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There are two parts for Listening Class :
1. Listening Class
2. Practical Class / Praktikum

Turn on your Computer
Press ctrl+alt+del
Change word of administrator to your NPM and Click
Fill your Full Name to Log in

Turn on your Computer
Press ctrl+alt+del
Change word of administrator to your PIN and Click BAHASA
Fill your Full Name to Log in
How ?

Why ?

What ?
What ?

Listening is an invisible mental process, making it
difficult to describe. Listeners must discriminate
between sounds, understand vocabulary and
grammatical structures, and so on.
Listening for General Communication
Listening in Professional Context I
Listening in Professional Context II
Listening for Academic Purpose
Why ?
How ?

Always Join in Listening Class
Focus on Listening
Combine Listening With Other Skill
Welcome listeningsubject
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Listening in Professional Context II adalah salah
satu mata kuliah keahlian di Program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang mengarah pada
pelatihan mendengarkan percakapan Bahasa
Inggris dalam konteks profesi tertentu. Setelah
mengambil mata kuliah ini Mahasiswa
diharapkan mampu komprehensi terhadap
berhadap berbagai macam bentuk percakapan
Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks professional.
Although the main focus of each unit is on listening,
this is integrated into range of oral (and sometimes
written) activities. Each section begins with a prelistening activity, to introduce the topic and prepare
students for the listening; most of the listening task
themselves are open-ended, to encourage students to
discuss, comment, interpret and react, as well as
merely record information; and the listening stage is
followed by an extension activity in which student
can use what they have listened to as a basis for
creative speaking and writing
 Alat Bantu




Welcome listeningsubject

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Welcome listeningsubject

  • 2. There are two parts for Listening Class : 1. Listening Class 2. Practical Class / Praktikum
  • 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn on your Computer Press ctrl+alt+del Change word of administrator to your NPM and Click administrator Fill your Full Name to Log in
  • 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn on your Computer Press ctrl+alt+del Change word of administrator to your PIN and Click BAHASA Fill your Full Name to Log in
  • 6. What ? Listening is an invisible mental process, making it difficult to describe. Listeners must discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary and grammatical structures, and so on.
  • 7. Listening for General Communication Listening in Professional Context I Listening in Professional Context II Listening for Academic Purpose
  • 9. How ? Always Join in Listening Class Focus on Listening Combine Listening With Other Skill
  • 11. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Listening in Professional Context II adalah salah satu mata kuliah keahlian di Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang mengarah pada pelatihan mendengarkan percakapan Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks profesi tertentu. Setelah mengambil mata kuliah ini Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu komprehensi terhadap berhadap berbagai macam bentuk percakapan Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks professional.
  • 12. Although the main focus of each unit is on listening, this is integrated into range of oral (and sometimes written) activities. Each section begins with a prelistening activity, to introduce the topic and prepare students for the listening; most of the listening task themselves are open-ended, to encourage students to discuss, comment, interpret and react, as well as merely record information; and the listening stage is followed by an extension activity in which student can use what they have listened to as a basis for creative speaking and writing
  • 13. Kurikulum Alat Bantu Students Lulusan PBM Environment