ICS Security Training ... What Works and What Is Needed (Japanese)Digital Bond
Tomomi Aoyama of Nagoya Institute of Technology discusses Red/Blue and other types of ICS training. She identifies what is effective and offers suggestions for future training.
[CB16] CGCで使用した完全自動脆弱性検知ツールを使ったセキュリティの分析とその効果 by InHyuk Seo & Jason ParkCODE BLUE
--- イン?ヒュ?セオ In Hyuk Seo
Inhyuk Seo(通称 in hack)。2015年に漢陽大学(ERICA)にて、計算機科学と工学の学士号を取得。現在は高麗大学の修士課程でSecurity Analaysis aNd Evaluation(SANE)に籍を置く。現在はプログラミング言語、ソフトウェア検査、機械学習および人工知能に興味を持つ。2012年にはKITRI(Korea Information Technology Research Institute)で開催された情報セキュリティ教育コース Best of the Best(BoB)を修了し、プロジェクト「難読化されたJavaスクリプト向けエクスプロイトデコーダ」の実行を指揮した。多くの脆弱性分析関連のプロジェクトに参加。スマートTVの脆弱性分析とセキュリティ評価、 軍事環境向けモバイルセキュリティソリューション(EAL4)の開発などを指揮する。また、多岐にわたる国内の通信業者のIoT製品の脆弱性分析に参加した。
--- ジソ?パク Jiso
- eCall 'launch' date: March 31st, 2018
- New cars in the EU must be equipped with an eCall device
- Newly registered vehicles in EU represent less than 4% of the total
- eCall will be present in the majority of cars on EU roads after 2045
- eCall requires PSAP upgrades
* PODIS is available today
* PODIS covers ALL types of vehicles, new and old, private and public, with any number of wheels (cars, motorcycles, commercial, etc)
* PODIS protects you regardless if you are a driver or a passenger
* PODIS does not require PSAP upgrades
* PODIS can act as a compliant eCall TPSP (Third Party Service Provider)
Translation Day 2 日本語訳 - WordBench Nagoya 2016年11月Katz Ueno
This slide was originally made by Petya Raykovska from WordPress Polygots Team and translated into Japanese, added some workshop notes that we did at WordBench Nagoya on Nov. Thank you Petya.
11月のWordBench名古屋は「Global WordPress Translation Day2」として開催しました。
このスライドは、Translation Day を企画した、ブルガリア在住で、イギリスの超有名 WordPress 系のウェブ開発会社 Human Made という会社に在籍されている Petya (ペティア) さんが作成したスライドに日本語翻訳と WordBench 名古屋の勉強会の内容を追加したものです。
eCall, the European system for rapid assistance to motorists involved in a collision, will soon be a reality. Learn how it works and how it will affect you. Presentation given by Dr David Williams (Chairman of ETSI EMTEL), from Qualcomm, to the IET Swindon Local Network, 10th Feb 2015.
This document summarizes information presented at the Horizon 2020 Applications in Satellite Navigation 2017 Prague Space Information Day. It discusses the growing global GNSS market and revenues driven by mass market segments. It provides details on the first two calls under Horizon 2020 for GNSS applications, including the budgets, number of projects funded and success rates. It also summarizes some of the ongoing projects funded by these calls and their early results. Finally, it outlines the topics for future calls on EGNSS transport, mass market and professional applications, and awareness raising, and notes opportunities for synergies with other Horizon 2020 calls.
[CB16] CGCで使用した完全自動脆弱性検知ツールを使ったセキュリティの分析とその効果 by InHyuk Seo & Jason ParkCODE BLUE
--- イン?ヒュ?セオ In Hyuk Seo
Inhyuk Seo(通称 in hack)。2015年に漢陽大学(ERICA)にて、計算機科学と工学の学士号を取得。現在は高麗大学の修士課程でSecurity Analaysis aNd Evaluation(SANE)に籍を置く。現在はプログラミング言語、ソフトウェア検査、機械学習および人工知能に興味を持つ。2012年にはKITRI(Korea Information Technology Research Institute)で開催された情報セキュリティ教育コース Best of the Best(BoB)を修了し、プロジェクト「難読化されたJavaスクリプト向けエクスプロイトデコーダ」の実行を指揮した。多くの脆弱性分析関連のプロジェクトに参加。スマートTVの脆弱性分析とセキュリティ評価、 軍事環境向けモバイルセキュリティソリューション(EAL4)の開発などを指揮する。また、多岐にわたる国内の通信業者のIoT製品の脆弱性分析に参加した。
--- ジソ?パク Jiso
- eCall 'launch' date: March 31st, 2018
- New cars in the EU must be equipped with an eCall device
- Newly registered vehicles in EU represent less than 4% of the total
- eCall will be present in the majority of cars on EU roads after 2045
- eCall requires PSAP upgrades
* PODIS is available today
* PODIS covers ALL types of vehicles, new and old, private and public, with any number of wheels (cars, motorcycles, commercial, etc)
* PODIS protects you regardless if you are a driver or a passenger
* PODIS does not require PSAP upgrades
* PODIS can act as a compliant eCall TPSP (Third Party Service Provider)
Translation Day 2 日本語訳 - WordBench Nagoya 2016年11月Katz Ueno
This slide was originally made by Petya Raykovska from WordPress Polygots Team and translated into Japanese, added some workshop notes that we did at WordBench Nagoya on Nov. Thank you Petya.
11月のWordBench名古屋は「Global WordPress Translation Day2」として開催しました。
このスライドは、Translation Day を企画した、ブルガリア在住で、イギリスの超有名 WordPress 系のウェブ開発会社 Human Made という会社に在籍されている Petya (ペティア) さんが作成したスライドに日本語翻訳と WordBench 名古屋の勉強会の内容を追加したものです。
eCall, the European system for rapid assistance to motorists involved in a collision, will soon be a reality. Learn how it works and how it will affect you. Presentation given by Dr David Williams (Chairman of ETSI EMTEL), from Qualcomm, to the IET Swindon Local Network, 10th Feb 2015.
This document summarizes information presented at the Horizon 2020 Applications in Satellite Navigation 2017 Prague Space Information Day. It discusses the growing global GNSS market and revenues driven by mass market segments. It provides details on the first two calls under Horizon 2020 for GNSS applications, including the budgets, number of projects funded and success rates. It also summarizes some of the ongoing projects funded by these calls and their early results. Finally, it outlines the topics for future calls on EGNSS transport, mass market and professional applications, and awareness raising, and notes opportunities for synergies with other Horizon 2020 calls.
This document discusses e-call, an emergency system in vehicles that automatically contacts emergency services in the event of a crash. It reduces response time from 30 minutes to within minutes by using sensors to detect crashes and GPS to pinpoint the location. The system sends data to a public safety access point that then alerts rescue services. Standards and technology ensure reliable communication between vehicles and emergency centers. E-call is currently installed by some automakers and will be mandatory in new European vehicles by 2015 to save lives by hastening medical response.
This document summarizes the 2017 call for proposals related to applications in satellite navigation under the Galileo and EGNOS programs. It provides details on 4 topics and associated budgets totaling 33 million euros that focus on transport, mass market, professional, and awareness applications. Examples are given for emerging navigation applications in aviation, road, rail, maritime and other sectors. Synergies with other Horizon 2020 calls and initiatives are also noted. The call is open from November 2016 to March 2017.
The document discusses e-call systems, which automatically connect to emergency services in the event of a vehicle accident. E-call systems use in-vehicle sensors to detect accidents and GPS to locate the vehicle. They then make an emergency 112 voice call and transmit a minimum set of data about the time, location, and vehicle. This allows emergency responders to arrive faster, which can save thousands of lives each year by reducing the time between an accident and medical assistance. The technology is complex but becoming mandatory in new European vehicles by 2015 due to its life-saving benefits.
「先輩」と「後輩」のやりとりを通し、WAS for z/OSがもたらす価値についてご紹介します。ぜひ「後輩」と一緒にWAS for z/OSの提供する多くの機能について理解を深めていただき、高可用性、高パフォーマンス、安定稼動を実現するメインフレーム?アプリケーション?サーバーの世界に踏み込んでください。
「先輩」と「後輩」のやりとりを通し、IBM Rationalのエンタープライズ?モダナイゼーションがもたらす価値についてご紹介します。ぜひ「後輩」と一緒に最新のメインフレーム開発テスト環境(IBM Integrated Solution for System z Development)について理解を深めていただき、メインフレーム環境を最大限に活用し、より価値のあるソフトウェア開発を追求ください。