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Link Up: The Orchestra Sings Concert  WSS Partnership with Carnegie Hall 2016-2017
Greetings WSFC Elementary Music Specialists!
By now you may have heard the exciting and important news that the Winston-Salem Symphony will be partnering next season with Carnegie Hall
to present elements of their Link Up program here in Winston-Salem as part of our current Mary Starling Full Orchestra Performance.
In short, Link Up is an interactive program. It is unique in that the barrier between audience member and performer is blurred by providing
students the opportunity to perform with the orchestra from their seats using their voice, recorder instruments and even violin! You can learn
more about the Carnegie Hall side of the project here: http://www.carnegiehall.org/Education/Link-Up/
A team of WSFC Elementary School Music Specialists and myself have been meeting to discuss the different programs that Carnegie Hall has to
offer and have chosen The Orchestra Sings, a curriculum centered around music reading, melody line and much more that we feel fit well within
the district pacing guide for music. We have also chosen The Orchestra Sings to be representative of a potential partnership with the Winston-
Salem Youth Chorus and the inclusion/promotion of choir as part of the Mary Starling Performances going forward.
The curriculum is challenging, yet adaptable and achievable in a realistic school learning environment. Furthermore, Carnegie Hall will provide all of
the required teaching guides and student work books for each participating school at no cost!
We want to be sure that all local elementary level schools, WSFCS or otherwise, have the opportunity to participate in this new program beyond
simply being an audience member. This is the chance for your students to become performers!
Become a Participating School: To become a participating school means that you will be making the commitment to attend and participate in the
2017 Mary Starling/Link Up performance. As such, you will be asked to make that commitment through the submission of the attached
application by May 1, 2016. While all WSFC elementary schools will all automatically be enrolled to participate, each school will still be required to
submit the application by the required deadline for the purposes of ordering the correct number of materials.
As a participating school you will be expected to prepare your students for the performance using the supplemental material provided by Carnegie
Hall and any other lessons, resources or important information developed by the Link Up Committee. More specifically, you will be expected to
prepare the following pieces from the Carnegie Hall Link Up curriculum:
 Come to Play
 Ode to Joy
 Simple Gifts
 New World Symphony (optional)
Attend the Link Up Information Session: BRING YOUR RECORDER!
This meeting is for all WSFC Elementary Music Specialist to learn more about the new Mary Starling format that will be presented next year as Link
Up The Orchestra Sings! A Partnership with Carnegie Hall.
All Elementary Level Music Specialists are highly encouraged to attend this session so that everyone will receive this important information and
have a forum to ask and answer important questions.
Date: Monday, April 11th 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Old Town Elementary School located at 3930 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the information session on April 11th and working with you to present this exciting new opportunity
next season!
Jessica Munch-Dittmar | Winston-Salem Symphony | jmunch-dittmar@wssymphony.org | 336.725.1035 ex 221
Link Up Committee:
Wesley Payne  Smith Farm Elementary Kristen Adkins  Griffith Elementary
Beth Cox  Middle Fork Elementary Abigail Degance  Kernersville Elementary
Stephanie Pierce  Clemmons Elementary Lori Prescott  WS Youth Chorus
Barbie McKinney  Old Richmond Elementary

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WSFCS Link Up Letter

  • 1. Link Up: The Orchestra Sings Concert WSS Partnership with Carnegie Hall 2016-2017 WELCOMETOLINKUP! Greetings WSFC Elementary Music Specialists! By now you may have heard the exciting and important news that the Winston-Salem Symphony will be partnering next season with Carnegie Hall to present elements of their Link Up program here in Winston-Salem as part of our current Mary Starling Full Orchestra Performance. In short, Link Up is an interactive program. It is unique in that the barrier between audience member and performer is blurred by providing students the opportunity to perform with the orchestra from their seats using their voice, recorder instruments and even violin! You can learn more about the Carnegie Hall side of the project here: http://www.carnegiehall.org/Education/Link-Up/ A team of WSFC Elementary School Music Specialists and myself have been meeting to discuss the different programs that Carnegie Hall has to offer and have chosen The Orchestra Sings, a curriculum centered around music reading, melody line and much more that we feel fit well within the district pacing guide for music. We have also chosen The Orchestra Sings to be representative of a potential partnership with the Winston- Salem Youth Chorus and the inclusion/promotion of choir as part of the Mary Starling Performances going forward. The curriculum is challenging, yet adaptable and achievable in a realistic school learning environment. Furthermore, Carnegie Hall will provide all of the required teaching guides and student work books for each participating school at no cost! We want to be sure that all local elementary level schools, WSFCS or otherwise, have the opportunity to participate in this new program beyond simply being an audience member. This is the chance for your students to become performers! Become a Participating School: To become a participating school means that you will be making the commitment to attend and participate in the 2017 Mary Starling/Link Up performance. As such, you will be asked to make that commitment through the submission of the attached application by May 1, 2016. While all WSFC elementary schools will all automatically be enrolled to participate, each school will still be required to submit the application by the required deadline for the purposes of ordering the correct number of materials. As a participating school you will be expected to prepare your students for the performance using the supplemental material provided by Carnegie Hall and any other lessons, resources or important information developed by the Link Up Committee. More specifically, you will be expected to prepare the following pieces from the Carnegie Hall Link Up curriculum: Come to Play Ode to Joy Simple Gifts Oye New World Symphony (optional) Attend the Link Up Information Session: BRING YOUR RECORDER! This meeting is for all WSFC Elementary Music Specialist to learn more about the new Mary Starling format that will be presented next year as Link Up The Orchestra Sings! A Partnership with Carnegie Hall. All Elementary Level Music Specialists are highly encouraged to attend this session so that everyone will receive this important information and have a forum to ask and answer important questions. Date: Monday, April 11th 2016 Time: 4:00pm Location: Old Town Elementary School located at 3930 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the information session on April 11th and working with you to present this exciting new opportunity next season! jlmd Jessica Munch-Dittmar | Winston-Salem Symphony | jmunch-dittmar@wssymphony.org | 336.725.1035 ex 221 Link Up Committee: Wesley Payne Smith Farm Elementary Kristen Adkins Griffith Elementary Beth Cox Middle Fork Elementary Abigail Degance Kernersville Elementary Stephanie Pierce Clemmons Elementary Lori Prescott WS Youth Chorus Barbie McKinney Old Richmond Elementary