si problemele intampinate in procesul de atribuire a contractelor de achizitie publica.
Lukács Szilvia A módszertani kultúra megújulása a pedagógusok mindennapi gy...Dr. Török Béla Általános IskolaA módszertani kultúra megújulása a pedagógusok mindennapi gyekorlatában
Didaktika és iskolapedagógia Dr. Ollé JánosEKF NTDI 2015/2016. tanév tavaszi félév
Új irányzatok az oktatás elméletében
2016. április 23.
Ollé János
Eszterházy Károly Főiskola
Neveléstudományi Intézet
3. „ Mondd el, és elfelejtem, taníts meg, és emlékszem rá, vonjál be, és megtanulom.”
4. A 60 órás gyakorlattól az egyéni összefüggő szakmai gyakorlat felé A változások kedvező hatásai Együttműködés a felső- és középszintű képzés között - tanárképzés /elmélet/, a szakos tanítási gyakorlat, egyéni összefüggő szakmai gyakorlat, az ezt kísérő egyetemi szeminárium, pedagógiai szakdolgozat, kimeneti vizsgálat /a tanári képesítővizsga, gyakornoki évek A gyakorlaton megjelenő hallgatók a tantestületben Az új gyakorlat időtartamáról Mentorált hallgatók az iskola világában
5. A 900 óráról 25-ból 16 elem, terület a gyakorlatból Az iskola életét szabályozó, determináló dokumentumok Az iskola szervezeti felépítése Információáramlás az iskola keretei között Oktatástechnikai kelléktár és használata A szülőkkel való kapcsolattartás helyi rendszere Az ügyeleti rendszer Az iskolai ünnepélyek és emléknapok Az „alma mater” Az osztályfőnöki tevékenység A pedagógiai értekezletek helyi rendszere Az iskola és gazdálkodása A szakmai munkaközösségek Az érettségi rendszer A helyi vizsgarendszer Felkészülés rendkívüli iskolai helyzetek kezelésére „ Kimozdulás” az iskolából
6. DZó a Külső iskolai gyakorlat követelményeinek teljesítéséről „ a foglalkozás meghatározása (jellege, tárgya, helye, …)”, ezt a hallgató töltötte ki adatrögzítés, aktív részvétel, bábkészítés, büféfelügyelet, fénymásolás, lampionkészítés, gyertyagyújtás, hajszárítás, öltöztetés, lányok öltöztetése, nyakkendő megkötése, íjesztegetés, pénzszedés, pedagógiai programok összehasonlítása, stb.
35. „ Ma ezen a téren jelentős reformok előtt állunk. Küszöbön áll a tanárképzésben annyira fontos gyakorlási időnek egy évre való felemelése.”
36. Forrás: Dr. Vörös István – aki gyakorlóiskolai igazgató volt - a Történelemtanítás című folyóiratban közölt írása, 1958-ból.
37. Szivák Judit: A kezdő pedagógus „ Az egyénnek annyiban lehet határozott elképzelése önmagáról (önmeghatározás), amennyiben azt bizonyos adekvát szerepekben , szituációkban, kapcsolatokban megéli, kipróbálja.”