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Select the RIGHT instrument for yourself (or child)
Get to know the options.
1. There are about 20 instruments in a Western Classical Orchestra.
2. Several instruments are repeated. For example in a 60-piece orchestra you
may have as many as 10 1st
violins, 10 2nd
violins, 8 violas and 6 cellos forming
the backbone of the orchestra. You may have 2 double basses. You may have 3
flutes, 3 oboes, 4 clarinets and 2 bassoons. 2 Trumpets, 2 horns, 2 trombones
and 2 tubas. A timpani, a xylophone, an English horn and Euphonium.
3. Not part of the Classical Orchestra are many other instruments in the world.
Note there is no piano NOR keyboard, nor guitar NOT even the classical guitar.
4. However there are another 20 odd OTHER main OTHER instruments used
occasionaly. These include piano, the classical guitar, pipe-organ, harp,
harpsichord, recorder etc.
5. A key to orchestra instrument choice includes; intonation and range of an
instrument; volume of an instrument; grouping of instruments; balance of
sound; auditory compatibility etc.
The discipline of a western classical orchestra is classical. You perform your
works in an envelope of silences. No mobiles, crying babies, shuffling of feet,
creaking of charis nor audience with colds. No cheering in between.
Each instrument player is one of the best in his or her business. Mostly
professional they could be amateurs coming in only for this performance.
Dress code is sacrosanct.
Apart from the manager, event handlers, behind the scenes etc. the
CONDUCTOR is a key person. He or she may have chosen the work to
perform. Decides on the mix and balance and numbers of instruments; the
speed and/or tempo of the piece; the volume and many other interpretations
of the work as he or she, see fit. In many ways its the Conductors Version
of the same old classical piece of work. Its like drinking and appreciating
the same wine, the same caviar. Either you get it or you dont.
The Classical orchestra is essentially grouped into 4 key sections.
1. The strings Section - 1st
violins. 2nd
violins. Violas. Cellos. Double
2. The Woodwinds Section  Concert Flutes, Clarinets, Oboes & Bassoons.
Also part of this section if and when used are English horns, Saxophones
and Recorders.
3. The Brass Section  Trumpets, Horns, Trombones, Tubas. Also when
used in this section are Euphoniums, Cornets etc.
4. Rhythm & rhythmic percussion  Timpani, Xylophone & Marimba. Also
the piano and classical guitar when used.
A 36-piece Marching Band
Your (or your child) could be a part of Marching Band; a Dance Band or an
Outdoor Band. The instrument mix and layout could be as follows. NOTE : Its
the same set of instruments  keeping outdoor, mobility etc. in mind.
Why are we telling you all this?
The ubiquitous pop-guitar and pop-keyboard of modern times and its vast,
enormous popularity is COMPLETELY based on your understanding of the above
and earlier Western Classical Orchestra.
Let us see how.
1. It combines the notes of several instruments. Played as chords on a
guitar or 4 fingers on a keyboard (2 fingers on the right hand + 2
fingers on the left hand).
2. The pop-keyboard has built-in rhythms. It can have 96-note
polyphony  ie. When programmed can play 96 notes a time  more
than the 10 fingers on your hand.
3. Both have volume. Electrified and Amplified. One instrument is enough 
we dont need 10 of each.
4. The pop-keyboard can have the sound completely changed. To sound
like any other ALL other instruments. That is NOT the other instrument
can be discerned only by a trained ear and sometimes can fool even the
best of music experts. Just listen to some recordings.
5. The pop-guitar is unique in that with a pickup or electric the sound is
passed through phasers, shapers and distortion to provide an infinite
number of ANY sound that you want. Unlimited choice for the player
and listener.
6. However the combining of a lead guitar, bass guitar, rhythm guitar
and drums is EXACTLY that of a western classical orchestra. While they
may sound different to a listener. The EXACT same principles of music
are happening.
7. After all all music is based on those 5 black keys and 7 white keys ONLY.
Repeated again and again as about 10 octaves. The entire world of
music is based on that.
8. With a modern high pop-end-keyboard you are a one-man 120 piece
Criteria for Selection
1. Listen to each and every instrument. Played by preferably a
Professional. Listen to the sound do you like it? Compare this with other
Instrument sounds.
2. Carry one. Try it. Feel it. Learn to hold it. Do you like it?
3. Do you like Loud? Soft? Size? Cold? Warm? Big? Small? Muscular?
Dainty? Easy? Difficult? Light & easy to carry?
4. Are you left-handed?
5. Are you fit & able-bodied? Any physical challenges? Sight? Hearing?
Fingers? Holding arms?
6. Dont mix Singing, Voice and Vocal talent with this. Anyway you cant
play the flute and sing at the same time. Nor should you  INITIALLY
and to be a good performer  attempt doing this with any other
instrument  whether piano nor classical guitar.
7. Now comes affordability. A Recorder can cost Rs. 300/-; a percussion
triangle even less. An Orff Instrument 3000/-. A trumpet, clarinet,
classical guitar for less than Rs. 10,000/- A euphonium tuba, trombone,
flute or cello could become Rs. 40,000/-. A piano Rs. 60,000/-. Double
Bass, Bassoon, French Horn starts becoming Rs. 100,000/- +. Easy and
cheaper to maintain? Lower-cost consumables?
8. Are you a self-learner? Do you need to be taught.
9. Either way - you have to have access to a good Teacher.
10. You need a good music method book, course-materials and support
exercises, music and songs.
11. Do you like to play with others? You like playing alone, leading the
12. Look out playing and performing opportunities from the earliest possible
13. If you think you have talent and could even be a professional  think 1,2
and even 3 hours Practice a day. There is an odd saying that it takes
10,000 hours to become a professional at any thing. Its a close truth
when it comes to Music Performance.
Pop-Guitar OR Pop-Keyboard?
1. If you want to play the guitar. Acoustic. Electric. Rhythm. Bass. Lead. Finger-style.
Plucking or whatever start with the Classical Guitar. Its a 400+ years standard
instrument. Learn to read notation; play arpeggios & chords  then you can play
and and all other guitar styles including singing with one.
2. If you want to play the keyboard. Start with an 88-key weighted-keys upright or
grand piano. (Or equivalent) Learn tactile feedback, touch, feel  its why a
manual typewriter / typist can be much faster, more versatile and enjoy typing
than a PC-keyboard typist. Again once you have learnt to read music; piano-style
and organ-style you can lead, accompany, support, sing-with 
Selecting an Instrument
The best possible advice is to listen to an instrument and go with your first
instincts. If you like the sound of that instrument go for it. If you dont like
the sound of an instrument; dont choose that. Given the practical options
in Bangalore and India you could select one of the following 
i. Piano
ii. Church Organ
iii. Violin. (or viola or cello).
iv. Classical Guitar
v. Recorder (Alto, Soprano, Tenor and/or Bass)
vi. Concert Flute.
vii. Clarinet (and the Saxophone later).
viii. French Horn.
ix. Oboe or Bassoon (You could be a part of a Wind Quartet)
x. Trumpet. (Start with a bugle).
xi. Brass band. (Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Saxophone)
xii. Double Bass.
xiii. Western Classical Voice Training.
Other Instrument(s)
There are a whole lot of other instruments. While something is better than nothing
as fun  these are best avoided and not-invested in; if you are really serious about
music in the first. These include 
1. Harmonica or Blues Harp.
2. Accordion. Button Accordion
3. Mandolin. Ukulele. Banjo. Balalaika.
4. Country fiddle.
5. Acoustic Guitar.
6. Electric Guitar. Rhythm Guitar. Bass Guitar. Lead Guitar.
7. Saxophone. (Learn the clarinet and like Jazz first).
8. Keyboard (5-octave Casio and equivalents)
Ask yourself, checklist
 Which instrument do I like the sound of? It's probably a very good
 Which instrument I think I will stick with. You'll playing the same
instrument over many years.
 I would enjoy playing with others, rather than solo or by myself.
 Can I afford to buy this instrument? Some instruments can be very
 You may be able to borrow, hire or lease an instrument.
 Do I mind carrying this instrument whereever I go? Some instruments can
be very big.
 Am I willing to spend time and money on maintaining this instrument in
good playing condition? Some instruments take quite a bit of time, effort
and cost in maintenance.
 Take up a different, new or unique instrument so that you stand out in a
crowd, or will be easier to accept in a group or when competing for places.
 Do you want to play an instrument only to accompany yourself while
 Where, how and when will I get opportunities around my home, workplace
or music school to play my instrument?
 Which instrument will allow me to have fun with people around me. My
friends, my colleagues, classmates, fellow-students etc.
 Can I get and be able to afford books, materials, music and everything that
goes with sustaining my interest with this instrument?
 Is there a good teacher available to me for this Instrument? Spend the
maximum for this - a good teacher is worth his or her weight in gold.
Music International : Instrument Selection & Ownership Matrix 
Contact :
Casper Abraham
+91 98450-61870
Music International
62-B Modi Residency
Millers Road, Benson Town
Bangalore 560 046 INDIA
Website at http://themusicinternational.com
Email : thedean@themusicinternational.com

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Which music instrument should you take up?

  • 1. http://themusicinternational.com Select the RIGHT instrument for yourself (or child) Get to know the options. 1. There are about 20 instruments in a Western Classical Orchestra. 2. Several instruments are repeated. For example in a 60-piece orchestra you may have as many as 10 1st violins, 10 2nd violins, 8 violas and 6 cellos forming the backbone of the orchestra. You may have 2 double basses. You may have 3 flutes, 3 oboes, 4 clarinets and 2 bassoons. 2 Trumpets, 2 horns, 2 trombones and 2 tubas. A timpani, a xylophone, an English horn and Euphonium. 3. Not part of the Classical Orchestra are many other instruments in the world. Note there is no piano NOR keyboard, nor guitar NOT even the classical guitar. 4. However there are another 20 odd OTHER main OTHER instruments used occasionaly. These include piano, the classical guitar, pipe-organ, harp, harpsichord, recorder etc. 5. A key to orchestra instrument choice includes; intonation and range of an instrument; volume of an instrument; grouping of instruments; balance of sound; auditory compatibility etc.
  • 2. http://themusicinternational.com The discipline of a western classical orchestra is classical. You perform your works in an envelope of silences. No mobiles, crying babies, shuffling of feet, creaking of charis nor audience with colds. No cheering in between. Each instrument player is one of the best in his or her business. Mostly professional they could be amateurs coming in only for this performance. Dress code is sacrosanct. Apart from the manager, event handlers, behind the scenes etc. the CONDUCTOR is a key person. He or she may have chosen the work to perform. Decides on the mix and balance and numbers of instruments; the speed and/or tempo of the piece; the volume and many other interpretations of the work as he or she, see fit. In many ways its the Conductors Version of the same old classical piece of work. Its like drinking and appreciating the same wine, the same caviar. Either you get it or you dont.
  • 3. http://themusicinternational.com The Classical orchestra is essentially grouped into 4 key sections. 1. The strings Section - 1st violins. 2nd violins. Violas. Cellos. Double Basses. 2. The Woodwinds Section Concert Flutes, Clarinets, Oboes & Bassoons. Also part of this section if and when used are English horns, Saxophones and Recorders. 3. The Brass Section Trumpets, Horns, Trombones, Tubas. Also when used in this section are Euphoniums, Cornets etc. 4. Rhythm & rhythmic percussion Timpani, Xylophone & Marimba. Also the piano and classical guitar when used.
  • 4. http://themusicinternational.com A 36-piece Marching Band Your (or your child) could be a part of Marching Band; a Dance Band or an Outdoor Band. The instrument mix and layout could be as follows. NOTE : Its the same set of instruments keeping outdoor, mobility etc. in mind.
  • 5. http://themusicinternational.com Why are we telling you all this? The ubiquitous pop-guitar and pop-keyboard of modern times and its vast, enormous popularity is COMPLETELY based on your understanding of the above and earlier Western Classical Orchestra. Let us see how. 1. It combines the notes of several instruments. Played as chords on a guitar or 4 fingers on a keyboard (2 fingers on the right hand + 2 fingers on the left hand). 2. The pop-keyboard has built-in rhythms. It can have 96-note polyphony ie. When programmed can play 96 notes a time more than the 10 fingers on your hand. 3. Both have volume. Electrified and Amplified. One instrument is enough we dont need 10 of each. 4. The pop-keyboard can have the sound completely changed. To sound like any other ALL other instruments. That is NOT the other instrument can be discerned only by a trained ear and sometimes can fool even the best of music experts. Just listen to some recordings. 5. The pop-guitar is unique in that with a pickup or electric the sound is passed through phasers, shapers and distortion to provide an infinite number of ANY sound that you want. Unlimited choice for the player and listener. 6. However the combining of a lead guitar, bass guitar, rhythm guitar and drums is EXACTLY that of a western classical orchestra. While they may sound different to a listener. The EXACT same principles of music are happening. 7. After all all music is based on those 5 black keys and 7 white keys ONLY. Repeated again and again as about 10 octaves. The entire world of music is based on that. 8. With a modern high pop-end-keyboard you are a one-man 120 piece orchestra.
  • 6. http://themusicinternational.com Criteria for Selection 1. Listen to each and every instrument. Played by preferably a Professional. Listen to the sound do you like it? Compare this with other Instrument sounds. 2. Carry one. Try it. Feel it. Learn to hold it. Do you like it? 3. Do you like Loud? Soft? Size? Cold? Warm? Big? Small? Muscular? Dainty? Easy? Difficult? Light & easy to carry? 4. Are you left-handed? 5. Are you fit & able-bodied? Any physical challenges? Sight? Hearing? Fingers? Holding arms? 6. Dont mix Singing, Voice and Vocal talent with this. Anyway you cant play the flute and sing at the same time. Nor should you INITIALLY and to be a good performer attempt doing this with any other instrument whether piano nor classical guitar. 7. Now comes affordability. A Recorder can cost Rs. 300/-; a percussion triangle even less. An Orff Instrument 3000/-. A trumpet, clarinet, classical guitar for less than Rs. 10,000/- A euphonium tuba, trombone, flute or cello could become Rs. 40,000/-. A piano Rs. 60,000/-. Double Bass, Bassoon, French Horn starts becoming Rs. 100,000/- +. Easy and cheaper to maintain? Lower-cost consumables? 8. Are you a self-learner? Do you need to be taught. 9. Either way - you have to have access to a good Teacher. 10. You need a good music method book, course-materials and support exercises, music and songs. 11. Do you like to play with others? You like playing alone, leading the music. 12. Look out playing and performing opportunities from the earliest possible instance. 13. If you think you have talent and could even be a professional think 1,2 and even 3 hours Practice a day. There is an odd saying that it takes 10,000 hours to become a professional at any thing. Its a close truth when it comes to Music Performance.
  • 7. http://themusicinternational.com Pop-Guitar OR Pop-Keyboard? STOP THERE. 1. If you want to play the guitar. Acoustic. Electric. Rhythm. Bass. Lead. Finger-style. Plucking or whatever start with the Classical Guitar. Its a 400+ years standard instrument. Learn to read notation; play arpeggios & chords then you can play and and all other guitar styles including singing with one. 2. If you want to play the keyboard. Start with an 88-key weighted-keys upright or grand piano. (Or equivalent) Learn tactile feedback, touch, feel its why a manual typewriter / typist can be much faster, more versatile and enjoy typing than a PC-keyboard typist. Again once you have learnt to read music; piano-style and organ-style you can lead, accompany, support, sing-with Selecting an Instrument The best possible advice is to listen to an instrument and go with your first instincts. If you like the sound of that instrument go for it. If you dont like the sound of an instrument; dont choose that. Given the practical options in Bangalore and India you could select one of the following i. Piano ii. Church Organ iii. Violin. (or viola or cello). iv. Classical Guitar v. Recorder (Alto, Soprano, Tenor and/or Bass) vi. Concert Flute. vii. Clarinet (and the Saxophone later). viii. French Horn. ix. Oboe or Bassoon (You could be a part of a Wind Quartet)
  • 8. http://themusicinternational.com x. Trumpet. (Start with a bugle). xi. Brass band. (Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Saxophone) xii. Double Bass. xiii. Western Classical Voice Training. Other Instrument(s) There are a whole lot of other instruments. While something is better than nothing as fun these are best avoided and not-invested in; if you are really serious about music in the first. These include 1. Harmonica or Blues Harp. 2. Accordion. Button Accordion 3. Mandolin. Ukulele. Banjo. Balalaika. 4. Country fiddle. 5. Acoustic Guitar. 6. Electric Guitar. Rhythm Guitar. Bass Guitar. Lead Guitar. 7. Saxophone. (Learn the clarinet and like Jazz first). 8. Keyboard (5-octave Casio and equivalents) Ask yourself, checklist Which instrument do I like the sound of? It's probably a very good yardstick. Which instrument I think I will stick with. You'll playing the same instrument over many years. I would enjoy playing with others, rather than solo or by myself. Can I afford to buy this instrument? Some instruments can be very expensive.
  • 9. http://themusicinternational.com You may be able to borrow, hire or lease an instrument. Do I mind carrying this instrument whereever I go? Some instruments can be very big. Am I willing to spend time and money on maintaining this instrument in good playing condition? Some instruments take quite a bit of time, effort and cost in maintenance. Take up a different, new or unique instrument so that you stand out in a crowd, or will be easier to accept in a group or when competing for places. Do you want to play an instrument only to accompany yourself while singing? Where, how and when will I get opportunities around my home, workplace or music school to play my instrument? Which instrument will allow me to have fun with people around me. My friends, my colleagues, classmates, fellow-students etc. Can I get and be able to afford books, materials, music and everything that goes with sustaining my interest with this instrument? Is there a good teacher available to me for this Instrument? Spend the maximum for this - a good teacher is worth his or her weight in gold.
  • 10. http://themusicinternational.com Music International : Instrument Selection & Ownership Matrix Contact : Casper Abraham casper@themusicinternational.com +91 98450-61870 Music International 62-B Modi Residency Millers Road, Benson Town Bangalore 560 046 INDIA Website at http://themusicinternational.com Email : thedean@themusicinternational.com