
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Growth Initiatives
Presentation Outline
 The goal is to identify acquisition, engagement,
and retention strategies from Yoroomie App launch.
 The following presentation will provide for a high-
level overview of initiatives executed by the
Yoroomie team.
The Product- Discover & Message Roomies
Yoroomie Launch to 1k Users
How We Got There With Growth
Hack and No Spend ($0)
 We are very methodical in how we work and create
frameworks around everything we do. We believe in
constantly re鍖ning and optimizing.
 Tools we use :
 Slack, Trello, IFTTT/Zapier, Hootesuite, Google
docs/gmail, and a few other internal tools to
automate our efforts.
 Facebook groups
 Campus initiatives
looking for a 姻看看馨馨温岳艶
 We used www.feedly.com for
rss feed of industry news from
Curbed LA, SF, NYC and
Zillow, etc
 We scheduled Facebook and
Twitter posts through
GUY #2 bio
I am into tech, a foodie, and also love
the outdoors. I am looking for
someone with similar interests and a
stable job.
GUY #1 bio
20s male, into music, and hanging out with my friends. Im usually out of the
place because of studio time. Looking for someone that can pay rent on time
and is cool to be around.
GUY #3 bio
Im a travel and style blogger.
Looking to 鍖nd someone that
shares the same interests as me
and can pay rent on time. Feel
free to send me a message to talk
GIRL #2 bio
Female fashion blogger. I earned a
degree from FIDM. Started a few
blogs in my spare time. I really
want to 鍖nd someone that is nice
and fun to be around, and who
can pay rent on time. Feel free to
send me a message! :)
GIRL #1 bio
20s female, love music and art. I love
hanging with my friends on the the
weekend. I'm usually always out on
the weekdays because Im in
studiotime, but feel free to send me
a message to chat more. Looking
for someone that can pay rent on
time and is cool to be around.
250+ active pro鍖le listings on Craigslist in LA, SF, NYC, etc.
Automated inbound emails from
IFTTT on new Craigslist listings
Inbound emails from our fake
pro鍖les on Craigslist
Building A Massive
Craigslist Lead Database
Snapshots of IFTTT Google docs based on geolocation
5k+ database of active listings
Facebook Groups
A presence in 60+
Facebook roommate
groups around the
world = 100k+
targeted social
- https://www.quora.com/Roommates#
- https://www.quora.com/Apartments-and-
- https://www.quora.com/Apartment-Rentals
- https://www.quora.com/Craigslist
Links to questions, then answer.
Campus Initiatives
Email database of USC, UCLA, LMU, and
Pepperdine Frat & Sorority presidents.
How Does This Fit Into
Scaling Other Apps?
 We created growth engines that can be optimized
to scale a pre-existing market and easily and
methodically enter a new market with a large initial
saturation and conversion.
 We performed initial launches into multiple
countries and in Europe used the craigslist strategy
to generate hundreds of users in one city within
Our Godview (Results)
What Does This Equate To?
 Acquisition efforts are highly targeted
 Hyper-engaged users
Thanks For Viewing!
Our team has launched multiple apps that have
quickly scaled to hundreds of thousands of active
users. You can view more of our work at
www.thinkbox.io or tweet at us @thinkboxmakes and
my personal Twitter is @yoroomie.

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Yoroomie App Growth Initiatives

  • 2. Presentation Outline The goal is to identify acquisition, engagement, and retention strategies from Yoroomie App launch. The following presentation will provide for a high- level overview of initiatives executed by the Yoroomie team.
  • 3. The Product- Discover & Message Roomies
  • 5. How We Got There With Growth Hack and No Spend ($0) We are very methodical in how we work and create frameworks around everything we do. We believe in constantly re鍖ning and optimizing. Tools we use : Slack, Trello, IFTTT/Zapier, Hootesuite, Google docs/gmail, and a few other internal tools to automate our efforts. Twitter Feedly Craigslist Facebook groups Quora Campus initiatives
  • 6. looking for a 姻看看馨馨温岳艶
  • 8. Feedly We used www.feedly.com for rss feed of industry news from Curbed LA, SF, NYC and Zillow, etc We scheduled Facebook and Twitter posts through Hootsuite.
  • 9. Craigslist GUY #2 bio I am into tech, a foodie, and also love the outdoors. I am looking for someone with similar interests and a stable job. GUY #1 bio 20s male, into music, and hanging out with my friends. Im usually out of the place because of studio time. Looking for someone that can pay rent on time and is cool to be around. GUY #3 bio Im a travel and style blogger. Looking to 鍖nd someone that shares the same interests as me and can pay rent on time. Feel free to send me a message to talk more GIRL #2 bio Female fashion blogger. I earned a degree from FIDM. Started a few blogs in my spare time. I really want to 鍖nd someone that is nice and fun to be around, and who can pay rent on time. Feel free to send me a message! :) GIRL #1 bio 20s female, love music and art. I love hanging with my friends on the the weekend. I'm usually always out on the weekdays because Im in studiotime, but feel free to send me a message to chat more. Looking for someone that can pay rent on time and is cool to be around. 250+ active pro鍖le listings on Craigslist in LA, SF, NYC, etc.
  • 10. Craigslist Automated inbound emails from IFTTT on new Craigslist listings Inbound emails from our fake pro鍖les on Craigslist
  • 11. Building A Massive Craigslist Lead Database Snapshots of IFTTT Google docs based on geolocation 5k+ database of active listings
  • 12. Facebook Groups A presence in 60+ Facebook roommate groups around the world = 100k+ targeted social reach
  • 13. Quora - https://www.quora.com/Roommates# - https://www.quora.com/Apartments-and- Flats - https://www.quora.com/Apartment-Rentals - https://www.quora.com/Craigslist Links to questions, then answer. Groups
  • 14. Campus Initiatives Email database of USC, UCLA, LMU, and Pepperdine Frat & Sorority presidents.
  • 15. How Does This Fit Into Scaling Other Apps? We created growth engines that can be optimized to scale a pre-existing market and easily and methodically enter a new market with a large initial saturation and conversion. We performed initial launches into multiple countries and in Europe used the craigslist strategy to generate hundreds of users in one city within hours.
  • 17. What Does This Equate To? Acquisition efforts are highly targeted Hyper-engaged users
  • 18. Thanks For Viewing! Our team has launched multiple apps that have quickly scaled to hundreds of thousands of active users. You can view more of our work at www.thinkbox.io or tweet at us @thinkboxmakes and my personal Twitter is @yoroomie.