Noel Gallagher, the surly Oasis guitarist, launched stinging insults at several fellow musicians during a drunken radio interview. He compared troubled singer Amy Winehouse to a "destitute horse" and criticized Mark Ronson and The Kaiser Chiefs. Gallagher also took issue with New York rapper Jay-Z headlining Glastonbury Festival. He is known for his scathing outbursts against other artists.
A 19-year-old girl named Nisreen Mansour al Forgani admits to executing 11 suspected rebel prisoners on orders from Colonel Gaddafi in the days before Tripoli fell. She claims she was forced to carry out the killings under duress and was also sexually abused by senior military figures. Nisreen is now shackled to a hospital bed awaiting an uncertain fate, as rebels are angry about her confessed crimes but doctors believe she acted under coercion.
1) Two reporters were sent to cover Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, Mississippi after the devastating storm made landfall. They encountered uncertain housing and gasoline shortages as they traveled to Biloxi.
2) Upon arriving in Biloxi, the reporters witnessed unprecedented destruction across the Gulf Coast from Katrina's 30-foot storm surge and 145 mph winds that crushed homes and landmarks.
3) The reporters worked with the Sun Herald newspaper to provide disaster coverage and relief information to the community, acting as a lifeline for those without power and basic resources in the aftermath of the storm.
The 29th annual SLO County Toy Run in Avila Beach, California was successful despite cold weather and economic challenges. Over 1,000 people attended the event organized by Bernard "Saint" Duque to collect toy donations for children in the local area. Volunteers worked hard to organize raffle prizes and food for attendees. The Toy Run has been operating for 30 years and continues to provide gifts to kids in the community during Christmas time thanks to the dedication of volunteers like Duque.
1) Over 2.3 million euro was spent last year placing 15 troubled Irish youths in special care facilities and foster care in other countries, with one placement in Scotland costing over 500,000 euro annually.
2) A study identified a "suicide cluster" involving 18 deaths, mainly adolescent and young men, over an 18-month period in a small area in Cork. However, funding for the research into suicide clusters has been cut.
3) Christine Lagarde, the French finance minister, praised the late Brian Lenihan saying that history will view him kindly for his "heroic" work during the financial crisis, though she refused to pass judgment on his bank guarantee decision.
The document provides details about Amy Winehouse's funeral, describing the events and those in attendance. It summarizes that Amy Winehouse's family, including her father Mitch Winehouse, are described as normal, close-knit people who tried their best to help Amy with her struggles. Many music industry figures and celebrities attended the funeral to pay their respects, showing how Amy was loved by those close to her.
This article discusses the issue of domestic violence on the Main Line area of Pennsylvania. It notes several cases of domestic violence homicides that occurred in Main Line towns between 2002-2008. It discusses how local domestic violence organizations like the Women's Center of Montgomery County and the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County provide services to thousands of victims each year, but still face funding and staffing shortages. The article aims to raise awareness about domestic violence during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October through various events.
Mike and Janel Gieringer traveled over 12,000 miles to adopt twin boys from the former Soviet Union after experiencing miscarriages and the death of their infant daughter. The adoption process involved months of paperwork, $20,000 in expenses, and last minute uncertainty. However, they now have a family with 4-month old sons Adam and Zachary. The Gieringers' journey from deciding to adopt to returning home with their sons took over a year but they say it was worth it to become parents.
A Fletcher man was charged with three counts of breaking and entering and larceny after breaking into the same house three times and stealing jewelry worth $15,300. An Asheville man was charged with attempted jail escape, identity theft, and robbery after robbing a man, stealing his identity, and trying to escape from jail. A former death row inmate who was wrongly convicted and spent 14 years on death row will speak at Brevard College about his experience and exoneration.
The document summarizes the categories and nominations for the fictional FJH Academy Awards of Literature for 2010. It highlights The Hunger Games as winning several awards including Best Fiction Book, Best Lone Star Book, Best Opening Line, Best Climax for "Suicide by Berries", and Best Resolution for "Two Winners". It provides a brief plot summary of the story, describing the dystopian setting and the annual Hunger Games competition where young tributes are forced to fight to the death.
The document summarizes the categories and nominations for the fictional FJH Academy Awards of Literature for 2010. It highlights The Hunger Games as winning several awards including Best Fiction Book, Best Lone Star Book, Best Opening Line, Best Climax for "Suicide by Berries", and Best Resolution for "Two Winners". It provides a brief plot summary of the story, describing the dystopian setting and the annual Hunger Games competition where young tributes are forced to fight to the death.
Jade Goody gave her two sons special wristbands to comfort them after her death from cancer. She told Bobby and Freddie to rub the wristbands whenever they missed her. Goody also helped her sons make a wish list of things they wanted as mementos and had sleepovers with them in her final days. She wanted to prepare them for life without her in a positive way. The head of the bereavement charity Goody contacted praised her incredible efforts to comfort her children despite her terminal illness.
This document summarizes an event organized by Cost Cutters to raise money for St. Baldrick's, a charity that funds cancer research. It provides details on the head shaving event including the date, location, agenda and sponsors. It also includes facts about childhood cancer, thank you messages and profiles of child ambassadors who are battling cancer to highlight the importance of the cause.
Putting the "S" in S&OP - Integrating WebinarAVATA
This document discusses integrating and Oracle Demantra for strategic planning. It describes how Power Integrations, a semiconductor manufacturer, uses Demantra to create a detailed sales forecast incorporating opportunities from Salesforce. This integrated forecast is used for production planning, sales goals, and financial projections. Key implementation points include manually flagging Salesforce opportunities for inclusion, defining an "opportunity window", making the process simple, and ensuring transparency. The benefits to Power Integrations are forecasting new business from Salesforce and building correct inventory levels.
Are you fully utilizing your Demantra and happy with the support it's providing to your organization? Thinking about upgrading and want to understand the enhancements around PTP, integration with APCC, user capabilities, etc.? AVATA provides clear insight into Demantra's newest release enhancements.
The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a personal document that shows an individual's competencies in different languages and experiences in other cultures. It aims to highlight the value of languages, promote reflection on cultural values, support plurilingualism, promote autonomy, and contribute to student and worker mobility. The ELP consists of a language passport, language biography, and dossier where individuals can include documents, videos, audios, certificates, and evidence of cultural experiences to chart their progress in language learning over time.
AVATA Webinar: Solutions to Common Demantra & ASCP ChallengesAVATA
This document summarizes a webinar presentation about solutions to common challenges with implementing Demantra and ASCP. It discusses key challenges related to change management, implementation, data, process, configuration, and tips/tricks. For change management, it emphasizes the importance of commitment to change, understanding resistance, clear ownership and metrics. For implementation, it recommends understanding the systems, assigning resources, and allowing for iterations. For data and process, it discusses validation, ownership, design workshops and understanding value. For configuration, it recommends testing configurations and allowing for iterations.
AVATA is adding to their express solutions suite with IBP express, a hosted service offering that provides the framework for conducting the S&OP/IBP process with supported dashboard reports and KPIs. IBP express will allow for a rapid deployment enabling your first S&OP/IBP cycle within 90-days.
IBP express is both a technology tool and service offering that supports advancing your current S&OP process or implementing S&OP/IBP for the first time. IBP express includes the required Education, Workshops, Coaching & Technology that will deliver a rapid ROI.
This document provides instructions for a written round of a competition involving identifying Google Doodles. Teams will write the names of 8 doodles on a provided sheet and exchange sheets for scoring. Teams receive +5 points for each correctly identified doodle and an additional +10 for a full house. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. The doodles from 2017 included ones celebrating Charles Perrault, Hokusai, Robert Burns, Sergei Prokofiev, Will Eisner, the London Underground, Frank Zamboni, and Winsor McCay's Little Nemo. Proper names or events are required for points rather than descriptions.
This document provides an overview of the film The Boat That Rocked, directed by Richard Curtis. It summarizes the film's plot about a band of rogue deejays who broadcast rock music from a pirate radio station at sea in the 1960s. It describes the all-star cast led by Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Count and Bill Nighy as the station's captain. It also gives background on the film's production and Curtis' inspiration from his memories of listening to pirate radio as a youth in Britain.
Michael Lang organized the successful 1968 Miami Pop Festival and was 25 years old when he took on promoting Woodstock. John Roberts and Joel Rosenman, looking for investment opportunities, met Lang and began discussing ideas. When locals opposed holding the festival in Wallkill, Artie Kornfield and Max Yagsur agreed to lease their dairy farm in Bethel as the new site. Despite issues like food shortages, rain, bad trips, and one fatality, the Woodstock festival promoted messages of unity and helping others. It is now commemorated through the Woodstock Museum and monument at the original fairgrounds site.
Paul Scholes signed a one-year contract extension with Manchester United. City lost 0-1 to United, with Scholes scoring the lone goal in the 93rd minute. Guidelines described match the format and publishing strategy for novels in the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Characteristics like predictable length, cliffhanger endings, and previews of future books were mentioned.
The document provides details about several unrelated topics:
1) It mentions John Lennon finding solace in his recording studio where he encountered Che Guevara, rumored to influence his artistic production.
2) It describes the town of Monmouth in Wales becoming the first "Wikipedia town" where all notable places, people, flora and fauna have been cataloged with QR codes for visitors to scan.
3) It discusses Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook who helped organize Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign and is now the executive director of Jumo nonprofit and a shareholder in The New Republic magazine.
The document summarizes the format and rules of the KQA Collegiate Solo Championships PU Finals. It describes a written round with ESPNCricinfo cartoons and a clockwise visual connect round. It then outlines an anticlockwise question round with differential scoring questions. The championships involve identifying people, terms, media, and answering trivia questions across multiple domains in a competitive quiz setting.
Teens, TV and Tunes The Manufacturing of American Adoles.docxmehek4
Teens, TV and Tunes
The Manufacturing of
American Adolescent Culture
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London
Greene, Doyle, 1962-
Teens, TV and tunes : the manufacturing of American
adolescent culture I Doyle Greene.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7864-6642-9
softcover : acid free paper則
1. Television and politics- United States. 2. Young
consumers- United States. 3. Music and youth- Social
aspects. 4. Mass media and culture- United States.
5. Branding (Marketing)- Social aspects. 6. United States-
Sociallife and customs-20th century. 7. United States-
Social life and customs-21st century. 8. Nickelodeon (Firm)
9. Walt Disney Company. I. Title.
PN1992.6.G735 2012
305.230973-dc23 2012002936
息 2012 Doyle Greene. All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
On the cover: Miranda Cosgrove, iCarly (Nickelodeon/Photo fest)
Manufactured in the United States of America
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Box 611, jefferson, North Carolina 28640
Table of Contents
Introduction: Reading Teen Culture
Part One: Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty
1: Teen Culture Industry (or, You Pays Your Money
and You Takes Your Choice)
2. On the Importance of Being Hip
Part Two: The Society of the Teen Sitcom
3. The Form and Function of the Sitcom
4. Free, White, and Teenage Male (or, How to Con Friends
and Manipulate People): Saved by the Bell
5. Nickelodeon Nation Building:
From Clarissa Explains It All to Zoey 101
6. The Political Dilemmas of iCarly
7. I Have a Dream job: True Jackson, VP
Part Three: Pop Goes Teen Culture
8. The Birth of the Pop Music Sitcom: The Monkees,
the Archies, and the Partridge Family I 0 I
9. Teen Pop in Opposition: Britney Spears versus Madonna 119
10. My Generation: School of Rock and the Revival of Rock Ideology 133
II. Keeping It Real and Imaginary: The Ideological
Contradictions of Hannah Montana 146
The crisis consists precisely of the fact that the old is dying and the
new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid
symptoms appear.-Antonio Gramsci, "State and Civil Society" (1930)
In the new millennium there is much less of a generation gap.-Bret
Michaels, People magazine (12129/2009}
Teen Culture Industry
(or, You Pays Your Money
and You Takes Your Choice)
Adult Production and Teen Consumption
In the scope of this project, "teen culture" is defined as cultural ...
Mike and Janel Gieringer traveled over 12,000 miles to adopt twin boys from the former Soviet Union after experiencing miscarriages and the death of their infant daughter. The adoption process involved months of paperwork, $20,000 in expenses, and last minute uncertainty. However, they now have a family with 4-month old sons Adam and Zachary. The Gieringers' journey from deciding to adopt to returning home with their sons took over a year but they say it was worth it to become parents.
A Fletcher man was charged with three counts of breaking and entering and larceny after breaking into the same house three times and stealing jewelry worth $15,300. An Asheville man was charged with attempted jail escape, identity theft, and robbery after robbing a man, stealing his identity, and trying to escape from jail. A former death row inmate who was wrongly convicted and spent 14 years on death row will speak at Brevard College about his experience and exoneration.
The document summarizes the categories and nominations for the fictional FJH Academy Awards of Literature for 2010. It highlights The Hunger Games as winning several awards including Best Fiction Book, Best Lone Star Book, Best Opening Line, Best Climax for "Suicide by Berries", and Best Resolution for "Two Winners". It provides a brief plot summary of the story, describing the dystopian setting and the annual Hunger Games competition where young tributes are forced to fight to the death.
The document summarizes the categories and nominations for the fictional FJH Academy Awards of Literature for 2010. It highlights The Hunger Games as winning several awards including Best Fiction Book, Best Lone Star Book, Best Opening Line, Best Climax for "Suicide by Berries", and Best Resolution for "Two Winners". It provides a brief plot summary of the story, describing the dystopian setting and the annual Hunger Games competition where young tributes are forced to fight to the death.
Jade Goody gave her two sons special wristbands to comfort them after her death from cancer. She told Bobby and Freddie to rub the wristbands whenever they missed her. Goody also helped her sons make a wish list of things they wanted as mementos and had sleepovers with them in her final days. She wanted to prepare them for life without her in a positive way. The head of the bereavement charity Goody contacted praised her incredible efforts to comfort her children despite her terminal illness.
This document summarizes an event organized by Cost Cutters to raise money for St. Baldrick's, a charity that funds cancer research. It provides details on the head shaving event including the date, location, agenda and sponsors. It also includes facts about childhood cancer, thank you messages and profiles of child ambassadors who are battling cancer to highlight the importance of the cause.
Putting the "S" in S&OP - Integrating WebinarAVATA
This document discusses integrating and Oracle Demantra for strategic planning. It describes how Power Integrations, a semiconductor manufacturer, uses Demantra to create a detailed sales forecast incorporating opportunities from Salesforce. This integrated forecast is used for production planning, sales goals, and financial projections. Key implementation points include manually flagging Salesforce opportunities for inclusion, defining an "opportunity window", making the process simple, and ensuring transparency. The benefits to Power Integrations are forecasting new business from Salesforce and building correct inventory levels.
Are you fully utilizing your Demantra and happy with the support it's providing to your organization? Thinking about upgrading and want to understand the enhancements around PTP, integration with APCC, user capabilities, etc.? AVATA provides clear insight into Demantra's newest release enhancements.
The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a personal document that shows an individual's competencies in different languages and experiences in other cultures. It aims to highlight the value of languages, promote reflection on cultural values, support plurilingualism, promote autonomy, and contribute to student and worker mobility. The ELP consists of a language passport, language biography, and dossier where individuals can include documents, videos, audios, certificates, and evidence of cultural experiences to chart their progress in language learning over time.
AVATA Webinar: Solutions to Common Demantra & ASCP ChallengesAVATA
This document summarizes a webinar presentation about solutions to common challenges with implementing Demantra and ASCP. It discusses key challenges related to change management, implementation, data, process, configuration, and tips/tricks. For change management, it emphasizes the importance of commitment to change, understanding resistance, clear ownership and metrics. For implementation, it recommends understanding the systems, assigning resources, and allowing for iterations. For data and process, it discusses validation, ownership, design workshops and understanding value. For configuration, it recommends testing configurations and allowing for iterations.
AVATA is adding to their express solutions suite with IBP express, a hosted service offering that provides the framework for conducting the S&OP/IBP process with supported dashboard reports and KPIs. IBP express will allow for a rapid deployment enabling your first S&OP/IBP cycle within 90-days.
IBP express is both a technology tool and service offering that supports advancing your current S&OP process or implementing S&OP/IBP for the first time. IBP express includes the required Education, Workshops, Coaching & Technology that will deliver a rapid ROI.
This document provides instructions for a written round of a competition involving identifying Google Doodles. Teams will write the names of 8 doodles on a provided sheet and exchange sheets for scoring. Teams receive +5 points for each correctly identified doodle and an additional +10 for a full house. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. The doodles from 2017 included ones celebrating Charles Perrault, Hokusai, Robert Burns, Sergei Prokofiev, Will Eisner, the London Underground, Frank Zamboni, and Winsor McCay's Little Nemo. Proper names or events are required for points rather than descriptions.
This document provides an overview of the film The Boat That Rocked, directed by Richard Curtis. It summarizes the film's plot about a band of rogue deejays who broadcast rock music from a pirate radio station at sea in the 1960s. It describes the all-star cast led by Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Count and Bill Nighy as the station's captain. It also gives background on the film's production and Curtis' inspiration from his memories of listening to pirate radio as a youth in Britain.
Michael Lang organized the successful 1968 Miami Pop Festival and was 25 years old when he took on promoting Woodstock. John Roberts and Joel Rosenman, looking for investment opportunities, met Lang and began discussing ideas. When locals opposed holding the festival in Wallkill, Artie Kornfield and Max Yagsur agreed to lease their dairy farm in Bethel as the new site. Despite issues like food shortages, rain, bad trips, and one fatality, the Woodstock festival promoted messages of unity and helping others. It is now commemorated through the Woodstock Museum and monument at the original fairgrounds site.
Paul Scholes signed a one-year contract extension with Manchester United. City lost 0-1 to United, with Scholes scoring the lone goal in the 93rd minute. Guidelines described match the format and publishing strategy for novels in the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Characteristics like predictable length, cliffhanger endings, and previews of future books were mentioned.
The document provides details about several unrelated topics:
1) It mentions John Lennon finding solace in his recording studio where he encountered Che Guevara, rumored to influence his artistic production.
2) It describes the town of Monmouth in Wales becoming the first "Wikipedia town" where all notable places, people, flora and fauna have been cataloged with QR codes for visitors to scan.
3) It discusses Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook who helped organize Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign and is now the executive director of Jumo nonprofit and a shareholder in The New Republic magazine.
The document summarizes the format and rules of the KQA Collegiate Solo Championships PU Finals. It describes a written round with ESPNCricinfo cartoons and a clockwise visual connect round. It then outlines an anticlockwise question round with differential scoring questions. The championships involve identifying people, terms, media, and answering trivia questions across multiple domains in a competitive quiz setting.
Teens, TV and Tunes The Manufacturing of American Adoles.docxmehek4
Teens, TV and Tunes
The Manufacturing of
American Adolescent Culture
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London
Greene, Doyle, 1962-
Teens, TV and tunes : the manufacturing of American
adolescent culture I Doyle Greene.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7864-6642-9
softcover : acid free paper則
1. Television and politics- United States. 2. Young
consumers- United States. 3. Music and youth- Social
aspects. 4. Mass media and culture- United States.
5. Branding (Marketing)- Social aspects. 6. United States-
Sociallife and customs-20th century. 7. United States-
Social life and customs-21st century. 8. Nickelodeon (Firm)
9. Walt Disney Company. I. Title.
PN1992.6.G735 2012
305.230973-dc23 2012002936
息 2012 Doyle Greene. All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
On the cover: Miranda Cosgrove, iCarly (Nickelodeon/Photo fest)
Manufactured in the United States of America
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Box 611, jefferson, North Carolina 28640
Table of Contents
Introduction: Reading Teen Culture
Part One: Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty
1: Teen Culture Industry (or, You Pays Your Money
and You Takes Your Choice)
2. On the Importance of Being Hip
Part Two: The Society of the Teen Sitcom
3. The Form and Function of the Sitcom
4. Free, White, and Teenage Male (or, How to Con Friends
and Manipulate People): Saved by the Bell
5. Nickelodeon Nation Building:
From Clarissa Explains It All to Zoey 101
6. The Political Dilemmas of iCarly
7. I Have a Dream job: True Jackson, VP
Part Three: Pop Goes Teen Culture
8. The Birth of the Pop Music Sitcom: The Monkees,
the Archies, and the Partridge Family I 0 I
9. Teen Pop in Opposition: Britney Spears versus Madonna 119
10. My Generation: School of Rock and the Revival of Rock Ideology 133
II. Keeping It Real and Imaginary: The Ideological
Contradictions of Hannah Montana 146
The crisis consists precisely of the fact that the old is dying and the
new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid
symptoms appear.-Antonio Gramsci, "State and Civil Society" (1930)
In the new millennium there is much less of a generation gap.-Bret
Michaels, People magazine (12129/2009}
Teen Culture Industry
(or, You Pays Your Money
and You Takes Your Choice)
Adult Production and Teen Consumption
In the scope of this project, "teen culture" is defined as cultural ...
A collection of forthcoming titles for Fall 2014 from Greystone Books. Including Who We Are, by Elizabeth May; Paddlenorth, by Jennifer Kingsley; Technocreep, by Thomas P. Keenan; Great Bear Wild, by Ian McAllister; new editions of Saboteurs, The David Suzuki Reader, and BC: A Natural History. Also introducing some new voices from Greystone Books, and a new publishing partner, LifeTree Media.
Chapter 1 of Rob Pyne: A Far Northern LifeRob Pyne
Rob Pyne was born in 1967 in Gordonvale, Queensland near the sugar town of Edmonton where he grew up. Edmonton had a population of around 2,000 people and was centered around the local sugar mill and agriculture. Pyne recalls a carefree childhood exploring the surrounding sugar cane fields and creek near his family's home. Life in Edmonton was quiet and relaxed, revolving around the small community and sugar industry.
The article summarizes several art exhibitions currently on display in New York City galleries:
- A show at the Bortolami gallery features realist paintings by Patrick Angus chronicling urban gay life in the late 20th century. While technically proficient, the works are questioned for their lack of insight into the subjects.
- At MOMA, an exhibition of Soviet and European graphic design from 1918-1939 showcases Constructivist styles of the time period. The diverse collection includes over 300 pieces that demonstrate both individual sacrifice of artistic freedom for ideological programs as well as examples of ingenuity and rhetorical punch.
- At the Gladstone gallery, Iranian artist Shirin Neshat presents "Land of Dreams",
The Boat That Rocked is a 2009 British comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis. It is set in 1966 and focuses on the crew of a pirate radio station broadcasting rock music from a ship in the North Sea to underserved British teenagers. The film's ensemble cast includes Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Rhys Ifans and Kenneth Branagh. It depicts the crew's humorous exploits and their clashes with the British government, which tries to shut them down. While the film received positive reviews for its nostalgia and soundtrack, it underperformed at the box office.
These documents discuss representations and portrayals of older female fans of popular musicians such as Rod Stewart, Michael Ball, Daniel O'Donnell, and Barry Manilow. The summaries characterize older female fandom as obsessive behaviors including collecting memorabilia, dressing to emulate their idols, and camping out to get concert tickets. The portrayals range from viewing the fans as amusingly quaint to potentially pathological or deviant. The documents also provide examples of the lengths older female fans go to express their fandom, such as creating shrines and getting close to meeting their musical idols.
1) The document discusses various examples of parodies found in media such as Saturday Night Live sketches, children's books, art, and films.
2) Parodies are difficult to write as they must mimic another work's style while also being entertaining and making criticism. Famous parodists mentioned include Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, and Monty Python.
3) Parodies of children's literature are commonly used in advertising and media as these stories are widely recognizable references. Examples parody works like Where the Wild Things Are, The Wizard of Oz, and Goodnight Moon.
Mike Deasy was a pioneering guitarist who helped invent rock and roll music in the 1950s by playing with popular artists like Elvis, the Byrds, and the Beach Boys. However, the 1960s brought tragedy as many of his friends in the music industry died from drug overdoses. Deasy himself struggled with drug addiction and had a terrifying experience at Charles Manson's ranch. He eventually found spiritual freedom and purpose through Christianity, using his musical talents to spread the gospel message around the world. The document proposes a biographical novel about Deasy's life co-written by Deasy and Phyllis Imhoff, highlighting his journey from rock and roll to Christian ministry.
Linda Chorney is a singer-songwriter based in Sea Bright, NJ. She has independently produced 5 albums over her 25 year career. Chorney has performed internationally at venues ranging from Mount Everest base camp to locations in the Caribbean and Europe. Though she once broke the top 40 on music charts, Chorney now focuses on regular performances along the Jersey Shore in venues like McLoone's Rum Runner. She draws on life experiences for her original lyrics and performances.
The document discusses life in the 1960s, a turbulent decade defined by social movements. It describes the rise of flower power and hippie culture, with long hair and anti-war sentiment. Music played a powerful role in expressing the philosophical changes underway. The Vietnam War deeply divided the nation, sparking widespread protests by students and young people against the draft. Tragic events like the Kent State shooting illustrated how polarized the times had become. Overall, the 1960s represented a time of radical change and a growing generation gap in American society.
The document discusses the state of journalism and news media in England and beyond. It provides several quotes that illustrate issues with biased, inaccurate, and sensationalized reporting that prioritizes profit over truth. It also notes the lack of accountability of media organizations and the negative impacts this has on democracy when citizens are misinformed.
This document provides a summary of Phileas Fogg's journey around the world in 80 days as described in Jules Verne's novel of the same name. It lists the routes taken between various cities, including traveling by rail from London to Suez, steamer across the Red Sea and Indian Ocean to Mumbai, rail from Mumbai to Kolkata, steamer across the South China Sea to Hong Kong, steamer across the China Sea and Pacific Ocean to Yokohama, steamer across the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco, rail from San Francisco to New York, and steamer across the Atlantic Ocean and rail back to London.
The Boat That Rocked is a 2009 British comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis. It is about a pirate radio station broadcasting rock music from an offshore ship in 1966 to circumvent the BBC's ban on playing rock music. The film follows a young man who joins the diverse group of DJs on the boat. In 1966, the BBC only played 2 hours of rock music per week while pirate radio stations played it 24 hours a day, attracting over half of Britain's population as listeners. The film is an ensemble comedy that captures the romance between British youth and the rock music that defined their generation, and depicts the DJs' battle against the government's attempt to outlaw pirate radio.
The document provides details about various movies, actors, songs, historical figures, and other topics. It includes a list of actors who have portrayed Batman villains in films from 1989 to 2008, including Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, Cilian Murphy, Ken Watanabe, and Heath Ledger. It also includes details about movies like The Untouchables, musicians like Chris Martin and Coldplay, and other notable people, events, and topics.
1. Winnipeg
Beauty and the Best: Catching Up With the Wailin' Jennys
Read More: Mark Knopfler, The Wailin' Jennys, Garrison Keillor, Boulder, Winnipeg, Colorado, Ruth
Moody, Nicky Mehta, Heather Masse, Canada, Trio, Entertainment News
Keeping Up With Kardashians? Nah. Catching Up With the Canadians is much more enlightening,
productive and enjoyable, knowing that these three Jennys are the best roots-minded, folk-heroic
songwriting, three part-harmonizing, angelic-sounding sisters of mercy you'll find since Dolly Parton,
Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris.
Canadian Deal Destinations for Off-Season Travel
Read More: Off-Season, Travel, Canada, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Halifax, Hamilton, Ottawa, Fall,
Winter, Travel News
Most of the country experiences off-season in autumn, so now is the perfect time to take advantage
of lower hotel prices before the holidays hit, and check out some fantastic destinations.
Leonard Podolak and Jessee Havey Reunite to Rebuild a Duhks Dynasty
Read More: Jessee Havey, Sarah Dugas, Neo-Folk, Kevin Garcia, Manitoba, Christian Dugas,
Caroline Herring, Matt Gordon, Leonard Podolak, Dolly Parton, The Duhks, Jefferson Hamer, Nathan
Rogers, JD Edwards, Winnipeg, Rosie Newton, Mike Merenda, Ruth Unger, Colin Savoie-Levac,
Entertainment News
Jessee Havey remembers the day she took the Duhk call like it was... well... 2011.
2. Snow Safari: Seeing Polar Bears in the Wild
Polar bears are everywhere. Everywhere, that is, but where they should be: on ice floes in the far,
far North. It was time to see these big white guys in the wild before it was too late.
Churchill, Canada: Where the Northern Lights Delight
Read More: Adventure, Frontiers North, Phootography, Manitoba, Canada, Travel, Frontiers North
Adventures, Churchill, Arctic, Luxury Travel, Luxury, Travel Photography, Adventure Travel, Tundra
Buggy, Northern Lights, Tundra, Canadian Travel, Winnipeg, Travel News
It was an explosive, swirling and exuberant dance of vibrant light that filled the whole sky above us.
The weary were suddenly awakened. What a welcome to Churchill!
These Wilder Things: Ruth Moody Goes Dancing in the Dark With Springsteen, Knopfler
Read More: Ruth Moody, Heather Masse, Dire Straits, Cd, Canada, Nicky Mehta, Mark Knopfler,
Wailin' Jennys, Bruce Springsteen, Winnipeg, Aoife O'Donovan, Entertainment News
Bruce Springsteen and Mark Knopfler have influenced tons of artists over the years, but a sweet-
sounding soprano who's co-founder of the charming Canadian trinity known as the Wailin' Jennys
wouldn't be the first to come to mind.
Whitehorse-Power Couple: Luke Doucet, Melissa McClelland Will Steal Your Heart
Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland weren't even born when Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston teamed
3. up for the Motown hit single "It Takes Two" in 1965. Two y...
Woman Pays $1 Million For House, Finds It's Infested With Mice
Many home owners are familiar with mouse traps. But mouse traps won't be any help to a Canadian
woman who paid $1 million for a home and declined to h...
Winnipeg Could Be The Kindest Town Ever
Read More: Winnipeg Canada, Winnipeg Random Acts of Kindness, Winnipeg, Random Acts of
Kindness, Town Pay It Forward, Canada Random Acts of Kindness, Pay It Forward Canada, Small
Town Pay It Forward, Winnipeg Pay It Forward, Pay It Forward, Town Pays It Forward, Good News
Winnipeg's residents know what it means to pay it forward. According to Yahoo News, the city's
denizens are increasingly going out of their way t...
Human Rights Day and Indigenous People of Winnipeg
The raw and violent past of residential schools literally stole aboriginal children away from their
parents' homes and stuck them in new and unsettling homes.
Judge's Opinion On Prozac-Induced Murder Now Available Online
Read More: Healthy Living News, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Drugs, Psychiatric Medications, Adverse
Drug Effects, Paxil, Manitoba, Mental Health, Canada, Prozac, Effexor, Zoloft, Lexapro,
Antidepressant Violence, Medication Spellbinding, Judge's Opinion, Criminal Case, Antidepressants,
Intoxication Anosognosia, Ssris, Medication Madness, Prozac Violence, Prozac Defense, Celexa,
Winnipeg, Healthy Living News
Many tragic acts of suicide and violence could be averted by reducing or stopping the use of anti-
depressant drugs, and by greater professional and public awareness of the dangers associated with
these drug.
4. Judge Agrees Prozac Could Have Made Teen a Killer
Read More: Psychiatry, Psychiatric Medications, Mental Health, Medication Spellbinding, Prozac,
Ssris, Canada, Adverse Drug Effects, Prozac Violence, Criminal Case, Manitoba, Intoxication
Anosognosia, Antidepressants, Winnipeg, Psychiatric Drugs, Medication Madness, Prozac Defense,
Antidepressant Violence, Healthy Living News
The judge declared in his decision, "His basic normalcy now further confirms he no longer poses a
risk of violence to anyone and that his mental deterioration and resulting violence would not have
taken place without exposure to Prozac."
Guy Maddin On His Latest Film, "Keyhole"
Read More: Toronto, My Winnipeg, Homer's the Oydessy, Keyhole, Toronto International Film
Festival, Winnipeg, The Oydessy, Homer, Jason Patrick, University of Manitoba, Keyhole Film, Guy
Maddin, Film, Arts News
TORONTO -- Not even the director Guy Maddin is certain how to classify a Guy Maddin movie. The
Winnipeg-born filmmaker is known for his experimental,...
The Eye of the Beluga
Three words made me want to go to Churchill in the summer: snorkeling with belugas. Three words
made me terrified of going to Churchill in the summer: frigid Arctic waters.
Dreaming Of "My Winnipeg"
Read More: Eleanor Bond, Maison Rouge, My Winnipeg, Canadian Art, Andrew Wall, Marcel Dzama,
Dan Donaldson, Shawna Dempsey, Daniel Barrow, Winnipeg Arts, Lorri Millan, Manitoba Travel,
Winnipeg, Guy Maddin, Canada Travel, Visual Arts Canada, Rosalie Favell, Kent Monkman, Canada
Winnipeg art has for some time been about two kinds of dreaming. Some of it dreams about
bizarrely-ordered cities in some imaginary future. However, Winnipeg art also dreams "backwards"
in time, in dozens of works that evoke the innocent stuff of childhood.
5. Winnipeg Jets Unveil Logo
On June 24, the National Hockey League's new Winnipeg team unveiled its team name: the Jets.
Now that team has a logo. Truth North Sports Enterta...
WATCH: Canada's Planking Touchdown Ritual
Read More: Endzone Dances, Video, Blue Bombers, Winnipeg, Football, Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Cfl,
Touchdowns, Urlesque, Touchdown Dances, Planking, Memes, Canada, Comedy News
During a recent Canada Football League game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, the Winnipeg Blue
Bombers intercepted the ball and ran it back for a touc...
NHL Realignment?
VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Commissioner Gary Bettman believes the NHL will adopt a more
balanced schedule when the relocated Winnipeg franchi...
Love, Canadian Style: The Wailin' Jennys Are Bright Morning (Afternoon and Evening) Stars
Read More: Ruth Moody, Heather Masse, Trio, Garrison Keillor, The Wailin' Jennys, Cd, Canada,
Colorado, Richard Moody, Valentine'S Day, Concert, Dolly Parton, Loveland, Folk, Nicky Mehta,
Waylon Jennings, Winnipeg, Entertainment News
Talk about a sweetheart deal hours before Valentine's Day. Three angelic voices in one heavenly
group called The Wailin' Jennys were making one of the...
St. Patty's Day and Chatroulette
Read More: Michael J. Fox, Ohio State University, St. Patrick's Day, Netherlands, Notre Dame,
University of Michigan, Dudley's, Canada, Leprechauns, Boise State, Winnipeg, Kalamazoo, Cal
Berkeley, Saginaw, Chatroulette, Ryan Reynolds, Irish, Michigan, Oregon, London-United Kingdom,
6. Technology News
Chatroulette does an excellent job of representing the world in its truest form. Filled with "Irish
spirit," we fired up a webcam and got ready for whatever the world had to offer on St. Patty's Day.
Canadian Teachers Sent Home For Sexy Dancing (VIDEO)
Read More: Dancing, Sexy Dancing, Winnipeg, 2 Teachers 1 Chair, High School, Sex Tape, Teachers,
Pep Rally, School, Canada, Video, World News
Two teachers in Winnipeg, Canada have been sent home without pay after students filmed the pair
dancing in a sexually suggestive manner at a pep rally...
Baby Survives Being Born In Toilet
Heather Richard thought she would never have a baby - until one was born in her toilet. Richard,
who is from Winnipeg, had been feeling unwell when...
Bankruptcy judge rejects both bids to buy Coyotes
PHOENIX -- A bankruptcy judge has rejected both bids to buy the Phoenix Coyotes.
Judge Redfield T. Baum turned down the offers of Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillie and the NHL in a
31-page ruling on Wednesday.
However, he left the door open for the NHL to buy the team if it amends its offer.
The ruling comes on the eve of the start of the NHL season after nearly five months of often bitter
legal wrangling between Balsillie and the league.
Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes took the team into Chapter 11 on May 5 with a plan to sell to Balsillie,
contingent on moving the franchise to Hamilton, Ontario, over the NHL's vehement objections.
HuffPost Review: Neil Young Archives Volume 1 (1963 - 1972)
Read More: Record Companies, Music Business, Blu-Ray, Cd, Neil Young, Grammy, Miles Davis, 5.1
DTS, Dvd, The Beatles, Crazy Horse, Buffalo Springfield, Compact Disc, Stephen Stills, Tony Stark,
7. Major Labels, Graham Nash, The Squires, The Rolling Stones, David Crosby, Journey Through the
Past, Nirvana, Crosby Stills Nash Young, Bob Dylan, The Stray Gators, Iron Man, Neil Young Crazy
Horse, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Joni Mitchell, Jimi Hendrix, Filmore East, Dvd-A, Woodstok,
Sacd, Winnipeg, Entertainment News
In the world of box sets, it would be impossible to find something better than Neil Young Archives
Volume 1 (1963 - 1972).