Xebia Knowledge Exchange (feb 2011) - Large Scale Web DevelopmentMichaël Figuière
This document discusses best practices for large scale web development using Java. It covers typical web architectures with load balancers and backend servers. It discusses handling slow, failed, or overloaded backend requests using techniques like timeouts, circuit breakers, and parallel requests. It also discusses optimizing performance through caching, using Memcached, monitoring with JMX, and logging for troubleshooting. The document provides examples of using Java concurrency utilities like ExecutorService, Future, and CountDownLatch to implement parallel and asynchronous operations.
Xen.org Project Updates discusses recent developments in several Xen projects:
PVOPS has added Dom0 support to Linux 3.0 and ongoing work in 3.1 including new modules. Planned work includes features like HW clock support and 3D graphics.
Xen 4.1 was recently released with large system support up to 4TB and 255 CPUs. Security enhancements include CPU pools and memory introspection.
The XCP project aims to make the XenAPI toolstack independent of distributions and deliverable via common package managers. This would allow XCP to become the Xen community platform.
The Xen ARM project has supported ARM architectures since 2004. Current work focuses on Cortex-A15
This document outlines a sexual sobriety map for overcoming unwanted sexual behaviors. It discusses addiction to sex, different types of unwanted sexual behaviors, and two approaches to change - white-knuckle change which only changes behaviors, and real change which requires examining one's life and making deeper changes. The goal of the map is to help people regain balance, stand up again after a fall, and continue progressing to a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
Xebia Knowledge Exchange (feb 2011) - Large Scale Web DevelopmentMichaël Figuière
This document discusses best practices for large scale web development using Java. It covers typical web architectures with load balancers and backend servers. It discusses handling slow, failed, or overloaded backend requests using techniques like timeouts, circuit breakers, and parallel requests. It also discusses optimizing performance through caching, using Memcached, monitoring with JMX, and logging for troubleshooting. The document provides examples of using Java concurrency utilities like ExecutorService, Future, and CountDownLatch to implement parallel and asynchronous operations.
Xen.org Project Updates discusses recent developments in several Xen projects:
PVOPS has added Dom0 support to Linux 3.0 and ongoing work in 3.1 including new modules. Planned work includes features like HW clock support and 3D graphics.
Xen 4.1 was recently released with large system support up to 4TB and 255 CPUs. Security enhancements include CPU pools and memory introspection.
The XCP project aims to make the XenAPI toolstack independent of distributions and deliverable via common package managers. This would allow XCP to become the Xen community platform.
The Xen ARM project has supported ARM architectures since 2004. Current work focuses on Cortex-A15
This document outlines a sexual sobriety map for overcoming unwanted sexual behaviors. It discusses addiction to sex, different types of unwanted sexual behaviors, and two approaches to change - white-knuckle change which only changes behaviors, and real change which requires examining one's life and making deeper changes. The goal of the map is to help people regain balance, stand up again after a fall, and continue progressing to a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
2. Que es una Xarxa Social? És una estructura social creada per les relacions de tot tipus (d'amistat, de parentiu, d’interessos comuns, de creences compartides...) que es donen entre els membres d’una societat
3. Caracteristiques Companyia social: La realització de les activitats conjuntes o simplement estar junts, compartir la rutina quotidiana. Ajuda material y serveis: Col·laboració especifica sobre la base de coneixement expert o ajuda fÃsica incloent els serveis de salut. Access a nous contactes: L’ Obriment de portes per la connexió amb persones y xarxes que fins ara no eren part d’ una xarxa social.
4. Implicacions del seu us Propietat intel·lectual i industrial: Algunes xarxes socials permeten incloure material que es pot protegir amb drets d’ autor. Privacitat (Protecció de Dades, Intimitat…): Les xarxes y plataformes basades en perfils permeten incloure dades personals casi a qualsevol nivell. Consumidores: Es poden donar casos... Com trasllat de la responsabilitat a l’usuari, efectes desprès de la baixa de l’ usuari, cessió excessives de drets, etc.