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Matthew Ho,
for your startup
Work hacks for your startup
Work hacks for your startup
Work hacks for your startup
Work hacks for your startup
 Love TV series, movies & sports
 Head of Product Development, Tapmint
 Digital Producer background
 Worked online for 7 years
 Next Digital, Deloitte, Airbnb
 Twitter: @inspiredworlds
 Innovation, rapid experimentation, complete solutions
 Native Tongue - First winning team in Startup Weekend in
 4 language game apps
 Twitter: @tapmint
1. Mindset
2. Habits
3. Inbox Control
4. Hacking design
5. Presentation
1. Prioritise
2. Ship
3. Decisive
4. Start simple
5. Deadlines
1. Routine tasks at set times
2. Re-use templates
3. Keep meetings to 20 minutes
4. Focus on 1 task - Pomodoro method
5. Turn off notifications
1. Standup - 5 mins
2. Review priorities
3. Eat the frog
4. Answer emails
5. Personal errands
1. What are our business goals?
2. Create a list of user stories
3. Use ranking of 1-3 for user stories
4. 1 is critical and 3 is nice to have
5. What will be the most used feature?
6. M means Minimum in MVP
7. If there are too many #1s use a scale
of 1-5, then 1-10
8. Can create Epics to group user stories
9. Rank epics
10. Rank user stories within the epic
1. Pause incoming emails! Inbox Pause plugin
2. Answer emails after reading
3. Answer emails in batches
4. Respond in 5 lines or less.
5. Use Yesware template and track opens/ clicks.
1. Crowdsourcing design
2. Brainstorming with more people
3. Great at concept stage
1. Wireframes
2. Write multiple briefs & compare
3. Use a designer to review brief & prepare
4. Feedback twice a day - multi disciplinary
5. Bulk purchase credits
6. Tapmint designer adds more screens / tweaks
1. Drafted summary
2. Emailed two weeks in advance
3. Reviewed the screenshots on Odesk
4. Communicated via email
5. Prepared some summary slides
6. Reviewed slides on google drive
7. Annotated feedback via google spreadsheet
8. Have worked previously together
How to use
How to
schedule emails
Inbox Pause
How to pause
your email
To Do List
Pivotal Tracker
Resources for your productivity hacks
 Rework by 37 Signals http://37signals.com/rework/
 Remote by 37 Signals http://37signals.com/remote/
 Pomodoro timer - http://tomato-timer.com/
 Jason Allan on Getting stuff Done http://jasonallan.co/get-stuff-done-to-do-
 Simple Productivity Hack, Tim Ferris http://www.businessinsider.com.au/tim-
 How to email virtual assistants, Tim Ferris http://www.fourhourworkweek.
Tools that we use
 Boomerang, boomeranggmail.com
 Inbox Pause, inboxpause.com
 Yesware, yesware.com
Project management, documents, communication
 Pivotal Tracker, pivotaltracker.com
 Slack, slack.com
 Google Drive, drive.google.com
 Google Hangout
 EchoSign, echosign.com
 Quoteroller, quoteroller.com
 Pipedrive, pipedrive.com

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