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What IF Culture
MS 仆仆仂于舒亶 舒 亟仗亳仄仆亳于舒
∃舒ム仄仂 仆舒亟 于仍舒仆亳仄
舒亟仂于亰舒仍仆亳仄 舒舒仗仂仄
Gwara Media
∃仂仍亟亢亠仆仆 仂舒仍仆亳 仆仆仂于舒亶
丕从舒仆亳 于 仗仂亠从 #INNO100
exCoach 于 舒舒亢 丱舒弍  仗亠亳亶
∃仂仆仍舒仆 亰 仆仆仂于舒亶仆亳
Why Culture?
Triangle routine and a splash of creativity
What Types of Culture and TRAIN RECORDING
丐亳仗亳 从仍
仍舒 1.0  从仍舒亳仆亳亶 舒 舒亠亞仆亳亶 仗舒仂仆舒亢
仍舒 2.0  于亳仆亳从仆亠仆仆 仄舒仂于仂亞仂 亳仆从 从仍亳
仍舒 3.0  舒从亳于仆亠 co-creation (仂于仂亠仆仆 从仍仆仂亞仂 从仂仆亠仆)
, 仂亰仄亳 从仂亟仂仆于 仄亢 于亳仂弍仍亠仆仆礆 舒 于仂亠仆仆礆 从仂仆亠仆
Culture Based
弌ulture enables society to reflect upon
their own experience and imagine and
plan for the future in the modern
弌ulture enables society to reflect upon
their own experience and imagine and
plan for the future in the modern
Future of Culture
Culture 4.0  Now Loading?
What we do now?
Gwara Media

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  • 2. MS 仆仆仂于舒亶 舒 亟仗亳仄仆亳于舒 ∃舒ム仄仂 仆舒亟 于仍舒仆亳仄 舒亟仂于亰舒仍仆亳仄 舒舒仗仂仄 Gwara Media ∃仂仍亟亢亠仆仆 仂舒仍仆亳 仆仆仂于舒亶 丕从舒仆亳 于 仗仂亠从 #INNO100 exCoach 于 舒舒亢 丱舒弍 仗亠亳亶 FabLab ∃仂仆仍舒仆 亰 仆仆仂于舒亶仆亳 舒亠亞亶
  • 3. Why Culture? Triangle routine and a splash of creativity Policies
  • 4. What Types of Culture and TRAIN RECORDING
  • 5. 丐亳仗亳 从仍 仍舒 1.0 从仍舒亳仆亳亶 舒 舒亠亞仆亳亶 仗舒仂仆舒亢 仍舒 2.0 于亳仆亳从仆亠仆仆 仄舒仂于仂亞仂 亳仆从 从仍亳 仍舒 3.0 舒从亳于仆亠 co-creation (仂于仂亠仆仆 从仍仆仂亞仂 从仂仆亠仆) , 仂亰仄亳 从仂亟仂仆于 仄亢 于亳仂弍仍亠仆仆礆 舒 于仂亠仆仆礆 从仂仆亠仆 https://ec.europa.eu/assets/jrc/events/20131024-cci/20131024-cci-sacco.pdf
  • 7. 弌ulture enables society to reflect upon their own experience and imagine and plan for the future in the modern world
  • 8. 弌ulture enables society to reflect upon their own experience and imagine and plan for the future in the modern world
  • 10. Culture 4.0 Now Loading? http://zkm.de/en/event/2014/12/culture-40-now-loading
  • 11. What we do now? Gwara Media