Presentation Erasmus+ BułgariaSylwia KaniewskaSocial inclusion through creativity aims to use creative activities and the arts to help socially isolated individuals feel more connected to their communities. It recognizes that everyone has creative abilities that can be developed and used to foster social relationships and support mental well-being. Participating in shared creative experiences allows people to meet others, build confidence, and find a sense of belonging regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances.
Guide e bookSylwia KaniewskaThe document discusses interactive teaching methods used to improve students' vocabulary and language skills. It describes several methods in detail, including the quintet, stellar explosion, grape, and quadrant methods. These methods aim to actively engage students, develop their creativity and collaboration, and enrich their vocabularies. Examples are provided of how these methods were successfully used in Romanian language classes.
Ways and alternative of asssessing studentsSylwia KaniewskaThis document discusses strategies for making education more engaging and meaningful for students. It advocates for viewing the school as a learning organization where students can take on social roles and learn outside the classroom. The document emphasizes individualizing education for each student and using innovative, creative teaching methods that develop critical thinking. It also stresses the importance of passionately engaging students, encouraging their development, and making curricula relevant to their lives.
Bf12d4450 (1)Sylwia KaniewskaStudents from ZSP Słowik participated in a project called "Erasmus + - Social Inclusion Through Creativity" in Italy in 2019. As part of the project, the students created drawings. The drawings were one aspect of the students' work on the Erasmus + project in Italy focusing on social inclusion through creativity.
C0e439ccSylwia KaniewskaPontecagnano Faiano is a town located 10km from Salerno in the Campania region of Italy. It was originally formed from three smaller towns - Ponte, Cagnano, and Faiano - that united in 1775. The area has been inhabited since Roman times, and archaeological excavations have uncovered Etruscan settlements from the 6th century BC. Today, Pontecagnano Faiano is known for its river, schools, and history as a former center of industry and agriculture.
The italian education_system_arion (1)Sylwia KaniewskaThe Italian education system has recently undergone changes including granting schools more autonomy over teaching, organization, and experimentation. It has also gradually extended compulsory education to age 18 and shifted from a bifurcated system to a more unitary one. The system includes pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education, as well as vocational and university pathways. Schools have autonomy over curriculum, organization, and research, and are managed by heads and councils consisting of teachers, parents, and students. Initial teacher training is provided through university degree programs.
Presentation bulgarian school-2018Sylwia KaniewskaThe school was founded in 1964 and has 780 students aged 6 to 19. It celebrates various European events such as the Day of Slavonic Alphabet and Bulgarian culture, and has participated in programs like Euroscola at the European Parliament and being an Ambassador School for the European Parliament. The document also mentions students participating in handball championships, science festivals, and language and entrepreneurship programs through Erasmus+.
Bulgarian systemSylwia KaniewskaThe Bulgarian education system consists of four levels: pre-school, basic, secondary, and higher education. Attendance is compulsory through basic education until age 16. Pre-school is for ages 3-6/7 and prepares children for primary school. Basic education includes primary school (grades 1-4) and pre-secondary school (grades 5-7/8). Secondary education includes various high school and vocational options. Higher education consists of universities, colleges, and specialized schools offering bachelor's, master's and PhD programs.
Inclusive education in greeceSylwia KaniewskaGreece has taken steps toward more inclusive education through a series of laws since 1981. The 1981 law first recognized rights to education for those with special needs. Subsequent laws in 1985 and 2000 promoted inclusion in mainstream schools and support services. More recent laws in 2010, 2012, 2016 aimed to combat segregation and promote equitable access to education for all learners, including migrants and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Reception classes and intercultural schools provide language and integration support for immigrant students. The overall goal has been to establish an inclusive system that educates all learners together.
Educational system in GreeceSylwia KaniewskaEducation in Greece is compulsory between ages 6-15 and includes primary school (6 years) and gymnasium (3 years, ages 12-15). Post-compulsory education includes unified lyceums or technical vocational schools, both lasting 3 years. Public university admission depends on performance on national exams taken in the last year of lyceum. Formal education is characterized by fixed duration, ability to repeat years, and receiving an official qualification upon completion.
24 primary schoolSylwia KaniewskaThis document summarizes the history of a school building in Heraklion, Crete. The building was originally constructed as a public nursery in the early 20th century to care for abandoned children. It provided shelter, medical care, and a sense of family for 50 children. Over the years, the building took on additional roles in the community as an organization for unmarried mothers and their babies, and it eventually became a school in the 1960s to house the growing number of students in the area.
MatematicSylwia KaniewskaThe document summarizes a second meeting held in Vratsa, Bulgaria from May 27-31, 2012 related to the Project Comenius 2011/13. The meeting included a mathematical folklore sums activity, a film with a riddle asking how many women were singing in the video (the answer was 8), and a discussion of the song "Jarzębina – koko koko Euro Spoko" which was chosen as the anthem for Euro 2012.
Słowacja comenius meetingSylwia KaniewskaThis 3 sentence summary provides an overview of the key information and events from the document:
The document summarizes a Comenius meeting that took place from March 16-20, 2013 in Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovakia where a group from Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Słowik participated in activities at the local school including sport activities, archery, national dances, visits to cultural sites like castles and museums, lessons and presentations on topics like mathematics, and receiving certificates to conclude the meeting.
Comenius System Oświaty w PolsceSylwia KaniewskaTo jest polska wersja prezentacji wykonanej na spotkanie nauczycieli w ramach programu Comeniusz Hiszpanii, Bułgarii i Słowacji.
The system of education in PolandSylwia KaniewskaEducation in Poland is compulsory between ages 6-18. Public schools are free of charge. Children first attend kindergarten from ages 3-6, then primary school from ages 7-12 where they are not divided into subjects in the early years. From ages 13-15 students attend gymnasium where they study core subjects. Students can then attend vocational or academic high schools. Teachers are required to have a university degree and promote through four degrees over 12 years for higher pay and job security.
Maths folk sumsSylwia KaniewskaThe document contains 4 word problems from Slovak folklore. The first problem introduces a family going on a trip with 2 sons, 2 fathers, 1 grandfather, and 1 grandson and asks how many people there were total. The second problem introduces a boy named John who has 6 brothers and asks how many siblings he has. The third problem describes an apple tree that had 46 apples but after a wind, only 13 apples remained on the tree and asks how many apples stayed on the tree. The fourth problem describes geese walking in a line and asks how many geese there were total.
Maths across curriculumSylwia KaniewskaMathematics is used across many subjects in three main ways. It is essential for subjects like physics and chemistry that rely on mathematical equations and calculations. It is used less directly in subjects like biology and geography. And in subjects like history, it provides concepts and connections to historical events related to mathematics, rather than direct calculations. The document then provides some examples of how mathematics is applied in specific subjects.
Presentation bulgarian school-2018Sylwia KaniewskaThe school was founded in 1964 and has 780 students aged 6 to 19. It celebrates various European events such as the Day of Slavonic Alphabet and Bulgarian culture, and has participated in programs like Euroscola at the European Parliament and being an Ambassador School for the European Parliament. The document also mentions students participating in handball championships, science festivals, and language and entrepreneurship programs through Erasmus+.
Bulgarian systemSylwia KaniewskaThe Bulgarian education system consists of four levels: pre-school, basic, secondary, and higher education. Attendance is compulsory through basic education until age 16. Pre-school is for ages 3-6/7 and prepares children for primary school. Basic education includes primary school (grades 1-4) and pre-secondary school (grades 5-7/8). Secondary education includes various high school and vocational options. Higher education consists of universities, colleges, and specialized schools offering bachelor's, master's and PhD programs.
Inclusive education in greeceSylwia KaniewskaGreece has taken steps toward more inclusive education through a series of laws since 1981. The 1981 law first recognized rights to education for those with special needs. Subsequent laws in 1985 and 2000 promoted inclusion in mainstream schools and support services. More recent laws in 2010, 2012, 2016 aimed to combat segregation and promote equitable access to education for all learners, including migrants and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Reception classes and intercultural schools provide language and integration support for immigrant students. The overall goal has been to establish an inclusive system that educates all learners together.
Educational system in GreeceSylwia KaniewskaEducation in Greece is compulsory between ages 6-15 and includes primary school (6 years) and gymnasium (3 years, ages 12-15). Post-compulsory education includes unified lyceums or technical vocational schools, both lasting 3 years. Public university admission depends on performance on national exams taken in the last year of lyceum. Formal education is characterized by fixed duration, ability to repeat years, and receiving an official qualification upon completion.
24 primary schoolSylwia KaniewskaThis document summarizes the history of a school building in Heraklion, Crete. The building was originally constructed as a public nursery in the early 20th century to care for abandoned children. It provided shelter, medical care, and a sense of family for 50 children. Over the years, the building took on additional roles in the community as an organization for unmarried mothers and their babies, and it eventually became a school in the 1960s to house the growing number of students in the area.
MatematicSylwia KaniewskaThe document summarizes a second meeting held in Vratsa, Bulgaria from May 27-31, 2012 related to the Project Comenius 2011/13. The meeting included a mathematical folklore sums activity, a film with a riddle asking how many women were singing in the video (the answer was 8), and a discussion of the song "Jarzębina – koko koko Euro Spoko" which was chosen as the anthem for Euro 2012.
Słowacja comenius meetingSylwia KaniewskaThis 3 sentence summary provides an overview of the key information and events from the document:
The document summarizes a Comenius meeting that took place from March 16-20, 2013 in Dubnica nad Vahom, Slovakia where a group from Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny in Słowik participated in activities at the local school including sport activities, archery, national dances, visits to cultural sites like castles and museums, lessons and presentations on topics like mathematics, and receiving certificates to conclude the meeting.
Comenius System Oświaty w PolsceSylwia KaniewskaTo jest polska wersja prezentacji wykonanej na spotkanie nauczycieli w ramach programu Comeniusz Hiszpanii, Bułgarii i Słowacji.
The system of education in PolandSylwia KaniewskaEducation in Poland is compulsory between ages 6-18. Public schools are free of charge. Children first attend kindergarten from ages 3-6, then primary school from ages 7-12 where they are not divided into subjects in the early years. From ages 13-15 students attend gymnasium where they study core subjects. Students can then attend vocational or academic high schools. Teachers are required to have a university degree and promote through four degrees over 12 years for higher pay and job security.
Maths folk sumsSylwia KaniewskaThe document contains 4 word problems from Slovak folklore. The first problem introduces a family going on a trip with 2 sons, 2 fathers, 1 grandfather, and 1 grandson and asks how many people there were total. The second problem introduces a boy named John who has 6 brothers and asks how many siblings he has. The third problem describes an apple tree that had 46 apples but after a wind, only 13 apples remained on the tree and asks how many apples stayed on the tree. The fourth problem describes geese walking in a line and asks how many geese there were total.
Maths across curriculumSylwia KaniewskaMathematics is used across many subjects in three main ways. It is essential for subjects like physics and chemistry that rely on mathematical equations and calculations. It is used less directly in subjects like biology and geography. And in subjects like history, it provides concepts and connections to historical events related to mathematics, rather than direct calculations. The document then provides some examples of how mathematics is applied in specific subjects.
1. Wrzątek na mrozie
Projekt Comenius
Learning science through active
2. Parę słów na początek
• Jest to przykład parowania, które później
przechodzi w resublimację.
• Wyjaśniając krótko: z cieczy przechodzi w gaz,
z gazu przechodzi w ciało stałe (kolejno:
woda>para wodna>śnieg).
3. Przeprowadzenie doświadczenia:
• 1.Na dworze musi byd ok. -30 stopni Celsujsza.
• 2.Przygotowad należy trochę wrzącej wody.
• 3.Nalad ją szybko do kubka i wyrzucid w powietrze
na mrozie.
• Ujrzymy piękną dużą chmurkę z pary wodnej.
• Jeśli warunki na to pozwolą pokażę filmik, albo
nawet pokażę w praktyce jak to wygląda, niestety
póki co warunki nie pozwalają…
• Póki co muszę pokazad filmik zrobiony przez