La plataforma e-College 2.6 ofrece un alto nivel de funcionalidad con bajos costos de mantenimiento y facilidad de uso buena a muy buena. Permite roles de docente, estudiante e invitado y cuenta con herramientas de comunicación asíncrona y síncrona así como de dise?o instruccional, seguimiento del aprendizaje y herramientas para docentes y estudiantes.
This document summarizes a resident portal solution that aims to turn apartment complexes into thriving communities by empowering residents and management. The portal allows residents to easily communicate with management, access package updates and make maintenance requests. It also enables residents to communicate with each other, buy/sell items and services, book facilities, and pay rent online. Research shows resident portals can reduce turnover by 60% and increase the chance of lease renewal if residents have connected friends on the property. The solution aims to provide fast, free and friendly software to create online communities within residential complexes.
La plataforma e-College 2.6 ofrece un alto nivel de funcionalidad con bajos costos de mantenimiento y facilidad de uso buena a muy buena. Permite roles de docente, estudiante e invitado y cuenta con herramientas de comunicación asíncrona y síncrona así como de dise?o instruccional, seguimiento del aprendizaje y herramientas para docentes y estudiantes.
This document summarizes a resident portal solution that aims to turn apartment complexes into thriving communities by empowering residents and management. The portal allows residents to easily communicate with management, access package updates and make maintenance requests. It also enables residents to communicate with each other, buy/sell items and services, book facilities, and pay rent online. Research shows resident portals can reduce turnover by 60% and increase the chance of lease renewal if residents have connected friends on the property. The solution aims to provide fast, free and friendly software to create online communities within residential complexes.
Kiseleva - Do national borders slow down knowledge diffusioninnovationoecd
This document summarizes research on knowledge diffusion of big data technologies within Europe. The researchers analyzed patent data to examine if national borders slow the spread of big data innovation. They found that:
1) Big data technologies diffuse more slowly than other information and communication technologies.
2) There is no evidence that big data innovation is delayed in Europe compared to other regions.
3) Citations within firms occur faster than across borders or technological fields, indicating borders and technological distance can impede diffusion.
This document summarizes a trading analytics project completed by the author for a global investment firm. It provides an overview of the company and team, describes the project to develop a dynamic trading analytics portal, discusses the technologies and software development practices used, and reflects on the challenges encountered and lessons learned. The key differences between industry practices and those used in the author's university courses are highlighted.
kelly - policy and program assessment leveraging administrative datainnovationoecd
1) Venture capital-backed firms outperform similar non-VC firms in growth measures like sales, employment, and wages over 3-5 years.
2) When comparing different types of VC funds, foreign VC funds are associated with the best firm performance, while some government-supported funds perform similarly to private VC funds. However, LSVCC funds in Quebec are associated with relatively poorer performance.
3) Both private and BDC-supported VC funds in Canada perform on par with domestic private VC funds in metrics like R&D expenditures, employment, wages, and profits.
Este documento presenta tres modelos habituales de educación artística y argumenta que la educación artística es importante por varias razones. Explica los modelos como basados en el proceso, la autoexpresión y la alfabetización visual. Luego discute por qué la educación artística es crucial para desarrollar competencias básicas, debido a la importancia creciente de lo visual en el mundo actual, y por su papel en la cognición y creatividad.
The document describes savannas, which are grasslands with scattered trees located in tropical and subtropical regions. Savannas have a hot, dry climate with two distinct seasons - a long dry season and a short rainy season. They are often found bordering rainforests in Africa, Australia, South America, India, and Southeast Asia. Savannas support diverse populations of animals adapted to their climate and vegetation, including meerkats, giraffes, kangaroos, and tigers. The trees and plants found in savannas, such as acacias, pines, and palms, have adaptations like deep roots and thick bark to withstand fires and seasonal drought. However, savannas
El documento describe diferentes fuentes de luz y calor, tanto naturales como artificiales. Las fuentes naturales incluyen los rayos solares, el fuego y otras fuentes de calor. El ser humano también ha creado fuentes artificiales como la energía eléctrica para obtener luz y calor. Finalmente, invita al lector a compartir el documento y a realizar actividades como dibujar fuentes artificiales y enumerar fuentes naturales.
Manoj Thomas is a project lead with 13 years of experience in project management, installation, testing and commissioning of fire and electronic security systems. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications. His most recent role was as Project Lead for Quality Engineering at Honeywell Technology Solutions Bangalore, where he built and led a team of 10 staff over 11 years. He has skills in product engineering, quality engineering, technical leadership, and multi-site collaboration. Notable achievements include building a high performing team with zero attrition, and driving automation to improve productivity. He is also a certified Six Sigma Plus Green Belt and ScrumMaster.