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PIANGGA WIJAYA 201012500671
SITI HALIMAH 201112500422
KARIN ANDRIANI 201112500415
ESTER MANURUNG 201112500379
ZELLA HILMIA 201112500439
LECTURE : Hermaryanti kusuma Dewi. M.Pd
Word processor
WordStar (WS)
WordPerfect (WP)
Microsoft Word
Word processors
in the classroom
 Why use word processors?
 Why use word processors?
 Why use word processors?
 Why use word processors?
 Why use word processors?
 Why use word processors?
Word processors for teachers
creating materials
Creating forms
Using track changes
Using marking
Inserting image and links
Word processing activities for
 Using word processors for creative
 Using word processors for language
 Further activities
 Collaborative writing activity
 Using word processors for
presenting work
Using word processors considerations
 Considered why we should use word
processors in our teaching
 Looked at how can work with word processors
for materials creation
 Examined specific word processing tools such
as inserting images and links, creating forms
and using track changes
 Looked at how learners can work with word
processors , for creative writing ,language work
and presentation of work
 Considered some sample word processing

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Word processor

  • 1. WORD PROCESSOR PIANGGA WIJAYA 201012500671 SITI HALIMAH 201112500422 KARIN ANDRIANI 201112500415 ESTER MANURUNG 201112500379 ZELLA HILMIA 201112500439 PRESENTED BY GROUP 2 LECTURE : Hermaryanti kusuma Dewi. M.Pd
  • 4. Word processors in the classroom Why use word processors? Why use word processors? Why use word processors? Why use word processors? Why use word processors? Why use word processors?
  • 5. Word processors for teachers creating materials Creating forms Using track changes Using marking Inserting image and links
  • 6. Word processing activities for learners Using word processors for creative writing Using word processors for language practice Further activities Collaborative writing activity Using word processors for presenting work
  • 7. Using word processors considerations
  • 8. Conclusions Considered why we should use word processors in our teaching Looked at how can work with word processors for materials creation Examined specific word processing tools such as inserting images and links, creating forms and using track changes Looked at how learners can work with word processors , for creative writing ,language work and presentation of work Considered some sample word processing activities