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Womens Rights WOST 110
Transnational feminism Global feminism movements span across multiple nations and have at their core the belief that women are entitled to the same rights as men, regardless of where the women live, their ethnicity and their social class. Global feminism recognizes diversity & acknowledges that there are diverse meanings of feminism, each responsive to the needs and issues of women in different regions, societies and times.
Womens Rights as Human Rights Unequal status of women & abuses against women  are viewed as human rights violations . UNHRC declares, freedom from torture & slavery as basic human rights. Therefore, domestic violence is a human rights violation. Sexual assault is a form of terrorism and rape is a form of torture Female infanticide & neglect  are forms of female genocide Global feminists work to ensure that human rights instruments and mechanisms provide avenues for challenging the systemic abuse of women. Gender-based asylum for  domestic violence and   FGM
The United Nations' contributions to gender progress Specialized UN agencies DAW, UNIFEM, INSTRAW Conventions and treaties Four  major international womens rights conferences Programs and initiatives specific to womens issues and needs
The Commission on the Status of Women Established 1946 Monitors the Situation of Women Promotes Womens Rights Sets Universal Standards Regarding the Status of Women Has a leading Role in Bringing Womens Concerns to the Attention of the UN Specialized Agencies
The Decade for Women 1975-1985 The Creation of National and International Forums Gathering Data about Women Holding Three World Womens Conferences
UN World Conferences on Women Publicized the low status and power of women This led to increased grassroots activism Encouraged  national commitment to increase the status of women through: Development of womens bureaus and commissions Legal changes
The UN Womens Conferences:  Important Outcomes International attention and commitment to womens rights and status The growth of the NGO forums Transnational feminist movement
1 st  Womens Conference 1975 World plan of action To work to end discrimination against women
3 rd  Conference 1985 Nairobi  Looking at strategies for the advancement of women
4 th  Conference 1995  Beijing The Platform For Action For each critical area of concern, it specifies strategic objectives and actions to be undertaken by governments Identifies critical areas of concern The feminization of poverty Inequalities in education, politics, the economy Violence against women Persistent discrimination against and violation of the rights of the girl child
 Beijing +5 Conference Approved the Political Declaration A statement agreeing to eradicate harmful customary or traditional practices Women have the right to decide freely and responsibly the matters related to their sexuality, without discrimination, coercion, or violence Affirming governments responsibility to implement the Beijing Platform For Action
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women   (CEDAW) The 1979 treaty: 186 out 192 countries ratified it Definition of Discrimination Nations Agree to : Eliminate Discrimination Against Women in  Employment Education Politics Submit Reports on their Progress to the CEDAW Committee every 4 Years The Optional Protocol to CEDAW (1999)- 90 states  Communications Procedure Inquiry Procedure
The Vienna Declaration and Program of Action Codifies Womens Rights Abuses Abuse within the family War crimes against women Violation of womens bodily integrity Socioeconomic abuses Political participation and persecution abuses
Challenges to Womens Human Rights Agenda Moving From Visibility to Accountability Bringing Womens Rights into Mainstream Human Rights Respecting Cultural Diversity While Promoting Universal Human Rights
1. Moving From Visibility to Accountability A lack of proper implementation machinery  Lack of womens awareness of that machinery that would empower them CEDAW committee monitors compliance with the conventions But has not yet declared any government in violation of womens human rights Very little litigation Nationally & internationally concerning the violation of womens human rights Ideological resistance to human rights for women in local customs & laws Talk about rights is not meaningful in some cultures Viewed as another tool of the West to eradicate indigenous cultures
Bringing Womens Rights into Mainstream Human Rights The long-term male domination of all-powerful political bodies nationally and internationally means that issues of concern to men are seen as general human concern whereas womens concerns are relegated to a specialized & marginalized sphere. The creation of specialized bodies for addressing womens issues within the UN has contributed to their marginalization. So mainstream organs of the UN such as CHR have paid little attention to womens human rights violation. The specialized bodies are under funded.
Respecting Cultural Diversity While Promoting Universal Human Rights Notion of universality are frequently undermined by beliefs that respect for cultural & religious diversity provides exceptions to human rights law. Claims for universality are rejected as imperialistic & a way to uphold Western economic interests. Cultural diversity and human rights must be balanced.  Cultural relativism is the notion that rights and wrong are determined culturally. Radical Cultural relativists suggest that Western condemnations of gender  discrimination in other regions are insensitive and ethnocentric  & are  a version of cultural imperialism  Other Cultural relativists are more selective.  Ex. The treatment of women is often prescribed by a cultures religious practices, therefore calls for change are instances of religious intolerance.  When pressured about international HR, repressive government  often hide behind insincere claim of Cultural relativism as a way to remove the pressure

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Women's rights

  • 2. Transnational feminism Global feminism movements span across multiple nations and have at their core the belief that women are entitled to the same rights as men, regardless of where the women live, their ethnicity and their social class. Global feminism recognizes diversity & acknowledges that there are diverse meanings of feminism, each responsive to the needs and issues of women in different regions, societies and times.
  • 3. Womens Rights as Human Rights Unequal status of women & abuses against women are viewed as human rights violations . UNHRC declares, freedom from torture & slavery as basic human rights. Therefore, domestic violence is a human rights violation. Sexual assault is a form of terrorism and rape is a form of torture Female infanticide & neglect are forms of female genocide Global feminists work to ensure that human rights instruments and mechanisms provide avenues for challenging the systemic abuse of women. Gender-based asylum for domestic violence and FGM
  • 4. The United Nations' contributions to gender progress Specialized UN agencies DAW, UNIFEM, INSTRAW Conventions and treaties Four major international womens rights conferences Programs and initiatives specific to womens issues and needs
  • 5. The Commission on the Status of Women Established 1946 Monitors the Situation of Women Promotes Womens Rights Sets Universal Standards Regarding the Status of Women Has a leading Role in Bringing Womens Concerns to the Attention of the UN Specialized Agencies
  • 6. The Decade for Women 1975-1985 The Creation of National and International Forums Gathering Data about Women Holding Three World Womens Conferences
  • 7. UN World Conferences on Women Publicized the low status and power of women This led to increased grassroots activism Encouraged national commitment to increase the status of women through: Development of womens bureaus and commissions Legal changes
  • 8. The UN Womens Conferences: Important Outcomes International attention and commitment to womens rights and status The growth of the NGO forums Transnational feminist movement
  • 9. 1 st Womens Conference 1975 World plan of action To work to end discrimination against women
  • 10. 3 rd Conference 1985 Nairobi Looking at strategies for the advancement of women
  • 11. 4 th Conference 1995 Beijing The Platform For Action For each critical area of concern, it specifies strategic objectives and actions to be undertaken by governments Identifies critical areas of concern The feminization of poverty Inequalities in education, politics, the economy Violence against women Persistent discrimination against and violation of the rights of the girl child
  • 12. Beijing +5 Conference Approved the Political Declaration A statement agreeing to eradicate harmful customary or traditional practices Women have the right to decide freely and responsibly the matters related to their sexuality, without discrimination, coercion, or violence Affirming governments responsibility to implement the Beijing Platform For Action
  • 13. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) The 1979 treaty: 186 out 192 countries ratified it Definition of Discrimination Nations Agree to : Eliminate Discrimination Against Women in Employment Education Politics Submit Reports on their Progress to the CEDAW Committee every 4 Years The Optional Protocol to CEDAW (1999)- 90 states Communications Procedure Inquiry Procedure
  • 14. The Vienna Declaration and Program of Action Codifies Womens Rights Abuses Abuse within the family War crimes against women Violation of womens bodily integrity Socioeconomic abuses Political participation and persecution abuses
  • 15. Challenges to Womens Human Rights Agenda Moving From Visibility to Accountability Bringing Womens Rights into Mainstream Human Rights Respecting Cultural Diversity While Promoting Universal Human Rights
  • 16. 1. Moving From Visibility to Accountability A lack of proper implementation machinery Lack of womens awareness of that machinery that would empower them CEDAW committee monitors compliance with the conventions But has not yet declared any government in violation of womens human rights Very little litigation Nationally & internationally concerning the violation of womens human rights Ideological resistance to human rights for women in local customs & laws Talk about rights is not meaningful in some cultures Viewed as another tool of the West to eradicate indigenous cultures
  • 17. Bringing Womens Rights into Mainstream Human Rights The long-term male domination of all-powerful political bodies nationally and internationally means that issues of concern to men are seen as general human concern whereas womens concerns are relegated to a specialized & marginalized sphere. The creation of specialized bodies for addressing womens issues within the UN has contributed to their marginalization. So mainstream organs of the UN such as CHR have paid little attention to womens human rights violation. The specialized bodies are under funded.
  • 18. Respecting Cultural Diversity While Promoting Universal Human Rights Notion of universality are frequently undermined by beliefs that respect for cultural & religious diversity provides exceptions to human rights law. Claims for universality are rejected as imperialistic & a way to uphold Western economic interests. Cultural diversity and human rights must be balanced. Cultural relativism is the notion that rights and wrong are determined culturally. Radical Cultural relativists suggest that Western condemnations of gender discrimination in other regions are insensitive and ethnocentric & are a version of cultural imperialism Other Cultural relativists are more selective. Ex. The treatment of women is often prescribed by a cultures religious practices, therefore calls for change are instances of religious intolerance. When pressured about international HR, repressive government often hide behind insincere claim of Cultural relativism as a way to remove the pressure