This document outlines a presentation on improving communication skills. The presentation covers:
1. The basics of communication, including the impacts of verbal and non-verbal language.
2. Body language and non-verbal communication, exploring techniques like power poses and common gestures.
3. Listening skills like active listening and empathy.
4. The power of words and phrases like "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", and "How are you?".
5. Models for issue clearing and crucial conversations, providing frameworks for difficult discussions.
6. An invitation for the audience to practice their skills and connect further with the presenter.
Questions I asked- Audience feedback powerpointgabby_wd
Gabby created an online questionnaire to collect audience feedback on her group's thriller opening sequence called "Snatched". She posted the video and wrote a description at the top explaining the purpose. The questionnaire included open-ended questions to get personal answers on what people enjoyed and didn't enjoy. 35 people responded to the questionnaire, which provided useful feedback to understand how the majority viewed the thriller and identify aspects people liked or disliked.
This document provides information on fast skills acquisition and podcasting. It discusses deconstructing skills into building blocks, selecting a few key skills to focus on, and sequencing the order to learn them. For podcasting, it identifies important skills like determining a concept, finding interviewees, recording, editing, and distribution. It shares tips from successful podcasters like focusing on narrative and emotion. The document outlines an agenda for a workshop, including pitching podcast concepts, forming work parties to take on tasks and jobs, and establishing a budget and timeline.
This document provides tips and guidance for developing skills as an organizational spokesperson. It discusses the importance of clear messaging to different audiences and outlines strategies for crafting effective messages including having simple, personal, and urgent messages that call audiences to action. Interviewing tips are provided such as practicing responses, staying on message, and using bridging techniques. Guidance is also given for packaging and pitching stories to reporters, including following the five Ws and addressing newsworthiness. The overall document aims to help spokespeople effectively communicate their organization's goals, messages, and stories to outside audiences.
The Plateau Effect: Why People Get Stuck...and How to Break ThroughThePlateauEffect
The Plateau Effect is a powerful law of nature that affects everyone. Learn to identify plateaus and break through any stagnancy in your life from diet and exercise, to work, to relationships.
The Plateau Effect shows how athletes, scientists, therapists, companies, and musicians around the world are learning to break through their plateausto turn off the forces that cause people to get used to thingsand turn on human potential and happiness in ways that seemed impossible. The book identifies three key flattening forces that generate plateaus, two principles to guide readers in engineering a plateaus destruction, and three actions to take to achieve peak behavior. It helps us to stop wasting time on things that are no longer of value and to focus on the things that leverage our time and energy in spectacular ways.
Anything you want to do betterplay guitar, make friends, communicate with your children, run a businessyou can accomplish faster by understanding the plateau effect.
Get Booked on TV, Magazines, Podcastsand Everywhere ElseTerri Trespicio
What does the media want? That's the question. And when you can answer it, and deliver, you can get and keep media attention. This presentation was delivered at the 2017 Mindshare Summit in San Diego. Presented by Terri Trespicio & Paula Rizzo, co-creators of Lights Camera Expert.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a pivotal American civil rights activist. He fought for social justice and equality through nonviolent protest and civil disobedience. The document outlines King's life, accomplishments, and assassination in 1968 while advocating for poor people's rights.
Luna quiere formar un equipo de redacci坦n para una revista escolar y est叩 buscando voluntarios. Los estudiantes interesados deben completar un cuestionario donde proporcionan informaci坦n personal, expresan su inter辿s en la revista y su deseo de unirse al equipo, y tambi辿n redactan un borrador de una posible noticia.
Welcome to the Kodi Community website where we hope you find everything you need
to make your experiences with your devices that much better .Kodi Community will
allow to customise , add take away , personalise with whatever devices you have
but more importantly making sure you have fun with the tools we provide such as
our tutorials but also learning along the way with some great tips & tricks to
enhance your experiences . we cover all major news in & around the community
along with exclusive , product device reviews , blogs , community builds,
tutorials & much more . The team behind Kodi Community have a wealth of
knowledge on all things Kodi & look forward to sharing what they know with you .
Remember the community doesn't evolbe around one person , one add-on or even one
config... it evolbes around the community where we each other to make the
experiences that much better & of Course having some fun along the way .
Este documento presenta un resumen de tres dimensiones clave de la comprensi坦n lectora seg炭n el manual de evaluaci坦n de la comprensi坦n lectora adaptado al contexto chiapaneco-ind鱈gena:
1) La comprensi坦n literal, que implica entender la informaci坦n expl鱈cita en el texto.
2) La reorganizaci坦n de la informaci坦n, que requiere sintetizar y resumir la informaci坦n del texto.
3) La comprensi坦n inferencial, que involucra ir m叩s all叩 del texto utilizando el conocimiento previo para hacer inferencias y dedu
This document summarizes the topics covered in a course on Family Planning and Reproductive Health. The course covers major topics related to reproductive health, safe motherhood, family planning methods, unwanted pregnancy, risky sexual behaviors, and gender inequality. It discusses how to deal with sensitive data collection on these topics, measures of reproductive health, contraceptive use and unmet need, and world trends and issues in Russia. The course philosophy is to provide a better understanding of discussions around these issues and the types of advocacy behind different positions.
Este documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o sobre a geologia do per鱈odo Quatern叩rio, incluindo sua defini巽達o, subdivis探es, caracter鱈sticas e estudos realizados. Aborda a cronologia do Quatern叩rio no Brasil, dividida em tr棚s fases principais: os estudos pioneiros at辿 in鱈cio do s辿culo XX, o per鱈odo entre as d辿cadas de 1920-1970, e os estudos a partir da d辿cada de 1970.
ADO-Metal Drainage UK provides stainless steel drainage channels and accessories. The channels are made of 1.5mm thick stainless steel, with welded joints and installation features. They are supplied with either a surrounding clamping flange or without for different flooring types. Each channel includes a removable "Box Drain" and odour trap connected to a vertical or horizontal drainpipe depending on slab depth. They also include a special roll grid for easy cleaning made of stainless steel with anti-slip features.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. Students are instructed to:
1) Complete homework from the previous class, which includes reading a chapter and answering analysis questions.
2) Read about the basic features of a narrative essay and attend a lecture on formatting dialogue.
3) Practice writing dialogues - either telling a story to another person or writing a short conversation between multiple people with minimal speaking parts.
4) The homework is to read further in their text, note a relevant personal experience, and post the two dialogue exercises online.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. Students are instructed to:
1. Complete homework from the previous class, which includes reading a chapter and answering analysis questions.
2. The class will focus on the basic features of narrative essays, formatting dialogue, and practicing writing dialogue through two exercises.
3. Students are given directions on how to format dialogue properly in their own writing and provided an example.
4. Homework includes continuing to read the assigned text, posting the two dialogue exercises completed in class, and bringing required materials to the next class.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. It instructs students to:
1. Finish homework from the previous class which included reading chapters from two textbooks and answering analysis questions.
2. Read about the basic features of a narrative essay from upcoming lecture slides.
3. Learn how to properly format dialogue by including variations of attribution and using paragraphs to indicate changes in speaker.
4. Complete two dialogue writing exercises - one involving telling a story between two people and another with a short conversation between three or more people using minimal words per line.
5. Take Quiz 3 on the material.
6. Prepare for next class by reading more chapters
There is a science and an art to sparkling conversations. In this guide, you'll learn the basics of Conversations 101:
- My 25 Favorite Conversation Starters
- How to Talk to Strangers (in a good way)
- The Best Way to Create Conversational Sparks
- The Eyebrow Trick (it sounds weird, and it is, but its EXTREMELY helpful)
- The Art of a Graceful Exit
The Brain Trust: How to Get the Right People Bought Into Your Vision and Help...Trevor Boehm
The document describes the Brain Trust process, which is an 8-week process led by Assemble to help organizations solve their biggest challenges by bringing together the right people. It involves choosing a challenge, identifying people to invite, telling one's story to get them invested, hosting an event where the group collaborates on the challenge, and following up on next steps and keeping the community involved long-term. The process is designed to help accomplish major goals through community involvement in a structured way.
This document provides information and assignments for students on August 26, 2014. It outlines the learning targets of gathering information from multiple sources and bookmarking online resources. Students are assigned to complete a checklist and news quiz in a Google+ community. They are also given instructions for an activity called Cooperative Squares and guidelines for participation grades.
A Perfect Storm: Ubiquity and Social ScienceJohn Thomas
A keynote talk at a Ubicomp 2014 workshop. This talk looks at the opportunities for social science due to ubiquitous computing and offers some techniques for problem finding, problem formulation and problem reframing.
The document summarizes a presentation about using metrics and stories to demonstrate success. It discusses what measurements are, how they are used in libraries, and how to craft impactful stories. The presentation outlines knowing the right metrics and measurements, gathering testimonials, developing a story sharing plan, and getting visual with stories to share and practice. The goal is to connect with users and decision-makers emotionally through stories that ignite new ideas.
The big question: "What are you going to do with your life?" can feel overwhelming. Using the step by step Trifecta approach (purpose, code and goals) we help you answer this crucial question. If you have questions contact me:
Martin Luther King Jr. was a pivotal American civil rights activist. He fought for social justice and equality through nonviolent protest and civil disobedience. The document outlines King's life, accomplishments, and assassination in 1968 while advocating for poor people's rights.
Luna quiere formar un equipo de redacci坦n para una revista escolar y est叩 buscando voluntarios. Los estudiantes interesados deben completar un cuestionario donde proporcionan informaci坦n personal, expresan su inter辿s en la revista y su deseo de unirse al equipo, y tambi辿n redactan un borrador de una posible noticia.
Welcome to the Kodi Community website where we hope you find everything you need
to make your experiences with your devices that much better .Kodi Community will
allow to customise , add take away , personalise with whatever devices you have
but more importantly making sure you have fun with the tools we provide such as
our tutorials but also learning along the way with some great tips & tricks to
enhance your experiences . we cover all major news in & around the community
along with exclusive , product device reviews , blogs , community builds,
tutorials & much more . The team behind Kodi Community have a wealth of
knowledge on all things Kodi & look forward to sharing what they know with you .
Remember the community doesn't evolbe around one person , one add-on or even one
config... it evolbes around the community where we each other to make the
experiences that much better & of Course having some fun along the way .
Este documento presenta un resumen de tres dimensiones clave de la comprensi坦n lectora seg炭n el manual de evaluaci坦n de la comprensi坦n lectora adaptado al contexto chiapaneco-ind鱈gena:
1) La comprensi坦n literal, que implica entender la informaci坦n expl鱈cita en el texto.
2) La reorganizaci坦n de la informaci坦n, que requiere sintetizar y resumir la informaci坦n del texto.
3) La comprensi坦n inferencial, que involucra ir m叩s all叩 del texto utilizando el conocimiento previo para hacer inferencias y dedu
This document summarizes the topics covered in a course on Family Planning and Reproductive Health. The course covers major topics related to reproductive health, safe motherhood, family planning methods, unwanted pregnancy, risky sexual behaviors, and gender inequality. It discusses how to deal with sensitive data collection on these topics, measures of reproductive health, contraceptive use and unmet need, and world trends and issues in Russia. The course philosophy is to provide a better understanding of discussions around these issues and the types of advocacy behind different positions.
Este documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o sobre a geologia do per鱈odo Quatern叩rio, incluindo sua defini巽達o, subdivis探es, caracter鱈sticas e estudos realizados. Aborda a cronologia do Quatern叩rio no Brasil, dividida em tr棚s fases principais: os estudos pioneiros at辿 in鱈cio do s辿culo XX, o per鱈odo entre as d辿cadas de 1920-1970, e os estudos a partir da d辿cada de 1970.
ADO-Metal Drainage UK provides stainless steel drainage channels and accessories. The channels are made of 1.5mm thick stainless steel, with welded joints and installation features. They are supplied with either a surrounding clamping flange or without for different flooring types. Each channel includes a removable "Box Drain" and odour trap connected to a vertical or horizontal drainpipe depending on slab depth. They also include a special roll grid for easy cleaning made of stainless steel with anti-slip features.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. Students are instructed to:
1) Complete homework from the previous class, which includes reading a chapter and answering analysis questions.
2) Read about the basic features of a narrative essay and attend a lecture on formatting dialogue.
3) Practice writing dialogues - either telling a story to another person or writing a short conversation between multiple people with minimal speaking parts.
4) The homework is to read further in their text, note a relevant personal experience, and post the two dialogue exercises online.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. Students are instructed to:
1. Complete homework from the previous class, which includes reading a chapter and answering analysis questions.
2. The class will focus on the basic features of narrative essays, formatting dialogue, and practicing writing dialogue through two exercises.
3. Students are given directions on how to format dialogue properly in their own writing and provided an example.
4. Homework includes continuing to read the assigned text, posting the two dialogue exercises completed in class, and bringing required materials to the next class.
This document provides instructions for Class #4 of an EWRT 1A course. It instructs students to:
1. Finish homework from the previous class which included reading chapters from two textbooks and answering analysis questions.
2. Read about the basic features of a narrative essay from upcoming lecture slides.
3. Learn how to properly format dialogue by including variations of attribution and using paragraphs to indicate changes in speaker.
4. Complete two dialogue writing exercises - one involving telling a story between two people and another with a short conversation between three or more people using minimal words per line.
5. Take Quiz 3 on the material.
6. Prepare for next class by reading more chapters
There is a science and an art to sparkling conversations. In this guide, you'll learn the basics of Conversations 101:
- My 25 Favorite Conversation Starters
- How to Talk to Strangers (in a good way)
- The Best Way to Create Conversational Sparks
- The Eyebrow Trick (it sounds weird, and it is, but its EXTREMELY helpful)
- The Art of a Graceful Exit
The Brain Trust: How to Get the Right People Bought Into Your Vision and Help...Trevor Boehm
The document describes the Brain Trust process, which is an 8-week process led by Assemble to help organizations solve their biggest challenges by bringing together the right people. It involves choosing a challenge, identifying people to invite, telling one's story to get them invested, hosting an event where the group collaborates on the challenge, and following up on next steps and keeping the community involved long-term. The process is designed to help accomplish major goals through community involvement in a structured way.
This document provides information and assignments for students on August 26, 2014. It outlines the learning targets of gathering information from multiple sources and bookmarking online resources. Students are assigned to complete a checklist and news quiz in a Google+ community. They are also given instructions for an activity called Cooperative Squares and guidelines for participation grades.
A Perfect Storm: Ubiquity and Social ScienceJohn Thomas
A keynote talk at a Ubicomp 2014 workshop. This talk looks at the opportunities for social science due to ubiquitous computing and offers some techniques for problem finding, problem formulation and problem reframing.
The document summarizes a presentation about using metrics and stories to demonstrate success. It discusses what measurements are, how they are used in libraries, and how to craft impactful stories. The presentation outlines knowing the right metrics and measurements, gathering testimonials, developing a story sharing plan, and getting visual with stories to share and practice. The goal is to connect with users and decision-makers emotionally through stories that ignite new ideas.
The big question: "What are you going to do with your life?" can feel overwhelming. Using the step by step Trifecta approach (purpose, code and goals) we help you answer this crucial question. If you have questions contact me:
Speaking with the media can make anyone sweat. Follow these 33 tips from PR pros to ace the interview. It includes everything from preparation to what to do after the interview.
5 Public Speaking & Presentation Skills SecretsAkash Karia
The document provides tips for effectively capturing and maintaining audience attention when presenting. It recommends opening with something intriguing like a shocking statistic to grab attention. It also suggests limiting the number of key points covered and using stories or analogies to anchor the points in the audience's memory. The conclusion should summarize points and include a clear call to action. Regular practice, getting feedback, and improvement are key to developing strong public speaking skills.
This document provides guidance on setting career and lifetime goals. It includes sections on thinking about goals, watching an instructional video, writing paragraphs reflecting on goals, reading about why goals are important, completing a quiz, listening to a TED talk on keeping goals private, writing about views on the talk, reviewing verb tenses, and reading inspirational goal-setting quotes. The document offers exercises, questions, and resources to help students learn about defining and achieving their goals.
COMM 106 raw audio interview review LUTHERprofluther
1) The document provides instructions for reviewing a raw audio interview in preparation for an audio project. Students are to transcribe the full interview, identify the story focus, and write a one-sentence headline.
2) Several interview quotes are presented relating to a student group leader promoting voter participation in midterm elections.
3) Students are told they can combine quotes and should craft a 2-3 minute narration pulling the story together using selected interview excerpts. Taking a Blackboard quiz on the interview review process is also required.
The document summarizes an interview between Andy Sernovitz, the CEO of and author of Word of Mouth Marketing, and Dave Kerpen, the CEO of Likeable Media and author of Likeable Social Media. They discuss word of mouth marketing and how giving people a reason to talk about a brand and making conversation easier can start conversations that lead to new business. Great service, helping talkers promote a brand's story, and finding ways to start multiple conversations are some ways to encourage positive word of mouth.
This document provides a summary of Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". It discusses two main philosophies on success - the Personality Ethic and the Character Ethic. The Personality Ethic attributes success to traits and skills, while the Character Ethic sees it as stemming from principles like integrity, courage and justice.
The document then summarizes each of the 7 Habits that move people through stages of dependence, independence and interdependence. Habit 1 is to be proactive by choosing your response to things rather than reacting explosively. Habit 2 is to begin with the end in mind by envisioning the person you want to become. Habit 3 is to put
This Interview Was Derailed by Cliff Ravenscraft's EnthusiasmLeslie Samuel
How do you make an impact with your podcast? I had one idea for the title of this episode and Cliff Ravenscrafts enthusiasm derailed the show. But I think youll like it. I did.
1. 1
Whatchu talkin bout?
Critical thinking about the impacts
of what you say and how you say it.
Wild on Wounds 2016
Las Vegas, NV
Bryan J. Stewart
2. Learning
1. General understanding of the impacts of verbal
and non-verbal communications.
2. Explore and share knowledge, tools and
techniques to help you improve and optimize
your communication effectiveness.
3. Have some fun together.
4. What are we
going to
cover today?
Number I.
The Basics
Number II.
Body Language & Non-Verbal
Number III.
Number IV.
The Power of Words
Number V.
Issue Clearing Model
Number VI.
Crucial Conversations Model
8. Elements of
What You Say
~ One Way vs Two Way
~ Words Matter
How You Say It
~ Four Communication Styles
~ Body Language (Yours and Theirs)
How You Receive
~ Active Listening
~ Empathy
9. Verbal
More than 65% of our communications are non-
> 35% of our
communications come
from the words that we
> 65%
Communication consists of both verbal and non-verbal signals. As a result,
humans are continuously communicating not just thoughts, ideas, and opinions
but also feelings and emotions.
- Morreale, Spitzberg & Barge, 2001
23. Common Poses
and Gestures
Knife Hands
Be polite, be professional,
but have a plan to kill
everybody you meet.
U.S. Marine General
James Mad Dog Mattis
45. Issue
1. I have an issue Id like to clear with you.
Is now a good time?
2. The specific facts are..
3. I judgment opinion
4. I feel.
5. My part in this is.
6. And what I specifically want is.
46. Issue
7. Let me see if I understand
you.what I hear is.
8. Is that I on target?
9. Is there more?
10. Are we clean and clear about
47. Issue
About being heard, not necessarily
about resolving the issue.
You can never negotiate with emotion.
54. Summary
Number I.
The Basics
Number II.
Body Language
Number III.
Number IV.
The Power of Words
Number V.
Issue Clearing Model
Number VI.
Crucial Conversations Model
56. Find a Mirror
Ask someone to be your mirror, maybe at home
and/or at work.
Do an audit.
~ What are you saying without talking?
~ Are you congruent?
Agree on a sign.
1. ChallengeHOW?
57. Three Words
2. Challenge
Think about people in your life that can benefit by
the power of your three words.
Try it.
~ How did you feel?
~ How did they respond?
Repeat as often as needed/possible.
58. Clear One
3. Challenge
Think about someone that you need to get clean
and clear with.
Map it out.
~ Use the framework to think about what you
want to say and how you want to say it.
~ Just do it.
Repeat as often as needed/possible.
#15: You are here:油Home油/油Character Development油/油Increase Your Performance by Changing Your Posture
Increase Your Performance by Changing Your Posture
Did you know油you can improve your performance just by changing your body language? If you modify your body language by changing your facial expression or adjusting your pose, you can alter your bodys physiology and that油can affect how you feel and how well you perform. Heres the clincher: you can make yourself feel a certain way without having to pretend to feel that way. I thought it was a pretty good lesson to teach our children because it will give them a tool for managing how they feel in a given situation.
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
I have read this before and I have油used it with success on Aristotle, so it was with great interest that I watched油Amy Cuddy explaining the effect of power poses on TEDTalks:
Just by changing our posture for 2 minutes and adopting a power pose 油standing in a posture of confidence, even when we dont feel confident we can change our body chemistry, how we feel, and possibly improve our chances for success.
The high-power posers showed a nearly 20 percent increase in testosterone (the dominance hormone) and a 25 percent decrease in cortisol (the stress hormone). The low-power posers saw a 10 percent decline in testosterone and a 17 percent increase in cortisol.
Cuddy says, These two-minute changes (in body stance) lead to hormonal changes that can configure your brain to be either assertive, confident and comfortable, or really stress reactive and feeling shut down. 油Huffington Post
Power posing is linked to:
better performance
greater confidence
reduced stress
more assertive behavior
#21: Whenever you want to separate two different ideas or things, you can use your hands to symbolically represent them. For example, I might say we are totally different from them, using my left hand when I say we and my right hand when I say them. This is a great way to put distance between two things.
#22: Congruence refers to the relationship between the verbal and nonverbal components of a message. Communication is congruent if both channels agree. It is incongruent if they send conflicting messages such as when a person shakes his head from side to side and says, "Yes." Nonverbal cues are more accurate than verbal messages - especially regarding attitude and intent.
#25: Any time we bring our hands in towards our heart or chest, we usually want to indicate to ourselves. I have even heard sneaky speaking coaches tell candidates to point towards themselves when talking about anything positive use it carefully!
#29: You often bounce your feet when you're happy or excited.油Bouncing or tapping feet are whatprofessional poker players refer to as happy feet.油A high confidence tell that a player's hand is strong.油Now you may be sending the same signal油in a business negotiation油when you feel you're getting a good deal.油But if your bouncing feet suddenly go still,油it could be a sign that you're unsure油or waiting to see what will happen next,油the equivalent of holding your breath.Your feet point to where you'd rather be.
It's interesting to watch how people's feet turn away油from situations they want to avoid油and point in the direction they'd prefer to be.油So if you're speaking with a co-worker油who seems to be paying attention,油who's upper body is angled towards you油but who's feet have turned toward the door,油realize that she's sending you a message.油She may be politely answering your questions,油but her feet are telling you she'd rather be somewhere else.油Your stance sends a message of confidence or insecurity.
Feet say a lot about your self confidence.油When you stand with your feet close together,油you seem unsure or timid.油When you stand with your legs crossed, you look insecure.油And when you shift your weight油from foot to foot you look anxious.油But when you widen your stance油and evenly distribute your weight on both feet,油you look more solid and sure of yourself.油Here's a tip for using your feet油when giving your next presentation.油If you walk when you speak you'll get people's attention.油But don't move while making a crucial comment.
You have the most impact when you combine movement油with physical pauses in which you stand absolutely still油to highlight your most important points.
#50: Stakes are high
Opinions vary
Emotions run strong
#52: Notice when
Safety is at risk
Make it safe
Mutual Purpose
Mutual Respect
Step out/stop
Commit Recognize Invent - Brainstorm
#59: Have you ever needed to vent. Human-nature; about maintaining control over those situations.
#61: Have you ever needed to vent. Human-nature; about maintaining control over those situations.