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1. Whenand howdid Mr. Chips jointhe Brookfieldschool?
2. What were the twothingsChipshadneverdone inlife?
3. What was Chipswill?
4. What was the conditionand importance of Mr. Wickettshouse?
5. What influencedidKatherine Bridgesexerciseon Mr Chips?Or What changes did
marriage/Katherine bringin Chips?OrHow didKatherine influencechips? Orwhatwasthe
effectof chipsmarriage onhissense of humor? Or What was the effectof Chipsmarriage onhis
sense of humor? Or How didKatherine change mrchips?
6. How did Mr Chips passhisretiredlife? Ordescribe chipsroutine afterretirement?OrNarrate
the activitiesof Mr. chipsafterhisretirement?Orwhere didchipsliveafterhisretirement?
7. Write a note on chipshumor?
8. Describe briefly MrChipsina few lines?
9. Write a brief note onthe deathof Mr. Chips?Or Describe the deathscene of Mr. Chips?
10. What type (kind) of novel Goodbye Mr.Chipsis?
11. How didchipswelcome the new studentsathisresidence? Orwhatdid Mr Chipstreat hisold
pupils?Orhowdidchipsuse to serve the boys? Or How didchipswelcome the new comers?
12. What were Chipsviews aboutthe womenof the nineties? OrWhatwere chipsopinionabout
modern woman?
13. Describe Katherinetragicdeath?
14. Why did Mr Chips decide toresignin 1913? Or What happenedtochipsin1913?
15. Write a note on Brookfield school?Orwhatkindof School was Brookfield?
16. What was the reasonthat ledtothe quarrel between MrChipsand Ralston? OrWhy didRalston
wantto get ridof Mr. chips?Or Describe brieflythe quarrel/dispute/row betweenMr. Chipsand
Ralston?Or whatwere Ralstonallegationsagainstchips? Orwhatwere the Changesthat
Ralstonleveled againstchips? OrGive anaccount of the dispute betweenchipsand Ralston?Or
whatwere the charges thatRalstonbroughtagainstchips?
17. WhendidMr. Chipsretire andwhatthingswere presentedtohimat his retirement?
18. How did Mr. Chipscome across Katherine Bridges?
19. Why didMr. ChipsrejoinBrookfieldschool?
20. Narrate/write the meetingbetweenChipsand Linford?OrWhywasLinfordcome to visit Mr.
chips?Or How didchipsentertainLinford? Orhow didchipsentertainhisvisitors? OrWhatsort
of discussiondidChipshave withLinford? Orhow didMr. chipsentertainhis guests/studentsat
Mrs. wicketts house?Orhowdidchipsreceived Linford?OrWhat special thingdidLinfordsay
to mr chipswhile leaving? OrwhosentLinfordtomr chipsand why?
21. What didKatherine saytochipsbefore weddingnight?OrWhat didKatherine saytochipson
the nightbefore wedding?
22. What kindof requestdidChatterismakeschips? OrWhat wasthe requestof Chatteristomr
chips?What requestdid Chatterismake tochipsabouthelpinghim? OrWhydidChatteris
requestchipstorejoinschool again?
23. What didChipsreceive on 1st
April?OrWhat type of lettersdidchipsreceiveon1st
24. HowdidMr. ChipsmeetKatherine forthe firsttime?
25. What thingsmr chipsmemories? Orwhydidhe recall hismemories? OrwhydidMr chipsrecall
26. Why didRalstonleave Brookfieldandwhere didhe go?
When and how did mr chips join the brookfield school

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When and how did mr chips join the brookfield school

  • 1. 1. Whenand howdid Mr. Chips jointhe Brookfieldschool? 2. What were the twothingsChipshadneverdone inlife? 3. What was Chipswill? 4. What was the conditionand importance of Mr. Wickettshouse? 5. What influencedidKatherine Bridgesexerciseon Mr Chips?Or What changes did marriage/Katherine bringin Chips?OrHow didKatherine influencechips? Orwhatwasthe effectof chipsmarriage onhissense of humor? Or What was the effectof Chipsmarriage onhis sense of humor? Or How didKatherine change mrchips? 6. How did Mr Chips passhisretiredlife? Ordescribe chipsroutine afterretirement?OrNarrate the activitiesof Mr. chipsafterhisretirement?Orwhere didchipsliveafterhisretirement? 7. Write a note on chipshumor? 8. Describe briefly MrChipsina few lines? 9. Write a brief note onthe deathof Mr. Chips?Or Describe the deathscene of Mr. Chips? 10. What type (kind) of novel Goodbye Mr.Chipsis? 11. How didchipswelcome the new studentsathisresidence? Orwhatdid Mr Chipstreat hisold pupils?Orhowdidchipsuse to serve the boys? Or How didchipswelcome the new comers? 12. What were Chipsviews aboutthe womenof the nineties? OrWhatwere chipsopinionabout modern woman? 13. Describe Katherinetragicdeath? 14. Why did Mr Chips decide toresignin 1913? Or What happenedtochipsin1913? 15. Write a note on Brookfield school?Orwhatkindof School was Brookfield? 16. What was the reasonthat ledtothe quarrel between MrChipsand Ralston? OrWhy didRalston wantto get ridof Mr. chips?Or Describe brieflythe quarrel/dispute/row betweenMr. Chipsand Ralston?Or whatwere Ralstonallegationsagainstchips? Orwhatwere the Changesthat Ralstonleveled againstchips? OrGive anaccount of the dispute betweenchipsand Ralston?Or whatwere the charges thatRalstonbroughtagainstchips? 17. WhendidMr. Chipsretire andwhatthingswere presentedtohimat his retirement? 18. How did Mr. Chipscome across Katherine Bridges? 19. Why didMr. ChipsrejoinBrookfieldschool? 20. Narrate/write the meetingbetweenChipsand Linford?OrWhywasLinfordcome to visit Mr. chips?Or How didchipsentertainLinford? Orhow didchipsentertainhisvisitors? OrWhatsort of discussiondidChipshave withLinford? Orhow didMr. chipsentertainhis guests/studentsat Mrs. wicketts house?Orhowdidchipsreceived Linford?OrWhat special thingdidLinfordsay to mr chipswhile leaving? OrwhosentLinfordtomr chipsand why? 21. What didKatherine saytochipsbefore weddingnight?OrWhat didKatherine saytochipson the nightbefore wedding? 22. What kindof requestdidChatterismakeschips? OrWhat wasthe requestof Chatteristomr chips?What requestdid Chatterismake tochipsabouthelpinghim? OrWhydidChatteris requestchipstorejoinschool again? 23. What didChipsreceive on 1st April?OrWhat type of lettersdidchipsreceiveon1st April,1898? 24. HowdidMr. ChipsmeetKatherine forthe firsttime?
  • 2. 25. What thingsmr chipsmemories? Orwhydidhe recall hismemories? OrwhydidMr chipsrecall hismemories? 26. Why didRalstonleave Brookfieldandwhere didhe go?