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Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 1 of 3)
8a Pilansberg Street, Aerorand, Middleburg, South Africa  Ph: (+27) 83 393 9377
E: wrenney123@gmail.com  https://za.linkedin.com/in/william-renney-79b17794
Solid background in mining and the construction of roads, railway lines, dams and pipelines. Demonstrates strong
leadership, determination and good business acumen. Maintains a relaxed but hard working site culture.
Possesses strong technical aptitude, and highly developed mechanical and problem solving skills, with an ability
to work in challenging conditions. Skilled in streamlining operations to make optimal use of resources. An
excellent communicator, builds strategic relationships and strong teams, and is able to relate well with all
stakeholders. Promotes safety on-site as a priority and follows up to ensure compliance with Health, Safety &
Environmental regulations.
Expertise Offered
 Health,Safety& Environmental:In-depthunderstandingof regulationspertainingtothe mining and
constructionindustries conducts regularchecksto ensure staff and contractors are in compliance
withStandardOperatingProcedures.Extensiveknowledge in ISO9001/14001 & OHS 18001
 Computers & Technical: MS Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Projects  buildSMART:
Procurement/Accounting/HumanResources (in-house programmes)
 Administration: Places a strong focus on attention to detail and time management  prioritises
workload  able to manage competing demands in high pressure environments  structured and
organised  veryparticularaboutcompliance withregulatoryrequirements
 Leadership: An experienced leader  utilises a collaborative management style  works well
autonomouslyoras part of a team and knowswhat is requiredtomake a team functioneffectively
 activelyparticipatesinbuildingapositiveandsuccessful teamandable tomanage cross-functional
 Character: Strong, confident,outgoingandenjoysachallenge resilientwithaflexible attitudea
plannerwhosetsgoalsinadvance  committedtobeingethical andfair,able tobe objective
Career Overview
2009  2016 Scribante Africa, Middelburg, SA Site Manager
2007  2008 Scribante Construction, Rustenburg, SA Site Manager
2007 Scribante Construction, Springs, SA Foreman
2005  2006 Scribante Construction, Rooderant, SA Foreman
Qualifications & Training
 Blasting Ticket  to be assessed August 2016
 Matric Certificate
 BHP Billiton/South32: Supervisory/Management Course | Strata 2 (high wall & spoils awareness course)
 1st Aid: Level 1
 HIRA: HazardIdentification & Risk Assessment Course
 IRCA: Training for Construction Supervisors
 Verify compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in the workplace course
William Renney
Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 2 of 3)
Professional Background
Scribante,South Africa (www.scribanteconstruction.co.za)
Scribante is involved in mining and construction of roads, railway lines, dams and pipelines within South
Site Manager (ScribanteAfrica,Middelburg) Jan 2009  Present
Scope: Issue site instructions and provide supervision to 140 employees  manage and supervise
topsoil/subsoil and burden removal until top of coal  rehabilitate opencast voids  place topsoil on
levelled areas.
Key Accountabilities
burdenremoval until topof coal monthly  execute designplansandbill of quantities
 Trainemployeesonsafety,carryouton-site inspectionstoensure standardsare beingmet enforce
client Standard Operating Procedures with employees and sub-contractors  chair weekly safety
 Carry out trafficmanagementplan
 Compile 5 daily reports for client and Management  progress, cost allocations, dailylabour, daily
fuel consumption,andearthmovingequipmentavailability&utilisation/volume moved
 Trainemployeesinthefieldonhazards establish, reinforce andrewardHealth,Safety, Environment
andCommunityinitiativesprovide sufficientresourcestomanage riskstoensure effective usagein
line withISO& OHS
 Ensure contractors conductoperationsincompliance withrelevantminingauthorisations
 Attend site meetings with client on a daily basis, liaise with surveyors, planners, subcontractors,
 Comply with client environmental standards and ensure the environment is protected from
hazardousmaterials,chemicalsandall general waste
 Signoff monthlysurveysenablingclientinvoicestobe createdandsentto client
Site Manager (ScribanteConstruction,Rustenburg) Oct 2007  Dec 2008
Scope: Oversightof 4mine shaftsandateamof 50staff excavationandbackfill of shaftboxcuts,settling
dams, access roads and water pipelines  manage plant and equipment on-site  attend daily site
Key Accountabilities
 Constructhard terrace for shaft  excavate box cutsfor shaftpillarsthenbackfill
 Execute designplansandbill of quantities compile completionreportsandas-builtdrawings
 Startedand completed: 2surfacedroads;2 settlingpondsformine water;waterpipeline;rail links
 CompileddailyreportsforclientandManagement: progress/costallocation/labour
 Organisedtestsand samplestobe conductedtodetermine sufficientandcorrectroad strength
 Arrangedclientinspectionsforroadsignoff at setintervals
 Liaise withrelevantthirdparties,suchassurveyors,planners, sub-contractors, andtradesmen
Foreman(ScribanteConstruction,Springs) Jan 2007  Sep2007
Scope: Supervise ateamof 30 staff in the excavationof decline shaft,constructionof settlingdam with
liningandaccessroads  manage plantand equipmenton-siteattenddailysite meetingswithclient.
Key Accountabilities
 Excavate decline shaftwithsafe batters constructlay downterrace for workshopsandoffices
 Constructsettlingpondwithrubberliningsandaccessroadto mine entrance
 Execute designplans
 Train employees in safe working conditions, conduct site inspects, enforce client SOPs and
adherence byemployeesand sub-contractors
 Liaise withall keyparties,ensureoperationsare conductedinline withminingauthorisations
Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 3 of 3)
Professional Background (continued)
Foreman(ScribanteConstruction, Rooderant) Nov 2005  Dec 2006
Scope: Supervise ateamof 50 staff inoverburdenremovalandextractionof chrome manage plantand
Key Accountabilities
 Remove topsoil andoverburdenuntilreachtopof chrome  extractand stockpile chrome
 Close voidscreatedbyopencastminingandtopsoil areatocorrectlevel
 Execute designplans,trainemployeesinsafetyproceduresandconducton-site inspections
 Meetwithclientsdailyon-site,alongwithexternal providers
 Ensure contractor operationsare incompliance withminingauthorisations
 Managed a site thatcontributedtoScribante receivingthe goldenawardforadoptingBHPBilliton
EnergyCoal South Africa(BECSA) systemsinregardstorehabilitation,MiddelburgColliery 
Contractor Companycategory.
 Employedasa Grease Technicianin2005 byScribante,3 monthslater,promotedtoa Foreman.
AppointedasaSite Manager 2 yearslaterand now run one of the biggestsiteswithinthe company
witha turnoverof R15M permonth, supervise 140 employeesandmanage 60 unitsof earth
movingequipment;toname afew - 1200 Excavators,100T Rigidtrucks, D11 Bulldozers,40T
ArticulatedDumpTrucks,16H Graders,Tractor LoaderBackhoes.
Projects Completed
 Client:BHP Billiton/South32| Current| 650, 000 bcms/month|opencastmining
 Client:ImpalaPlatinum|734,000 bcms | Boxcuts,roads,pipelinesanddams
 Client:Aflease Gold|363,000 bcms | Decline mine shaft,hardterrace andsettlingponds
 Client:RooderantChrome Mining|252,424 tons| Opencastmining
 Client:16 shaftto 17 shaftrailwaylink|Cutand fill of railwayline
 Client:17 & 20 shaftterracesand box cuts | Mine shaftboxcutsand hard terrace
Referee Feedback
Williams greatest strengths lie in the fact that he has the ability to plan work well, has very good
organisation skills,takesresponsibilityforall site mattersand makes mature decisions. His work ethics also
help to not just meet deadlines, but to complete his projects ahead of schedule.
 Mike Maurice, Operations Manager, Scribante Africa
Williams visible strengths are his ability of reaching the required targets and understanding what is
required of him. He also displays excellent leadership and management skills and makes mature and
responsible decisions.
 Pippie Scheepers, Area Manager, Scribante Construction
Work Eligibility: SouthAfricancitizen| PursuingWorkVisafollowedbySkilledMigrantVisa
Languages: English(native)|Afrikaans (fluent)
Licences: Code C (norestrictions) Busesandgoods vehicles withGVMover16,000kg

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William Renney CV 1

  • 1. ____________________________________________________ Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 1 of 3) 8a Pilansberg Street, Aerorand, Middleburg, South Africa Ph: (+27) 83 393 9377 E: wrenney123@gmail.com https://za.linkedin.com/in/william-renney-79b17794 SEEKING ROLES: SITE MANAGER/AGENT/SUPERVISOR/FOREMAN BULK EARTHWORKS | EXCAVATION | LEVELLING | BACKFILLING | ROADING & RAIL | WATER PIPELINES Summary Solid background in mining and the construction of roads, railway lines, dams and pipelines. Demonstrates strong leadership, determination and good business acumen. Maintains a relaxed but hard working site culture. Possesses strong technical aptitude, and highly developed mechanical and problem solving skills, with an ability to work in challenging conditions. Skilled in streamlining operations to make optimal use of resources. An excellent communicator, builds strategic relationships and strong teams, and is able to relate well with all stakeholders. Promotes safety on-site as a priority and follows up to ensure compliance with Health, Safety & Environmental regulations. Expertise Offered Health,Safety& Environmental:In-depthunderstandingof regulationspertainingtothe mining and constructionindustries conducts regularchecksto ensure staff and contractors are in compliance withStandardOperatingProcedures.Extensiveknowledge in ISO9001/14001 & OHS 18001 Computers & Technical: MS Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Projects buildSMART: Procurement/Accounting/HumanResources (in-house programmes) Administration: Places a strong focus on attention to detail and time management prioritises workload able to manage competing demands in high pressure environments structured and organised veryparticularaboutcompliance withregulatoryrequirements Leadership: An experienced leader utilises a collaborative management style works well autonomouslyoras part of a team and knowswhat is requiredtomake a team functioneffectively activelyparticipatesinbuildingapositiveandsuccessful teamandable tomanage cross-functional projectteams Character: Strong, confident,outgoingandenjoysachallenge resilientwithaflexible attitudea plannerwhosetsgoalsinadvance committedtobeingethical andfair,able tobe objective Career Overview 2009 2016 Scribante Africa, Middelburg, SA Site Manager 2007 2008 Scribante Construction, Rustenburg, SA Site Manager 2007 Scribante Construction, Springs, SA Foreman 2005 2006 Scribante Construction, Rooderant, SA Foreman Qualifications & Training Blasting Ticket to be assessed August 2016 Matric Certificate BHP Billiton/South32: Supervisory/Management Course | Strata 2 (high wall & spoils awareness course) 1st Aid: Level 1 HIRA: HazardIdentification & Risk Assessment Course IRCA: Training for Construction Supervisors Verify compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in the workplace course William Renney
  • 2. ____________________________________________________ Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 2 of 3) Professional Background Scribante,South Africa (www.scribanteconstruction.co.za) Scribante is involved in mining and construction of roads, railway lines, dams and pipelines within South Africa. Site Manager (ScribanteAfrica,Middelburg) Jan 2009 Present Scope: Issue site instructions and provide supervision to 140 employees manage and supervise topsoil/subsoil and burden removal until top of coal rehabilitate opencast voids place topsoil on levelled areas. Key Accountabilities 650,000m3 burdenremoval until topof coal monthly execute designplansandbill of quantities Trainemployeesonsafety,carryouton-site inspectionstoensure standardsare beingmet enforce client Standard Operating Procedures with employees and sub-contractors chair weekly safety meetings Carry out trafficmanagementplan Compile 5 daily reports for client and Management progress, cost allocations, dailylabour, daily fuel consumption,andearthmovingequipmentavailability&utilisation/volume moved Trainemployeesinthefieldonhazards establish, reinforce andrewardHealth,Safety, Environment andCommunityinitiativesprovide sufficientresourcestomanage riskstoensure effective usagein line withISO& OHS Ensure contractors conductoperationsincompliance withrelevantminingauthorisations Attend site meetings with client on a daily basis, liaise with surveyors, planners, subcontractors, foremenandtradesmen Comply with client environmental standards and ensure the environment is protected from hazardousmaterials,chemicalsandall general waste Signoff monthlysurveysenablingclientinvoicestobe createdandsentto client Site Manager (ScribanteConstruction,Rustenburg) Oct 2007 Dec 2008 Scope: Oversightof 4mine shaftsandateamof 50staff excavationandbackfill of shaftboxcuts,settling dams, access roads and water pipelines manage plant and equipment on-site attend daily site meetingswithclient. Key Accountabilities Constructhard terrace for shaft excavate box cutsfor shaftpillarsthenbackfill Execute designplansandbill of quantities compile completionreportsandas-builtdrawings Startedand completed: 2surfacedroads;2 settlingpondsformine water;waterpipeline;rail links CompileddailyreportsforclientandManagement: progress/costallocation/labour Organisedtestsand samplestobe conductedtodetermine sufficientandcorrectroad strength Arrangedclientinspectionsforroadsignoff at setintervals Liaise withrelevantthirdparties,suchassurveyors,planners, sub-contractors, andtradesmen Foreman(ScribanteConstruction,Springs) Jan 2007 Sep2007 Scope: Supervise ateamof 30 staff in the excavationof decline shaft,constructionof settlingdam with liningandaccessroads manage plantand equipmenton-siteattenddailysite meetingswithclient. Key Accountabilities Excavate decline shaftwithsafe batters constructlay downterrace for workshopsandoffices Constructsettlingpondwithrubberliningsandaccessroadto mine entrance Execute designplans Train employees in safe working conditions, conduct site inspects, enforce client SOPs and adherence byemployeesand sub-contractors Liaise withall keyparties,ensureoperationsare conductedinline withminingauthorisations
  • 3. ____________________________________________________ Confidential Curriculum Vitae of William Renney (Page 3 of 3) Professional Background (continued) Foreman(ScribanteConstruction, Rooderant) Nov 2005 Dec 2006 Scope: Supervise ateamof 50 staff inoverburdenremovalandextractionof chrome manage plantand equipmenton-site. Key Accountabilities Remove topsoil andoverburdenuntilreachtopof chrome extractand stockpile chrome Close voidscreatedbyopencastminingandtopsoil areatocorrectlevel Execute designplans,trainemployeesinsafetyproceduresandconducton-site inspections Meetwithclientsdailyon-site,alongwithexternal providers Ensure contractor operationsare incompliance withminingauthorisations Awards Managed a site thatcontributedtoScribante receivingthe goldenawardforadoptingBHPBilliton EnergyCoal South Africa(BECSA) systemsinregardstorehabilitation,MiddelburgColliery Contractor Companycategory. Employedasa Grease Technicianin2005 byScribante,3 monthslater,promotedtoa Foreman. AppointedasaSite Manager 2 yearslaterand now run one of the biggestsiteswithinthe company witha turnoverof R15M permonth, supervise 140 employeesandmanage 60 unitsof earth movingequipment;toname afew - 1200 Excavators,100T Rigidtrucks, D11 Bulldozers,40T ArticulatedDumpTrucks,16H Graders,Tractor LoaderBackhoes. Projects Completed Client:BHP Billiton/South32| Current| 650, 000 bcms/month|opencastmining Client:ImpalaPlatinum|734,000 bcms | Boxcuts,roads,pipelinesanddams Client:Aflease Gold|363,000 bcms | Decline mine shaft,hardterrace andsettlingponds Client:RooderantChrome Mining|252,424 tons| Opencastmining Client:16 shaftto 17 shaftrailwaylink|Cutand fill of railwayline Client:17 & 20 shaftterracesand box cuts | Mine shaftboxcutsand hard terrace Referee Feedback Williams greatest strengths lie in the fact that he has the ability to plan work well, has very good organisation skills,takesresponsibilityforall site mattersand makes mature decisions. His work ethics also help to not just meet deadlines, but to complete his projects ahead of schedule. Mike Maurice, Operations Manager, Scribante Africa Williams visible strengths are his ability of reaching the required targets and understanding what is required of him. He also displays excellent leadership and management skills and makes mature and responsible decisions. Pippie Scheepers, Area Manager, Scribante Construction Personal Work Eligibility: SouthAfricancitizen| PursuingWorkVisafollowedbySkilledMigrantVisa Languages: English(native)|Afrikaans (fluent) Licences: Code C (norestrictions) Busesandgoods vehicles withGVMover16,000kg