The role of the doula in the labor and delivery roomRachel Leavitt
This slideshow documents the importance of doulas in the labor and delivery room and the benefits of continuous labor support. It was created to specifically address the needs of continuity of care and collaboration between doulas and the medical professionals that care for birthing and laboring women.
Midwives have been assisting with childbirth for as long as humans have existed, referred to by various names across cultures such as wise women, sage-femme, and weise frau. A midwife is defined as someone who has completed midwifery education and training in their country to be licensed to provide supervision, care, and advice to women during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period. In addition to conducting deliveries and caring for newborns, midwives provide counseling, education, and community outreach on topics like family planning, immunizations, and women's health. They work to promote safe childbirth and refer women to higher levels of medical care when complications arise.
postoperative care during ah and vh.pptxShifanaFEBINP
Postoperative care following abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy aims to restore physiological functions, promote tissue healing, and prevent complications. In the first 24 hours, vital signs are closely monitored and IV fluids are given to replace intraoperative losses. Pain is managed to allow for deep breathing, oxygenation, early mobilization and wound healing. Antibiotics and bladder care are also provided in this initial recovery period. Patients are encouraged to mobilize and resume normal diet and activities over subsequent days before being discharged once organ functions have recovered.
This document discusses women-centered care in midwifery. It defines women-centered care as focusing on a woman's unique needs, expectations, and aspirations, as well as her right to make choices about her care. The document outlines the Batho-Pele principles of putting people first in service delivery through consultation, access, courtesy, information, transparency, and addressing complaints. It describes current approaches to women-centered care such as understanding each woman's context, providing information and support for decision making, and involving family. Ensuring continuity of care, consistency of care, education, and a woman's choice are identified as ways to practice women-centered midwifery.
Role of nurse midwifery and obstetric careSujata Sahu
The document discusses the roles of a nurse midwife throughout the four stages of childbearing: adolescence, antenatal, intranatal, and postnatal. In each stage, the nurse midwife acts as a caregiver, counselor, teacher, and clinician. During adolescence, the midwife provides education on puberty, sexuality, and marriage. In the antenatal stage, the midwife provides prenatal care, screening for risk factors, and education. In labor and delivery, the midwife supports the mother, monitors labor, and teaches about the birthing process. After birth, the midwife assesses mother and baby, counsels on parenting and family planning, and teaches about newborn and
Respectful maternity care (RMC) is focused on protecting women's fundamental rights during childbirth through respecting their autonomy, dignity, and choices. It encompasses freedom from harm, informed consent, privacy, confidentiality, compassionate care, and continuous support. Lack of RMC can discourage women from seeking antenatal and delivery services. Key aspects of RMC include respecting a woman's choices, ensuring her privacy and dignity, and allowing companionship. It is recognized as a universal human right.
This document discusses the art and science of nursing. It defines the art of nursing as caring, compassion, effective communication and holistic care. The science of nursing includes using the nursing process, knowledge of disease processes, critical thinking, evidence-based research and skills. Social factors like income, education and gender can influence nursing. Evidence-based practice and nursing research help shape the science of nursing practice. Jean Watson's caring theory and Florence Nightingale's early work were influential in defining the art of nursing.
The document discusses nursing as a profession. It defines nursing and outlines Virginia Henderson's definition of nursing as assisting individuals in performing activities contributing to health. It lists the basic principles of nursing as safety, therapeutic effectiveness, comfort, use of resources, and good workmanship. The objectives of nursing are to provide expert bedside care, integrate theory and practice, and develop skills and personality. The concepts of nursing include promoting health, preventing disease, assisting healing, and easing suffering. Nursing is viewed as both an art and a science. The functions of a nurse include caregiver, communicator, teacher, advocate, counselor, change agent, leader, manager, and researcher. Qualities of a good nurse are also outlined.
This document discusses physiological birth and beneficial birth positions. Physiological birth involves no unnecessary interventions and supports the natural birth process. Some benefits include less pain, quicker recovery, and improved bonding. The document then describes various positions that can help speed up labor or be used when pushing, including standing, lunging, side-lying, kneeling, balls, tubs, hands/knees, and squatting. It recommends avoiding lithotomy position due to increased risks and concludes with descriptions of pant-pant-blow breathing.
The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of midwifery as a profession. It discusses how midwifery was traditionally practiced by women for centuries until the 17th century when male midwives began to emerge. It also outlines key terminology used in midwifery and describes the roles and responsibilities of midwives, which include providing care during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the postpartum period. Additionally, it notes several trends in modern midwifery, such as an emphasis on family-centered care, cost containment measures, expanded nursing roles, and increased use of technology.
Nurses play many important roles in providing health care services. They act as caregivers by helping clients regain their health through the healing process and addressing holistic needs. Nurses are also ethical decision makers who use critical thinking skills and collaborate with clients, families, and other health professionals. Additionally, nurses serve as advocates, protecting clients' rights and safety. They coordinate care as managers and help with rehabilitation as clients work to return to maximal functioning after health events.
Home Visit, its introduction, definition, objectives, principles, purposes, types of home visit, components of home visit, steps in home visit, frequency fo home visit followed by Advantages and Role of coommnity health nurse.
Nurses play several important roles in family welfare programs, including as counselors, administrators, educators, researchers, and supervisors. As counselors, nurses provide families with information on family planning methods, address concerns, and ensure clients are satisfied with their decisions. Administratively, nurses ensure staff and patients have adequate knowledge and resources about family planning services. In their educational role, nurses teach family planning topics and coordinate training. Nurses also conduct research and provide clinical care related to family planning.
This document discusses the philosophy of nursing. It provides two definitions of nursing philosophy from Leddy & Pepper and Hubert H Humphrey Comprehensive Health Centre. A philosophy is described as a statement of philosophical beliefs regarding something. The components of nursing philosophy include the philosophy of nursing education. An example philosophy from Pondicherry University is provided, outlining their beliefs around health, nursing's role, and the aims and objectives of their nursing program.
The document discusses different types of nurses and nursing careers. There are four main groups of nurses defined by their education and experience - hospital nurses, office nurses, nursing home nurses, and public health nurses. Hospital nurses provide bedside care, office nurses assist in medical offices and clinics, nursing home nurses care for residents, and public health nurses work in community settings. The document also lists and describes several specific nursing careers including nurse practitioners, registered nurses, home health nurses, and occupational health nurses. These careers vary in their required education and job responsibilities such as treating patients, providing education and care coordination.
The role of the nurse in public health safety: Immunizationsmithd45
This document outlines the goals and objectives of a teaching plan about the role of nurses in promoting immunization for public health safety. The plan aims to provide knowledge on immunization and vaccination, the significance for public health, risks and benefits, safety guidelines, and demonstration of safe administration. Key points covered include how vaccination led to control of infectious diseases, herd immunity, state requirements, safety profiles, barriers to immunization like misinformation, and the role of public health nurses in education.
With having many challenges surrounding the nurse midwives in India, she still delivers good obstetrician care and can bringing good health of mother and child. can decrease ratio of LSCS. looking for many established centers/clinics/hospitals/birthing centers which runs by midwives independently in India
This document discusses midwifery professional ethics. It begins by defining key terms like midwife, midwifery, and the international definition of a midwife. It then discusses the history of midwifery, including its origins in ancient times and development as a profession over centuries in Europe and Ethiopia. The document outlines the scope of midwifery practice, essential competencies, and settings where midwives work. It also differentiates between a profession and an occupation, and describes key midwifery professional organizations like the International Confederation of Midwives and Ethiopian Midwifery Association.
This document outlines essential competencies for midwifery practice, including: assuming responsibility for own decisions and self-care; using research to inform practice while upholding human rights; facilitating normal birth processes and assessing health status; recognizing conditions outside midwifery scope and referring appropriately; providing antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care; and detecting and managing complications while promoting physiologic labor and breastfeeding. The competencies cover pre-pregnancy through postpartum care for healthy and high-risk women and newborns.
The document discusses models and theories that influence midwifery care. It begins by identifying disciplines like sociology, physiology, and anthropology that form midwifery's foundation. It then examines the medical model in depth, noting its focus on disease treatment and practitioner control. While useful for addressing illness, the medical model is criticized for neglecting holism and empowerment. The document also discusses models of participation in care, emphasizing patient-centeredness, shared decision-making, and community involvement at various levels from receiving services to planning programs.
Evidence Base Practice (EBP)-Define, Benefits,Resource, steps PPTsonal patel
Evidence based practice (EBP) involves integrating the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to provide optimal care. EBP aims to move away from relying on "tried and true" practices and instead make decisions based on high-quality clinical research. The key steps of EBP include asking answerable clinical questions, searching for relevant evidence, appraising the evidence quality and applicability, integrating the evidence with expertise and context, and evaluating outcomes. EBP has benefits like improved patient outcomes, more efficient care, and keeping nursing practice current with the latest research findings.
This document contains a survey format for collecting information from families in a community for the purposes of community health nursing. The 30-item survey collects details on demographics, family composition, housing conditions, transportation, diet, expenditures, health issues, immunizations, eligible couples for family planning, child nutrition status, sanitation practices, and access to healthcare. Respondents are also asked to note any health problems requiring referral or follow up. Students are to use this survey tool to gather data on assigned families, with the goal of developing nursing care plans addressing identified community health needs.
ETHICS: Ethics is the systematic study of What a persons conduct ought to be with regard to him or herself, other human beings and the environment, it is the justification of what is right or good and the study of what a person’s life and relationship ought to be, not necessarily what they are.
The document discusses nursing management of the postpartum period, including assessing the physical and emotional changes a woman experiences, monitoring for complications, and providing education on self-care and infant care. It outlines the assessments nurses should perform, including vital signs, a head-to-toe examination checking systems like breasts, uterus, bladder, and lochia, and ensuring the woman's needs are addressed during recovery. The goal of postpartum care is to help the woman and family adapt to the newborn while assisting recovery and identifying any deviations from normal postpartum progression.
The document discusses different levels of measurement for variables in research. There are four main levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal measurement simply categorizes variables without implied ordering, like gender. Ordinal variables can be ordered but differences between values are not fixed, like disease severity. Interval variables have equal differences between all values but no absolute zero, like dates. Ratio variables have an absolute zero value and allow comparisons of differences, like weight. Knowing the level of measurement helps in interpreting data and choosing appropriate statistical analyses.
Explains about the importance of diet in Ayurveda and in special the postnatal herbal diet which makes the women to slim down after parturition and prevent the common puerperal
A doula is a professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to the mother and her partner during labor and delivery. Doulas aim to strengthen the mother-partner bond and provide comfort measures and suggestions for pain management. Their continuous support can result in benefits such as a 28% lower chance of cesarean section and 34% lower chance the mother will have a negative experience of childbirth. A doula works as part of the medical team but does not perform medical tasks or give medical advice.
The document discusses nursing as a profession. It defines nursing and outlines Virginia Henderson's definition of nursing as assisting individuals in performing activities contributing to health. It lists the basic principles of nursing as safety, therapeutic effectiveness, comfort, use of resources, and good workmanship. The objectives of nursing are to provide expert bedside care, integrate theory and practice, and develop skills and personality. The concepts of nursing include promoting health, preventing disease, assisting healing, and easing suffering. Nursing is viewed as both an art and a science. The functions of a nurse include caregiver, communicator, teacher, advocate, counselor, change agent, leader, manager, and researcher. Qualities of a good nurse are also outlined.
This document discusses physiological birth and beneficial birth positions. Physiological birth involves no unnecessary interventions and supports the natural birth process. Some benefits include less pain, quicker recovery, and improved bonding. The document then describes various positions that can help speed up labor or be used when pushing, including standing, lunging, side-lying, kneeling, balls, tubs, hands/knees, and squatting. It recommends avoiding lithotomy position due to increased risks and concludes with descriptions of pant-pant-blow breathing.
The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of midwifery as a profession. It discusses how midwifery was traditionally practiced by women for centuries until the 17th century when male midwives began to emerge. It also outlines key terminology used in midwifery and describes the roles and responsibilities of midwives, which include providing care during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the postpartum period. Additionally, it notes several trends in modern midwifery, such as an emphasis on family-centered care, cost containment measures, expanded nursing roles, and increased use of technology.
Nurses play many important roles in providing health care services. They act as caregivers by helping clients regain their health through the healing process and addressing holistic needs. Nurses are also ethical decision makers who use critical thinking skills and collaborate with clients, families, and other health professionals. Additionally, nurses serve as advocates, protecting clients' rights and safety. They coordinate care as managers and help with rehabilitation as clients work to return to maximal functioning after health events.
Home Visit, its introduction, definition, objectives, principles, purposes, types of home visit, components of home visit, steps in home visit, frequency fo home visit followed by Advantages and Role of coommnity health nurse.
Nurses play several important roles in family welfare programs, including as counselors, administrators, educators, researchers, and supervisors. As counselors, nurses provide families with information on family planning methods, address concerns, and ensure clients are satisfied with their decisions. Administratively, nurses ensure staff and patients have adequate knowledge and resources about family planning services. In their educational role, nurses teach family planning topics and coordinate training. Nurses also conduct research and provide clinical care related to family planning.
This document discusses the philosophy of nursing. It provides two definitions of nursing philosophy from Leddy & Pepper and Hubert H Humphrey Comprehensive Health Centre. A philosophy is described as a statement of philosophical beliefs regarding something. The components of nursing philosophy include the philosophy of nursing education. An example philosophy from Pondicherry University is provided, outlining their beliefs around health, nursing's role, and the aims and objectives of their nursing program.
The document discusses different types of nurses and nursing careers. There are four main groups of nurses defined by their education and experience - hospital nurses, office nurses, nursing home nurses, and public health nurses. Hospital nurses provide bedside care, office nurses assist in medical offices and clinics, nursing home nurses care for residents, and public health nurses work in community settings. The document also lists and describes several specific nursing careers including nurse practitioners, registered nurses, home health nurses, and occupational health nurses. These careers vary in their required education and job responsibilities such as treating patients, providing education and care coordination.
The role of the nurse in public health safety: Immunizationsmithd45
This document outlines the goals and objectives of a teaching plan about the role of nurses in promoting immunization for public health safety. The plan aims to provide knowledge on immunization and vaccination, the significance for public health, risks and benefits, safety guidelines, and demonstration of safe administration. Key points covered include how vaccination led to control of infectious diseases, herd immunity, state requirements, safety profiles, barriers to immunization like misinformation, and the role of public health nurses in education.
With having many challenges surrounding the nurse midwives in India, she still delivers good obstetrician care and can bringing good health of mother and child. can decrease ratio of LSCS. looking for many established centers/clinics/hospitals/birthing centers which runs by midwives independently in India
This document discusses midwifery professional ethics. It begins by defining key terms like midwife, midwifery, and the international definition of a midwife. It then discusses the history of midwifery, including its origins in ancient times and development as a profession over centuries in Europe and Ethiopia. The document outlines the scope of midwifery practice, essential competencies, and settings where midwives work. It also differentiates between a profession and an occupation, and describes key midwifery professional organizations like the International Confederation of Midwives and Ethiopian Midwifery Association.
This document outlines essential competencies for midwifery practice, including: assuming responsibility for own decisions and self-care; using research to inform practice while upholding human rights; facilitating normal birth processes and assessing health status; recognizing conditions outside midwifery scope and referring appropriately; providing antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care; and detecting and managing complications while promoting physiologic labor and breastfeeding. The competencies cover pre-pregnancy through postpartum care for healthy and high-risk women and newborns.
The document discusses models and theories that influence midwifery care. It begins by identifying disciplines like sociology, physiology, and anthropology that form midwifery's foundation. It then examines the medical model in depth, noting its focus on disease treatment and practitioner control. While useful for addressing illness, the medical model is criticized for neglecting holism and empowerment. The document also discusses models of participation in care, emphasizing patient-centeredness, shared decision-making, and community involvement at various levels from receiving services to planning programs.
Evidence Base Practice (EBP)-Define, Benefits,Resource, steps PPTsonal patel
Evidence based practice (EBP) involves integrating the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to provide optimal care. EBP aims to move away from relying on "tried and true" practices and instead make decisions based on high-quality clinical research. The key steps of EBP include asking answerable clinical questions, searching for relevant evidence, appraising the evidence quality and applicability, integrating the evidence with expertise and context, and evaluating outcomes. EBP has benefits like improved patient outcomes, more efficient care, and keeping nursing practice current with the latest research findings.
This document contains a survey format for collecting information from families in a community for the purposes of community health nursing. The 30-item survey collects details on demographics, family composition, housing conditions, transportation, diet, expenditures, health issues, immunizations, eligible couples for family planning, child nutrition status, sanitation practices, and access to healthcare. Respondents are also asked to note any health problems requiring referral or follow up. Students are to use this survey tool to gather data on assigned families, with the goal of developing nursing care plans addressing identified community health needs.
ETHICS: Ethics is the systematic study of What a persons conduct ought to be with regard to him or herself, other human beings and the environment, it is the justification of what is right or good and the study of what a person’s life and relationship ought to be, not necessarily what they are.
The document discusses nursing management of the postpartum period, including assessing the physical and emotional changes a woman experiences, monitoring for complications, and providing education on self-care and infant care. It outlines the assessments nurses should perform, including vital signs, a head-to-toe examination checking systems like breasts, uterus, bladder, and lochia, and ensuring the woman's needs are addressed during recovery. The goal of postpartum care is to help the woman and family adapt to the newborn while assisting recovery and identifying any deviations from normal postpartum progression.
The document discusses different levels of measurement for variables in research. There are four main levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal measurement simply categorizes variables without implied ordering, like gender. Ordinal variables can be ordered but differences between values are not fixed, like disease severity. Interval variables have equal differences between all values but no absolute zero, like dates. Ratio variables have an absolute zero value and allow comparisons of differences, like weight. Knowing the level of measurement helps in interpreting data and choosing appropriate statistical analyses.
Explains about the importance of diet in Ayurveda and in special the postnatal herbal diet which makes the women to slim down after parturition and prevent the common puerperal
A doula is a professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to the mother and her partner during labor and delivery. Doulas aim to strengthen the mother-partner bond and provide comfort measures and suggestions for pain management. Their continuous support can result in benefits such as a 28% lower chance of cesarean section and 34% lower chance the mother will have a negative experience of childbirth. A doula works as part of the medical team but does not perform medical tasks or give medical advice.
The document discusses various support roles for mothers including midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, and nannies. It describes the types and roles of each profession, any certifications or trainings they may have, typical costs, and how they can support mothers experiencing high-risk pregnancies or with children who have special needs. All of these roles aim to provide physical, emotional, and educational support to mothers before, during, and after pregnancy and childbirth.
This document provides information about normal, healthy childbirth and how to achieve it. It discusses that childbirth interventions have increased in the US despite the WHO recommending fewer interventions. It then outlines the characteristics of a normal birth, including labor starting on its own and vaginal delivery without extensive blood loss. The document emphasizes choosing a care provider and birth setting that supports normal birth goals without unnecessary interventions like induction or epidurals.
This document provides information about pregnancy and preparing for birth. It discusses the physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. Physically, organs adapt to support the growing fetus and hormonal changes affect skin, hair, and pelvis size. Emotionally, a woman's identity and self-confidence transform as she prepares to become a mother. The document also outlines considerations for choosing a birth place, classes to take, prenatal care and tests, special circumstances, preparing for labor and breastfeeding.
Chapter 15 Teachback (Pregnancy and Preparing for Birth)ginaabcg
This document provides information about pregnancy and preparing for birth. It discusses the physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. Physically, organs adapt to support the growing fetus and hormonal changes occur. Emotionally, a woman's identity and self-confidence transform as she prepares to become a mother. The document also outlines various aspects of prenatal care, such as regular checkups, tests, and considerations for high-risk pregnancies. Additionally, it covers choices for birth settings, pain management options, and preparing to breastfeed. The overall message is that learning about the pregnancy and birth process helps women feel more confident in their abilities.
Know About Mother Baby Nurse- Duties & Place of WorkHeather Johnson
A mother-baby nurse addresses the physical and emotional health needs of a mother and their newborns. Here is all about mother baby nurse salary, settings, and more.
The document discusses breastfeeding education for mothers-to-be. It notes that women receive information from various sources, but often lack focused education during pregnancy. Pregnancy is identified as a key time to provide information to increase breastfeeding motivation and confidence. However, women frequently receive warnings that breastfeeding is difficult and requires experts rather than encouragement. The document also discusses how different types of birth can impact a baby's ability to breastfeed due to interventions like epidurals or forceps use. It argues that providing expectant mothers with confidence in birth and their bodies can positively influence breastfeeding outcomes regardless of birth experience.
A midwife can provide a range of services and support during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. They can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a positive birth experience while ensuring the safety of both you and your baby. midwife can provide invaluable support during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. They are healthcare professionals who specialize in women's reproductive health and have extensive training and experience in managing normal pregnancies and deliveries.
This document discusses the services provided by birth doulas and postpartum doulas. Birth doulas can assist with creating a birth plan, providing emotional support during labor and birth, explaining medical procedures, and using pain relief techniques like massage and breathing. Studies show women with doulas are less likely to need medical interventions and are more satisfied with their birth experience. Postpartum doulas support new families after birth by helping the transition go smoothly and connecting parents to their instincts while educating them on newborn care research.
Emma Svanberg Becca Moore Make Birth Better Training IntroductionMake Birth Better
The document outlines a training provided by Make Birth Better on reducing birth trauma. It discusses birth trauma prevalence, post-traumatic stress disorder criteria, and risk factors. It then introduces the Make Birth Better model, which aims to improve birth trauma prevention, diagnosis and treatment through education, campaigning and research. The training focuses on trauma-informed values professionals can implement, including kindness, communication, trust, safety, respect and collaboration.
Normalizing Post-Abortion Care: Addressing Stigma and ShameHer Smart Choice
Post-abortion care is crucial for reproductive healthcare, to ensure both physical and emotional well-being. It's time we break these barriers and normalize post-abortion care. Let’s create a safe space for open conversation and empower individuals to access the support they deserve.
What to Expect from Your Newborn Care SpecialistSleep and Cradle
Welcoming a newborn into your family is a joyous and transformative experience, but it can also be overwhelming. A Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) can provide invaluable support and expertise during this critical time. In this article, we explore the role of a Newborn Care Specialist, the services they offer, and how they can help you and your baby adjust to this new chapter in your lives. From feeding guidance to sleep training, learn what to expect and how an NCS can make a positive difference in your postpartum journey.
This document provides information about doulas from the Nova Scotia Doula Association. It defines a doula as a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to mothers before, during, and after birth. It outlines the different types of doulas that include antenatal, birth, postpartum, sibling, and distance doulas. It describes the various kinds of support doulas provide at different stages of pregnancy and postpartum. Finally, it provides information about doula training and certification in Nova Scotia.
This slideshow provides a comprehensive look at what a doula is and why they are needed. It is the first unit in the certification course from New Beginnings Doula Training.
This document discusses issues related to becoming a mother, including physical and emotional changes after birth or adoption. It covers breastfeeding, including challenges and special circumstances. It also discusses the health and well-being of mothers, including common postpartum emotional problems like the baby blues and postpartum depression. Risk factors are outlined and treatment options discussed. The importance of social support for new mothers is emphasized.
LifeCare After Pregnancy Loss 4x9 WEB FINALJordan Mann
This document provides information and support for those experiencing pregnancy loss. It discusses that pregnancy loss is more common than realized and feelings of loss are normal. It recommends allowing time for grieving while pursuing healthy behaviors. A support group is described that meets twice monthly for sharing experiences. The document also outlines personalized support from hospital staff during a loss and various ways to memorialize a baby through a garden or annual service.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
TPR Data strategy 2025 (1).pdf Data strategyHenry Tapper
What is a Doula?
1. What is a Doula and How
Can They Help Me?
Presented by Amy MacAulay CD(DONA)
and Kylie Field PCD(DONA)
June 2012
2. What is the NSDA?
The NSDA is a Canadian non-profit association that supports the
growth and education of the doula profession in Nova Scotia. We
are dedicated to providing educational opportunities for doulas, as
well as increasing awareness to the public and healthcare
communities about the positive effects a doula brings to both the
childbirth and postpartum experience. We strive to make the
presence of a doula during labour, birth and the postpartum period,
a common occurrence in Nova Scotia.
3. Birth Doulas
A doula (pronounced doo-la) is a trained, experienced childbirth attendant
who provides information and continuous non-medical support, including
physical and emotional comfort measures, to a mother or couple before,
during and immediately after birth.
Prenatal Education
Support during entire labour and
immediate postpartum period
Postpartum Support
4. Birth Doulas: Prenatal Education
• Information is empowering - anxiety about birth
is often based on the unknown
• Helps you to learn about all of your options
• Gives you time to practice, get clear on your
intentions and envision yourself succeeding
• Provides you with a reliable source for
information and resources
5. Birth Doulas: Support during entire labour
and immediate postpartum period
• Someone knowledgeable, with whom you have built a
trusting relationship, supporting your intentions for your
birth experience
• Someone who will be your advocate and help you navigate
your way through the medical system
• Someone familiar who will be by your side for your entire
labour and delivery
• Someone who is trained in various comfort measures
(emotional and physical) and is able to help find what works
best for you as your progress through labour
7. Benefits of continuous support as
outlined by The Cochrane Review:
Less likely to:
• have an epidural or other "regional" analgesia
• use any type of pain medication (including narcotics)
• give birth by cesarean section
• give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
• be dissatisfied with or give a negative rating to their
childbirth experience (Hodnett and colleagues 2004).
8. Birth Doulas: Postpartum Support
• Continuity of care
• Continued comfort and support during 3rd Stage
and also if there is any suturing required after
• Trained professional to support your efforts with
9. Postpartum Doulas
A postpartum doula is a trained, experienced
professional who provides non-medical emotional,
informational and practical support to a mother or
couple during the postpartum period.
Postpartum Doulas often have expertise in
breastfeeding support.
10. Role of a Postpartum Doula
• Provides non-judgmental emotional and practical support
• Provides breastfeeding support
• Provides evidenced-based information on newborn care
• Is a source for information on Community Resources
• Provides household organization and light errands (light
cooking, laundry etc.)
• Helps ensure a smooth transition with the new addition
to your family
11. Families who hire Postpartum Doulas:
• Feel more secure and cared for
• Have greater success with
• Have greater self-confidence
confident parents = confident kids
• Have less postpartum depression
12. Resources
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn, Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, Ann Keppler
The Birth Partner, Penny Simkin
The Baby Book, Dr. William Sears, Martha Sears
HRM Birth, Prenatal & Postnatal Family Resource Guide
Breastfeeding Basics, Public Health Servies. NS Health Promotion.
Breastfeeding Made Simple, Kathleen Kendall Tackett, Nancy Mohrbacher.
Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding, Dr. Jack Newman, Teresa Pitman