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Issue No.2
December 2013

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Youth are a transform
ative force... The time
has come to integrate
youth voices more meaningfully into
at all levels
UN SecretaryGeneral
Ban Ki-moon

This is the second issue of the Young
Football Volunteers (YFV) newsletter
covering our activities from June to
November 2013. While preparing this
issue, several youth lead initiatives supported by the YFV within MDGs were
underway in three oblasts. We hope you
will enjoy this issue.

The "Young Football Volunteers" (YFV) project conducted a volunteer camp 束VCamp損 in Evpatoria from June 19 to 23. The
camp was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Youth
and Sports of Ukraine, the Evpatoria City Council and the Football Federation of Ukraine.
Forty-eight (48) young people and 15 teachers from 45 schools
were trained in MDG, volunteering, leadership, project development and communication skills. This will enable them to be more
competitive in the modern world. The participants also took part
in morning energizers, team competitions, sport games, sightseeing tours, and received gifts and colorful
prizes. Young boys and girls bravely overcame all the obstacles and puzzles of the adventure quest and
showed real team spirit of "Pirates", "Indians", "Royal Navy", and
"Guardsmen". Following the camp, the participants finalized their
youth projects and applied for the YFV mini-grants competition.
The winners have already received funding for their projects
Darina Mishchenko, a camp participant from the Mykolayiv region, explains: "In order to overcome poverty I would do more of

such camps as VCamp, so that children can understand the importance of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We
have been working on the projects, and now we have an opportunity to implement them in our villages. Here Ive learned a lot of new and interesting things, for example, how to develop projects. The camp volunteers gave me a big push and I feel even more confident. As
soon as I return to our village, together with one other camp participant, we will develop an action plan, go
to the head of the Village Council, and involve the School Principal in our project implementation ".
Youth and volunteer camps are a popular international practice for youth development
and empowerment. This camp is truly
volunteer because it is a joint effort of
UN Volunteers of the YFV project and NGO
activists. Representatives of the Ministry of
Youth and Sports of the Crimea, the UNDP
Crimea Programme Analyst, Kurtmolla Abdulganiyev, and representatives of the Football Federation of Ukraine attended the
VCamps opening and award ceremony.

United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Headquarter Portfolio Manager for CIS and Eastern Europe, Olga
Devyatkin, visited us from September 19 to 20. She met with active young people and representatives of local communities through the fair play classes in the pilot project areas in the Kherson oblast (Chernopolye, Chaplinka and Kahovskogo areas) and in the AR Crimea ( Chernyanka and Belogorsky
"I'm glad to see the happy faces of the participants. The results of the project are high for a rela-

tively short period of time. Also, regional coordinators are working directly with young people and
teachers at the local level on a volunteer basis and that is the main value , explains Ms. Devjatkin.
During the meeting with the Minister of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of the ARC, Natalia
Goncharova, aspects of the project and new partnership opportunities for the future were discussed.

The Young Football Volunteers (YFV) project team members also took part in the youth forum
Tavricheskiy Briz which took place from September 30 to October 2, 2013 at the National Sport Center in Evpatoriya. The youth forum was organized by the Crimean government with the support of the
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).
The forum served as a platform for representatives of youth serving organizations to exchange best
practices and learn from one another. The forum organizers put an emphasis on strengthening capacity
of youth leaders to develop and implement local community based projects led by young people.
Our YFV team, which consists of project coordinator Davron Mirsagatov, project assistant Anna Zakharova, and regional project coordinator of AR Crimea, Esma Umerova, were invited to moderate workshops on Development of Youth Initiatives. Oleksandra Tselishcheva, chairwoman of the Regional Development Center Top Kaya and a longtime ally of the project, also assisted the YFV team. Fivehundred (500) young people from Crimea
and ten CIS countries, learned the basics of
project design such as mission statement
and goal setting, needs assessment and formulation of objectives. During the forum,
seven new youth action plans and projects
were designed and presented at a plenary
sessions to the Crimean Government. Projects focused on topics such as youth employment, youth leadership and development, and health initiatives.

A three-day International Conference on youth health promotion, jointly organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine and the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), took place on October 8 to 10 in Kyiv.
The conference brought together 100 participants (government officials, youth
health promotion experts, NGO representatives and business) from all 27 regions of Ukraine and representatives from about 10 countries of Central Asia
and Eastern Europe.
The conference served as a platform for:

discussing critical issues in the area of youth health promotion

sharing experiences and best practices

analyzing existing approaches and developing effective solutions.

The Young Football Volunteers project was selected as a unique and innovative
example for best practices in promoting healthy life styles in Ukraine. Project
coordinator Davron Mirsagatov and the regional coordinator of the Kherson oblast, Kateryna Handziyuk, participated in the conference on behalf of the project and presented the Youth Development through Football approach by
demonstrating one of the Fair play lessons.
All conference participants were invited based on recommendations by regional
departments of youth affairs, which
demonstrates trust in and recognition
of the YFV project by our government

The inter-regional football tournament
among schoolboys and schoolgirls from Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was held at the SK
Arena in Simferopol on October 24 to 26.
Seventy-two (72) young people and coaches
participated. The tournament aimed to promote the Fair Play methodology and to
strengthen the knowledge of young people in
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The
event was supported by the
UN Volunteers Programme, UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace,
UN Development Programme, Ukraines Football Federation, Ukraines Ministry
of Youth and Sports, and the German Agency for International Cooperation
(GIZ). The Ministry of Education and Science, Sports and Youth of Crimea
and the Crimean Football Federation were instrumental in organizing the inter
-regional football tournament.
Only the winning football teams from regional tournaments were invited to
participate in the tournament. Rural girls and boys aged 13 to 15 competed in
their respective categories. The boys team from Kherson demonstrated great
teamwork and skill from the first game on and won the tournament in their
category. The girls team from AR Crimea had to fight hard to beat in the last
minutes the team from Mykolaiv.
All participants of the tournament were awarded medals, diplomas of
the YFV project and football equipment. The main prize was to visit
the football facilities and the stadium of the Crimean Premier League
team Tavriya. The young participants had a chance to meet their
sport idols and get some tips on how to become first class athletes.
The Tavriya team members visibly enjoyed the joint photo session
and the individual autography signing ceremony with the tournament
participants at the Lokomotiv stadium.
In addition to the football competition, the young people participated in
a study session on MDGs. An interactive MDG tic  tac  toe game was
introduced which allowed participants to learn about MDGs in a participatory way and to express their creativity and enthusiasm.

On October 24th, the United Nations Day has traditionally been marked throughout the world with meetings, discussions and exhibits about the achievements
and goals of the organization. Secretary General Ban
Kimoon said: We continue to show what collective ac-

tion can do. We can do even more. In a world that is
more connected, we must be more united.

Ayaka Kurehara from Japan shared her own experiences of volunteer activities in different countries and
how she became a United Nations Volunteer:  As a little

girl I listened to a lecture about poverty in Africa. I
realized then that I wanted to change this situation
and be part of a solution and I hope that kids today
feel the same way.

Students were inspired by the presentation and were
eager to learn more about the United Nations. They
asked a lot of questions related to peace building and
development missions. A few kids were interested in
how the United Nations are addressing the Syria conflict. After the presentation, the students and their
teachers committed to conduct Model United Nations
games at their schools in the near future.

On October 29th, two international United Nations
Volunteers assigned to Simferopol, AR Crimea, also
marked this date by giving a presentation to thirty 7th
grade school students at the Childrens Public Library.
Davron Mirsagatov, UN volunteer from Uzbekistan and
Young Football Volunteers project coordinator, described the unique role of the United Nations in global
affairs. He talked in particular about the organizations
mission related to human and civil rights.


outh initiative projects aim to show local institutions the work of pro-active young people and
how they can be useful in developing their communities.

A Memory Corner was launched at the
Ivanovka village school in Saki region. This
project idea was perceived to establish a memorial for a lost classmate. This area will
serve as a place of remembrance for everyone.

"We dance football!" is a social action aimed at promoting healthy
lifestyles, football as a sport and dance as an art form among

Give me a cigarette was
implemented in the Veznesenk area between October and November.
About 8000 citizens were
informed about the
harmful effects of smoking through leaflets and
an informational art object created with 3,000
cigarette filters, which
were collected by 250
This art object will be on display
volunteers from local
in educational and public instituschools and colleges.
tions in the city.

Pine Sich - Forest School of Volunteers was implemented in

young people. It includes a number of events that give young people

the Kakhovka District on September 8 to 9 in a forest camp.

opportunities to express their ideas. For example a cheerleader

Two-hundred participants were trained in MDGs, volunteer-

group for football and handball teams was created. The group

ism and leadership. In addition, participants cooked their

performed during several local sports events and in various villages
during the informational campaign Day of Sport, involving 480
young people.

own meals, obtained survival skills and fostered peer-to-peer

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Its all about youth!!!!!

Gulak Olga, a football tournament participant from Mykolaiv region: It

was interesting for me to learn about MDGs today through such an interactive game. Now I feel more responsible towards my own health and
know how to prevent myself and my friends from HIV/AIDS infection. 

Andrey Uvarov, a youth camp participant from Mykolaiv region: I enjoyed eve-

rything; I wish only one thing - to attend such events more often! I learned how
to conduct a campaign in my native village. I have met very interesting people like
the UN volunteers and students from other schools; I have learned that people
from other villages face similar problems as we do... and I am happy to hear that
there are ways to solve them. All this has really affected me, and in the future
I'm going to try to hold a clean-up campaign in my village ".
Suleyman Baranov, trainer of Belogorskaya Youth Physical Training School in the
AR Crimea, about Fair Play methodology: "When the theory is presented through a

game, a child of any character and behavior, including, difficult children, learns the
material excellently. In my practice, a child from a large family, who used to be addicted to many bad habits, not to mention the poor performance at school, has
changed his behavior to the positive after joining our football club and Fair Play
classes. Now he plays the key role in the team; moreover, he encourages his siblings
to do the same."
Kovalenko Tetyana Vasilvna, Principal of Pochetnenskiy educational complex
"School-Lyceum" of Krasnoperekopska District Council of Autonomous Republic
of Crimea: I am very pleased that our students won the YFV Project micro-grant

for the school. Dasha Kravchenko, participated in Youth Volunteer Camp where
she learned necessary skills to become a leader and how to implement projects.
Upon her return from the Camp, she decided to establish a green corner in our
school. Dasha did a great job! She motivated all her class mates, inspired parents and teachers. We are happy to see that youth activism is getting popular,
and we are always ready to support youth initiatives.

The uniqueness of the YFV Project is commitment of coaches who are volunteering their time in order to integrate and apply Fair Play educational methodology into school curriculum. We have seen coaches together with young people
already leading small scale development projects in line with MDGs at local community level. We are confident that by seeing their coaches commitment, more
and more young people will become more active in the development of their communities.
Davron Mirsagatov, Coordinator of the Project.

Live Map of Simferopol is a map of youth activities, interesting places and non-standard leisure activities
in Simferopol. The project aims to increase the level of civic activism of young people in Simferopol and Crimea, promotion of volunteering and creating of comfortable space for young people and visitors of the city.
This project is a voluntary initiative undertaken within the framework of UNV micro-grants programme.
Within the micro-grant 1,000 hard copies of the map will be printed and distributed among university and
public libraries and places where young people gather. In addition, anyone can download and print the map
out, as well as supplement the map with new interesting places to the interactive map on the website.
In near future the following tours around the city will be conducted by project volunteer-guides on regular bases: The Downtown Walk, The Royal
Trail, The Medical Tour, Stories of Salgir. Also the trips to museums, and
interesting lectures on local history to be organized.
Project Partners: Crimean Ethnographic Museum, Taurida Central Museum,
"Research Center of Cultural Heritage of Crimea", Youth newspaper "Pod
Pritselom", Crimean Youth NGO "New People", Human Rights Center
"Deystvie", Art Studio "Clouds".
With support of the Ministry of Culture of Crimea, Simferopol Department
of Culture of the City Council, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
of the ARC, Ministry of resorts and tourism of the ARC.

Davron Mirsagatov (Uzbekistan)
UNV Youth and Sport Specialist/
Project Coordinator

Dmytro Say (Ukraine)
UNV Regional coordinator in
Mykolaiv oblast

Esma Umerova (Ukraine)
UNV Regional coordinator in the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Kateryna Handziuk (Ukraine)
UNV Regional coordinator in
Kherson oblast

Anna Zakharova (Ukraine)
UNV Project Development and International Research Assistant

Ayaka Kurehara (Japan)
UNV Youth Volunteering Specialist / Project Assistant

It gives us great pleasure to announce that Dmytro Say, our own UNV YFV coordinator from the
Mykolayiv oblast, has received the Volunteering
Award for 2013 by His Highness Sheikh Isa Bin
Ali Al-Khalifa from the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dmytro was selected as one of the two best examples
for outstanding international volunteer work. We
are very proud to have him in our team and we
know that our youth participants will be inspired
by his great work.

The primary focus of the Young Football Volunteers: Sport and Volunteering for Millennium
Development Goals, implemented in the Kherson / Mykolayiv oblasts and the AR Crimea, is
on HIV/AIDS prevention by using volunteering
and sport to promote social cohesion, strengthen civil society, and improve physical and social
health of young people aged 12 to 20.
The project is executed in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU), and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) to promote youth
development methodology through sport and healthy life styles. The project is financed by the United Nations Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP), the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine
(UNDP), and the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV).
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to
support peace and development worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development,
and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.
For more information please visit: http://ukraine.unv.org


Results by November 2013

Expected results in 2014

Coaches trained on Fair Play methodology

 345 coaches

300 coaches

Young people learnt Fair Play methodology

3086 young people

6000 young people

Youth initiative mini-grants projects

47 projects

75 projects

Youth action Plans

 54 youth action plans

50 youth action plans

You can find us here
Newsletter: mfv2012group@googlegroups.com
Website: www.mfv.org.ua
Blog: yfvolunteer.blogpost.com

Contact us here
UNDP Sub-office in Crimea
13 a, Turetska St, 6th floor, Simferopol
95011, Crimea, Ukraine
Phone: +380 (652) 248-002
Fax: +380 (652) 248-011
E-mail: info@undp.crimea.ua

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Young Football Volunteers : Newsletter #2 (ENG)

  • 1. Issue No.2 December 2013 d : an fin You c P7 ws- P1- t ne Projec r plan P8 nts P9 ext yea rticipa N rom pa - P10 oices f V ject P11 ap pro em mbers Liv ct me et proje P12 Me YFV About Youth are a transform ative force... The time has come to integrate youth voices more meaningfully into decision-making processes at all levels UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon This is the second issue of the Young Football Volunteers (YFV) newsletter covering our activities from June to November 2013. While preparing this issue, several youth lead initiatives supported by the YFV within MDGs were underway in three oblasts. We hope you will enjoy this issue.
  • 2. 2 The "Young Football Volunteers" (YFV) project conducted a volunteer camp 束VCamp損 in Evpatoria from June 19 to 23. The camp was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Evpatoria City Council and the Football Federation of Ukraine. Forty-eight (48) young people and 15 teachers from 45 schools were trained in MDG, volunteering, leadership, project development and communication skills. This will enable them to be more competitive in the modern world. The participants also took part in morning energizers, team competitions, sport games, sightseeing tours, and received gifts and colorful prizes. Young boys and girls bravely overcame all the obstacles and puzzles of the adventure quest and showed real team spirit of "Pirates", "Indians", "Royal Navy", and "Guardsmen". Following the camp, the participants finalized their youth projects and applied for the YFV mini-grants competition. The winners have already received funding for their projects implementation. Darina Mishchenko, a camp participant from the Mykolayiv region, explains: "In order to overcome poverty I would do more of such camps as VCamp, so that children can understand the importance of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We have been working on the projects, and now we have an opportunity to implement them in our villages. Here Ive learned a lot of new and interesting things, for example, how to develop projects. The camp volunteers gave me a big push and I feel even more confident. As soon as I return to our village, together with one other camp participant, we will develop an action plan, go to the head of the Village Council, and involve the School Principal in our project implementation ". Youth and volunteer camps are a popular international practice for youth development and empowerment. This camp is truly volunteer because it is a joint effort of UN Volunteers of the YFV project and NGO activists. Representatives of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Crimea, the UNDP Crimea Programme Analyst, Kurtmolla Abdulganiyev, and representatives of the Football Federation of Ukraine attended the VCamps opening and award ceremony.
  • 3. 3 United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Headquarter Portfolio Manager for CIS and Eastern Europe, Olga Devyatkin, visited us from September 19 to 20. She met with active young people and representatives of local communities through the fair play classes in the pilot project areas in the Kherson oblast (Chernopolye, Chaplinka and Kahovskogo areas) and in the AR Crimea ( Chernyanka and Belogorsky areas). "I'm glad to see the happy faces of the participants. The results of the project are high for a rela- tively short period of time. Also, regional coordinators are working directly with young people and teachers at the local level on a volunteer basis and that is the main value , explains Ms. Devjatkin. During the meeting with the Minister of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of the ARC, Natalia Goncharova, aspects of the project and new partnership opportunities for the future were discussed.
  • 4. 4 The Young Football Volunteers (YFV) project team members also took part in the youth forum Tavricheskiy Briz which took place from September 30 to October 2, 2013 at the National Sport Center in Evpatoriya. The youth forum was organized by the Crimean government with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The forum served as a platform for representatives of youth serving organizations to exchange best practices and learn from one another. The forum organizers put an emphasis on strengthening capacity of youth leaders to develop and implement local community based projects led by young people. Our YFV team, which consists of project coordinator Davron Mirsagatov, project assistant Anna Zakharova, and regional project coordinator of AR Crimea, Esma Umerova, were invited to moderate workshops on Development of Youth Initiatives. Oleksandra Tselishcheva, chairwoman of the Regional Development Center Top Kaya and a longtime ally of the project, also assisted the YFV team. Fivehundred (500) young people from Crimea and ten CIS countries, learned the basics of project design such as mission statement and goal setting, needs assessment and formulation of objectives. During the forum, seven new youth action plans and projects were designed and presented at a plenary sessions to the Crimean Government. Projects focused on topics such as youth employment, youth leadership and development, and health initiatives.
  • 5. 5 A three-day International Conference on youth health promotion, jointly organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), took place on October 8 to 10 in Kyiv. The conference brought together 100 participants (government officials, youth health promotion experts, NGO representatives and business) from all 27 regions of Ukraine and representatives from about 10 countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The conference served as a platform for: discussing critical issues in the area of youth health promotion sharing experiences and best practices analyzing existing approaches and developing effective solutions. The Young Football Volunteers project was selected as a unique and innovative example for best practices in promoting healthy life styles in Ukraine. Project coordinator Davron Mirsagatov and the regional coordinator of the Kherson oblast, Kateryna Handziyuk, participated in the conference on behalf of the project and presented the Youth Development through Football approach by demonstrating one of the Fair play lessons. All conference participants were invited based on recommendations by regional departments of youth affairs, which demonstrates trust in and recognition of the YFV project by our government partners.
  • 6. 6 The inter-regional football tournament among schoolboys and schoolgirls from Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was held at the SK Arena in Simferopol on October 24 to 26. Seventy-two (72) young people and coaches participated. The tournament aimed to promote the Fair Play methodology and to strengthen the knowledge of young people in Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The event was supported by the UN Volunteers Programme, UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace, UN Development Programme, Ukraines Football Federation, Ukraines Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The Ministry of Education and Science, Sports and Youth of Crimea and the Crimean Football Federation were instrumental in organizing the inter -regional football tournament. Only the winning football teams from regional tournaments were invited to participate in the tournament. Rural girls and boys aged 13 to 15 competed in their respective categories. The boys team from Kherson demonstrated great teamwork and skill from the first game on and won the tournament in their category. The girls team from AR Crimea had to fight hard to beat in the last minutes the team from Mykolaiv. All participants of the tournament were awarded medals, diplomas of the YFV project and football equipment. The main prize was to visit the football facilities and the stadium of the Crimean Premier League team Tavriya. The young participants had a chance to meet their sport idols and get some tips on how to become first class athletes. The Tavriya team members visibly enjoyed the joint photo session and the individual autography signing ceremony with the tournament participants at the Lokomotiv stadium. In addition to the football competition, the young people participated in a study session on MDGs. An interactive MDG tic tac toe game was introduced which allowed participants to learn about MDGs in a participatory way and to express their creativity and enthusiasm.
  • 7. 7 On October 24th, the United Nations Day has traditionally been marked throughout the world with meetings, discussions and exhibits about the achievements and goals of the organization. Secretary General Ban Kimoon said: We continue to show what collective ac- tion can do. We can do even more. In a world that is more connected, we must be more united. Ayaka Kurehara from Japan shared her own experiences of volunteer activities in different countries and how she became a United Nations Volunteer: As a little girl I listened to a lecture about poverty in Africa. I realized then that I wanted to change this situation and be part of a solution and I hope that kids today feel the same way. Students were inspired by the presentation and were eager to learn more about the United Nations. They asked a lot of questions related to peace building and development missions. A few kids were interested in how the United Nations are addressing the Syria conflict. After the presentation, the students and their teachers committed to conduct Model United Nations games at their schools in the near future. On October 29th, two international United Nations Volunteers assigned to Simferopol, AR Crimea, also marked this date by giving a presentation to thirty 7th grade school students at the Childrens Public Library. Davron Mirsagatov, UN volunteer from Uzbekistan and Young Football Volunteers project coordinator, described the unique role of the United Nations in global affairs. He talked in particular about the organizations mission related to human and civil rights.
  • 8. 8 Y outh initiative projects aim to show local institutions the work of pro-active young people and how they can be useful in developing their communities. A Memory Corner was launched at the Ivanovka village school in Saki region. This project idea was perceived to establish a memorial for a lost classmate. This area will serve as a place of remembrance for everyone. "We dance football!" is a social action aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, football as a sport and dance as an art form among Give me a cigarette was implemented in the Veznesenk area between October and November. About 8000 citizens were informed about the harmful effects of smoking through leaflets and an informational art object created with 3,000 cigarette filters, which were collected by 250 This art object will be on display volunteers from local in educational and public instituschools and colleges. tions in the city. Pine Sich - Forest School of Volunteers was implemented in young people. It includes a number of events that give young people the Kakhovka District on September 8 to 9 in a forest camp. opportunities to express their ideas. For example a cheerleader Two-hundred participants were trained in MDGs, volunteer- group for football and handball teams was created. The group ism and leadership. In addition, participants cooked their performed during several local sports events and in various villages during the informational campaign Day of Sport, involving 480 young people. own meals, obtained survival skills and fostered peer-to-peer exchange.
  • 9. 9 We recei ved more than 50 p mini gran roposals ts projec for ts in 201 Stay tune 3. d! Calls f or more p announce roposals d in Spri will be ng 2014. rnaments egional tou 1. R lead to the which will rnament egional tou Inter-r 3. V-camp which welcomes youn g people, coaches and NGOs from 3 different pr oject region s 5. Youth init iative proje cts to suppor t community developmen t. 2. Reg ional y outh fo rums t train y o oung p eople o n MDG volunt eering, , leaders hip, pr ject de ovelopm ent an d commu nicatio n skills es and e coach mor 4. Train eople on young p odology y meth la Fair P Its all about youth!!!!!
  • 10. 10 Gulak Olga, a football tournament participant from Mykolaiv region: It was interesting for me to learn about MDGs today through such an interactive game. Now I feel more responsible towards my own health and know how to prevent myself and my friends from HIV/AIDS infection. Andrey Uvarov, a youth camp participant from Mykolaiv region: I enjoyed eve- rything; I wish only one thing - to attend such events more often! I learned how to conduct a campaign in my native village. I have met very interesting people like the UN volunteers and students from other schools; I have learned that people from other villages face similar problems as we do... and I am happy to hear that there are ways to solve them. All this has really affected me, and in the future I'm going to try to hold a clean-up campaign in my village ". Suleyman Baranov, trainer of Belogorskaya Youth Physical Training School in the AR Crimea, about Fair Play methodology: "When the theory is presented through a game, a child of any character and behavior, including, difficult children, learns the material excellently. In my practice, a child from a large family, who used to be addicted to many bad habits, not to mention the poor performance at school, has changed his behavior to the positive after joining our football club and Fair Play classes. Now he plays the key role in the team; moreover, he encourages his siblings to do the same." Kovalenko Tetyana Vasilvna, Principal of Pochetnenskiy educational complex "School-Lyceum" of Krasnoperekopska District Council of Autonomous Republic of Crimea: I am very pleased that our students won the YFV Project micro-grant for the school. Dasha Kravchenko, participated in Youth Volunteer Camp where she learned necessary skills to become a leader and how to implement projects. Upon her return from the Camp, she decided to establish a green corner in our school. Dasha did a great job! She motivated all her class mates, inspired parents and teachers. We are happy to see that youth activism is getting popular, and we are always ready to support youth initiatives. The uniqueness of the YFV Project is commitment of coaches who are volunteering their time in order to integrate and apply Fair Play educational methodology into school curriculum. We have seen coaches together with young people already leading small scale development projects in line with MDGs at local community level. We are confident that by seeing their coaches commitment, more and more young people will become more active in the development of their communities. Davron Mirsagatov, Coordinator of the Project.
  • 11. 11 Live Map of Simferopol is a map of youth activities, interesting places and non-standard leisure activities in Simferopol. The project aims to increase the level of civic activism of young people in Simferopol and Crimea, promotion of volunteering and creating of comfortable space for young people and visitors of the city. This project is a voluntary initiative undertaken within the framework of UNV micro-grants programme. Within the micro-grant 1,000 hard copies of the map will be printed and distributed among university and public libraries and places where young people gather. In addition, anyone can download and print the map out, as well as supplement the map with new interesting places to the interactive map on the website. In near future the following tours around the city will be conducted by project volunteer-guides on regular bases: The Downtown Walk, The Royal Trail, The Medical Tour, Stories of Salgir. Also the trips to museums, and interesting lectures on local history to be organized. Project Partners: Crimean Ethnographic Museum, Taurida Central Museum, "Research Center of Cultural Heritage of Crimea", Youth newspaper "Pod Pritselom", Crimean Youth NGO "New People", Human Rights Center "Deystvie", Art Studio "Clouds". With support of the Ministry of Culture of Crimea, Simferopol Department of Culture of the City Council, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the ARC, Ministry of resorts and tourism of the ARC.
  • 12. 12 Davron Mirsagatov (Uzbekistan) UNV Youth and Sport Specialist/ Project Coordinator dmirsagatov@undp.crimea.ua Dmytro Say (Ukraine) UNV Regional coordinator in Mykolaiv oblast dsay@undp.crimea.ua Esma Umerova (Ukraine) UNV Regional coordinator in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea eumerova@undp.crimea.ua Kateryna Handziuk (Ukraine) UNV Regional coordinator in Kherson oblast khandziuk@undp.crimea.ua Anna Zakharova (Ukraine) UNV Project Development and International Research Assistant azakharova@undp.crimea.ua Ayaka Kurehara (Japan) UNV Youth Volunteering Specialist / Project Assistant akurehara@undp.crimea.ua It gives us great pleasure to announce that Dmytro Say, our own UNV YFV coordinator from the Mykolayiv oblast, has received the Volunteering Award for 2013 by His Highness Sheikh Isa Bin Ali Al-Khalifa from the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dmytro was selected as one of the two best examples for outstanding international volunteer work. We are very proud to have him in our team and we know that our youth participants will be inspired by his great work.
  • 13. 13 The primary focus of the Young Football Volunteers: Sport and Volunteering for Millennium Development Goals, implemented in the Kherson / Mykolayiv oblasts and the AR Crimea, is on HIV/AIDS prevention by using volunteering and sport to promote social cohesion, strengthen civil society, and improve physical and social health of young people aged 12 to 20. The project is executed in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU), and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) to promote youth development methodology through sport and healthy life styles. The project is financed by the United Nations Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP), the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP), and the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV). The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development, and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers. For more information please visit: http://ukraine.unv.org Category Results by November 2013 Expected results in 2014 Coaches trained on Fair Play methodology 345 coaches 300 coaches Young people learnt Fair Play methodology 3086 young people 6000 young people Youth initiative mini-grants projects 47 projects 75 projects Youth action Plans 54 youth action plans 50 youth action plans You can find us here Newsletter: mfv2012group@googlegroups.com Website: www.mfv.org.ua us Like Blog: yfvolunteer.blogpost.com vk.com/yfv2012 https://www.facebook.com/UNDPinCrimea Contact us here UNDP Sub-office in Crimea 13 a, Turetska St, 6th floor, Simferopol 95011, Crimea, Ukraine Phone: +380 (652) 248-002 Fax: +380 (652) 248-011 E-mail: info@undp.crimea.ua