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Link Up: The Orchestra Sings Concert  WSS Partnership with Carnegie Hall 2016-2017
WSFCS Participation Form
Name of Participating Music Specialist: ____________________________________________________________________________
County: ________________________________ School: ________________________District: _______________________________
School Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: __________________________________
School Phone: ___________________________________________Email: _______________________________________________
# of Students: _____________________ # of Adults___________________
Opportunities available at your school (check all that apply): Choir Recorder Violin
All Music Specialists are encouraged to select their most well prepared recorder/violin students to perform from their seats as
part of the Mary Starling Link Up: The Orchestra Sings performance. All other students should be prepared to perform the vocal
parts. Complete and return this form no later than May 1, 2016.
General Information
Who WSFC Music Specialists and their 5th grade students.
What An opportunity to prepare and attend a special and new Mary Starling concert by the Winston-Salem Symphony in
partnership with Carnegie Hall where students will perform on recorder, violin or voice with the orchestra as part of the
When Monday, February 6th
and Tuesday, 7th
, 2017
Where R. J. Reynolds Auditorium 301 Hawthorne Rd NW, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
What WSS
 One copy of LINK UP  The Orchestra Sings curriculum Teacher Guide and Student Workbooks  per student.
 Please return the WSFCS Participation Form on or before May 1, 2016 to ensure curriculum materials for your
May 1, 2016
Deadline for WSFCS Participation Form
Submit to contact listed below.
April, 11 2016
Music Specialist Information
4:00pm Old Town Elementary
February 6th
and 7th
Mary Starling Link Up Concert 10:00 am or
11:40 am, RJ Reynolds Auditorium
 Attend the Music Specialist Information Session on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 4:00pm at Old Town Elementary
School located at 3930 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106.
 Implement the curriculum, tailoring it to suit teacher/student needs.
 Teach and rehearse recorder, violin and/or vocal melodies for the following pieces provided in the curriculum: Come
to Play, Ode to Joy, Simple Gifts, Oye and New World Symphony (Optional) for students to perform with the WSS at
the final concert.
 Attend one of the performances on February 6th
or 7th
2017 with your students. Attendance at the concert is highly
recommended for all participating teachers.
Questions For more information, contact Jessica Munch-Dittmar Education and Community Engagement Director
jmunch-dittmar@wssymphony.org | 336.725.1035 ex. 221

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WSFCS Link Up Participation Form

  • 1. Link Up: The Orchestra Sings Concert WSS Partnership with Carnegie Hall 2016-2017 WSFCS Participation Form GENERALINFORMATION Name of Participating Music Specialist: ____________________________________________________________________________ County: ________________________________ School: ________________________District: _______________________________ School Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: __________________________________ School Phone: ___________________________________________Email: _______________________________________________ # of Students: _____________________ # of Adults___________________ Opportunities available at your school (check all that apply): Choir Recorder Violin All Music Specialists are encouraged to select their most well prepared recorder/violin students to perform from their seats as part of the Mary Starling Link Up: The Orchestra Sings performance. All other students should be prepared to perform the vocal parts. Complete and return this form no later than May 1, 2016. General Information Who WSFC Music Specialists and their 5th grade students. What An opportunity to prepare and attend a special and new Mary Starling concert by the Winston-Salem Symphony in partnership with Carnegie Hall where students will perform on recorder, violin or voice with the orchestra as part of the performance. When Monday, February 6th and Tuesday, 7th , 2017 Where R. J. Reynolds Auditorium 301 Hawthorne Rd NW, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 What WSS Provides One copy of LINK UP The Orchestra Sings curriculum Teacher Guide and Student Workbooks per student. Please return the WSFCS Participation Form on or before May 1, 2016 to ensure curriculum materials for your school. Important Dates May 1, 2016 Deadline for WSFCS Participation Form Submit to contact listed below. April, 11 2016 Music Specialist Information Session 4:00pm Old Town Elementary School (ATTENDANCE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED) February 6th and 7th 2017 Mary Starling Link Up Concert 10:00 am or 11:40 am, RJ Reynolds Auditorium Music Specialist Participation Attend the Music Specialist Information Session on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 4:00pm at Old Town Elementary School located at 3930 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106. Implement the curriculum, tailoring it to suit teacher/student needs. Teach and rehearse recorder, violin and/or vocal melodies for the following pieces provided in the curriculum: Come to Play, Ode to Joy, Simple Gifts, Oye and New World Symphony (Optional) for students to perform with the WSS at the final concert. Attend one of the performances on February 6th or 7th 2017 with your students. Attendance at the concert is highly recommended for all participating teachers. Questions For more information, contact Jessica Munch-Dittmar Education and Community Engagement Director jmunch-dittmar@wssymphony.org | 336.725.1035 ex. 221