Nadeem new resume3Nadeem SayyedNadeem Sayyed has over 3 years of experience as a Production Officer at Godrej Industries Ltd in Ambernath. He holds a bachelor's degree in Chemical Technology from Shivaji University and a diploma in Chemical Engineering. His responsibilities have included operating chemical processes, maintaining process parameters, troubleshooting, and managing personnel. He is seeking a career opportunity in engineering where he can continue developing his knowledge and skills in areas like process design, production, and industrial safety.
Logistic parkKAMLESH KUMARThis document discusses the need for improved logistics infrastructure in India. It notes that current infrastructure is sporadic and fragmented, with poor quality private sector warehouses. Key demands that must be met include doubling the number of inland container depots, developing free trade warehousing zones, and creating 35 million metric tons of agro-warehousing capacity in the next 5-10 years. The document outlines opportunities for partnerships to develop warehouse infrastructure and conduct feasibility studies for proposed logistics parks. It argues that improving infrastructure can help address current issues and position India for future manufacturing and economic growth.
Ramayan Ka Gudh RahsyaJVGAJJAR The document discusses the history and development of chocolate over centuries. It details how cocoa beans were first used as currency by the Maya and Aztecs before being introduced to Europe in the 16th century. The document then explains how chocolate became popularized as a drink in Europe in the 17th century and how its production and consumption expanded globally over subsequent centuries.
AR Case StudyGraham JepsonDesignate Group is an Australian corporate branding and communications agency that produces digital and print materials for major clients like Perpetual, AGL, APN, and Westpac. The document discusses photography work done for Designate Group shooting personnel profiles, documentaries, and other assets for their clients at various levels from executive leadership to production facilities.
Murakami en Versalles.Natalia CardosoEste documento lista varias obras de arte y artistas, incluyendo esculturas de Jeff Koons y Takashi Murakami en Versalles, y obras de Murakami como "Mi vaquero solitario Hiropon", "Flower Matango", y su estudio "Kaikai Kiki".
Extended DISC Promotion materialvirakyangThis document advertises a personality assessment tool called DISC that evaluates natural behaviors to improve individual and team performance. It is used by many major companies and can increase productivity, enhance communication, and build trust by helping people understand their own strengths and how they interact with coworkers. The document promotes a special offer to try DISC for $75 per person at an event at a local coffee shop, which includes the online assessment, a free interpretation of personal results, snacks, and a discounted option for a team report and interpretation.
Roteiro 1 contexto hist. século xix - europa - 1ª parteBruno Cechinel FilhoO documento descreve o contexto histórico da Europa no século XIX, quando surgiu a Doutrina Espírita. A Revolução Francesa derrubou a monarquia e implantou ideais iluministas de liberdade e igualdade, porém anos de terror se seguiram. Filósofos iluministas como Voltaire e Rousseau influenciaram o movimento.
Career PlanningDaniel CrosbyToo often, we become so absorbed in doing the day-to-day work of our careers that we forget to plan for them. By giving your career a little forethought, and by following the advice you'll find in these slides, you can vastly improve your success and happiness in whatever field you choose.
Ruby UK Seminar - How To Really Use LinkedIn - finalRuby UKThis document summarizes a seminar presented by Ruby UK and Really LinkedIn on how to use LinkedIn effectively. The seminar covered the benefits of LinkedIn for careers and business, fundamental networking principles, strategies for using LinkedIn proactively to meet goals, how to create an attractive personal profile, and ways to find the right connections on LinkedIn through advanced search and engagement in groups. Attendees were offered a complimentary consultation on developing a customized LinkedIn training solution and discounts on photography services through a partner organization.
Як підвищити ефективність кампаній за допомогою сучасних ІТ технологій?Lesya Orobets18 листопада 2010 року у Міжнародному виставковому центрі пройшов ІІІ Ярмарок інституційного розвитку. На заході були представлені різноманітні послуги від провідних тренінгових провайдерів. Захід зібрав вже більше 200 учасників.
Майстерня Лесі Оробець на тему "Адвокасі веб 2.0.: як підвищити якість адвокасі кампаній за допомогою ІТ-технологій ".
CarnavalmsnancyThis document contains copyright information for the website The copyright is listed as 2006 and all rights are reserved. The document repeats the same copyright information on multiple lines.
Gokyuzu Yeryuzuatmaca77The document lists various cities around the world, with some cities listed multiple times. The majority of cities listed are major international destinations, with several in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Brazil. It also includes the website and an email address.
Extended DISC Promotion materialvirakyangThis document advertises a personality assessment tool called DISC that evaluates natural behaviors to improve individual and team performance. It is used by many major companies and can increase productivity, enhance communication, and build trust by helping people understand their own strengths and how they interact with coworkers. The document promotes a special offer to try DISC for $75 per person at an event at a local coffee shop, which includes the online assessment, a free interpretation of personal results, snacks, and a discounted option for a team report and interpretation.
Roteiro 1 contexto hist. século xix - europa - 1ª parteBruno Cechinel FilhoO documento descreve o contexto histórico da Europa no século XIX, quando surgiu a Doutrina Espírita. A Revolução Francesa derrubou a monarquia e implantou ideais iluministas de liberdade e igualdade, porém anos de terror se seguiram. Filósofos iluministas como Voltaire e Rousseau influenciaram o movimento.
Career PlanningDaniel CrosbyToo often, we become so absorbed in doing the day-to-day work of our careers that we forget to plan for them. By giving your career a little forethought, and by following the advice you'll find in these slides, you can vastly improve your success and happiness in whatever field you choose.
Ruby UK Seminar - How To Really Use LinkedIn - finalRuby UKThis document summarizes a seminar presented by Ruby UK and Really LinkedIn on how to use LinkedIn effectively. The seminar covered the benefits of LinkedIn for careers and business, fundamental networking principles, strategies for using LinkedIn proactively to meet goals, how to create an attractive personal profile, and ways to find the right connections on LinkedIn through advanced search and engagement in groups. Attendees were offered a complimentary consultation on developing a customized LinkedIn training solution and discounts on photography services through a partner organization.
Як підвищити ефективність кампаній за допомогою сучасних ІТ технологій?Lesya Orobets18 листопада 2010 року у Міжнародному виставковому центрі пройшов ІІІ Ярмарок інституційного розвитку. На заході були представлені різноманітні послуги від провідних тренінгових провайдерів. Захід зібрав вже більше 200 учасників.
Майстерня Лесі Оробець на тему "Адвокасі веб 2.0.: як підвищити якість адвокасі кампаній за допомогою ІТ-технологій ".
CarnavalmsnancyThis document contains copyright information for the website The copyright is listed as 2006 and all rights are reserved. The document repeats the same copyright information on multiple lines.
Gokyuzu Yeryuzuatmaca77The document lists various cities around the world, with some cities listed multiple times. The majority of cities listed are major international destinations, with several in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Brazil. It also includes the website and an email address.
Yanlisanlayisimizatmaca77A young woman was waiting for her flight in the airport lounge. To pass the time until her flight, she bought a book and cookies. She sat in the VIP lounge to read. A man sat next to her and started taking her cookies when she took them out, irritating her. It turned out the cookies were still in her purse the whole time - she had forgotten she did not open the package. The man had shared his own cookies with her kindly. She felt ashamed for her mistaken anger toward the man.
1. A guy in St. Louis was driving to work on Highway 144
when he heard a 'pop'. He thought it sounded like a
flat tire, though his ride wasn't affected. After pulling
over, checking the tires and finding them all intact he
opened the bonnet to look at the motor.
Adamın biri St. Louis’in 144 no.’lu otobanında, işine
yetişmek üzere arabasını sürmektedir. Bir patlama sesi
işitir. Sesin, patlayan bir lastiğinden geldiğini düşünür.
Arabayı sürmede bir güçlüğü yoktur. Arabayı yolun
kenarına çeker; lastikleri kontrol eder. Hiçbirinde
patlama yoktur.
Motor kaputunu açar...
2. Before the bonnet was even all the way open he jumped
back in shock and knocked his head on the partially
opened bonnet, unable to believe what his eyes were
Kaputu tümüyle açarken gördüğü şey karşısında dehşete
kapılıp geri çekilirken, başını, henüz tam açılmamış
kaputa çarpar.
Gördüğüne inanamaz...
3. Nobody was going to believe this! You sure
wouldn't have either! Fortunately, a work mate with
a camera recognised him along side the road and
stopped to see if he could help..
Buna, siz de inanmayacaksınız.
Bir şans eseri, arabasıyla oradan geçen bir işçi
durumu görür. Arabasında bir fotograf makinesi de
vardır. Arabasını durdurarak yardım edip
edemeyeceğine bakar...
9. Now, this has to be right up there at the top of the list of
unusual but verified “Reasons I was late for work!”
Bu durum “İşe geç kalmadaki haklı nedenlerden biri”
olarak, alışılmadık şeyler listesinin en üst sıralarında yerini
Gönderen / Sent by
A. U. (Warren-Michigan-USA)
İngilizceden Çeviri / Translated in Turkish by
Kâmil Şekerkaran