Persephone visits her grandmother to learn about her new deific powers. Over coffee, the grandmother explains that as a deity, she determines the rules and can assign powers. Persephone is eager to learn, but her grandmother says demonstration is better than explanation. They plan for Persephone to return later to learn hands-on.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 10 - A Season of Romancepurplebunnysarah
Ivy marries Pao in an attempt to provide a father for her son Bart, after her previous two husbands met with accidents. Their wedding night is interrupted by a lightning storm that causes fires on the property. Meanwhile, other simmers discuss their experiences with lightning storms and raising sim children.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 9 - College Daze Part 1purplebunnysarah
Ivy Buccaneer begins her first term at university continuing her family's tradition of attending Academie Le Tour in Paris. Ivy aims to become the "Galactic Overlord Queen of the Cosmos" and works to build a loyal following among her dorm-mates through manipulation and charm. She joins a secret society for monarchs that another student mentions. The chapter also provides updates on Ivy's siblings and their activities as their time at university continues.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 19 - So this is Growing Uppurplebunnysarah
Roche is working on repairing his marriage to Marie, which has struggled since the loss of their daughter Susanna. Their daughter Grace is now a teenager, while twins Nick and Willie are starting school. Roche's brother Bart has two children of his own with his wife De, with a new baby girl just born named Rose. Bart thinks his family is now complete.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 37 - Far Too Many Teenagerspurplebunnysarah
The document summarizes the life and death of Pierce Buccaneer. It describes his close relationships with his daughter Angora, son-in-law Ian, and grandchildren Calico and Ragamuffin. On his last day, Pierce hugs family members and thanks them for living. He then passes away peacefully surrounded by his family.
Balthier had a strange dream where he was at a masked ball, searching for someone. He finds a mysterious woman and they dance, but then she stabs and kills him. When he tells his mother about it, she says dreams likely don't have prophetic meaning. Later, Balthier's brother Kennit mentions he also had a dream about dancing the previous night, causing Balthier to think their dreams may be connected.
- Orikes Pseudo, grandmother of five teenagers, has passed away.
- Her children Hugo and Liv are sad but find comfort in still having each other and their families.
- Hugo wonders if Aunt Susanna could take them to visit their mother in the afterlife, but Liv suspects it would be a one-way trip.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 20 - The Truth Will Make You Fretpurplebunnysarah
This document provides an overview of several generations of descendants of Jack Thayer who are attending university in Paris. It introduces over 30 characters attending the university and describes who they are related to and any known relationships. The characters are split between dormitories and houses on or near campus.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 21 - ARRR-ound the World in 80 Dayspurplebunnysarah
Roche Buccaneer is searching for his runaway daughter Gertie, who fled after learning she was not the heir to the Buccaneer family. He tracks her to the Twikkii Islands, where locals provide clues about Gertie's activities on the islands. She spent time at ancient ruins, learning local customs like hula dancing and fire dancing on the beach. While no one knows where she went next, Roche remains determined to continue searching for clues about her whereabouts.
This document provides an overview of Chapter 2 of the story, introducing several characters - Captain Jack, his wife Elise, and their daughters Elisabeth and Mary. It summarizes Jack meeting the neighborhood deity PurpleBunnySarah, then returning home as Elise goes into labor with their second child Mary. The chapter concludes with Jack continuing his quest to date 50 women without his wife's knowledge.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 30 Part 1 - Coming of Agepurplebunnysarah
Liv is asked by her uncles to move into their house after college as their heir. She accepts. At a party at the Greek house, Toby has finally secured a date with Ophelia after much persistence. Shih completes her pledge period and becomes a full member of the fraternity, though she still has to live in the dorm for her freshman year.
Hofheim am Taunus is a town located 17 km west of Frankfurt in the state of Hesse, Germany. The Waldgeist Restaurant there is known for its extremely large portion sizes, including schnitzels over 600 grams, steaks around 600 grams as well, and curried sausages that are 600 grams. They also serve hamburgers that are 12 inches wide, or 1 foot wide. Customers are supplied with foil from the restaurant to help them finish the large meals.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 33 Part 2 - Love & Bureaucratspurplebunnysarah
Rakshasi loves throwing parties and had invited many people to her latest one. She was growing tired of some boys who used "lolspeak" and found a new romantic interest in Terry Ottomas. Her brother Borusa disapproved of Terry and hinted that he was interested in Rakshasi, though she saw him only as a friend. Rakshasi enjoyed her new relationship with Terry despite her brother's objections.
Grace has a dream where she meets a girl named Anna in a strange black-and-white place. The two become friends and play games together. When Grace wakes up, she tells her cousin Morgan about the dream. Later, Grace and Morgan play various games like darts, chess, and cops and robbers at Grace's house on a snow day.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31 - Can You Feel The Love?purplebunnysarah
Borusa and Spandrell meet a new girl named Tina at school and become fast friends with her. Grace is pleased about their good report cards but the boys are more excited about their new friend. Meanwhile, Rakshasi misses her brother Shere Khan, who always made sure to cook dinner, as her parents Moll and Rajah are often too wrapped up in each other to cook. Lainey admits to Orikes that she had lied earlier about having a bruised rib to avoid an awkward hug, feeling guilty about not being completely honest.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 33 Part 1 - Love & Bureaucratspurplebunnysarah
Ching Shih and Jim Reeves are about to get married on Pirate Island. However, just as their ceremony begins, police officers interrupt to inform them that according to immigration law, residents of Pirate Island and Twikkii Island cannot legally marry on either island. Ching Shih is shocked by this news, as her and Jim's wedding plans are disrupted by this unexpected bureaucratic technicality.
This summary is a modern retelling of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas from the perspective of a private detective. The detective is awakened by noises outside on Christmas Eve and sees an old jalopy being driven by a curly-haired man dressed as Santa Claus delivering stolen goods. The detective watches as Santa and his gang of crooks climb onto the roof and enter through a window to deliver the stolen items and liquor in socks and to a teddy bear. Santa wishes the detective and his family a happy holiday in a long-winded rhyme before escaping in his vehicle, leaving the detective perplexed by the unusual Christmas intruder.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 20 - The Truth Will Make You Fretpurplebunnysarah
This document provides an overview of several generations of descendants of Jack Thayer who are attending university in Paris. It introduces over 30 characters attending the university and describes who they are related to and any known relationships. The characters are split between dormitories and houses on or near campus.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 21 - ARRR-ound the World in 80 Dayspurplebunnysarah
Roche Buccaneer is searching for his runaway daughter Gertie, who fled after learning she was not the heir to the Buccaneer family. He tracks her to the Twikkii Islands, where locals provide clues about Gertie's activities on the islands. She spent time at ancient ruins, learning local customs like hula dancing and fire dancing on the beach. While no one knows where she went next, Roche remains determined to continue searching for clues about her whereabouts.
This document provides an overview of Chapter 2 of the story, introducing several characters - Captain Jack, his wife Elise, and their daughters Elisabeth and Mary. It summarizes Jack meeting the neighborhood deity PurpleBunnySarah, then returning home as Elise goes into labor with their second child Mary. The chapter concludes with Jack continuing his quest to date 50 women without his wife's knowledge.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 30 Part 1 - Coming of Agepurplebunnysarah
Liv is asked by her uncles to move into their house after college as their heir. She accepts. At a party at the Greek house, Toby has finally secured a date with Ophelia after much persistence. Shih completes her pledge period and becomes a full member of the fraternity, though she still has to live in the dorm for her freshman year.
Hofheim am Taunus is a town located 17 km west of Frankfurt in the state of Hesse, Germany. The Waldgeist Restaurant there is known for its extremely large portion sizes, including schnitzels over 600 grams, steaks around 600 grams as well, and curried sausages that are 600 grams. They also serve hamburgers that are 12 inches wide, or 1 foot wide. Customers are supplied with foil from the restaurant to help them finish the large meals.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 33 Part 2 - Love & Bureaucratspurplebunnysarah
Rakshasi loves throwing parties and had invited many people to her latest one. She was growing tired of some boys who used "lolspeak" and found a new romantic interest in Terry Ottomas. Her brother Borusa disapproved of Terry and hinted that he was interested in Rakshasi, though she saw him only as a friend. Rakshasi enjoyed her new relationship with Terry despite her brother's objections.
Grace has a dream where she meets a girl named Anna in a strange black-and-white place. The two become friends and play games together. When Grace wakes up, she tells her cousin Morgan about the dream. Later, Grace and Morgan play various games like darts, chess, and cops and robbers at Grace's house on a snow day.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31 - Can You Feel The Love?purplebunnysarah
Borusa and Spandrell meet a new girl named Tina at school and become fast friends with her. Grace is pleased about their good report cards but the boys are more excited about their new friend. Meanwhile, Rakshasi misses her brother Shere Khan, who always made sure to cook dinner, as her parents Moll and Rajah are often too wrapped up in each other to cook. Lainey admits to Orikes that she had lied earlier about having a bruised rib to avoid an awkward hug, feeling guilty about not being completely honest.
A Piratical Legacy Chapter 33 Part 1 - Love & Bureaucratspurplebunnysarah
Ching Shih and Jim Reeves are about to get married on Pirate Island. However, just as their ceremony begins, police officers interrupt to inform them that according to immigration law, residents of Pirate Island and Twikkii Island cannot legally marry on either island. Ching Shih is shocked by this news, as her and Jim's wedding plans are disrupted by this unexpected bureaucratic technicality.
This summary is a modern retelling of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas from the perspective of a private detective. The detective is awakened by noises outside on Christmas Eve and sees an old jalopy being driven by a curly-haired man dressed as Santa Claus delivering stolen goods. The detective watches as Santa and his gang of crooks climb onto the roof and enter through a window to deliver the stolen items and liquor in socks and to a teddy bear. Santa wishes the detective and his family a happy holiday in a long-winded rhyme before escaping in his vehicle, leaving the detective perplexed by the unusual Christmas intruder.
Written by admin
Wednesday, 31 March 2010 12:10
Kes perkahwinan kanak-kanak di bawah umur, yang kemudiannya
dilarikan oleh suaminya ke Batu Caves, sebagaimana yang disiarkan dalam
media massa beberapa minggu lalu, menimbulkan beberapa isu untuk
Kanak-kanak tersebut, Siti Nur Zubaidah yang berusia 10 tahun, telah
dinikahkan di sebuah surau di Machang pada 20 Februari dengan seorang
lelaki bernama Shamsuddin Ajaib, 41 tahun. Memang berdasarkan hukum
syarak, pernikahan seumpama itu adalah sah.
Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kanak-kanak perempuan yang telah baligh
dan lebih matang pemikirannya berbanding rakan-rakan sebayanya untuk
berkahwin. Lebih penting lagi apabila semua syarat dan keperluan
perkahwinan itu mematuhi hukum syarak dan undang-undang.
Seksyen 8, Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Wilayah Persekutuan),
secara jelas menyatakan bahawa, sebarang perkahwinan tidak akan
dilakukan apabila ada antara lelaki yang berumur bawah 18 tahun atau
perempuan yang berumur bawah 16 tahun KECUALI dengan keizinan
bertulis Kadi Syariah dalam keadaan tertentu. Peruntukan yang sama juga
dinyatakan Enakmen Undang-undang Keluarga Islam 2002 Kelantan,
Seksyen 8, Bahagian II.
Dalam pada itu, terdapat pelbagai kes lain yang turut melibatkan kanak-
kanak. Antaranya kes rogol, buang anak, penderaan dan sebagainya.
Terdapat pihak yang berpendapat bahawa kes dera yang telah dilaporkan
hanya mewakili 10 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes dera yang
sebenarnya berlaku. Ada juga kes penderaan yang sehingga menyebabkan
kematian seperti adik Safiyah dan adik Hareswara.
Kes-kes yang berlaku ke atas kanak-kanak ini menimbulkan persoalan
tentang sejauh manakah kanak-kanak di Malaysia dilindungi? Bagaimana
pula aspek penguatkuasaan? Adakah wujud perlindungan ke atas kanak-
kanak sebagaimana peruntukan undang-undang sedia ada?.
Seolah-oleh seperti penularan wabak, hampir setiap hari media massa
menyiarkan tentang kes pembuangan kanak-kanak. Adakah mereka yang
terbabit dengan kes pembuangan kanak-kanak ini tidak mempunyai akal
atau perasaan?
Malaysia telah meratifikasi Konvensyen Kanak-Kanak pada 1995. Akta
Kanak-Kanak pula telah digubal dan diluluskan pada tahun 2001. Selain
itu, Malaysia juga mempunyai undang-undang perlindungan kanak-kanak
melalui Akta Kanak-Kanak dan Orang Muda, Akta Mahkamah Juvana
1947, Akta Perlindungan Wanita dan Gadis 1973 dan Akta Perlindungan
2. Kanak-Kanak pada 1991. Namun persoalannya, walaupun terdapat akta
dan peraturan ini, tetapi siapakah pihak-pihak yang bertanggunjawab
Tindakan Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga
dan Masyarakat mewujudkan Pelan Tindakan Perlindungan Kanak-kanak
Negara amat wajar sekali. Semua pihak yang berkepentingan amat
berminat untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pelan tersebut akan dilaksanakan.
Begitu juga beberapa institusi dan agensi juga disenaraikan bagi
memastikan pelan ini berjaya dilaksanakan.
Apa yang lebih penting ialah kesedaran masyarakat sendiri terhadap
perlindungan kanak-kanak. Sekiranya terdapat kes pengabaian kanak-
kanak di sekeliling mereka, maka mereka hendaklah melaporkannya
dengan segera kepada pihak berwajib.
Perbincangan yang melibatkan semua pihak termasuklah kementerian,
ketua-ketua agama, polis, ahli akademik, NGO, pemimpin masyarakat dan
individu haruslah diadakan dalam memupuk kesedaran ini. Program-
program yang berkaitan turut diadakan di sekolah-sekolah bagi
menyediakan generasi masa depan ini tentang hak mereka di samping
menyemai kesedaran keperluan untuk menghormati hak setiap individu
yang lain. Kesedaran sahaja tidak bermakna jika tidak diikuti dengan
Tepuk dada tanya selera. Adakah kita akan masih bersikap tidak peduli,
lepas tangan dan menafikan apa yang berlaku?
Nor Azwani Abdul Rahman
Bahagian Hak Asasi Manusia
ERA Consumer Malaysia