Team 1's weekly report summarizes industry news and significant projects from Russia and the US. In Russia, Project Rentmania was selected by a European accelerator, VisionLabs was named best startup of the year, and revenue increased for Yandex.Taxi, Avito, and other companies. Significant investments were made in Group-IB, Asian fintech startups, a Vologda startup, and a mobile ad platform. In the US, Secret stopped operations after raising $100 million, Twitter's stock fell on its quarterly report, and investments were made in data, healthcare, and food delivery startups. Spotify raised $350 million at an $8 billion valuation.
The document provides a weekly overview of venture capital news from Russia and the USA. In Russia, M.Video will focus more on online sales, GetTaxi is rebranding as Gett and expanding its services, and the Ministry of Communications will create a new public transportation management service. The most significant deals include investments in 2do2go, Clickky, and MediaSync. In the USA, Uber is launching a new delivery app, PayPal brings payments to the web, and Slow Ventures raises a new $65M fund. The document also highlights the medical device startup Scanadu and its progress in raising funding rounds totaling over $48M since 2014 to develop health monitoring devices.
The weekly report from Team 4 summarizes Russian and US startup news and deals. In Russia, B2B Center launched a logistics cost calculation service with iCanDeliver, while the IIDF accelerator released its fifth set of projects. MediaSync raised $2 million for mobile advertising and Valery Kashin raised 59.4 million rubles for project management software. In the US, an eye tracking analytics platform raised $5 million, an online job marketplace raised $7.8 million, and a digital health platform raised $12.5 million. The best deal was Scanadu receiving $35 million for mobile medical devices.
This weekly report from Analytics Venture Capital summarizes recent news in Russian and US venture capital markets. In Russia, the final stage of the Russian Startup Tour was held and the IIDF issued grants to 18 projects. Life.SREDA also launched a FinTech ranking and plans to invest $80-90M in Asian startups. VisionLabs won awards for its pattern recognition software. In the US, Onex sold Tropicana Las Vegas, companies collaborated on human crying faces, funds like Flint Capital increased in size, and data storage startup Infinidat raised $150M.
The document is a guide to venture capital term sheets published by the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA). It provides an overview of what a term sheet is, the venture capital investment process, common terms included in term sheets, and an example term sheet for a Series A funding round. The guide aims to help those raising venture capital understand typical investment structures and terms to facilitate negotiating term sheets and completing funding rounds.
The document provides an overview of recent developments in the venture capital industries of Russia and the USA. In Russia, 10 startups united to provide business grants, the Ministry of Communications will create a transportation management service, and Renaissance Insurance and MetaBeta will help startups monetize. Significant deals include Altair Capital investing $30M in technology and Blumberg Capital investing $8-10M in Solomoto. In the USA, Microsoft announced Azure Service Fabric, internet ad revenue reached a record high in 2014, and WhatsApp is rolling out voice calling to all platforms. Significant deals include a $145M investment and a $30M expansion into new cities. An overview of the on-demand valet company
This document outlines the pricing and features of three tiers - BASIC, UPPER, and FREE+ - for a machine learning service. The BASIC tier costs $0.3 per model with a $50 monthly fee and allows 100 uploads. The UPPER tier costs $0.3 per model with a $150 monthly fee and allows 500 uploads with additional features like order automation. The FREE+ tier is free but charges $0.15 per model.
The document discusses several sectors within the Internet of Things market in Russia including healthcare, smart homes, transport, and smart buildings. It provides forecasts for growth rates and market sizes for each sector. Overall, it finds that while the Russian IoT market is still behind Western countries and will remain so, it is expected to increase 86% by 2020 to $980 million. Several challenges to growth are outlined such as poor internet coverage, insufficient financing, and lack of coordination within the healthcare sector. Transportation is seen as having potential but developing slowly due to these factors. Smart homes are the fastest growing segment in Russia currently.
5. 弌丿: 亰仆舒亳仄亠 亟亠仍从亳
Weekly report. March 16-20.
Company Name Company Description Transaction Amount
Pinterest Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. $367,099,927
Liaison Technologies Liaison Tech is a business-to-business master data management and consulting services. $90, 000, 000 provides software to transform the productivity of sales teams. $60,000,000
Glooko Glooko is a startup enable people with diabetes to easily control their blood glucose levels. $16,500,000
Sonavation The company has developed identity theft prevention solutions $10,172,563
Reltio Reltio delivers enterprise data-driven applications and modern data management, guiding
customers to take the right actions, based on the right insights, to achieve the right results.
Twin Prime Twin Prime dedicated to delivering superior mobile experiences for its customers. $9,500,000
Orbital Insight The company helps to characterize socio-economic trends at global and hyper-local scales. $8,700,000
BetterIt The company specializes in products that drive collaborative value creation. $3,000,000
Healthfinch Charlie is focusing on reducing the volume of routine that burden clinicians every day. $2,399,999
Altocloud Altocloud combines predictive analytics to identify the right website for communications. $2,000,000
Performance Horizon Group Providing powerful insight into online performance marketing. $2,000,000
Audvisor Audvisor brings you some of the most valued advice in the world's top experts voices. $1,400,000
Asseta Asseta provides your company with 100% visibility and control of its capital equipment $1,000,000
Qeexo Qeexo builds innovative solutions to lead and enable the Rich-Touch generation $600,000
TransitScreen Multimodal transportation displays, providing a web application live, real-time dashboards. $600,000
6. 弌丿: 仆仂于仂亳 亳仆亟亳亳
仆舒亳仄亠 仆仂于仂亳, 仂于亠亠仆仆亠 弌 亰舒 仗仂仍亠亟仆ム 仆亠亟亠仍
亠从仂仂亠 于亠亟亳亠 亳仆亟亳舒仍仆亠 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳, 于从仍ム舒 Qualcomm, Intel, GE, 亳 Boeing 亢亠 亳仆于亠亳仂于舒仍亳
于 舒舒仗, 仂从亳ム亳亠 仆舒 亟仂仆舒. 亠 弍仂仍亠 亳 弍仂仍亠 于亠仆仆 仂仆亟仂于 亳 亳仆仂舒仆仆 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶
于从仍舒亟于舒亠 亟亠仆亞亳 于 仂舒仍. 亅舒 亳仆亟亳 仂弍亠舒亠 仗亳于仍亠 弍仂仍亠 $2.3 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟仂于 仂仍从仂 于 弌丿 于
2016. *
*仂仆亳从: Business Insider 2015: DRONES: Startups, venture-capital firms, and major global companies are rushing headlong into the burgeoning drones industry
78% 亳仆于亠亳亳亶 于 仄亠亟亳亳仆 亰舒 仗仂仍亠亟仆亳亠 5 仍亠 仗亳仍亳 仆舒 舒亰舒弍仂从 仆仂于 仍亠从舒于.
仂于亠 亳仄亳亠从亳亠 亳 弍亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从亳亠 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 于亰于舒ム 于亠 弍仂仍亳亶 亳仆亠亠 亳仆于亠仂仂于.
仂仍亳仆于仂.75% 舒舒仗仂于 仗仂仍舒ム 亳仆舒仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仆舒 舒仆仆亳 舒亟亳 (仗仂亳从 仆仂于 仍亠从舒于,
仗亠从仍亳仆亳亠从亳亠 舒亰) **
仂仍亠 仄仆仂亢亠于舒 从亳弍亠舒舒从 于 仂仄 亞仂亟, 从舒从 仆舒 舒仆亠 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶, 舒从 亳 仆舒 仗舒于亳亠仍于亠仆仆亠 亠,
仂弍仂亳仍舒 仗仂亠弍仆仂 于 仆仂于仂仄 仗仂亟仂亟舒 弍仂弍 从亳弍亠-亠仂亳亰仄仂仄. 丐舒从 仄仆仂亞仂 于亠仆仆仂亞仂
从舒仗亳舒仍舒, 于从仍舒亟于舒亠仄仂亞仂 于 仗仂舒仆于仂 从亳弍亠-弍亠亰仂仗舒仆仂亳, 仆亠 弍仍仂 于 亠亠仆亳亠 仆亠从仂仂仂亞仂 于亠仄亠仆亳. ***
**仂仆亳从: Forbes: Where Does All That Biotech Venture Capital Go?
***仂仆亳从: VentureBeat: Venture capitalists see big opportunities in a changing cybersecurity space
仆仍舒亶仆 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 亠亠 仂亟亳仆 仗亠仗亠从亳于仆亶 亠仆亟, 从舒从 于 仗仍舒仆亠 仗仂仗仍亳亰舒亳亳, 仆仂 亳 仄仂仆亠亳亰舒亳亳.
亅从仗亠 亞仂于仂 仂 $107 仄亳仍仍舒亟舒 于 2015 亞仂亟, 从仂仂亠 亟于仂 亢亠 从 2018.****
****仂仆亳从: Fortune: A venture capitalist's 5 predictions for 2015