Ini kuliah Kalkulus 2A, minggu ke-5, hari pertama. Dalam menuliskan rumusan R_n di kelas, saya kelupaan menulis x^(n+1). Nanti kamis, akan saya ulangi kembali.
Anuj Kumar Gupta is seeking a career opportunity to collaborate with senior management in making critical business decisions. He has an MBA in Marketing and Operations and experience working in media and communications for Apollo Hospitals and as a secondary data analyst for RND Research. His skills include brand management, social media marketing, and data analysis. He led a project analyzing views on social media and healthcare pages that concluded Apollo Hospital's Facebook page should focus on wellness, new events, and community building.
Anuj Kumar Gupta is seeking a career opportunity to collaborate with senior management in making critical business decisions. He has an MBA in marketing and operations and experience working in media and communications for Apollo Hospitals and as a secondary data analyst for RND Research. His skills include brand management, social media marketing, and data analysis. He led a project analyzing views on social media and healthcare pages that concluded Apollo Hospital's Facebook page should focus on wellness, new events, and community building.
Russian Standard Vodka - Evaluate Campaign EffectivenessJaddan Bruhn
This document summarizes a marketing campaign for Russian Standard Vodka's new citrus RTD product aimed at 18-25 year olds. It outlines the target audience as thrill-seeking individuals focused on socializing and new experiences. While existing research provides some insights, more study is needed of this group's media consumption, social media influence, and factors impacting alcohol purchase. The document proposes conducting online surveys and a focus group to better understand lifestyle, attitudes, and influences in order to design an effective campaign through impactful digital placements that harness social sharing.
Mengukur Kecakapan Mematematikakan dan Menafsirkan sebagai Kecakapan Utama di...Iwan Pranoto
Draft ke-5 dari naskah "Mengukur Kecakapan Mematematikakan dan Menafsirkan sebagai Kecakapan Utama di Dunia Global 2.0" namun tak ketemu yang versi final.
Diagnosa Kesehatan Pendidikan Mat & IPAIwan Pranoto
Dokumen tersebut merangkum hasil evaluasi pendidikan matematika dan IPA Indonesia berdasarkan tes TIMSS dan PISA. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa siswa Indonesia lemah dalam penguasaan materi dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat rendah. Dokumen ini menganalisis kelemahan-kelemahan sistem pendidikan MIPA Indonesia dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan kurikulum serta pengembangan guru.
This document outlines plans for redesigning and improving the website of St. Luke's UMC. It discusses forming a project team that includes staff, lay leaders, and external consultants to collaborate on the redesign. The goals are to focus on users, leverage technology, build support teams, and align the website with the church's values and mission. Details are provided on potential new applications, a phased rollout, evaluating content management and other systems, and improving workflows and processes to work smarter. The overall aim is to create a unified, user-focused online presence that enhances outreach and connection for St. Luke's community.
This document outlines the steps to create a visual slide show using an online interface. It describes choosing a language, adding images and captions, editing gallery properties like thumbnails and images, and publishing the slide show. Tips are provided for embedding the visual slide show into a website using HTML tags. The conclusion restates the main steps and a link is given to download the tool from the listed website.
Narasi Pendidikan: Menggenapkan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Iwan Pranoto membahas pentingnya membangun budaya bernalar dalam pendidikan dengan mengkritik iman pragmatisme dan ketaksadaran kolektif yang diimplantasikan pada pendidikan saat ini. Pendidikan seharusnya mengelola pewarisan budaya dengan baik untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik, bukan hanya mengejar hasil. Kecakapan berpikir dan budaya yang dibangun melalui pendidikan akan memengaruhi karakter yang dibentuk.
The document outlines the vision and strategic plans of St Luke's church over several years. It discusses six key strategies the board approved in 2008 to focus on, including broadening worship experiences, becoming a center for youth life change, and establishing an outreach campus. It then describes the creation of a "Vision Frame" in 2009 to define the church's mission and identity. The Vision Frame established the vision of St Luke's being a community where "No One Walks Alone" and set milestones to work towards this vision by 2012, such as increasing involvement in small groups and caring networks.
Anuj Kumar Gupta is seeking a career opportunity to collaborate with senior management in making critical business decisions. He has an MBA in Marketing and Operations and experience working in media and communications for Apollo Hospitals and as a secondary data analyst for RND Research. His skills include brand management, social media marketing, and data analysis. He led a project analyzing views on social media and healthcare pages that concluded Apollo Hospital's Facebook page should focus on wellness, new events, and community building.
Anuj Kumar Gupta is seeking a career opportunity to collaborate with senior management in making critical business decisions. He has an MBA in marketing and operations and experience working in media and communications for Apollo Hospitals and as a secondary data analyst for RND Research. His skills include brand management, social media marketing, and data analysis. He led a project analyzing views on social media and healthcare pages that concluded Apollo Hospital's Facebook page should focus on wellness, new events, and community building.
Russian Standard Vodka - Evaluate Campaign EffectivenessJaddan Bruhn
This document summarizes a marketing campaign for Russian Standard Vodka's new citrus RTD product aimed at 18-25 year olds. It outlines the target audience as thrill-seeking individuals focused on socializing and new experiences. While existing research provides some insights, more study is needed of this group's media consumption, social media influence, and factors impacting alcohol purchase. The document proposes conducting online surveys and a focus group to better understand lifestyle, attitudes, and influences in order to design an effective campaign through impactful digital placements that harness social sharing.
Mengukur Kecakapan Mematematikakan dan Menafsirkan sebagai Kecakapan Utama di...Iwan Pranoto
Draft ke-5 dari naskah "Mengukur Kecakapan Mematematikakan dan Menafsirkan sebagai Kecakapan Utama di Dunia Global 2.0" namun tak ketemu yang versi final.
Diagnosa Kesehatan Pendidikan Mat & IPAIwan Pranoto
Dokumen tersebut merangkum hasil evaluasi pendidikan matematika dan IPA Indonesia berdasarkan tes TIMSS dan PISA. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa siswa Indonesia lemah dalam penguasaan materi dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat rendah. Dokumen ini menganalisis kelemahan-kelemahan sistem pendidikan MIPA Indonesia dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan kurikulum serta pengembangan guru.
This document outlines plans for redesigning and improving the website of St. Luke's UMC. It discusses forming a project team that includes staff, lay leaders, and external consultants to collaborate on the redesign. The goals are to focus on users, leverage technology, build support teams, and align the website with the church's values and mission. Details are provided on potential new applications, a phased rollout, evaluating content management and other systems, and improving workflows and processes to work smarter. The overall aim is to create a unified, user-focused online presence that enhances outreach and connection for St. Luke's community.
This document outlines the steps to create a visual slide show using an online interface. It describes choosing a language, adding images and captions, editing gallery properties like thumbnails and images, and publishing the slide show. Tips are provided for embedding the visual slide show into a website using HTML tags. The conclusion restates the main steps and a link is given to download the tool from the listed website.
Narasi Pendidikan: Menggenapkan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Iwan Pranoto membahas pentingnya membangun budaya bernalar dalam pendidikan dengan mengkritik iman pragmatisme dan ketaksadaran kolektif yang diimplantasikan pada pendidikan saat ini. Pendidikan seharusnya mengelola pewarisan budaya dengan baik untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik, bukan hanya mengejar hasil. Kecakapan berpikir dan budaya yang dibangun melalui pendidikan akan memengaruhi karakter yang dibentuk.
The document outlines the vision and strategic plans of St Luke's church over several years. It discusses six key strategies the board approved in 2008 to focus on, including broadening worship experiences, becoming a center for youth life change, and establishing an outreach campus. It then describes the creation of a "Vision Frame" in 2009 to define the church's mission and identity. The Vision Frame established the vision of St Luke's being a community where "No One Walks Alone" and set milestones to work towards this vision by 2012, such as increasing involvement in small groups and caring networks.