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Wendy Preston
Wiggins view,
Tel: Mob: 07428674613
Personal Profile
Ability to coach and develop staff members. Calm and resilient, able to work under pres-
sure. Clear communicator, with excellent communication skills, written and verbal. very
strong organisation and planning skills with the ability to make decisions. Excellent cus-
tomer focus skills, people skills and service. with the determination to inspire success with-
in a team. Self motivation, interpersonal sensitivity and has great commercial awareness.
proactive in identifying issues early. Im capable of handling and driving changes. I'm flexi-
ble and open minded. I have Excellent time management to be able to manage my own
time to meet deadlines. Also I have an eye for detail. I enjoy a challenge with the determi-
nation to succeed.
Job Title: Team LeaderSales floor
Company : Asda
October 2002 to September 2010
Through this role my experience have broaden from working on checkouts, being respon-
sible for the frozen department, home and leisure to grocery. Through to becoming a team
leader. Training colleagues in all aspects of a retail store, through to driving sales, main-
taining high shop floor standards throughout the day.
Through to stock control, waste and wage forecast. PI counts to 100% customer satisfac-
tion. I also gained 3 years experience in being responsible for the implementation of pro-
motion changes and modulars through to seasonal changes whilst ensuring that a high
standard of presentation is maintained throughout the day. Stock fully faced during trading
hours. Disciplinary's and suspensions
My achievement has been improving standards and maximising sales in the music and
video department. Also being responsible of the process department. which included
gaps, stock control, back room processing, stock adjustments. Ensuring that price
changes were actioned each day.
Excellent stock availability is maintained to help maximise sales.
Delegating jobs and following up. Through to communication to colleagues through hud-
dles from meeting attended.
Job Title Systems/sales manger/Assistant Manager
Company Hobbycraft
September 2010 to current
The role from being an Assistant Manager to providing management support for the store
in the absent of the store manager, has given me more experience in retail and the confi-
dence to manage a diverse team in a fast paced environment. Through challenging shop-
floor standards. to ensuring stock and merchandising controls are in place within the store
by controlling shrink and managing accurate stock file. To deliver excellent visual mer-
chandising standards, support current trends and ensuring the team are clear on what
looks great and how to achieve the required standards. Control of community outreach
plan, provide direction and leadership to the team in delivering actions. Create and main-
tain demonstration schedule and liaison with artisans to n a full calendar of event in store.
Building a high performing team through recruitment, training and development of existing
colleagues.To make commercial decisions that improve KPI performance using net pro-
moter score within company target, increase of like for like target sales., payroll,
growth,training and development of the team. achieving cost control target within the store
budgets. achieve shrink target.To always lead by example, recognising talent. Ensuring
that performance is addressed. Ability to deliver customer service excellence that encour-
ages repeat visits, by being an inspiring leader who ensures the team deliver outstanding
customer service, the customer is the heart of everything you do.
ensuring all appropriate legislation is adhered to al all times by ensuring compliance with
company policy and health and safety regulations.
My main achievement is being given the opportunity to be part of setting up a new store
from start to finish.
Barking and Dagenham College
Sep 1994 to Jun 1995
Here I took out a course to gain more experience and knowledge in education. I studied
English language
English literature
From this I also studied pre-school alliance and equal opportunity and gained experience
from working voluntary within a pre-school and primary school for over 5 years.
I gained valuable and rewarding experience on teaching young children the basic of the 3
R. And learning through play.
Mayfield high school
5 GCE (all grade C or above)
September 1983 to June 1988
Level 3 Business Management 2016
Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word
Worked on many systems such as Oscar,
Available on request

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wendys cv

  • 1. Wendy Preston Wiggins view, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6GP Tel: Mob: 07428674613 Personal Profile Ability to coach and develop staff members. Calm and resilient, able to work under pres- sure. Clear communicator, with excellent communication skills, written and verbal. very strong organisation and planning skills with the ability to make decisions. Excellent cus- tomer focus skills, people skills and service. with the determination to inspire success with- in a team. Self motivation, interpersonal sensitivity and has great commercial awareness. proactive in identifying issues early. Im capable of handling and driving changes. I'm flexi- ble and open minded. I have Excellent time management to be able to manage my own time to meet deadlines. Also I have an eye for detail. I enjoy a challenge with the determi- nation to succeed. Job Title: Team LeaderSales floor Company : Asda Chelmsford October 2002 to September 2010 Through this role my experience have broaden from working on checkouts, being respon- sible for the frozen department, home and leisure to grocery. Through to becoming a team leader. Training colleagues in all aspects of a retail store, through to driving sales, main- taining high shop floor standards throughout the day. Through to stock control, waste and wage forecast. PI counts to 100% customer satisfac- tion. I also gained 3 years experience in being responsible for the implementation of pro- motion changes and modulars through to seasonal changes whilst ensuring that a high standard of presentation is maintained throughout the day. Stock fully faced during trading hours. Disciplinary's and suspensions My achievement has been improving standards and maximising sales in the music and video department. Also being responsible of the process department. which included gaps, stock control, back room processing, stock adjustments. Ensuring that price changes were actioned each day. Excellent stock availability is maintained to help maximise sales. Delegating jobs and following up. Through to communication to colleagues through hud- dles from meeting attended.
  • 2. Job Title Systems/sales manger/Assistant Manager Company Hobbycraft Chelmsford September 2010 to current The role from being an Assistant Manager to providing management support for the store in the absent of the store manager, has given me more experience in retail and the confi- dence to manage a diverse team in a fast paced environment. Through challenging shop- floor standards. to ensuring stock and merchandising controls are in place within the store by controlling shrink and managing accurate stock file. To deliver excellent visual mer- chandising standards, support current trends and ensuring the team are clear on what looks great and how to achieve the required standards. Control of community outreach plan, provide direction and leadership to the team in delivering actions. Create and main- tain demonstration schedule and liaison with artisans to n a full calendar of event in store. Building a high performing team through recruitment, training and development of existing colleagues.To make commercial decisions that improve KPI performance using net pro- moter score within company target, increase of like for like target sales., payroll, growth,training and development of the team. achieving cost control target within the store budgets. achieve shrink target.To always lead by example, recognising talent. Ensuring that performance is addressed. Ability to deliver customer service excellence that encour- ages repeat visits, by being an inspiring leader who ensures the team deliver outstanding customer service, the customer is the heart of everything you do. ensuring all appropriate legislation is adhered to al all times by ensuring compliance with company policy and health and safety regulations. My main achievement is being given the opportunity to be part of setting up a new store from start to finish. EDUCATION Barking and Dagenham College Essex Sep 1994 to Jun 1995 Here I took out a course to gain more experience and knowledge in education. I studied Politics Sociology Psychology Maths English language English literature History From this I also studied pre-school alliance and equal opportunity and gained experience from working voluntary within a pre-school and primary school for over 5 years.
  • 3. I gained valuable and rewarding experience on teaching young children the basic of the 3 R. And learning through play. Mayfield high school 5 GCE (all grade C or above) Essex September 1983 to June 1988 Level 3 Business Management 2016 SOFTWARE/SYSTEM SKILLS Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word Worked on many systems such as Oscar, REFERENCES Available on request